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09-09 投稿


rallying 发音

英:[?r?li??]  美:[?r?li??]

英:  美:

rallying 中文意思翻译



rallying 词性/词形变化,rallying变形

动词现在分词: rallying |动词第三人称单数: rallies |动词过去式: rallied |动词过去分词: rallied |名词复数: rallies |

rallying 短语词组

1、rallying calls ─── 集合电话

2、rallying cry sample ─── 集结呐喊样本

3、rallying car ─── 拉力赛赛车

4、rallying tone ─── 号召力

5、rallying point n. ─── 聚集点, 号召力

6、rallying music ─── 振奋人心的音乐

7、rallying cry poe ─── 振奋人心的呐喊坡

8、rallying cry n. ─── 战斗口号

9、rallying allies ─── 团结盟友

10、rallying cries n. ─── 战斗口号

11、rallying cry of ─── 振奋人心的呐喊

12、rallying call ─── 口号号召

13、rallying the troops wow ─── 集结军队哇

14、rallying call in battle crossword ─── 战斗纵横字谜中的号召

15、rallying around ─── 团结在……的周围

16、rallying in ─── 在…集会

17、rallying cry for ─── 号召人们

rallying 相似词语短语

1、rallyingly ─── adv.嘲笑地;挖苦地

2、trollying ─── 拖拉

3、dallying ─── v.蹉跎,延误;随意调情,戏耍;轻率对待,偶尔想想(dally的现在分词)

4、retallying ─── 重新理货

5、gallying ─── v.恐吓,吓唬;adj.(土地)潮湿或贫瘠的;n.(Gally)(法、美、英)加里(人名)

6、sallying ─── n.船员跑动使船摆动;v.[军]出击(sally的ing形式)

7、allying ─── n.同盟国;伙伴;同盟者;助手;vt.使联盟;使联合;vi.联合;结盟;n.(Ally)人名;(巴基)阿利;(法)阿利;(英)艾丽(女子教名Alice的简称);(尼日利)阿利

8、tallying ─── v.理货(tally的ing形式);计数

9、alaying ─── 警报器

rallying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It has been a rallying point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis. ─── 已经成为英国人在国家喜庆或者危机时刻的集结处。

2、Increased purchasing power was one of his rallying cries. ─── 是以振臂呼号,立志提升国民购买力。

3、rallying point ─── n. 聚集点, 号召力

4、He feared the rallying of their troops for a counterattack. ─── 他担心他们的军队为了反攻重新集结力量。

5、“the baidu rallying point is very formidable, the net friend and seller's enthusiasm is stimulated. ─── “百度的号召力很强大,网友和卖家的热情都被激发起来了。”

6、In this light, the video of Stephen Fry is not just a celebration, but a rallying call for the work that still needs to be done. ─── 根据这一点,StephenFry的视频不仅是一次庆祝,而且是一个仍须努力的集结号。

7、Continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality; ─── 不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机和活力;

8、And Mr Obama has much to think about, especially when it comes to rallying support for his legislative agenda. ─── 奥巴马先生也有很多事需要考虑,特别是为他的立法议程寻求支持的事宜。

9、“Shanghai silver industry development base” is a rallying platform, the core of which is silver industry. ─── 上海白银产业开发基地是一个以白银产业为核心的产业集聚平台。

10、We should increase the rallying power and combat effectiveness of primary organizations. ─── 不断提高党的基层组织的凝聚力和战斗力。

11、The resolute rallying of the people on a broad scale is the only way to secure inexhaustible resources to meet all the requirements of the war. ─── 只有坚决地广泛地发动全体的民众,方能在战争的一切需要上给以无穷无尽的供给。

12、Weekly: Prices declining into support, weekly MACD-Histogram on the verge of completing a bullish divergence, while the broad market is rallying. ─── 周线图:价格下跌到支撑,MACD柱形成了看涨背离,同时,宽广的市场在反弹。

13、Although he next year not in law Ralli motorcade, but he drives the technology and his wealth makes me for it admiration. ─── 他虽然明年就不在法拉利车队了,但他的开车技术和他的财富令我为之敬佩。

14、After his death Tuesday, the Rev.Jerry Falwell was hailed by friends and followers for his faith and for rallying conservative, religious voters. ─── 在他死后的星期二,杰瑞.法瑞尔的朋友们以及追随者们为他的信仰和原教旨主义而欢呼,虔诚的支持者。

15、Chinese officials have had reason to worry before about the rallying power of the internet and mobile phones. ─── 以前,中国政府官员就有理由担忧互联网和移动电话集会民众的能力。

16、rallying cry ─── 战斗口号

17、Till the last dog dies became the rallying cry for our troops in the last days of the New Hampshire campaign. ─── 在新罕布什尔州竞选活动最后几天,“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”成了我们竞选队伍的战斗口号。

18、Frenchman Loeb predicts it would be difficult for the Finn to turn his hand to rallying, given its fundamental differences to circuit racing. ─── “如果这样一个优秀的车手来到拉力赛场,我们将会十分的欢迎他”塞巴斯蒂安勒称。

19、"Beat L.A." remains this city's rallying cry. The hatred, though, seems to have been replaced by a kind of harmony. ─── “击败湖人”仍然是环绕整座城市的口号。这种怨恨逐渐被另一种和谐所取代。

20、The purpose is to maintain the current basic social order, to improve the quality of service, to improve the mechanism of public accountability and to promote the rallying point of public department of government and the public cohesion. ─── 其目的是为了维护现有的基本社会秩序、提高服务质量、改善公共责任机制和增强政府公共部门的号召力与公众的凝聚力。

21、We are long past being surprised when complicated and nuanced problems are, amid an electoral whirlwind, turned into reductionist rallying cries. ─── 我们过去一直很惊讶,在选举旋风当中,简化论者会把所有复杂和琐碎的问题都会呼天抢地地吵闹一番。

22、A cafe in the Rue Saint-Hyacinthe and the wine-shop of the Seven Billiards, Rue des Mathurins-Saint-Jacques, served as rallying points for the students. ─── 圣亚森特街的一家咖啡馆和圣雅克马蒂兰街的七球台咖啡馆是大学生们的联络站。

23、If Ethiopian troops remain, however, their presence will continue to be a major grievance and rallying cry for the insurgency. ─── 如果埃塞俄比亚军队仍然留在都市中心,叛乱力量会继续以外国驻军为主要声讨内容,继续以此聚集力量。

24、"I think we're rallying today in anticipation of the stimulus package," said Len Blum, managing director at Westwood Capital. ─── “我想我们今天聚集在预期的刺激方案,”莱昂说百隆董事总经理韦斯特伍德资本。

25、Because everyone agrees that something big needs fixing and that the world expects action, calling the summit Bretton Woods 2 could yet come to be seen as a rallying cry for reform. ─── 因为每个人都同意需要进行大的调整,全世界都希望采取切实举措,因此,把此次峰会称为”布林顿森林体系第二版”可以视作是对改革的迫切呼唤。

26、CIM has become a rallying point for many key networking players, including BMC Software, Cisco, Compaq, Computer Associates, Dell Computer, Hewlett-Packard, NetIQ and Tivoli Systems. ─── CIM已成为主要网络公司,包括BMC软件、Cisco、Compaq、CA、Dell、hp、NetIQ和Tivoli等公司的团结基矗

27、It has been a rallying point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis. ─── 已经成为英国人在国家喜庆或者危机时刻的集结处。

28、A scheduled memorial service for Soltani at the Niloofar mosque, in central Tehran's Abbas Abad district, has been barred in case it turns into a rallying point for the opposition. ─── 原定在尼卢法清真寺举行的索塔妮追悼会已被禁止,以防这座位于德黑兰市中心阿巴斯阿巴德区的清真寺成为反对者的集会点。

29、then rallying at the three-minute mark with a game-saving offensive rebound and putback (with Texas down five), then a ridiculous three-point play when he got fouled on a jumper to tie the game. ─── 意思是:三分钟里,他拿下一个决定比赛的前场篮板并将比分拉近,然后他在被对手犯规是乱投进一个打三分的球,比分打平。

30、There is little noble in his approach, rallying the disaffected from every quarter. ─── 他的政策没有什么权贵利益,将各种对现政府不满的力量聚拢在了一起。

31、A few Ethiopian soldiers are thought to remain discreetly inside Somalia, rallying armed opposition to the Shabab. ─── 少部分埃军能小心谨慎地驻留在索马里,重整旗鼓对抗伊斯兰青年党。

32、When the Sox clinched their first flag in 21 years, they did it in the clubhouse, listening to the Angels beat the Tigers on the radio after rallying to beat the Twins in the season finale. ─── 在赛季的最后一天。球员们在击败双城后,聚集在一起收听天使战老虎的实况,祈祷获得队史暌违21年的分区冠军。

33、Rallying millions upon millions of people round the revolutionary government and expanding our revolutionary war, we shall wipe out all counter-revolution and take over the whole of China. ─── 在革命政府的周围团结起千百万群众来,发展我们的革命战争,我们就能消灭一切反革命,我们就能夺取全中国。

34、With the Capitol looming behind him, he reaches the crescendo of his speech, rallying the attendees to remember an important thing: They are part of a single community. ─── 愈接近国会,他的声音越大。集会参与者记住了一样重要的事情;他们是一个整体。

35、It will serve as a rallying point for the forces of good as the Battle of Armageddon begins. ─── 它将会作为一个长距离的点,在哈米吉多顿战役(圣经中世界末日善恶决战的战场)开始的时候代表善的力量。

36、Just over a week until election day, and the Presidential candidates are rallying voter support over the weekend. ─── 仅离选举日只有一周多的时间,而总统候选人们在周末提升选民的支持。

37、It is estimated that thousands upon thousands of readers have flocked to the forum in the past few weeks, making Zaobao Online an international rallying ground for Huaren around the world. ─── 以此可以推断过去几个星期里,有成千上万的各国读者光顾了早报电子版的印尼局势论坛,无异于一次大规模国际华人集会示威。

38、Actually, it's more demanding, challenging and specific about what to do than that, but it's a wonderful and hilarious rallying cry. ─── 事实上这是不太可能的,这将会有很大的难度和挑战性,但是这就像一个能帮助球队重整士气的呐喊。

39、I've recently been rallying to get Towers installed in the BDW safe zones to cut down on the amount of cheating that occurs. ─── 我最近一直让塔团结在BDW安全区安装到削减作弊发生的金额。

40、The good news is that people who know the system best are rallying to the cause of change. ─── 好消息是对我们体制了如指掌的人正团结为我们的“改变”事业所奋斗。

41、It had been thought that GABA was the prime candidate for the rallying role. ─── GABA曾被认为是发挥信号传递作用的第一候选蛋白。

42、Actually, the purpose of the tower was to provide a common religious center as a rallying point, lest the people be scattered. ─── 事实上,这座塔的目的是为一种普遍的宗教提供一个中心,作为一种号召力,唯恐人们会分散到各处。

43、One is to show grit and solidarity by rallying around the flag and the president. ─── 或是坚决效忠总统,展现其坚韧和团结,或是是把选举当作对战争的一次全民公决。

44、He seemed eager to remove Taiwan as a rallying point for the anti-american faction in Beijing ─── 他似乎急于消除使北京的反美派纠合在一起的台湾问题。

45、But , no matter what rallying cries the orators give to the idiots who fight, no matter what noble purposes they assign to wars, there is never but one reason for a war. ─── 但是,无论演说家们对那些打仗的白痴喊出什么样的口号,无论他们给战争订出什么样的崇高的目的,战争从来就只有一个原因。

46、Enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party ─── 增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力

47、As mentioned above, one characteristic of options is that they may not be exercised immediately, and that may help in rallying its employees. ─── 如上所述,股票认购权的一个特点是它们不能即时被行使,这样可能有助于凝聚公司的雇员。

48、In AWD cars (particularly in rallying) it is often beneficial to have a tighter diff at the back than the front. ─── 对四轮驱动车(尤其是越野赛中使用的四轮驱动车),后差速器比前差速器紧一些通常会有好处。

49、Daiwanlang are now trivializing China's verbal threats by rallying( up357 points) at the stock market yesterday in response to China's second-hand ultimatum on unification or invasion by the year2003. ─── 中国噜叫香港媒体放风声讲二孔孔三年若无统一道欲啪,台员郎噜毋惊。昨方颠倒欲乎股市大起三百五七七点,安捏卡好蹭。

50、In truth the king has always been capable of showing his displeasure at coups when it suited him, by rallying troops or by dragging his feet in accepting their outcome. ─── 事实上通过召集军队或者拖延他认可政变结果的时间,国王早已能够在他觉得合适的时候表达对政变的不满。

51、World champion Kimi Raikkonen says he would try his hand at rallying once his Formula One career is over. ─── 世界冠军基米莱科宁说,他在职业生涯结束后,将会参加拉力赛。

52、The bank's motto, "Let's Change the World, " served as a marketing device and a rallying cry for progressive community activism. ─── 该银行的座右铭“让我们改变世界”既是一种营销工具,也是进步社区运动的战斗口号。

53、Thousands of Georgians are rallying against the continued presence of Russian troops in a key port city. ─── 成千的格鲁吉亚人正在和俄罗斯军队在一个关键港口城市的持续存在做斗争。

54、The defense of the Church became a rallying cry for the conservative forces. ─── 保卫都会成为保守势力的战斗口号。

55、In the rearguard Dohturov and the rest, rallying their battalions, had been firing at the French cavalry who were pursuing them. ─── 后卫部队的多赫图罗夫和其他人,聚集了几个营的官兵,正在回击那些跟踪追逐我军的法国骑兵。

56、Personality can produce power,that is,great deterrence,wide rallying point and long-lasting infectivity. ─── 人格能产生力量,即巨大的震慑力,广泛的号召力,长久的感染力。

57、I will not have these rebel upstarts using the Jedi as a rallying symbol.They must be hunted to extinction. ─── 我不能让那些叛军将绝地武士作为反抗的象征。他们必须被消灭。

58、Rallying in unity, persevering in resistance and persevering in the united front, the forces of the whole nation have been valiantly fighting the enemy for almost a year. ─── 全民族的力量团结起来,坚持抗战,坚持统一战线,同敌人作英勇的战争,快一年了。

59、He barnstormed across the nation, rallying the people to the cause. ─── 他在全国四处游说,号召人们共赴大业。

60、Unfortunately there's no antonym of hapless, which makes it difficult to tell founders what to aim for. "Don't be hapless" is not much of rallying cry. ─── 不幸的是“坐以待毙”没有合适的反义词,这就引起了点麻烦-在告诉创业者怎么做时,“别等死啊”可听不出一点豪情万丈。

61、Artest, however, will be in uniform after helping lead Sacramento to a 120-109 win over Miami on Sunday. The Kings trailed 69-49 at halftime before rallying. ─── 但是,阿泰斯特还是会为队效力。他在周日帮助球队以120:109战胜热队,国王在上半场还以69:49落后,但随后迎头赶上。

62、I, for my part, began to fancy my forebodings were false, and that he must be actually rallying, when he mentioned riding and walking on the moors, and seemed so earnest in pursuing his object. ─── 在我这方面,我开始猜想我的预测是错了,当他提起到旷野骑马和散步,而且仿佛如此真挚的要达到他的目的时,他一定是真的复元了。

63、CIM has become a rallying point for many key networking players,including BMC Software,Cisco,Compaq,Computer Associates,Dell Computer,Hewlett-Packard,NetIQ and Tivoli Systems. ─── CIM已成为主要网络公司,包括BMC软件、Cisco、Compaq、CA、Dell、HP、NetIQ和Tivoli等公司的团结基矗。

64、The entire country was rallying round the flag. ─── 举国上下团结在国旗周围。

65、From the early days of popular use of the Internet, the rallying cry was that cyberspace was the new frontier, subject to no law. ─── 互联网自普及之初便喊出了一个响亮的口号:网络空间是不受任何法律制约的新疆域。

66、Strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality ─── 不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力

67、The orders are to get the rallying of the base commander to Ouakam or neutralization. ─── 命令是有召集基地司令中立化。

68、Just over a week until election day, and the Presidential candidates are rallying voter support over the weekend. ─── 仅离选举日只有一周多的时间,而总统候选人们在周末提升选民的支持。

69、Showing off for Society ang a Rallying Call for the Times--Beginning with the Weak Points and the Status of Scholars ─── 张扬个性与为社会、为时代而呐喊--从文士疵瑕与地位谈起

70、In the good old days as soon as the consumer creaked the rallying call went out DROP INTEREST RATES. ─── 在过去的好时光,一旦消费者作响的号召出去减息。

71、rallying power ─── 战斗力

72、Product idea: Innovation and rallying point of plan about real estate conception, innovation of resolvent and market sally force. ─── 产品理念地产概念规划的创新与号召力,解决方案的创新与市场突破力。

73、Cohesive(rallying)force; cohesion ─── 凝聚力

74、They are your rallying points: to build courage when courage seems to fail; to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith; to create hope when hope becomes forlorn. ─── 它们是您振奋精华的起点;当您似乎丧失勇气时由此鼓起勇气;似乎没有利用相信时重建信念;当信心快要失去的时候,由此产生希望。

75、rallying call ─── =rallying cry

76、They are your rallying point to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn. ─── 当你的丧失勇气时,它们是你重整建立勇气的关键。当信念好像有些式微时,助你重新撷取信念。当希望渺茫时,助你创造希望。

77、Then you move the line on the 3-day Chart down and continue to move it down to the lowest price as long as the option makes lower bottoms without rallying 3 days. ─── 于是你就在3日图上将线下移,当行情创出3日内未出现反弹的更低底部时,继续移动这条线到此底部的最低点处。

78、Students used the death of political activists as a rallying point for antigovernment protests. ─── 学生们用政治活动家们的死亡作为聚焦点来号召反政府抗议活动。

79、Kimi Raikkonen's affair with the world of professional rallying is not over for this year, his co-driver has revealed. ─── 基米莱科宁的内政与世界的专业拉力赛还没有结束,今年他的领航员发现场.

80、Not long after, a rallying cry for retaliation emerged in Chinese online discussion groups, blogs and bulletin boards. ─── 不久,中国一些在线讨论区、博客和电子公告板开始号召实施报复。

81、"Continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality" ─── 不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机和活力

82、Also rallying the beans were higher South American soyoil premiums, which spilled over into soyoil and then soybeans.A stronger Euro and weaker U. ─── 使大豆期价止跌回升的因素还包括南美豆油溢价的上升,这一上升首体现在豆油上,然后在大豆上得到反映。

83、Or two parents rallying from an attack of doubt. ─── 可能是两位历经猜疑后重新振作的父母。

84、And unlike in Seoul, where public sentiment was still inflamed by a massacre of protesters in Kwangju eight years earlier, there is no particular rallying cause in China today. ─── 另外在汉城是因为民众对八年前在光州对抗议者的屠杀的愤怒依然存在,而现在的中国却没有什么可能引发抗议的原因。

85、More Invid bipeds, rallying from outposts and patrols, headed for the camp by way of a canyon to the west, forming up to steamroll into the rescuers. ─── 从前哨基地和巡逻队集结了更多的因维双足兽,正沿着西侧的峡谷朝集中营行进,列队整齐气势汹汹直奔营救者而来。

86、We should increase the influence and rallying force of the Party in society at large. ─── 增强党在全社会的影响力和凝聚力。

87、aasta ralli maailmameister Colin McRae.Koos temaga said surma veel kolm inimest. ─── Laup盲eva 玫htul hukkus oma kodu l盲hedal 艩otimaal 1995.

88、The Avatar of Flame towered above the orcs, rallying the Rallosian forces and directing the giants to hold their ground. ─── 在那里火焰化身的身影赫然挺立在兽人们之上,他一边召集着打散了的拉洛斯军团们重整旗鼓,一边指挥着巨人们守住阵脚。

89、If you have powerful brand rallying point, ─── 如果有强大的品牌号召力

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