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09-09 投稿


discretional 发音

英:[d??skre??n?l]  美:[d??skre??n?l]

英:  美:

discretional 中文意思翻译



discretional 词性/词形变化,discretional变形

副词: discretionally |形容词: discretional |

discretional 短语词组

1、discretional evaluation of evidence ─── 自由心证

2、discretional selection ─── 自由选择

3、discretional account ─── 任意账户

4、discretional jurisdiction ─── 自由裁量权管辖权

5、discretional income ─── 自由支配收入

6、discretional synonym ─── 任意同义词

7、discretional orders ─── [经] 自行决定指令

discretional 相似词语短语

1、discretions ─── n.自由裁量权;谨慎;判断力;判定;考虑周到

2、discreation ─── 自由裁量权

3、dictional ─── 措辞的

4、discretionally ─── 随意地

5、dictational ─── 听写的;命令的

6、discretionary ─── adj.任意的;自由决定的

7、discretion ─── n.自由裁量权;谨慎;判断力;判定;考虑周到

8、discretionarily ─── adv.任意地;自由决定地

9、directional ─── adj.方向的;定向型的

discretional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the assumption that simultaneous solutions of factoring and discret logarithm are very unlikely,this paper presents the principle and method of a public key cryptosystem,which could be used to improve security. ─── 基于若要同时分解因子和计算离散对数几乎是不可能的假设,介绍了构成公开钥密码体制的原理和方法,从而增强了安全性。

2、the system of discretional evaluation ─── 自由心证制度

3、The Diffraction Properties of Volume Holographic Gratings in Photorefractive Crystal in the Discretional Direction of Optical Axis ─── 光轴方向任意时光折变晶体中体全息光栅的衍射性质

4、The flow field inside an oil-gas separator are simulated with Discret Phase Model(DPM). ─── 用DPM模型对油气分离器内的气液两相流流场进行了数值模拟。

5、This paper represents the tendency of the development of system of evidence in the world that the combination of discretional evaluation of evidence and rules of evidence which we should adopt. ─── 摘要自由心证与证据规则相结合,代表了当今世界各国证据制度发展的潮流,我国的证据制度应采自由心证与证据规则结合的证明模式。

6、Discret Wavelet Transform(DWT) ─── 离散小波变换

7、Benefit-balance in Utilizing Administrative Discretional Right ─── 行政执法自由裁量中的利益衡量

8、When any action neglecting to perform the obligation of discretional act violates the rule of reason, it constitutes violation as administrative omission. ─── 怠于行使自由裁量作为义务的行为只要违反合理原则即构成行政不作为违法。

9、When you go up ward, please properly accommodate the ting on one side, so one side ,so the wheel can turn to every discretional turing degree. ─── 由于长行系列轮椅各有特点,所以请乘座者可根据自已的实际情况,选择适合自己的车型,仔细阅读使用方法,注意事项后使用。

10、Analysis on the working score design of the discretional rectangle -terrace folding carton ─── 任意四棱台折叠纸盒作业线设计条件分析

11、The way the policy implemented affects the result of policy and the discretional behavior affect the policy effectiveness. ─── 政策执行情形影响政策结果,裁量行为影响政策执行成效。

12、Block DCT(Discret Cosine Transform) ─── 分块DCT

13、The Diffraction Properties of Volume Holographic Gratings in Photorefractive Crystal in the Discretional Direction of Optical Axis ─── 光轴方向任意时光折变晶体中体全息光栅的衍射性质

14、The system of discretional non-prosecution is not only beneficial t o the punitive purposes and the efficiency of criminal procedure, but also accor ds with the needs of public welfare. ─── 酌定不起诉制度有利于刑罚目的的实现和诉讼效率的提高,符合社会公共利益的需要。

15、Discret Logarithms Problem ─── 离散对数

16、Therefore, an in depth study of the numeric theory for normal vectors at discretional boundary is essential. ─── 等参元边界法向量的数值计算方法,是基于石油套管复杂力边界法向量理论研究和工程需要提出的。

17、The criminal law differentiates between the legally obligatory and discretional circumstances for penal judgments. ─── 刑法理论按照效力的大小,将量刑情节分为法定量刑情节与酌定量刑情节两类,按照惩罚的结果将量刑情节分为从宽情节与从重情节等各种类型。

18、Automatic locking technique of hydraulic cylinder at discretional position ─── 液压缸任意位置的自动闭锁技术

19、Judicial review is an essential and effective means of controlling the administrative discretional power in every country. ─── 司法审查是各国控制行政裁量权的必要和有效的手段。

20、Transmission of extraordinary light betwen Uniaxial crystal when the direction of optical axis is discretional ─── 光轴任意取向的单轴晶体间光的传播

21、Golden, very sweet wine; deep floral aroma to roses. Discret and subtil wood. ─── 酒体呈金黄色,口感甘醇,带有浓郁的玫瑰花香,隐约散发出淡淡的木香。

22、discret nonautonomous red blood cells model ─── 离散的红血球补充模型

23、Discretional Non-Prosecution ─── 相对不起诉

24、discretional orders ─── [经] 自行决定指令

25、The author holds that the system of discretional evaluation of evidence is the freedom of judicators’ subjective cognition, not the freedom of arbitrary adjudication. ─── 裁判者的认识能力是经验、法律素养、洞察力、分析判断能力等因素综合积累的结果,它决定裁判者认知理性的高低。

26、A Discussion on the Judicial Review of Discretional Administrative Act ─── 论对自由裁量行政行为的司法审查

27、So, discretional accruals are used to measure audit quality of the big auditing firms in China. ─── 因此,本文使用可操纵性应计项目来衡量大规模事务所在中国的审计质量。

28、Discretional evaluation of evidence has given judicator enough freedom to determine the existence and weight of evidence value, but the freedom isn't an absolute one without restriction. ─── 自由心证虽然赋予了裁判者对于证据的证明力的有无及大小的充分裁量的自由,但是这种自由并不是不受任何限制的绝对自由。

29、One-side scheme is taken for calculating the nonlocal gradient norm to preserve edge information in discret situation. ─── 数值计算采用单边格式计算非局部梯度,以防止离散情形下边界信息的损失。

30、So, discretional accruals are used to measure audit quality of the big auditing firms in China. ─── 因此,本文使用可操纵性应计项目来衡量大规模事务所在中国的审计质量。

31、But in our country, the applicable scope of discretional non-prosecution provided by criminal procedural law is so narrow that the values of the system are restrained. ─── 但我国现行刑诉法规定的酌定不起诉制度的适用范围过于狭窄,制约了酌定不起诉制度应有价值的发挥,应当扩大酌定不起诉的适用范围。

32、the second part, the litigation value and theory basis of discretional non-prosecution was discussed. ─── 第二部分阐述了酌定不起诉制度的基础和价值。

33、Discretional Evaluation of Evidence and Independent Judgment ─── 自由心证与法官依法独立判断

34、discretional jurisdiction ─── 任意管辖(权)

35、The notion of strategic situation in which discretional choices are assumed to be made to affect outcomes constitutes the very basis of strategic theorizing and research. ─── 战略情境这一概念,即在其中可以做出自由选择以影响结果,正是构成了战略理论和研究的基础。

36、Empirical Analyses on Marginal Efficiency of Steel Investment and the Validity of China's Discretional Monetary Policy ─── 中国钢铁业边际投资效率与相机选择货币政策的有效性的实证分析

37、I consider the blessing of a wife as most justly described in those discret lines of the poet,"heaven's last best gift." ─── 我认为,能有一个妻子,那福气正如诗人的绝妙诗句所描写的那样,”上天最后赐予的最好的礼物。”

38、bank's discretional governance ─── 银行相机治理

39、Keywords sea-insland two-phase dispersion;discrete phase fibrilation;discret phase lamination.; ─── “海岛”两相分散;分散纤维化;分散相层化;

40、Researchers have paid more attention on discretional access control,role-based access control and view based technology,rather than mandatory access control. ─── 目前关于XML安全性的研究主要集中于自主访问控制、基于角色的访问控制和视图技术,而对于强制访问控制很少有研究。

41、In this paper, the efficiency of carnot cycle in quasi-steady process is calculated when several especial real gas and discretional real gas were regarded as work substance. ─── 摘要先以几种特殊的实际气体为工作物质,计算准静态卡诺循环的效率,然后再推广到任意的实际气体。

42、This can calculate the accurate size of the blank be used in the expanding of circular section workpiece with discretional curve as its axes. ─── 同时这种方法也可应用于任意曲线轴线的圆截面工件的毛坯展开中。

43、discretional undertaking ─── 任意诉讼担当

44、So, discretional accruals is used to measure audit quality of Big Four auditors in China. ─── 因此,本文使用可操纵性应计项目来衡量国际四大在中国的审计质量。

45、A state-owned enterprise may withdraw the discretional and legal accumulation funds in combination. ─── 国有企业可以将任意公积金与法定公积金合并提取。

46、dually discret space ─── 对偶离散空间

47、Bank's Discretional Governance and the Protection of Obligation Right ─── 银行相机治理与债权权益保护

48、Analysis on Necessity of Constructing Principle of Discretional Evidence in China ─── 建立我国自由心证制度之必要性分析

49、Discretional Evaluation of Evidence and Its Limitations ─── 论自由心证及其限制

50、The rational finiteness and the importance of the experience are the philosophy foundation of the discretional non-prosecution system. ─── 理性的有限性和经验的重要性是酌定不起诉制度的哲学基础。

51、discretional evaluation ─── 自由心证

52、By this way, it is more confidential for the owner's resources, more discretional for authorization, and closer to application. ─── 由资源所有者自主完成对资源的分配,更好地保证了资源所有者资源的私密性和授权的自主性,更加贴近现实应用。

53、From the origin of discretional evaluation of evidence up till now, a set of rather perfect restraining has been come into being to give a limit before, during and after discretion. ─── 从其产生至今,已经形成了一整套的较为完善的约束机制对自由心证从事前、中、后进行约束。

54、This paper provided a simple method of calculating the propagation direction of extraordinary light in anisotropic uniaxial crystal when the direction of optical axis is discretional. ─── 提供了在各向异性的单轴晶体内,当光轴方向任意时,非常光传播方向的一种较简便的计算方法,并给出了计算实例。

55、Automatic counting controller can enactment the quantity of printing discretional which it is can automatic stopping while severing material. ─── 具有印刷质量好、能耗少、自动控制齐备、性能稳定、易于操作维护等特点。

56、Discretional Acts in Drug Administration ─── 浅议药品监督管理中的裁量行政行为

57、The Unified Form and Orthogonality Conditions of the Discret Trigonometrical Transform ─── 离散三角变换的统一形式及其正交条件

58、Discretional Period Motion Stability Analysis of Particle Impact Noise Detection for Space Relay Re ─── 航天继电器多余物颗粒碰撞噪声检测的任意周期运动稳定性分析

59、principle of discretional evidence ─── 自由心证原则

60、Keywords drug administration;discretional acts; ─── 药品监督管理;裁量行政行为;

61、can predict creep curves at discretional temperature and stress. ─── 能够对任一应力、温度下的蠕变曲线进行预测。

62、This processor that has choice parameter and high speed can apply to discretional elliptic curve based on finite field GF(m) with m less than 256. ─── 该芯片可以支持m小于256的GF(m)域上任意可变曲线的ECC公钥密码算法,是一种系统参数可选择的高速椭圆曲线密码芯片。

63、Discretional Power ─── 自由裁量权

64、Formation of Discretional Evaluation of Evidence and Its Standard ─── 心证的形成及其标准

65、principle of discretional evaluation of evidence is a principle system which was acknowledged by many countries. ─── 证制度是近现代各国事实认定的原则性制度。

66、This mathematical model was applied to calculate the inking system response time of offset press with discretional parameters.The purpose was to provide reference for design of offset inking system. ─── 根据这一新的模型可以计算任意的给定参数的胶印机输墨系统响应时间,为胶印机输墨系统的设计者提供理论依据,具有一定的理论和实际应用价值。

67、 A state-owned enterprise may withdraw the discretional and legal accumulation funds in combination. ─── 国有企业可以将任意公积金与法定公积金合并提取。

68、In our country this discretional right is adopted, but it is hard to exercise this right correctly at judicial practice, it is used either too strictly or too loose. ─── 在我国,虽然法律也规定有起诉裁量权的基本做法,但在司法实践中,却较难把握,出现了因控制过严而束缚权力的运用,或因控制过松而导致权力被滥用的现象。

69、discretional principle ─── 独断主义

70、An Analysis of the Mode of the System of Discretional Evaluation--a Comparative Approach ─── 自由心证制度模式考察--一种比较法的分析

71、Formation of Discretional Evaluation of Evidence and Its Standard ─── 心证的形成及其标准

72、The way the policy implemented affects the result of policy and the discretional behavior affect the policy effectiveness. ─── 政策执行情形影响政策结果,裁量行为影响政策执行成效。

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