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09-09 投稿


vexatiously 中文意思翻译



vexatiously 短语词组

1、vexatiously multiplying the proceedings ─── 繁重的诉讼程序

2、vexatiously meaning ─── 无理取闹的意思

3、vexatiously defined ─── 无理取闹地

4、vexatiously definition ─── 无理取闹的定义

vexatiously 词性/词形变化,vexatiously变形

副词: vexatiously |名词: vexatiousness |

vexatiously 反义词


vexatiously 同义词

trouble | nonplus | rile | worry | stir up | get | displease | rag | aggravate | bewilder | skin | incense | devil | chafe | stick | nark | amaze | raise up | get at | mystify | flummox | provoke |annoy | commove | needle | dumbfound | ruffle | pester | nettle | confuse | perplex | agitate | distress | tease | shake up | bother | upset | get to | puzzle | harry | plague | pose | harass | gravel | intrude | torment | irritate | confound | disturb | baffle | irk | beat | stupefy

vexatiously 相似词语短语

1、vexatious ─── adj.令人烦恼的;麻烦的;无理纠缠的

2、nefariously ─── adv.穷凶极恶地;邪恶地

3、edaciously ─── 温顺地

4、veraciously ─── 诚实地

5、gelatinously ─── 胶状的

6、feateously ─── 羽毛般地

7、dextrously ─── 敏捷地

8、eximiously ─── 极度地

9、seditiously ─── adv.妨害治安地;煽动地

vexatiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The hope of daylight victory had faded , the Royal Air Force remained vexatiously alive . ─── 想在白天空战中获得胜利的希望幻灭了,皇家空军仍然精神抖擞。

2、1.to pester somebody; to be mischievous; to make trouble; 2.to argue tediously and vexatiously; to wrangle; to quibble over ─── 胡搅

3、The hope of daylight victory had faded, the Royal Air Force remained vexatiously alive ─── 想在白天空战中获得胜利的希望幻灭了,皇家空军仍然精神抖擞。

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