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09-09 投稿


mucilage 发音

英:['mju?s?l?d?]  美:['mj?s?l?d?]

英:  美:

mucilage 中文意思翻译



mucilage 短语词组

1、tragacanth mucilage ─── [医] 西黄蓍胶紫

2、mucilage teas ─── 粘液茶

3、mucilage def ─── 粘液定义

4、mucilage envelope ─── 黏质被膜

5、mucilage cells ─── [医] 粘浆细胞(植)

6、mucilage of sassafras pith ─── [医] 洋擦木髓胶浆

7、mucilage hair ─── 黏液毛

8、mucilage-pore ─── 粘液孔

9、mucilage slit ─── 黏液狭缝

10、mucilage duct ─── 粘液道; ─── 粘液管

11、lrish moss mucilage ─── [医] 角叉菜胶浆, 爱兰苔胶浆

12、seaweed mucilage ─── 海藻黏液

13、linseed mucilage ─── [机] 亚麻子粘质

14、mucilage production ─── 粘液生产

15、mucilage of slippery elm ─── [医] 赤榆胶浆, 赤榆粘浆

16、mucilage canal ─── 黏液道

17、mucilage clefts ─── 移动%1 ─── 移动裂缝

18、mucilage glue n. ─── 粘胶; ─── 粘液n.(海草等植物分泌的)黏液, ─── 粘胶,( ─── 粘物用的)胶水

19、mucilage cavity ─── [医] 粘液腔

mucilage 相似词语短语

1、pucelage ─── 跳蚤

2、curtilage ─── n.宅地;庭园

3、Lucile ─── n.(Lucile)人名;(英)露西尔

4、mucilages ─── n.[植]粘液;粘质;植物黏液(mucilage的复数形式)

5、pupilage ─── n.学生的身份;未成年

6、pupillage ─── n.未成年;学生时期

7、milage ─── n.哩数;运费;旅费

8、Lucille ─── n.露西尔(女子名)

9、mucinogen ─── 黏蛋白原;[生化]粘蛋白原

mucilage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thus it can be seen that oil cells and mucilage cells are homogenous, or that mucilage cells maybe come from oil cells. ─── 因此可见,油细胞和粘液细胞是同源的,也可能粘液细胞是由油细胞转化而来的。

2、His study found that the number of mucilage outbreaks increased almost exponentially in the last 20 years in the Mediterranean. ─── 他的研究发现地中海黏液大爆发的次数在过去20年中几乎呈指数增加。

3、Prior and durable design with high efficiency to screen any powder and mucilage. ─── 独特网架设计,筛网使用寿命长,换网快;

4、2.Select a seemly pollinating time.the good time is when the stamens must be mature. (mature stigma is trifid which has mucilage on it). ─── 2.选择适宜的授粉时间,最好的时间是等于雌芯三叉头上分泌出粘液。

5、The fermentation stage is complete when the mucilage no longer clings to the coffee. ─── 当粘液不再依附咖啡时,发酵阶段完成。

6、Seed mucilage consists of pectin polysaccharides that are secreted by the Golgi apparatus in epidermal cells to the cell cavity and cell walls of the seed coat, which swells considerably upon wetting. ─── 摘要种子粘液是在种皮外层细胞的高尔基体内产生并分泌到胞腔内或细胞壁层的吸湿膨胀的一类果胶类多糖物质。

7、Amethocaine hydrochloride mucilage ─── 盐酸丁卡因胶浆

8、The characteristics of the 4 distribution types of oil cells and mucilage cells support the division of two subfamilies in the Lauraceae. ─── 油细胞和粘液细胞(腔)4种分布类型的划分支持樟科两个亚科的划分。

9、membrane mucilage ─── 盖膜胶质

10、proved mucilage could protect root tip from Al injury. ─── 表明铝胁迫时粘胶层具有保护根尖的作用。

11、flaxseed mucilage ─── 亚麻子粘液

12、rna mucilage ─── 粘液

13、orange yellow oil estate mucilage glue liquid . ─── 橙黄色油状粘稠液体.

14、A New Type of High Qualified Waterproof Coating--Manufecture of a "Waterproof Mucilage" ─── 新型高性能防水涂料"防水胶王"的研制

15、look over the cooked pasta water, to remove the surface of the mucilage, and become more crisp. ─── 煮好的意面过一下白开水,可以去除表面的粘质物,变的比较干净利落。

16、Relating to or secreting mucilage. ─── 与粘液有关的或分泌粘液的

17、mucilage cells ─── [医] 粘浆细胞(植)

18、mucilage sealing ─── 用胶水封

19、Sclerotic nests and mucilage cavities which contained calcium oxalate raphides existed in phloem. ─── 侧根横切面中,内皮层细胞呈纺锤形,每个细胞由径向壁分隔成数个类方形小细胞;

20、Hige efficiency,refined design,duration, any powders and mucilage are suitablefor using. ─── 效率高、设计精巧耐用,任何粉类、粘液均可筛分。

21、mucilage dresser ─── 粘液整饰

22、mucilage hair ─── 粘液毛

23、Purpose Results of 400 cases of bronchography with Mucilage Meglumini Diatrozoatis composita(MMDC) were analysised, and its advantages of MMDC were evaluated. ─── 目的分析复方泛影胶浆400例支气管造影的结果,评价其作为支气管造影剂的优点。

24、OBJECTIVE To prepare a ploxamer matrix mucilage which contains tetracaine hydrochloride and to work out its quality control standard. ─── 目的研制一种以泊洛沙姆为基质、含有盐酸丁卡因的胶浆,并制定质量控制标准。

25、diclofenac mucilage ─── 双氯芬酸钠胶浆

26、Mainly sponge product:EAV、higy density mucilage glue,multicolour sponge,sound-absorbing sponge,high density sponge,camera sponge,ink sponge,pellet sponge,filtrating sponge. ─── 主要的海棉产品有:EAV、高密度回力胶、吸音棉、多彩海棉、高密海棉、相机棉、墨水棉、墨盒圆棉棒、圆球、过滤棉。

27、Keywords Lidocaine hydrochloride mucilage;Misoprostol;Artificial abortion; ─── 利多卡因胶浆;米索前列醇;人工流产;

28、Wash away the fermented mucilage with fresh water. ─── 用淡水冲掉发酵的粘液。

29、existing mucilage cells and tannin idioblasts; ─── 存在粘液细胞和单宁细胞;

30、plant mucilage ─── 植物粘液

31、ZY series vibrated filter is one of precised powder griddle,low noise ,high efficiency,need only 3~5 minutes to rapidly replace the griddle,all closed structure.Used to filter particles,powder and mucilage. ─── ZY系列三次元振动筛是一种高精度细粉筛分机械,具有噪音低、效率高、快速换网只需3~5分钟,全封闭结构,适用于粒、粉、粘液的筛分过滤。

32、mucilage of slippery elm ─── [医] 赤榆胶浆, 赤榆粘浆

33、linseed mucilage ─── 亚麻籽粘质

34、He glue these paper by mucilage. ─── 他用浆糊把这些纸张粘在一起。

35、seed coat mucilage ─── 种皮粘液质

36、mucilage season ─── 粘液上光

37、In this paper, we review recent advances on mucilaginous seeds, with emphasis on (1) chemical composition of seed mucilage; ─── 为此,在广泛查阅相关文献的基础上,该文综合分析了国内外种子粘液的研究进展,并重点探讨了以下几方面问题:(1)种子粘液的化学成分;

38、mucilage of sassafras pith ─── [医] 洋擦木髓胶浆

39、multi-use mucilage ─── 万能胶水

40、Isolation and Determination of an inhibitor from the mucilage of Narcissus tazetta L. Bulbs ─── 水仙鳞茎分泌物中抑制物质的分离与鉴定

41、We conclude that the mucilage layer of A. sphaerocephala achenes plays an important ecological function in seed dispersal and germination. ─── 研究表明:瘦果的粘液物质对白沙蒿种子的传播与萌发具有重要的生态意义。

42、mucilage glue ─── n. (海草等植物分泌的)粘液, 粘胶, (粘物用的)胶水

43、Keywords Fuke Qianjin soft capsule;Hydroxybenzene mucilage;Colibacillus;Granulation hyperplasia;Auricular swelling; ─── 妇科千金软胶囊;苯酚胶浆;大肠杆菌;肉芽肿;耳肿胀;

44、The reason that producing the problem isduring the process of manufacturing,the link of scribbleing mucilage was not handled correctly.This is caused by yourselves. ─── 产生这个问题的原因是在以制作过程中打胶水这一环节没有做好.它是属于你们的问题.

45、Utilization of Recovery Energy of Ammonia Refrigeration System on Mucilage Glue Factory ─── 氨制冷系统二次能源在粘胶人造纤维厂利用的研究

46、The application outline of latex mucilage used in rubber shoes manufacture ─── 乳胶浆在胶鞋制造中的应用概述

47、mucilage duct ─── 粘液管粘液道

48、Examples: gum arabic, gum tragacanth, and mucilage. ─── 如阿拉伯胶、黄芪胶、粘质胶。

49、Comparative anatomy of oil cells and mucilage cells in the leaves of the Lauraceae in China ─── 中国樟科植物叶中油细胞和粘液细胞的比较解剖研究

50、vessel elementswith different diameter are present and their frequency of distribution is higher.In addition,mucilage cells and crystalliferous cells commonly exist in the roots,stems andleaves. ─── 此外,根、茎、叶中普遍存在粘液细胞和草酸钙结晶,部分植物的根和茎内有异常维管组织。

51、Turion 1. A swollen detached winter bud that contains stored food and is protected by an outer layer of leaf scales and mucilage. ─── 是一种储存有养料,且外层有叶鳞和植物黏液保护的肥大可分离的冬芽。

52、seaweed mucilage ─── 海藻粘液

53、Resembling mucilage;moist and sticky. ─── 似粘液的与粘液相似的;湿且粘的

54、Objective To study the stability of diclofenac sodium mucilage. ─── 目的研究双氯芬酸钠胶浆的稳定性。

55、Lidocaine hydrochloride mucilage ─── 利多卡因胶浆

56、lrish moss mucilage ─── [医] 角叉菜胶浆, 爱兰苔胶浆

57、'specially prepared and stained rope off and artificial fibers such as nylon, polyester, either alone or mixed natural fibers such as cotton, wool, linen and synthetic mucilage. ─── 服装辅料布;服装辅料纺织品;文具即粘胶水;家居用品行李绳子;

58、It was found that the thickness of the film can improved with adding some mucilage glue.A low temperature sinter can acquire a transparent SiO-2 film on the gold electrode. ─── 增粘剂的加入可提高一次涂膜的厚度,低温烧结可在金电极上得到表面光亮的二氧化硅玻璃薄膜,绝缘性能良好。

59、This paper summarized the concept of myxospermy,characters of mucilage,and present situation and issues in myxospermy research. ─── 对粘液繁殖体的概念、粘液性质、粘液繁殖体的研究现状及粘液繁殖体研究中存在的问题进行了论述。

60、Methods Using solvent dispersing, lipid soluble drugs were dispersed equably from hydrophilic mucilage. ─── 方法采用溶剂分散法将脂溶性药物均匀地分散在亲水性胶浆中。

61、Methods Chemical inflammation models induced by hydroxybenzene mucilage, bacterial inflammation models induced by colibacillus, and other nonspecific inflammation models were applied. ─── 方法采用化学性烧伤致炎,细菌性致炎以及非特异性炎症等药理模型。


63、Drying out can cause drooping and the decrease in mucilage production.Watering and keeping the plant moist will revive them. ─── 另外乾燥会造成植株下垂和黏液减少,此时需浇水并且保溼,帮助植株恢复生长。

64、17 Zhang ZQ. Effectiveness on WBC and RBC of complex prescription glue mucilage for tumour patients. Zhongguo She Qu Yi Shi.2005; 21(1): 24. Chinese. ─── 张再庆。复方阿胶浆对肿瘤患者红细胞和白细胞的影响。中国社区医师。2005;21(1):24.

65、The removal of mucilage from root apices resulted in both a decrease of root elongation and heavy staining of root apices in Al-tolerant genotype (MD2) and Al-sensitive genotype (MD5). ─── 在铝胁迫条件下,去除根尖吸附的粘胶,耐铝的基因型MD2和敏感的基因型MD5根的伸长率均减少,而根尖被苏木精染色程度加深;

66、Such a colony is often surrounded by mucilage. ─── 这样的群体经常被粘质所包围。

67、The roots are used medicinally. They are also the source of mucilage used for confections. ─── 根可药用。他们还用于做胶水和糖果。

68、This stringy mess is known as marine mucilage . ─── 这个黏糊糊的物质被称为海洋黏液。

69、vegetable mucilage ─── 植物粘胶

70、animal mucilage ─── 动物黏质

71、Lidocaine mucilage; ─── 利多卡因胶浆;

72、These achenes can float on water for a long time, and the mucilage mass facilitates the seed germination and seedling development. ─── 瘦果能长时间在水上漂浮,粘液物质有助于种子的萌发和苗的发育。

73、Methods: The pathological model of membrane inflammation in the uterus was established by deep injection of phenol mucilage into vagina. ─── 方法:采用阴道深部注入苯酚胶浆,建立大鼠盆腔炎模型。

74、Responses of the conglutination function of achene mucilage in Artemisia sphaerocephala and Artemisia arenaria to electric field ─── 电场对白沙蒿和沙蒿瘦果粘液粘附功能的影响

75、Full-sealed structure can be used in the screening of powder, granule and mucilage. ─── 全密封结构可用于筛选粉,颗粒剂和粘胶。

76、Resembling mucilage; moist and sticky. ─── 似粘液的与粘液相似的;湿且粘的

77、Primary chemical constituents of Milk Thistle include flavolignans (silymarin), tyramine, histamine, gamma linoleic acid, essential oil, mucilage, and bitter principle. ─── 水飞蓟的基本化学成分有:水飞蓟素,酪胺,组胺,伽马亚油酸,精油,胶浆和苦味质。

78、any of various similar adhesives,such as paste,mucilage,or epoxy ─── 一种相似的粘合剂,如浆糊、胶水或环氧树脂

79、The acini were composed of simple columnar mucilage epithelial cells. ─── 上述研究结果表明,鸵鸟味觉器官不发达,对食物的选择作用弱;

80、The experiment has proved that mucilage at the extrude die with conicylindricalpassage is better than that with cylindrical passage in extruding condition and production. ─── 由实验证明胶丝挤出口模圆锥形通道比圆柱形通道能改善挤出条件,提高挤出质量。

81、common bletilla tuber rich contain amylum, dextrose, mucilage glue and so on. External use apply, recover its fairness, high-moisturise and lucensy. ─── 白芨富含淀粉、葡萄糖、挥发油、粘液质等,外用涂擦,能抑制黑色素的生成,使肌肤纹理细致,防止肌肤粗糙,高度滋润透明.

82、Pinches with the finger pulls the stem, certainly does not have the mucilage to be attached to in the hand, the finger is clean. ─── 用手指捏拉一下杆茎,绝无粘液附在手上,指头是干干净净。

83、Root-cap Mucilage Binds Aluminum and Accumulates Organic Acids in Zea mays L. ─── 玉米根冠粘胶和铝的结合及有机酸累积。

84、Objective To explore the toxicological status of using shoes mucilage and solvent in Fujian province. ─── 目的了解福建省使用的鞋用胶水和溶剂的毒性状况。

85、The invention relates to the printing device field, in particular to an automatic printing head used on a mucilage decorating machine. ─── 本发明涉及印花设备领域,特别涉及一种胶浆印花机上用的自动印花头。

86、Psyllium Plantago ovata husks are a rich source of fibre and absorb water to form mucilage that adds bulk and draws toxins into the bowel, making it easier to pass. ─── 洋车钱子种皮粉富含纤维,吸收水分后形成黏胶质,可以把毒素吸回肠内,进而排出体外.

87、Accessories:Screw, 3M mucilage glue, videoline, power line. ─── 液视摄像机,配件:5米视频线一条,钻头一个.

88、Abstract: The leaves of the Silene fortunei beared a type of mucilage hair,which was an uniseriate glandular hair with 3 cells. ─── 摘 要: 蝇子草茎叶上着生粘液毛,它是由3个细胞构成的单列腺毛。

89、Turion 1.A swollen detached winter bud that contains stored food and is protected by an outer layer of leaf scales and mucilage. ─── 1鳞芽:是一种储存有养料,且外层有叶鳞和植物黏液保护的肥大可分离的冬芽。

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