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phylogeny 发音

英:[fa?'l?d?(?)n?]  美:[fa?'lɑd??ni]

英:  美:

phylogeny 中文意思翻译



phylogeny 词性/词形变化,phylogeny变形

形容词: phylogenic |名词复数: phylogenies |

phylogeny 短语词组

1、phylogeny relations ─── 系统发育关 ─── 系

2、phylogeny reconstruction ─── 系统发育重建

3、phylogeny maker ─── 系统发育标记

4、pithecia phylogeny ─── 木贼属系统发育

5、phylogeny tree maker ─── 系统发育树生成器

6、phylogeny tree ─── 系统发育树

7、phylogeny definition in biology ─── 生物学中的系统发育定义

8、angiosperm phylogeny website ─── 被子植物系统发育网站

9、didelphidae phylogeny ─── 蚤科系统发育

10、phylogeny description ─── 系统发育描述

11、angiosperm phylogeny group ─── 被子植物系统发育群

12、bipartition phylogeny ─── 二分系统发育

13、phylogeny study ─── 系统发育研究

14、phylogeny definition ─── 系统发育定义

15、phylogeny test ─── 系统发育测试

16、angiosperm phylogeny ─── 被子植物系统发育

17、phylogeny of fungi ─── 真菌系统发育

phylogeny 相似词语短语

1、phylogenic ─── adj.系统发生的;动植物种类史的

2、cryogeny ─── 低温学

3、phylogenies ─── n.种系发生,[生物]系统发生;语发展史

4、photogeny ─── 光生

5、phellogens ─── n.[植]软木形成层;[植]木栓形成层

6、amylogens ─── n.可溶淀粉

7、phytogenic ─── adj.起源于植物的(等于phytogenous)

8、amylogen ─── n.可溶淀粉

9、phytogeny ─── 植物发生学

phylogeny 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the Chinese phylogeny of ancient book, the Confucian classics became one especially eye-striking kind. ─── 在中国古籍图书的发展史上,儒家经书成为格外醒目的一类。

2、The results of inferred phylogeny are very different from the classification system of Arcypteridae based on morphology. ─── 分子系统学研究结果和传统的基于形态特征的网翅蝗科分类体系有很大的不同。

3、Phylogeny of 13 Felidae species from China based on partial 12S rRNA and Cyt b genes sequences ─── 从12SrRNA和Cyt b基因部分序列研究13种猫科动物的分子系统关系

4、It is a period of an epochal turn in Chinese movie phylogeny and Chinese movie exploring the maturity from 1931 to 1949, which has exerted a tremendous influence on the later development. ─── 摘要1931年至1949年,是中国电影发展史上具有划时代转折意义的一个时期,是中国电影在探索中走向成熟的时期,并对以后的发展产生了深远影响。

5、Preliminary Study on Phylogeny of Diplura ─── 双尾虫系统进化的初步探讨

6、In both its phylogeny and ontogeny, human intelligence first solves movement problems and only later graduates to ponder more abstract ones. ─── 从系统发生学与个体发生学来看,人类的智能最初都是为了解决运动问题,只有到后来才渐渐用来思索较抽象的概念。

7、In this paper we introduced the phylogeny of data encryption algorithm and the mainstream algorithm of symmetric-key algorithm and asymmetric-key algorithm? ─── 对数据加密算法的发展史及相应的对称加密算法和非对称加密算法的主流算法进行了研究。

8、Research Advances on Phylogeny of Hexapoda with a New Classification System ─── 六足总纲系统发育研究进展与新分类系统

9、Ontogeny is the history of the individual organism, phylogeny the history of the race or lineage (the linnean taxa or cladistic tree). ─── 个体发生学探究生物个体的历史,系统发生学探究某种族或血缘(线性分类或族谱树)的历史。

10、As an order hearing important evolutionarily significance and conservation value, the phylogeny of Carnivora has received special attention. ─── 构建可靠的食肉目分子系统树,无疑将具有重要的进化理论意义和保护生物学价值。

11、The relationship between evolution of 5S rRNA genes and that of barley as well as the application of in situ hybridization in phylogeny were discussed. ─── 探讨了5S rRNA基因进化与大麦染色体进化间的关系以及原位杂交技术在系统进化研究中的应用。

12、Shortly will go in 1997, world economy phylogeny needs the nothing is more... than of particularize brushstroke to sweep across the financial storm of whole Asia. ─── 在即将过去的1997年里,世界经济发展史需要大书特书一笔的莫过于席卷整个亚洲的金融风暴。

13、And introduce the switch power supply’s phylogeny,application, main electric circuit of power supply and controled a method . ─── 并且对开关电源的发展史、应用范围、主电路的选择、控制方法作了简要的介绍。

14、The theory of performance-based seismic design is a significative change in the phylogeny of seismic design.It has been the direction of future seismic design. ─── 基于性能的抗震设计理论是抗震设计发展史上的一次重大变革,已成为未来抗震设计发展的方向。

15、The phylogeny of the amphibian intestinal tract. ─── 两栖动物肠道的演化发展

16、To obtain a deeper insight into the polychaete systematics, increased sampling of representative taxon is promising for the investigation of their morphology, life history and molecular phylogeny. ─── 今后应该增加各类群有代表性的物种的取样数量,开展形态学特征、生活史策略以及分子遗传标记的综合研究,以期完善多毛纲动物的系统学。

17、China has the richest flora of gymnosperm in the world, which is crucial for understanding the change of global distribution and phylogeny of gymnosperm. ─── 摘要中国拥有世界上最丰富的裸子植物区系,对理解全球裸子植物分布变化与系统演化具有重要意义。

18、Thus, he concluded, "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny", which means the development of the individual embryo repeats its alleged evolutionary history. ─── 他下结论称“个体发育重演系统发育”。也就是说,个人的胚胎发育中必经过人类的进化历史。

19、The result of molecular phylogeny reveals that Priolepis is consists of two main monophyletic groups.Therefore, it is suggested to separate the genus Priolepis into two subgenus. ─── 分子亲缘分析的结果,锯鳞鰕虎属是由两大单系群所组成,因此建议锯鳞鰕虎属可分为两个亚属。

20、Consequently, tell from particular significance, of China civilized 5000 history, of the phylogeny that is economy of region of a county actually condense. ─── 因而,从一定意义上讲,中国的5000年文明史,实际上就是一部县域经济的发展史的浓缩。

21、Phylogeny of the Nymphaeaceae inferred from ITS sequences ─── 区序列证据

22、Molecular phylogeny eventually revealed that archaea, like bacteria and eukaryotes, are a fundamentally distinct domain of life. ─── 分子系统发育最终发现,古菌,细菌和真核生物一样,是一个根本的不同领域的生活。

23、Disagreement and disputation between molecular phylogeny and morphology,and applicatiion of molecular phylogeny were also discussed. ─── 就分子系统学与形态学之间的分歧和争论进行了讨论并说明了分子系统学在动物学研究中的应用。

24、Molecular Phylogeny of the East Asian Cyprinids (Pisces: Cypriniformes) ─── 东亚鲤科鱼类的分子系统发育研究

25、Sibley,C.G.1987 Phylogeny and Classification of the Birds of the World.New Haven:Yale University Press. ─── 唐蟾珠,徐延恭,杨岚1996横断山区鸟类.北京:科学出版社.

26、Why a given phylogeny went one particular way instead of any one of the multitude of theoretically possible other ways is in most instances unknown and speculation on this topic is frequently futile. ─── 为何一个特定的种属发生是朝某个特别的道路上发展而非走向其它理论上可能的众多道路之一,这在多数的个案上是未知的,而且对此议题的思索往往是徒劳的。

27、They will want the classification to reflect the phylogeny of the plants. ─── 他们希望分类能反映植物的系统发育。

28、Phylogeny of Aceraceae Based on ITS and trn L-F Data Sets ─── 序列探讨槭树科的系统发育

29、Keywords Nostoc;Phylogeny;Molecular Evolution; ─── 念珠藻;系统发育;分子进化;

30、From the angle of phylogeny, the evolutionary trend of tracheidlength was from long to short, so P. armand was primitive. ─── 从系统演化的角度上看,管胞在长度方面的进化趋势是由长逐渐变短。

31、All methods of phylogenetic inference are imperfect and will sometimes mistakenly infer a phylogeny that differs from what actually took place historically. ─── 所有推测演化史的方法都不完美,有时还可能会犯错,使得所建构出来的演化史与实际的历史不同。

32、So applying the FDOD to infer the phylogeny of whole proteome microbial organisms is significant work. ─── 因此,将FDOD方法应用于微生物系统发育分析是一项很有意义的工作。

33、The latest application of molecular methods in the field of molecular systematics and evolution of Caudata in China, primarily from phylogeny, species taxonomy and definition and genetic diversity. ─── 从系统发育、物种分类与界定和遗传多样性等方面,介绍了分子方法在我国有尾类系统与进化研究中的应用现状和最新进展。

34、Can say this is the act of the unprecedented on Chinese Internet phylogeny, can saying even is " mad " act. ─── 可以说这是中国互联网发展史上史无前例的举动,甚至可以说是一个“疯狂”的举动。

35、influence of environmental factors and studying community phylogeny at the metacommunity level helps to understand regional ecological processes. ─── 环境因素的影响以及在元社区水平上研究群落系统发育有助于理解区域生态进程。

36、Most modern biologists recognize numerous connections between ontogeny and phylogeny, explain them using evolutionary theory, or view them as supporting evidence for that theory. ─── 大多数现代的生物学家承认在个体发育和系统发生之间存在许多联系;他们用进化理论解释这些联系,或将这些联系视为进化论的支持证据。

37、HAO Jia-sheng,YANG Qun,LI Chun-xiang,et al.Preliminary study on molecular phylogeny of Bryozoans based on 18S rRNA gene sequences[J].Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica,2002,19(2):199-205. ─── [8]郝家胜,杨群,李春香,等.苔藓动物18S rRNA基因的分子系统发生初探[J].微体古生物学报,2002,19(2):199-205.

38、The origin and evolvement of city public space impenetrate in human's phylogeny, and its modality, quantity and quality are changing along with the developing of community. ─── 城市公共空间起源与演变贯穿于人类的发展历史当中,其形式、数量与质量随着社会的发展也在不断变化。

39、Studies of heterochrony are built upon the phylogenetic assumptions used. ─── 异时性的系统发育研究是建立在系统发育假设的基础上的。

40、Molecular Variation and Phylogeny of the Members of Minimus Group of Anopheles ─── 微小按蚊种群成员分子变异与系统发育的关系

41、In type A,the warty layer is absent or rare in pit chamber and in type B, the warty layer is present,in this paper,the variation in phylogeny of the pit membrane in bordered pits is also discussed. ─── A 型是指纹孔室内瘤状层缺乏或罕见,B型则具明显的瘤状层。 并对具缘纹孔在系统发育中的变化进行了讨论。

42、Keywords WuLong Goose, traits, RAPD-marker, phynotype-marker, phylogeny; ─── 五龙鹅;性状;RAPD标记;表型标记;系统发育;

43、My essay analyzes many results which have been done from several points of view and points out the phylogeny about the concept. ─── 我的文章,分析了很多成果,其中已经完成从几点意见,并指出该系统发育有关的概念。

44、Felsenstein J, 1993. PHYLIP (Phylogeny Inference Package) Version 3.5c.University of Washington, Seattle. ─── [甘波谊,周伟国,冯丽冰,沈大棱,李昌本,2002.沃尔巴克氏体在中国三种稻飞虱中的感染.昆虫学报,45(1):14-17

45、The phylogeny of the known 427 genera of Tenthredinoidea of world was reconstructed using the principle and methods of cladistics. ─── 应用支序系统学原理和方法研究了膜翅目叶蜂总科世界已知427属的系统发育关系。

46、Phytochemical evidence related to the phylogeny of Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim. ─── 关于露蕊乌头系统位置的植化资料.

47、Current situation and tendency of research on Ostracod phylogeny ─── 介形类动物系统发育的研究现状及其趋势

48、Most of it can be identified as repetitive elements that have no known biological function (although they are useful to geneticists for analyzing lineage and phylogeny). ─── 它们多数被认为是没有熟知的生物学功能的重复元素(尽管它们对遗传学家分析血统和发展史是有用的)。

49、The results can offer the fundamental for studying phylogeny and genetic relationship, forestry production, and subsequent introduction cultiwtion of Taiwania of Taxodiaceae. ─── 也可为用材林造林、园林绿化树种提供参考和对这两种珍稀树种继续引种栽培提供实践依据。

50、The evolution of Oplopanax elatus vessel perforation in ontogeny recapitulated the process in phylogeny. ─── 两端都具单穿孔的导管.在东北刺人参的个体发育中重演了系统发育过程中导管分子穿孔板的演化过程.

51、A new method to construct a phylogeny tree based on whole genome information is introduced. ─── 利用全基因组信息构建系统发育树.

52、The pollen morphology is of some significance for a better classification of the genus Rubus, but seems to be of little help for a better understanding of the phylogeny of the genus. ─── 分析结果认为,悬钩子属的花粉形态特征对该属种的区分有一定的参考价值,但要合理地阐释其系统发育意义,仍需积累更多的信息。

53、Phylogeny and actuality of gypsum plaster board in China ─── 我国纸面石膏板的发展历程及现状

54、The Phylogeny and Development Trend of Noise Barrier to Control The Traffic Noise ─── 控制交通噪声声屏障的发展历程及发展趋势

55、Can say, phylogeny of these 20 years can count Adobe company contemporary publish presswork revolutionary inspissation history. ─── 可以说,Adobe公司这20年的发展史可以视为一部现代出版印刷革命的浓缩史。

56、The historical development of the concepts of genealogy, phylogeny, monophyly and polyphyly is briefly reviewed. ─── 历史地回顾了谱系、系统发育、单系、多系概念的由来和发展。

57、Phylogeny Relationship of Nymphaea L.Based on ITS Sequences ─── 基于ITS序列探讨睡莲属植物的系统发育

58、The atavistic spikelets of Carex dabieensis and its significance on phylogeny. ─── 大别苔的返祖小穗及在系统发育上的意义.

59、Ontogeny, phylogeny, evolution and metamorphosis are all related, all different aspects of the same larger process. ─── 个体发生、系统发生、演化和质变彼此相关,它们就是在同一的更大进程中的不同方面。

60、Phylogeny on epiphyllous microsporangia Ginkgo was discussed in the article. ─── 对叶生小孢子囊银杏的系统发生进行了探讨。

61、From among the phylogeny of entire western political philosophy, the kindness and justice, kernel concepts of moral preestablishing, experienced a gradually evolving process. ─── 从整个西方政治哲学发展史看,道德预设的核心概念“善”和“正义”经过了一个逐渐演化的过程。

62、The phylogeny of hominoid is still an open question. ─── 摘要 有关人猿超科的系统发育仍然存在争议。

63、Molecular phylogeny of the hominoids: Inferences from multiple ─── 人科动物的分子发展史:出自多方面独立数据的推论

64、Phylogeny within the DNA polymerase X family requires a re-examination due to the expansion of family members. ─── 随着DNA聚合酶X家族成员数量的增加,家族内部的系统发育需要重新检查。

65、Its research Pinaceae the phylogeny, the ancient plants, etc., are more important research value. ─── 它对研究松科植物的系统发育、古植物区系等,均有较重要的科研价值。

66、Dr Donoghue observes that a great deal of what is known as molecular phylogeny has been applied to this problem, but without success. ─── Donoghue博士在此之前观察了大量分子系统学的相关数据,但是都没有发现蛛丝马迹。


68、Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Flabellifera (Crustacea: Isopoda)of Chinese Waters ─── 中国扇肢亚目(甲壳动物:等足目)的系统分类学研究

69、Because of the special pollination mutualism ecology and the minute pollen size of Ficus, anther/ovule ratio (A/O) substitutes for P/O to explore their pollination ecology and phylogeny. ─── 因榕属植物独特之共生授粉生态系统及花粉粒极小之因素,本文藉由计数花药-胚珠比取代花粉-胚珠比来探讨榕属植物与榕果小蜂之授粉生态与系统分类等问题。

70、They will want the classification to reflect the phylogeny of the plants. ─── 他们希望分类能反映植物的系统发育。

71、"Using single genes as phylogenetic markers, it is difficult to trace organismal phylogeny in the presence of HGT [horizontal gene transfer]. ─── “使用单基因作为系统发育的标记,在有水平基因转移(HGT)存在的情况下很难追查生物的系统发育。

72、Keywords Protura;Diplura;Collembola;Ribosomal RNA Gene;Molecular Phylogeny; ─── 原尾虫;双尾虫;跳虫;核糖体;RNA基因;分子系统发生;

73、Medical phylogeny contains profound philosophic thinking. ─── 医学发展史蕴藏着深厚的哲学思想。

74、She is participated in and witnessed phylogeny of cereal song product, she is one of product authors, she can know cereal song product to need what kind of exterior design and user interface. ─── 她参与和见证了谷歌产品发展史,她是产品作者之一,她能懂得谷歌产品需要什么样的外观设计和用户界面。”

75、The Molecular Phylogeny in Rhizophoraceae in China ─── 中国主要红树科植物的分子系统发育

76、One method of inferring phylogeny is to pinpoint primitive as opposed to advanced characters. ─── 推断系统发育的一个方法是准确查明那些与进化性状相对的原始性状。


78、Application of molecular methods in identification and phylogeny of Leishmania ─── 分子方法在利什曼原虫虫株鉴定和系统发生研究中的应用

79、The relationships of myriapods are central to most questions in higher-level arthropod phylogeny. ─── 它们之间的亲缘关系一直是节肢动物高阶元系统发育中众多问题的中心环节。

80、And the May 4th intellectuals' language experience is a part of the phylogeny of the impersonated modern Chinese literature. ─── 其语言经历是人格化的现代汉语文学发展史之一侧面。

81、On human thought phylogeny, any holds to theoretically (show continuance does not decline) the close together tie that hang on accedes and develops, develop even if innovate. ─── 在人类思想发展史上,任何一个理论的坚持(指延续不衰)都有赖于继承和发展的紧密结合,发展就是创新。

82、A preliminary study of the correlation between phylogeny, chemical constituents and therapeutic effects of Rheum species. ─── 标题大黄属的植物亲缘关系、化学成分与疗效间联系性的初步研究。

83、Phylogeny and wood anatomy of Nandina. ─── 天笠属之类缘与木材解剖.

84、A preliminary study of the correlation between phylogeny, chemical constituents and pharmaceutical aspects in the taxa of Chinese Ranunculaceae. ─── 中国毛茛科植物群的亲缘关系、化学成分和疗效间的相关性的初步探讨.

85、Keywords Gene family;Molecular evolution;Phylogeny;Biogeography;Larix; ─── 基因家族;分子进化;系统发育;生物地理;落叶松属;

86、A preliminary study of the correlation between phylogeny, chemical constituents and therapeutic effects of Rheum species. ─── 大黄属的植物亲缘关系、化学成分与疗效间联系性的初步研究.

87、Research Advances of Orchidaceae Plants in Phylogeny and Genetic Relation ─── 兰科植物系统学及亲缘关系研究进展

88、The phylogeny of the amphibianintestinal tract. ─── 两栖动物肠道的演化发展。


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