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fairway 发音

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fairway 中文意思翻译



fairway 网络释义

n. 航路;水上飞机升降用的水面跑道;(高尔夫球场上的)平坦球道

fairway 词性/词形变化,fairway变形


fairway 短语词组

1、fairway crested wheat grass ─── [网络] 扁穗冰草

2、fairway cafe ─── 球道咖啡馆

3、fairway rock ─── 球道岩石

4、fairway furniture ─── 球道家具

5、fairway wood ─── 球道用木杆;[体]在 ─── 球道上使用的各种杆

6、fairway files ─── 球道锉刀

7、fairway buoy ─── 航标

8、fairway styles ─── 球道风格

9、fairway needlecraft ─── 球道刺绣

10、fairway solitaire ─── 球道纸牌

11、fairway market ─── 球道市场

12、fairway depth ─── 航道深度

13、fairway kenwood ─── 肯伍德球道

fairway 相似词语短语

1、Kairwan ─── 开尔万

2、fairways ─── n.球道;航路;通道(fairway的复数形式)

3、fairly ─── adv.相当地;公平地;简直;n.(Fairly)人名;(英)费尔利

4、fairily ─── adv.优雅地;仙女一样地

5、airways ─── n.航空公司;广播频道

6、fairy ─── n.仙女,小精灵;漂亮姑娘;adj.虚构的;仙女的

7、airway ─── n.导气管;空中航线;通风孔

8、stairway ─── n.阶梯,楼梯

9、Qairwan ─── 凯尔万

fairway 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(b) A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within narrow channel or fairway. ─── 帆船或者长度小于20米的船舶,不应妨碍只能在狭水道或航道以内安全航行的船舶通行。

2、You are fishing in the fairway. ─── 你正在航道上捕鱼。

3、The green is slightly elevated above fairway level and is only 15 yards deep, distance control is a must. ─── 果岭的位置略高于球道,纵深距离只有15码,精准的距离控制至关重要。

4、For safety reasons, it is forbidden to enter tee-box, fairway and green. Any violators will be asked respectfully to leave the course. ─── 为安全理由,严格禁止球友在赛事进行时进入发球区、球道及果岭区域内行走,违规观赛者将被请离球场。

5、A landscaping crew worked after grass had been removed around the 5-hole and fairway at a golf course near Las Vegas. ─── 在拉斯维加斯附近的一处高尔夫球场,工人正在整理移去草坪的地面。

6、Dogleg right, tight view, fairway is a bit wider than you see, but if you shoot too right it will be very diffcult for the approaching . ─── 右狗腿,开波视觉好窄,虽然落点阔D,但开得太右好难攻果岭,第二杆上斜

7、The weight shift in sand may be a little less than a regular fairway shot. ─── 在沙坑的重心转移比在球道上击球时略少一些。

8、principal fairway ─── 主要航道

9、Collection of Transit Toll for High-class Trunk Fairway Network ─── 开征高等级干线航道网通行费

10、Lies to the west of Dachan island, between Dachan island and Mazhou island, northward to the south end of fanshi fairway, and southward to the North channel. ─── 位于大铲岛西面,大铲岛与孖洲岛之间的水域,水道北接矾石水道南端,南接北航道。

11、I must have hit the next ball right in the sweet spot because it flew down the fairway like a dream and the next thing I knew, the ball was in the cup. ─── 接下来那个球我一定是有打到中心点,因为这一球就像梦一样飞进球道,接下来我所知道的就是,球在球洞里罗!

12、Dogleg left. wide fairway, elevated green guarded by bunkers. . ─── 左狗腿,阔球道,果岭升起又有沙池守着。

13、This is a short Par 5, dogleg right The fairway runs a bit downslope. ─── 右狗腿短五杆洞,第二杆开始微落斜,冇障碍,系时候搏啦!

14、one-- way fairway ─── 单向水道

15、Zhang Xi big wide fairway, Chung Bo Fan spray. 1Kai King Shengji, breathtaking. ─── 大樟溪航道宽广,波翻浪花涌。一路佳景胜迹,美不胜收。

16、I met with a small fishing boat at the entrance of fairway. ─── 我轮驶近航道入口时遇到一小鱼船。

17、Green is 20 feet above the fairway and almost 50 yards deep so be careful on club selection! ─── 果岭的位置高出球道20英尺,纵深距离50码,所以球杆的选择非常关键!

18、Only the front platform is in sight at the tee area.There is distinctive contrast in the middle section of the fairway and two large bunkers in front of the green. ─── 在发球台上只能看到前方平台,球道中间地段的反差较大,果岭前方有两个大的沙坑。

19、She is a valuable first fairway, the ball over the sand covered with thick, soft sand, covered with the advantage of TIFTON grass, walk in and above the carpet as Long Hair flexible. ─── 她第一珍贵的是球道,球道上铺满厚沙,沙上长满绵密柔软的TIFTON草,走在上面与长毛地毡一样有弹性。

20、Another tight fairway, dare to use your driver shoot 230+, the landing area is a bit more wider. ─── 开球上斜坡,一样那么狭窄,够勇气就用木杆打到230码左右的落点,那里就会开阔一些。

21、You must proceed by east fairway. ─── 你船必须沿东航道航行。

22、Significance of Improving LUZHUJIANG Fairway and its Scheme Introduction ─── 改造渌渚江航道的意义及方案

23、But she still can't get accustomed to using a fairway wood.She wants a club that will make golf easier, more fun. ─── 但是她还无法适应使用球道木杆 她需要一个可以让高尔夫变得更简单更有趣的球杆。

24、Is my ball still on the fairway ? ─── 我的球还在球道上吗?

25、I can see the ad already: Tiger Woods drives the ball right down the center of the fairway, then turns to the camera and says, "Join the Navy.See the World.Play Golf. ─── 我已可以想象到一则广告:老虎伍兹一号木杆开球落在球道正中,然后转向镜头说道:“加入海军,环游世界,畅打高球。”

26、Your second shot blazes straight down the fairway, and your iron shot lands three feet from the cup. ─── 你的第二个球也顺利的沿着路线下去,用铁杆的一击使得球距离球洞只剩下三英尺。

27、Dogleg right, the fairway split into three parts by water. Uphill approaching shot. ─── 右狗腿,第二、三杆都要过水,攻果岭要上斜。

28、The technical gist of sailling in the main fairway in the Harbour of Tianjin ─── 天津港主航道船舶航行中的技术要领

29、All craft entering and leaving the harbour should use the main buoyed fairway and approaches. ─── 所有进出港口的船只都应当使用主航道及通路。

30、An iron golf club that has more loft than a driver and less than a three iron, used for medium fairway shots and long approach shots;a two iron. ─── 2号铁头球棒铁制高尔夫球棒,其高击斜面大于发球球棒小于3号铁头球棒,用于击中远球和长距离球;2号铁头球棒

31、Suggestions of Unifying Fairway's Marks of Inland Waterway ─── 关于统一内河航道标志的建议

32、Quite an intimating hole not just long but also with big trees on both sides of the fairway. ─── 几吓人的球洞,码数长之外,球道两旁都系大树。

33、The green is lower in front and higher behind so the fairway seems to be very straight. ─── 果岭前低后高,因此显得整个球道非常直。

34、The fairway is straight and bunkers appear whenever you want to put the ball to. ─── 基本上是大直路,主要是一些沙池在搞麻烦,避开就行!

35、Dogleg right, aim a little right to the rock at the middle of the fairway, too much left will end up at the bushes. ─── 右狗腿,最好那块石头的右边打,太左会打穿,不过打中石头的话就听天由命.......

36、There's a river on the right of the fairway. ─── 有一条河在球道右边。

37、southern fairway ─── 南航道

38、central fairway ─── 中航道

39、curved fairway ─── 弯曲航道

40、We walked to the 18th tee struck five drives into darkness then moseyed down the fairway. ─── 我们走向第18个球座,五次将球击入夜空,然后漫步走下无障碍区。

41、Potty Putter: Why waste time on the toilet, when you can use it to get ready for the fairway? ─── 5 芥末味口香糖球 这种绿色的口香糖球有股很浓的芥末味,但奇怪的是味道还不错。

42、The 3rd hole has few fairway, 3 pars, 225 yards apart. ─── 几乎没有球道的第3洞,标准杆为3杆,长225码。

43、pilot's fairway ─── 强制引航水路

44、a piece of turf dug out of a lawn or fairway (by an animals hooves or a golf club). ─── 从草坪或航路上被动物或高尔夫俱乐部挖去的一块草皮。

45、The thousands of spectators lining the fairway fell into an awkward silence, all eyes on me. ─── 成千上万沿球道而立的观众突然间陷入令人发指的静寂,所有的目光都聚焦到了我的身上。

46、secondary fairway ─── 支航道

47、For safety reasons, it is forbidden to enter tee-box, fairway and green.Any violators will be asked respectfully to leave the course. ─── 为安全理由,严格禁止球友在赛事进行时进入发球区、球道及果岭区域内行走,违规观赛者将被请离球场。

48、"Ah, well, I was at church that day," said Fairway,"which was a very curious thing to happen." ─── “唉,那天真是百年不遇,正碰着俺也在教堂里,”费韦说。

49、Suggestions on Administration over Imposition of Fairway Dues ─── 改进航养费征管工作的设想

50、The only hole in the golf course without any bunkers. There is a small hillside across the fairway 70 yards from the green with the slope on the left. ─── 全场唯一没有沙坑的球洞,距果岭70码的位置有一小山坡横在球道上,果岭左侧是斜坡。

51、Read the interview and you can discover which world stars of the fairway our world star of the pitch has been sharing the odd round with. ─── 只要阅读完(杂志内的)整个专访,你就可以知道我们球场上的世界级球星,曾经跟哪一位高尔夫球巨星交过手了。

52、With enough zoom, it is possible to make out the individual features of each hole, such as the tee box, fairway, and green! ─── 若缩放的程度足够,甚至还可以看到每个球洞的特征,比如发球台、球道和果岭!

53、Then he watched the ball arc down the exact center of the fairway, bounce a couple of times and roll to the exact spot he had selected, all in his mind. ─── 他看到球落在修整过的草坪上,跳了几下,滚到他所选择的特定点上,一切都在他心中发生。

54、The improved system of anchorage and fairway is simulated on the navigation simulator. Fuzzy mathematics is applied to exhibit the priorities of the new system over the existing one. ─── 对提出的方案在模拟器上进行模拟,针对模拟结果,应用模糊数学的最大贴近度方法,比较现行航道、锚地与规划方案的优劣,得出规划方案优于现行方案。

55、You can take pilot at NO.5 Fairway Buoy. ─── 你船可在5号航道浮筒上引航员。

56、"Ah, well, I was at church that day," said Fairway, "which was a very curious thing to happen." ─── “唉,那天真是百年不遇,正碰着俺也在教堂里,”费韦说。

57、Northern Fairway ─── 北航道

58、Yokohama. This is Orehaven Pilot. You can take pilot at Fairway buoy at 1800 hours local time. ─── 当地时间1800时你可以在航道浮标接引航员。

59、a piece of turf dug out of a lawn or fairway (by an animals hooves or a golf club) ─── 从草坪或航路上被动物或高尔夫俱乐部挖去的一块草皮

60、Tee shot must be kept right to avoid the slope left of the fairway while several bunkers protect this green. ─── 为了避开球道左侧的斜坡与几个护卫果岭的沙坑,开球时必须保持正确的方向。

61、Eastern Fairway ─── 东航道

62、Dogleg Left, wide fairway, need to know the precise distance for your second shot in order not to overhit into the woods. The approaching goes upward. ─── 左狗腿,球道够阔,第二杆要问清楚距离,因为有机会打穿个转弯位,跟住上斜攻果岭

63、Application of BP Neural Network in Forecasting Freight Transportation Volume of Fairway Network ─── BP神经网络在航道网总运量预测中的应用

64、(c)A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway. ─── 从事捕鱼的船舶,不应妨碍任何其他在狭水道或航道以内航行的船舶通行。

65、An iron golf club that has more loft than a driver and less than a three iron,used for medium fairway shots and long approach shots,a two iron. ─── 2号铁头球棒铁制高尔夫球棒,其高击斜面大于发球球棒小于3号铁头球棒,用于击中远球和长距离球。

66、Laura Davies is walking on fairway. ─── 劳拉·戴维斯走在球道上。

67、main fairway ─── 主航道

68、A wonderfully natural hole where all that was needed was to have a tee flattened, a fairway mown and a hill leveled for a green. ─── 一个惊人的自然球洞,平坦的发球台,被剪出来的球道和一个凸出的山头,刚好作为果岭。

69、pilot fairway ─── 引水航道

70、No, I can't seem to hit the fairway. ─── 不行,我在球道上像是不会打球似的。

71、91. Valhalla. You must keep to the starboard side of the fairway for 4 cables. ─── 你必须保持在航道右侧4链的距离。

72、Gripping the club properly and swing the club as usual, the weight of the club head and the bend at the shaft will guide your wrists to hit the ball straight at the center of the fairway. ─── 使用此练习器,顺其自然,不要主动加力,用杆头本身的重量来带动手腕的自然转动。

73、Another dogleg right short Par 4, may consider to use mid - long iron for teeoff, place well on the fairway, 2nd shot shouldnt be too difficult. ─── 又是右狗腿,这次是短洞,可以考虑用中或长铁开球,只要安全落在球道,第二杆就会比较容易打

74、This long par 4 tees off from the elevated tees down to a wide inviting fairway below. ─── 居高临下于发球台上,信心十足地击出第一杆,高尔夫球飞向开阔的球道,开始了您的十八洞之旅。

75、Site haul roads shall not be located in areas other than the future fairway and cart paths to minimize disturbance to existing habitats. ─── 工地通道祗可以建造在将来球场的球道或球车路上,以减少对现存生境的影响。

76、designated fairway ─── 指定航道

77、Even with wider fairway you still have to be careful enough to drive the ball straight . ─── 当站在发球台上,给人的视觉特别宽阔,容易让人产生错觉,将球送入水塘或树林。

78、An accurate drive is important to avoid the fairway bunker on the right side.The hole is uphill and features trouble left of the green.No bunkers around the green, just severe mounding. ─── 八号洞:570码.标准杆:5杆.精准的开球从而避开球道右边的沙池十分重要.球道呈上山趋势,狭窄的果岭被左前方的山包包围着.


80、An iron golf club that has more loft than a driver and less than a three iron, used for medium fairway shots and long approach shots; a two iron. ─── 2号铁头球棒铁制高尔夫球棒,其高击斜面大于发球球棒小于3号铁头球棒,用于击中远球和长距离球; 2号铁头球棒

81、a piece of turf dug out of a lawn or fairway (by an animals hooves or a golf club). ─── 从草坪或航路上被动物或高尔夫俱乐部挖去的一块草皮。

82、Need to aviod the fairway bunker on the left, the small green is slighly elevated &well protected by bunkers. ─── 开球小心左边的沙池,果岭较小并且被沙池包围着。

83、By good fortune, paddle as I pleased, the tide was still sweeping me down; and there lay the Hispaniola right in the fairway, hardly to be missed. ─── 幸亏我的运气不错,不论我怎么划桨,潮水总是把我往下游冲,而西斯潘尼奥拉号正好停泊在下游,所以要错过也不大可能。

84、Why waste time on the toilet, when you can use it to get ready for the fairway? ─── 何必白白浪费上厕所的时间?不妨利用这点儿时间练练高尔夫。

85、There are fairway bunkers in you way to the green and you need to be careful with the water hazard on right hand side as well. ─── 开球可以瞄准球道的正中间,球在穿越两个沙坑之后会遇到下坡的球道,须特别注意右侧的水塘。

86、A Study of Fairway Service Level Appraisal Target System ─── 建立航道服务水平评价指标体系

87、A golf hole in which the fairway is abruptly angled. ─── 拐形击球区高尔夫球座和球洞之间有急折路径的击球区

88、Game Theory's Method of Fire Appliction for Blocking Fairway ─── 封锁航道火力运用的对策论方法

89、Best Fairway Maintenance Golf Club ─── 最佳球道草坪保养球会

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