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09-09 投稿



educationist 发音

英:[?ed?u?ke???n?st]  美:[?ed?u?ke???n?st]

英:  美:

educationist 中文意思翻译



educationist 词性/词形变化,educationist变形


educationist 相似词语短语

1、educationalist ─── n.教育家;教育工作者

2、causationist ─── n.宇宙因果论者;相信宇宙因果律的人

3、educationalists ─── n.教育家;教育工作者

4、undulationist ─── 波动主义者

5、educations ─── n.教育;培养;教育学

6、reductionist ─── adj.简化(法)的;分解成简单部分的;n.还原论者;简化论

7、education ─── n.教育;培养;教育学

8、educationists ─── n.教育家;教育理论家

9、educationese ─── 教育界术语

educationist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Muh-Jah’s teachers are always taking care of children with parent's loving-kindness and cultivating children with educationist's professional training. ─── 木栅教育团队,总是以父母的慈爱去关照孩子、以教育家的专业知识来培育英才。

2、Statue of Mao Yisheng, Ex-President of Southwest Jiaotong University, famous educationist and bridge expert in China ─── 上图为我校老校长、我国著名教育家、桥梁专家茅以升先生塑像

3、A Schoolteacher Growing into an Expert in Education and an Educationist Devoted to Children's Education ─── 从教师中走出的教育专家和儿童教育家

4、Beihong Xu was the foundation of Chinese modern art, he was also an outstanding artist and art educationist. ─── 徐悲鸿是中国现代美术的奠基者,杰出的画家和美术教育家。

5、A very important initiative to organize Chinese studies in this subcontinent was taken by the great poet and educationist Rabindranath Tagore. ─── 后来,南亚次大陆地区中国研究真正推进者是伟大的诗人和教育家泰戈尔。

6、Yan Fu was a famous contemporary enlightenment thinker and educator. Zhang Boling was a famous contemporary educationist. ─── 严复是近代著名的启蒙思想家、教育家,张伯苓是近代中国著名的教育家。

7、During Spring and Autumn period,famous thinker and educationist Confucius canvassed for propggandizing his politics claims all round,but got into trouble everywhere,and couldn't afford the next meal. ─── 春秋时期著名的思想家、教育家孔子为了宣传自己的政治主张,便四处游说,周游列国,不想却是到处碰壁,有时甚至到了断粮的处境。

8、There has been much debate on the new teaching method invented by a young educationist. ─── 对于一位年轻的教育学家发明的新的教学方法,人们有很多的争议。

9、The moral education contains three main bodies: the educationist, the idea of moral education, and receiver. ─── 此一教化之道包含教化者、教化理念、受教化者三大主体;

10、Li-gong was a famous educationist and thinker at the beginning of Qing Dynasty, and he was one of the founders of Yanli Theory. ─── 摘要李塨是清初知名教育家、思想家,颜李学派创始人之一。

11、Christian Educationist H. N. Noyes and True Light Seminary ─── 教会教育家那夏理与真光书院

12、In August 1908, Zhang Boling, a modern Chinese educationist, went to America as the representative of China to participate in the Fourth World Fisheries Conference. ─── 1908年8月,张伯苓作为中国代表赴美国参加世界第四次渔业大会,会后顺路到欧洲考察教育。

13、News ReportFamo use Geologist, Educationist and Social Activist Hao Yichun Academician Passed away ─── 著名地质学家、教育家和社会活动家郝诒纯院士逝世

14、The Multiple Intelligences Theory by Gardner, an American psychologist and educationist, the author thinks, can help us to solve some problems and conduct the reform of the English teaching and learning in the rural middle schools. ─── 本人认为,美国心理学家和教育学家加德纳的多元智力理论能指导农村高中英语教学改革,改善现存的一些问题,提高农村高中英语教学的效益。

15、Holmes, a distinguished contemporary comparative educationist, put forward a method named "problem analysis" which plays an important role in the development of comparative education. ─── 摘要霍尔姆斯是当代著名的比较教育专家,他提出的“问题解决法”在比较教育发展过程中占据重要的位置。

16、Mr.Huang's grandfather is Huang Yanpei, the famous democratic and patriotic person, leader of Democratic Construction Association and educationist of China. ─── 其祖父是著名爱国民主人士、民主建国会领导人、教育家黄炎培。

17、Confucius as being a prominent educationist in ancient China, his educational theory and method have effected one and another generations. ─── 摘要孔子作为我国古代卓越的教育家,其教育思想理论及方法影响了一代又一代的人。

18、Living Education, True Education, Good Education--Lifetime Pursuits of Dr. Tao Xingzhi as an Educationist ─── 活教育真教育好教育--陶行知先生一生的教育追求

19、a famous geologist and geology educationist,graduated from the Geology Department of Peking University in 1920 and afterwards worked at the university for 32 years. ─── 著名地质学家和地质教育家孙云铸教授1920年毕业于北京大学地质学系,留校任教,在32年中任地质学系主任15年。

20、Qiu Jin is an outstanding woman revolutionary of capitalist class in modern history of our country,and she is also an educationist with insight. ─── 秋瑾是我国近代史上杰出的资产阶级女革命家,也是一位颇有见地的教育家。

21、educationist group ─── 教育家群体

22、Qiu Jin is an outstanding woman revolutionary of capitalist class in modem history of our country, and she is also an educationist with insight. ─── 摘要秋瑾是我国近代史上杰出的资产阶级女革命家,也是一位颇有见地的教育家。

23、Educationist Mr Cai Yuanpei said: "educationist, means to engage with the affairs of cultivating personality". ─── 摘要教育家蔡元培先生曾说:“教育者,养人格之事业也。”

24、Jaspers was a famous humanism educationist of Germany in the 20th Century. ─── 雅斯贝尔斯是20世纪德国著名的人本主义教育家。

25、Christopher Alexander is an active architectural theorist, educationist and architect in the modern western architectural field. ─── 克里斯多弗·亚历山大是当代西方建筑界一位活跃的建筑理论家、建筑教育家和开业建筑师。

26、Professor Pan Maoyuan, a famous educationist in China's higher education, strictly selects and cultivates doctoral candidates. ─── 摘要潘懋元教授是著名的高等教育学家。

27、female educationist ─── 女教育家

28、Confucius was not only a great thinker, educationist and philosopher, but also a remarkable expert on the study of talented people in ancient China. ─── 摘要孔子是我国古代一位伟大的思想家、教育家和哲学家,也是一位杰出的人才学家。

29、Zhang Shanlei, a philologist, educationist and clinician of traditional Chinese medicine ─── 集中医文献学家教育家临床家于一身的张山雷

30、The founder, Dr.Daisaku Ikeda, is a renowned religious leader and educationist. ─── 创价学会还在敦煌建造了一座美术馆。

31、Liang Ying was a famous scholar of Neo-Confucianism and educationist in the early Ming dynasty. ─── 梁寅是元末明初著名的理学家、教育家,明初五大学问家之一。

32、Derek Bok is a famous higher educationist, jurist and socialist of America. ─── 德里克·博克是美国著名的高等教育学家、法学家、社会学家。

33、The famous educationist in China Wu Yuzhang passed away, he passed away at the age of 88. ─── 1966年12月12日,中国著名教育家吴玉章逝世,享年88岁。

34、is an outstanding politician, educationist, astronomer, thinker, philosopher in Yuan Dynasty. ─── 元代杰出的政治家、教育家、天文学家、思想家、哲学家。

35、In 1917, the presidency was taken up by Cai Yuanpei, another outstanding educationist, scientist and democratic revolutionary, who played an active role in the reform and development of the university during his tenure of office. ─── 1917年,著名的科学家、教育家、民主主义革命者蔡元培出任校长。 他任职期间对推动北京大学的改革和发展起了重要作用。

36、In May, 1912, after the Revolution of 1911, the "Metropolitan University" was renamed "Peking University". Yan Fu, a celebrated educationist and ideologist, became the first president of the university. ─── 1911年辛亥革命后,京师大学堂于1912年5月改名为北京大学,第一任校长是著名的教育家、思想家严复。

37、Obara kuniyoshi is the founder of Yuchuan Institute, which is well-known in Japan.As an educationist, Obara kuniyoshi devotes his whole life to the practice of whole-person education. ─── 小原国芳是日本著名的玉川学园的创始人,终生致力于全人教育实践的教育家。

38、Liang Ying was a famous scholar of Neo-Confucianism and educationist in the early Ming dynasty. ─── 梁寅是元末明初著名的理学家、教育家,明初五大学问家之一。

39、Confucius (551 B.C.-479 B.C.) was a great thinker and educationist in ancient China, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced the Chinese and east Asians. ─── 孔子(公元前551 - 479年),是中国古代一位伟大的思想家和教育家,其教育与哲学思想深深影响了中国和东亚国家。

40、Dr Dieter Berstecher is an educationist who has specialised in educational planning and training in many parts of the world. ─── DieterBerstecher先生是教育专家,曾于世界多国地区从事教育计划和培训。

41、Are we getting our money's worth? An eminent educationist is now asking it loud and clear. ─── 我们的钱化得值吗?一位著名的教育学家公开地问出了这个问题。

42、Du Kuisan, the Senior Performer And the Educationist of Jinghu, Passed Away ─── 老一辈京胡演奏家、教育家杜奎三先生逝世

43、adult educationist ─── 成人教育家

44、The educationist Duan Lipei was a thinker, and a doer as well. ─── 老教育家段力佩先生既是一名思想家,又是一名实干家。

45、Conclusion The mental problem of youth is a serious social problem This problem need get the attention of the parents, educationist and the whole social. ─── 结论青少年的心理问题是一个较严重的社会问题,应引起家庭、教育界和全社会的广泛关注。

46、Yan Fu was a famous contemporary enlightenment thinker and educator.Zhang Boling was a famous contemporary educationist. ─── 摘要严复是近代著名的启蒙思想家、教育家,张伯苓是近代中国著名的教育家。

47、Mr wang is the famous educationist and composer who merely creates piano works in our country. ─── 王建中先生是我国著名的作曲家、钢琴教育家,也是我国少数几个几乎只创作钢琴作品的作曲家之一。

48、He is an outstanding doctor and medical researcher, director of all internal medicine, and an even more famous educationist of clinical epidemiology. ─── 他是一个优秀的内科医生、学研究者、科全科主任,更是一名誉满全球的临床流行病学教育家。

49、In latter-day,YanFu was the famous idealistic torchbearer,Caiyuanpei was the famous educationist. ─── 严复是近代著名的启蒙思想家,蔡元培是近代著名的教育家。

50、Professor Su Buqing was a distinguished educationist, who had devoted to the cause of the higher eduction for over seventy years and accumulated a lot of practical experience in his lifetime. ─── 杰出的教育家苏步青教授从教70余年,任副校长、校长15年,形成了丰富的高等教育思想,主要有:大学自主办学的观点;

51、Sukhomlinskii, famous educationist of former Soviet Union, said that: “Women's beauty is the highest beauty in the mankind” ! ─── 前苏联著名教育学家苏霍姆林斯基言:“女性美是人类的最高表现” !

52、Krashen, an American language educationist, argues in his Affective Filter theory that affections are key factors to ensure sound personality. ─── 美国语言教育学家Krashen在情感过滤学说中提出:情感是影响学生形成健康人格的重要因素

53、Zhang Shanlei, a modern famous philologist, educationist and clinician, took high reputation in TCM circle. ─── 张山雷是近代著名的中医文献学家、中医教育家和临床家,在医林享有盛誉。

54、A great ideologist and educationist in ancient China ─── 古代中国伟大的思想家,教育家

55、Showing spirits from unyielding characters following the example of plum blossoms--Short biographical account for famous scientist, educationist and social activist Lu Jiaxi's life(7th) ─── 铁骨争春神州志效梅傲骨见精神--著名科学家、教育家、社会活动家卢嘉锡生平事略(7)

56、ABSTRACT :Richard Skemp who is a famous English mathematical educationist and psychologist, not only spelled out many mathematical books, but also published many theses on human study. ─── 与心理学专家,他不但编写学校数学教科书,也发表了许多关于人类学习的论文。

57、Mr.Tao Xingzhi ,a great educationist, devoted his whole life to education reform and made tremendous contributions to the cause of education . ─── 伟大的人民教育家陶行知先生一生致力于教育改革,为我国的教育事业作出了巨大的贡献。

58、Dr Dieter Berstecher is an educationist who has specialised in educational planning and training in many parts of the world. ─── Dieter Berstecher先生是教育专家,曾于世界多国地区从事教育计划和培训。

59、This article based on Gong Xian’s real events and background,which recognizes he is not only a literacy or artistic talent poet,and a distingue educationist,but also a professional artist. ─── 本文通过对龚贤生平事迹及时代背景进行了梳理,阐明了龚贤不仅是才华横溢的诗人和品格高尚的教育家,更是具有特殊成就的画家。

60、Jaspers was a famous humanism educationist of Germany in the 20th Century. ─── 雅斯·贝尔斯是20世纪德国著名的人本主义教育家。

61、It is a home of famous ideologist, politics, educationist. ─── 东周邹国人。是一位著名的思想家、政治活动家、教育家。

62、The famous mathematics educationist,Hans Freudenthal thinks mathematicilization and study are a process of development. Mr. ─── 荷兰著名数学教育家汉斯·弗赖登塔尔认为,数学化及学习是一个发展的过程。

63、Professor David Elkind is an American famous psychologist and educationist, his Child Stress Theory is a systemic and profound research which based on Piaget's Cognitive Development Psychology. ─── 美国著名心理学家及教育家大卫·爱尔坎德(David Elkind)教授以皮亚杰的认知发展心理学为基础,对儿童压力问题有系统而深刻的研究。

64、The switch of role between educationist and artist " is a well selected topic worthy of an extensive discussion . " ─── “教育家与艺术家的角色互换”选题很有意思,应当展开讨论。

65、Cai Yuanpei: an educationist devoting all life to AE till death ─── 蔡元培:说美育到死方休的教育家

66、As Dewey"s student, Tao Xingzhi was influenced by Dewey, educationist of U.S.A., on the educational thought. ─── 作为杜威的学生,陶行知在教育思想上受到了美国教育家杜威的影响。

67、Mr.Xu Guozhang is a famous educationist of English in China.This paper aims to give a general introduction to his educational theory and teaching practice of English. ─── 摘要许国璋先生是我国著名的英语教育家,他在语言学理论、语言哲学、英语教学和教材编写等方面卓有建树。

68、Can We Advocate "Making Educationist Become College President" ─── 能否提"让教育家成为大学校长"

69、As the earliest thinker and educationist,Coufucius had deepest influence in Ancient times in China. ─── 孔子是我国古代最早的也是影响最大的一位思想家和教育家。

70、Educational scientific research is self-conscious, it is the watershed that distinguishs teach artisan and educationist. ─── 教育科研自觉与否,是区别教书匠和教育家的分水岭。

71、Makarenko, a famous educationist, pointed out: “Educational skills are also displayed by the teacher's handling tone and controlling facial expression_r. ─── 著名教育家马卡连柯指出:“教育技巧,也表现在教师运用声调和控制面部表情上。”

72、Xu Te-li is a famous educationist in Chinese history of modern education. ─── 摘要徐特立是我国现代教育史上的著名教育家。

73、Hegel is not only a great philosopher, but also a successful educationist in philosophy. ─── 摘要黑格尔不仅是一位伟大的哲学家,同时是一位卓有成效的哲学教育家。

74、Ban Zhao was a famous female historian and educationist in the East Han Dynasty. ─── 班昭是东汉时期著名的女性史学家、教育家。

75、He-Lvting( 1903-1999) was a well-known composer and musical theorist as well as an influential musical educationist in modern Chinese history of music. ─── 贺绿汀(1903-1999)是我国近现代音乐史上杰出的作曲家、音乐理论家,他还是一位苦心孤诣培育人才的音乐教育家。

76、To a physical educationist, it"s still a complex task how to combine physics scientific method and knowledge in physical teaching. ─── 对于从事物理教学的教师来说,如何在物理教学中实施物理科学方法教育,与物理知识的传播和能力的培养有机结合在一起,仍是一个较为复杂的课题。

77、Ernest L. Boyer was a famous educationist and a famous educational speaker of modern America. ─── 欧内斯特·L. 博耶(Ernest L. Boyer, 1928-1995)是美国当代著名的教育家和教育演说家。

78、Being an educationist, I pay a special attention to promote the high standard of personality for student. ─── 我是个教育工作者,注重和提倡人格本位。

79、Abstract Mr.Zhang Zhigong was a famous linguist and Chinese educationist in contemporary China. ─── 摘 要 张志公先生是我国当代著名的语言学家和语文教育家。

80、He is an educationist who was respected when alive and mourned now dead. ─── 他是一位生荣死哀的教育家。

81、The strangest is educationist still couldn't find a more effective and reliable way . ─── 不同寻常的是,这么多年来教育家仍未能设计出一种比考试更有效、更可靠的方法。

82、Ma Zonghui, the Famous Artist And Educationist of Beijing Opera, Passed Away ─── 著名京剧表演艺术家、教育家马宗慧先生逝世

83、Zhejiang educationist ─── 浙江教育家

84、The three Chinese characters of “Muli Dong” were written by Ye Shengtao, the famous Chinese writer and educationist. ─── 这里有“慕蠡洞”三个字,是我国著名作家、教育家叶圣陶先生题写的。

85、Celebrated Calligrapher and educationist Ouyang Zhongshi superscripted the shool’s name . ─── 著名书法家、教育家欧阳中石先生为学校题写了校名。

86、Hu Yuan, the Educationist of Song Dynasty, and His Educational Ideas ─── 宋初教育家胡瑗及其教育思想

87、Zhu Jianfan is a famous educationist in modern Hunan province.He founded the High Women School of Zhounan,and became it the best high women school in Hunan. ─── 朱剑凡是湖南现代著名革命教育家,他首创周南女学,将之发展成为湖南私立教育的翘楚,并为社会和革命培养了大批的人才。

88、With social development, educationist must undertake the mission of cultivating students' personalities, and make every student to feel the meaning and value of life. ─── 随着社会的发展,教育者必须承担起构建学生人格大厦的使命,以使每个学生都能感受到人生活的意义与价值。

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