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pectin 发音

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pectin 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 果胶


pectin 网络释义

n. [生化] 果胶;胶质

pectin 短语词组

1、soluble pectin ─── 可溶性果胶

2、methoxyl pectin ─── 甲氧基果胶

3、pectin insulin ─── [医] 果胶胰岛素

4、demulcent pectin ─── 果胶

5、pectin test ─── 果胶试验

6、pectin sugar ─── [化] 果胶糖; 阿拉伯糖 ─── [医] 果胶糖, 阿拉伯糖

7、Cereus pectin ─── [医] 仙影拳果胶质

8、pectin substance ─── 胶素质

9、pectin transeliminase ─── [化] 果胶反式消去酶

pectin 词性/词形变化,pectin变形


pectin 相似词语短语

1、pectins ─── n.[生化]果胶(pectin的复数)

2、lectins ─── n.[生化]凝集素(lectin的复数);[生化]外源凝集素

3、pectic ─── adj.果胶的;粘胶质的

4、pecten ─── n.梳膜;梳状突起

5、peching ─── 啄

6、pectines ─── n.(法)果胶

7、lectin ─── n.[生化]外源凝集素;植物血凝素

8、pectinal ─── 果胶的

9、pecking ─── vi.啄食;扔石头;吹毛求疵;vt.啄食;扔;n.许多;配克(容量单位,等于2加仑);啄痕;快速轻吻

pectin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Extensive study of some pectinase such as protopectinases, polygalacturonases, lyases and pectin esterases has been done up to the present. ─── 在果胶酶中,原果胶酶、聚半乳糖醛酸酶、裂解酶和果胶酯酶得到了广泛深入的研究。

2、This article researches and tests the extractive process of pectin from the shin of orange,it discusses all sorts of influencing factors of extraction,pectin quality and propose applicable optimum. ─── 对从柑桔皮中提取果胶进行了研究和试验,讨论了各种因素对果胶质量和提取率的影响,找出了较佳的提取工艺条件。

3、This material includes cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin, and lignin. ─── 它包括纤维素、半纤维素、果胶和木质素。

4、Flocculation Properties of Natural Pectin ─── 天然果胶的絮凝性能研究

5、The uronic acids are biologically important, being components of many polysaccharides, for example glucuronic acid (from glucose) makes up pectin. ─── 例如:葡萄糖醛酸(来自葡萄糖)是树胶和细胞壁的组成成分,半乳糖醛酸(来自半乳糖)是胶质的组成成分。

6、Thus pectin and glucose has good interaction effect. ─── 因此,果胶-葡萄糖的组合对膜各性能的改善效果较佳。

7、You can use pectin and gelatin powder instead of agar-agar. ─── 果冻粉可用菜燕粉及吉利丁粉代替(份量相同)。

8、For example, in the Compositae and cruciferous plants, the stigma of single-cell papillary surface, it pectin cellulose with a layer of the wall and not for the cuticle. ─── 例如在十字花科和菊科的植物,柱头的表面产生乳头状单细胞,它具果胶纤维素的壁及一层不连续的角质层。

9、Keywords Ficus carica Ficin Pectin; ─── 无花果;无花果蛋白酶;果胶;

10、CP Kelco has leading positions in pectin, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and refined carrageenan, and is one of the world's largest producers of xanthan gum, gellan gum, welan gum and diutan. ─── 斯比凯可公司在果胶、黄原胶、羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)和精制卡拉胶等领域居于领先地位,并且是结冷胶、文莱胶和定优胶的唯一制造商。

11、No statistical differences in the ulcer index and the ulcer inhibition rate were found between Jinghuaweikang capsules and colloidal bismuth pectin. ─── 与胶体果胶铋组比较,胃黏膜溃疡指数和溃疡抑制率无明显差异,保护作用相当。

12、We are mainly marketing some famous brand food additives such as Nagaoka's flavor, Ringe+Kulhman's natural color, Herbstreith &Fox's pectin, FMC'S MCC and so on. ─── 同时,公司为满足广大客户的需求,自主开发了一系列的复配稳定剂产品。

13、A way of extracting pectin, which uses silkworm as the raw material, is studied by this paper. ─── 以蚕沙为原料,对提取果胶的方法进行研究。

14、In this paper, the methods of pectin extraction and purification from plant tissues, including chemical and biological methods, are introduced. ─── 本文综述了从植物中提取果胶的各种方法,包括化学提取法和生物提取法。

15、Pectin of orange bark was extracted by acid hydrolysis ethanol precipitation at different marinating time, pH and temperature conditions. ─── 利用酸性水解乙醇沉淀法提取果胶,分别测定了不同的浸泡时间、酸碱度及水解温度对果胶产率的影响。

16、Influence of Pressure on Pectin. ─── 压力对胶质的影响。

17、Galacturonic acid content, pectin yield and other indexes of apple pomace (AP) at different stages were studied. ─── 摘要研究了不同时期的苹果渣内果胶含量、果胶提取率及其它的指标的变化。

18、of or relating to or derived from pectin. ─── 属于、关于或得自于果胶的。

19、A method of the extraction technology of pectin from pericarp of orange is introduced, the different factor that effect percentage of extraction is studied and the most favorable factors are reported. ─── 本文对从柑桔皮中提取果胶进行了研究和试验,讨论了各种因素对果胶质量和提取率的影响,找到了较佳的提取工艺条件。

20、A review of the recent advances of pectin in general description, typical machanism of gelling and new practical informations for utilizing pectin are discussed. ─── 本文就果胶近年来在理论研究、应用特性和新型果胶制品的开发等方面作了综述。

21、Pectin is entirely degraded by bacteria when it reaches the large bowel. ─── 排至大肠时果胶会被细菌完全分解。

22、The absorbance at 630nm is the index of transmittancy of pectin solution. ─── 以630nm吸光度作为果胶溶液色度的指标;

23、The cuticle exists as the separable outer boundary and consists of a layer of wax and pectin materials that appears to be structureless. ─── 可以区分开来的外部周界是表皮层,由无定形组织的蜡质和果胶构成。

24、Ingredient:Water,Sugar,Glucose Syrup,Pectin,Sodium Benzoate,Citric Acid,Malic Acid,Lactic Acid,Artifical Flavor, Artifical Colors (E129,E102,E133) . ─── 成分:水,糖,葡萄糖浆,果胶,苯甲酸钠,柠檬酸,苹果酸,乳酸,食用香料,食用色素(E129,E102,E133).

25、Analysis of Food Industry Research Institute of Shanxi Province, Lily Pinglu 47 percent protein, starch 25.25%, 2.3% pectin, vitamins 22 percent, 163 percent of reducing sugar. ─── 山西省食品工业研究所分析,平陆百合含蛋白质47%,淀粉25.25%,果胶质2.3%,维生素22%,还原糖163%。

26、Natural plant polysaccharides mainly include cellulose,starch,pectin and gum etc.The structure of the natural plant polysaccharides and its wide use in the medical field. ─── 天然植物多糖类主要包括纤维素、淀粉、果胶质、树胶等,对天然植物多糖结构及目前植物多糖的医学应用概况进行了综述。

27、content of uronic acids decreased in the portions of pectin. ─── 果胶部分的糖醛酸含量降低。

28、The surface charges were shifted from positive to negative after mixing with pectin. ─── 在混合了果胶之后,复合物表面带负电荷。

29、Polysaccharides, pectin, dextran, guar gum and chitosan have been used or tested for targeted drug delivery in pharmaceutical applications. ─── 多聚糖如海藻酸盐、胶质、右旋糖苷、凝胶已在制药应用中用于或正试验用于药物的靶向传输。

30、The technology of extracting pectin from sunflower heads of air-dry by the way of salting-out is studied. ─── 以风干的向日葵盘为原料,对利用盐析法从中提取果胶的工艺进行了研究,获得了质量较好的果胶产品。

31、In order to deeply investigate the technology of pectin extraction,pectin samples were extracted from apple pomace with hydrochloric acid and two enzymes(cellulase and bemicellulase). ─── 为深入研究苹果皮渣果胶的提取技术,本文比较了盐酸水解法和纤维素酶、半纤维素酶对苹果皮渣果胶的提取效果。

32、Pectin also helps prevent colon cancer; you can think of it as a broom that sweeps our intestines. ─── 但是果胶却有助于预防结肠癌,同时它还可以清肠道。

33、Pectin was extracted from banana peel with different methods and pectin extraction was obtained.By alcohol-out and salting-out methods, pectin was precipitated from the extraction. ─── 摘要香蕉皮经不同方法提取而得果胶提取液,分别以乙醇沉淀法和盐析法从提取液中沉淀果胶。

34、Methods The pectin content in pectin extract was determined directly by carbazole and sulphuric acid spectrophotometric method,and the measurement was corrected by correction factor. ─── 方法采用咔唑硫酸分光光度法直接测定果胶提取液中的果胶含量,测定结果再用校正因子校正。

35、A significant correlation between the control of water and soluble pectin, and the PG activity. ─── 在制品含水量及可溶性果胶含量与PG活性之间存在显著相关性。

36、In this studies, the gelling characteristics and effect factors of low methoxyl pectin (LMP) were researched with the X-T21 Texture Analyser. ─── 以X-T21型质构仪为主要研究设备,重点研究了低酯果胶凝胶性能和相关影响因素。

37、Removal rates of pectin and tannin causing the secondary precipitation and browning are 100% and 40% respectively. ─── 易使果汁产生二次浑浊和褐变的果胶、单宁类物质的减少率分别为100%和40%。

38、The condition of extracting the pectin from the passion skin under microwave radition were studied. ─── 为利用西番莲果皮为中的果胶,采用微波辅助提取方法对西番莲果皮中的果胶进行了提取。

39、Influences of technics conditions on pectin quality and output ratio were analysed.The optimizing technics conditions were obtaind by experimental. ─── 分析了工艺条件对果胶的质量与收率的影响,并通过实验数据筛选出工业生产的最佳工艺条件。

40、Besides, gel substance made from pectin cellulose in intestine, makes digestive and carbohydrate mix together, this can defer intestine to digest and absorb the monosackcharide substance, thus reduce blood sugar. ─── 另外,果胶纤维素在肠道内形成的凝胶物质,使消化酶和碳水化合物混合,能延缓肠道对单糖物质的消化和吸收,从而使血糖降低。

41、Raw fiber material-Determination of pectin content ─── GB/T10742-1989造纸原料果胶含量的测定

42、PE is the enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of pectin present in orange juice,which causes the loss of fresh juice cloudiness and influences the colour and sweetness of the juice. ─── PE会引起果胶的水解,使新鲜果汁特有的浑浊状态丧失,影响柑橘果汁的色泽、美味。

43、Apples are an excellent source of pectin. ─── 苹果是果胶的极好来源。

44、Liu J F, Zhang H Y, Peng S A.Changes of calcium in flesh, seeds and pectin content during pear fruit development[J].Acta Horticulture Sinica, 2003, 30(6): 709-711. ─── [1]刘剑锋,张红艳,彭抒昂.梨果实发育中果肉及种子钙和果胶含量的变化[J].园艺学报,2003,30(6):709-711.

45、The new technology of extracting pectin from sunflower plate by the salting out method is discussed. ─── 本文研究了从向日葵盘中提取果胶的新工艺。

46、The technical schema for the treatment of pectin wastewater is put forward by using lime as neutralizers,FeCl3,PVA and PAM as flocculant,cinder as decolouriser. ─── 以石灰乳为中和剂,炉渣为脱色剂,采用三氯化铁、聚乙烯醇和聚丙烯酰胺3种絮凝剂处理果胶废水,考察它们对果胶废水的絮凝效果。

47、Pectinase is widely used in juice production and wine brew fields owing to its ability for degrading pectin. ─── 果胶酶能降解果胶质,在果汁制造、果酒酿造等方面有着广泛应用。

48、However, PME (Pectin Methylesterase) activities decreased slightly with the elongation of root. ─── PME活性随着根的伸长有所降低。

49、It contains many kinds of vitamins and proteins as well as essential minerals that human being needs such as calcium , phosphorus, magnesium, iron and pectin. ─── 它含有丰富的维他命和蛋白质,以及其他人体所必须的元素如钙,磷,镁,铁等。

50、Other Ingredients:Deionized water, glycerin, brown rice syrup, barley malt, natural cherry flavor, citric acid, apple pectin, sodium benzoate. ─── 其它成分:去离子水,甘油,糙米浆,大麦芽,天然樱桃香料,柠檬酸,苹果胶质,苯甲酸钠

51、It was found that the CWDE activity(PG,PME,cellulase)produced by the two pathogens is higher in medium containing 1% pectin than that containing 1% CMC. ─── 培养基中加入1%果胶或1%的羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC),则均能诱导病原菌产酶,且酶活性不同。

52、The result indicated that centrifugal sediment was equal to 1.04% when 0.03% pectin, 0.085%xanthan gum and 0.085%PGA was added respectively. ─── 最后,选择果胶、海藻酸丙二醇酯和黄原胶三种增稠剂进行单纯格子形混合试验,确定了最佳复配组合:果胶0.03%+黄原胶0.085%+PGA0.085%。

53、Soluble pectin, polyphenol-protein complex, oxidation polymerimation of phenolics and polymerimation of tannin are responsible for the growing of particles in cloudy apple juice. ─── 总体看来,混浊苹果中可溶性果胶的含量,多酚-蛋白质复合物的形成、酚类的氧化聚合和原花青素的聚合都对悬浮颗粒的尺寸有影响。

54、Through the dynamic state observation of the content water,the soluble pectin content and the texsture change of the cell. ─── 作者通过对幼瓜在盐渍过程中的含水量、水溶性果胶含量和细胞结构变化的动态观测,分析了三者对幼瓜脆度的影响关系。

55、The ice nucleation activation bacterial canker disease decreased the content of mobile proline in poplar barks, while caused the content of bark pectin to increase a bit. ─── 摘要感染冰核细菌溃疡病的杨树树皮的果胶质含量比健株略高。病株树皮游离脯氨酸含量在总体水平上要低于健株。

56、Using the enzyme might degrade the excessive starch, protein, cell wall substances and the pectin in tobacco leaves, increase the fragrances and improve the quality characteristics. ─── 利用酶制剂可以降解烟叶中过量的淀粉、蛋白质、细胞壁物质和果胶质,增加香气和改善质量品质。

57、Under the optimal conditions,the extraction rate of pectin is about 9%. ─── 在优惠工艺条件下,粗果胶得率可达9%左右。

58、Approx. 300-400g preserving sugar with added pectin. ─── 大约300克至400克添加了果胶的蜜饯糖。

59、Seed mucilage consists of pectin polysaccharides that are secreted by the Golgi apparatus in epidermal cells to the cell cavity and cell walls of the seed coat, which swells considerably upon wetting. ─── 摘要种子粘液是在种皮外层细胞的高尔基体内产生并分泌到胞腔内或细胞壁层的吸湿膨胀的一类果胶类多糖物质。

60、In this paper a new method of extracting pectin from orange peel isreported. ─── 本文提出了一种从柑桔皮中提取果胶的新方法。

61、Extraction technology of pectin from Akebia trifoliate koiaz peels was studied by acid in this study. ─── 本实验采用酸解铁盐沉析法,从三叶木通果皮中提取到了质量较高的果胶。


63、Fig 4. Theory of flocculate formation of pectin and protein. ─── 圖四、果膠與蛋白質作用形成絮集之機制。

64、KMC was established in Denmark in 1933.KMC is a world wide leading producer and supplier of starch,starch derivatives,Potato Granules / Flakes,Potato Pectin and other food ingredients. ─── 丹麦KMC公司成立于1933,是世界领先的淀粉及衍生物、马铃薯全粉,马铃薯蛋白及其他食品配料的专业生产企业,并在中国取得了骄人的业绩。

65、The suspending agent of Mingliezi drink was made from eight kinds of gums including agar, pectin, carrageenan and gellan gum etc. ─── 以琼脂、果胶、卡拉胶和结冷胶等8种胶体各作为复配型悬浮剂主剂研制开发悬浮剂,并将其应用于明列子悬浮饮料中。

66、The effect of carboxy methyl cellulose, high ester pectin and propy leneglucolalginate were significant, and we experienced the synergic effect of them by positive cross assay. ─── 增稠剂羧甲基纤维素钠、高酯果胶及藻酸丙二醇酯能够显著提高调酸果奶的稳定性,并通过正交试验进行增稠剂的复配。

67、A new successive process to extract pectin and hesperidin from orange peel is introduced. ─── 介绍了连续法从柑桔皮中提取果胶和橙皮苷的新工艺。

68、OBJECTIVE To develop a novel pulsatile drug delivery system with the lag time controlled by a plug tablet mainly made of pectin. ─── 目的制备以果胶为主要控释材料的盖塞控制型脉冲胶囊给药系统。

69、Furthermore, pectin and glucose had positive interaction effect on the properties of SPI-based edible film. ─── 在大豆分离蛋白成膜液中添加果胶能有效增加膜的机械强度;

70、After testing many other compounds, the team tried pectin. ─── 再试过其他一些物质之后,小组又尝试了果胶。

71、Alkaline pectinases break down complex pectin into simple molecules like galacturonic acids. ─── 摘要碱性果胶酶分解复杂的果胶成小分子如半乳糖醛酸。

72、SSPS at concentration of 4.0 g/L could stabilize acid dairy beverage which was prepared with 36 g/L skim milk and 50 g/L sugar at pH 4.0.The stability of SSPS was similar to that of pectin,but superior to that of Acacia gum,PGA and CMC. ─── 提取的大豆水溶性多糖在添加量为4.0 g/L、pH为4.0的酸性乳饮料中,其稳定作用最好,稳定效果与果胶相似,而明显优于阿拉伯胶、PGA和CM C。

73、The extracting conditions of pectin from akebia trifoliate koiaz peels with the ways of ethanol precipitation or FeCl3 solutions were studied. ─── 以三叶木通果皮为原料,分别采用乙醇沉析法和铁盐沉淀法探讨了提取果胶的最佳工艺。

74、On the T1WI, Mn(II)-Pectin had a stronger enhanced effect than pectin and MnCl2 solution. ─── FSPGR上,果胶锰组与果胶锰+654一2组无差别。

75、In this paper, the application of purified endo-polygalacturonase on elucidating of the chemical structure of pectin was discussed. ─── 探讨了果胶内切酶在果胶化学结构解析上的实际应用。

76、The cuticle exists as the separable outer boundary and consists of a layer of wax and pectin materials that appears to be structureless. ─── 可以区分开来的外部周界是表皮层,由无定形组织的蜡质和果胶构成。

77、This paper has analyzed the dialogue nature of text words of A Person In Loneliness emphatically from complex tune novel theory of Pectin. ─── 本文从巴赫金的复调小说理论出发,着重分析了《孤独者》文本话语的对话性特征。

78、The tannic acid containing organic substances such as a base convergence, pectin content can absorb toxins. ─── 其中含有的鞣酸、有机碱等物质具有收敛作用,所含果胶可吸收毒素。

79、The process of extracting pectin from watermelon hull was studied in this paper. ─── 对西瓜皮提取果胶的不同条件进行了研究。

80、Pectinase is widely used in juice production and wine brew fields owing to its ability for degrading pectin. ─── 摘要果胶酶能降解果胶质,在果汁制造、果酒酿造等方面有着广泛应用。

81、And the chemical structures of pectin substances were compared by the pure endo-polygalacturonase. ─── 利用纯化果胶内切酶对果胶物质的化学结构进行分析比较。

82、The noncellulosic constituents of colored cotton are tested, and it is thought that pectin and wax are the main causes which influences the wettability of colored cotton. ─── 摘要对彩色棉的杂质含量进行测定,认为果胶与脂蜡质是影响彩色棉吸湿性的主要因素。

83、In addition, apples contain pectin, which helps to lower cholesterol. ─── 另外,苹果也含有有助降低胆固醇的果胶。

84、Extration of Pectin by protopectinase could be used to reduce the shortcomings in current industry processing of pectin production as well as to stabilize the pectin with high quality. ─── 利用微生物原果胶酶酶法提取果胶,可克服工业酸法生产的诸多不足并得到质量稳定的果胶产品。

85、This method had high precision and sensitivity. Conclusion This method can be used for quick determination of pectin in pectin. . . ─── 结论此法可快速测定豆腐柴叶提取液中的果胶含量,缩短了分析时间,有利于生产过程的控制。

86、The dynamics of the gelation properties of low-methoxyl citrus pectin through rheological analysis were studied. ─── 本实验通过流变学方法研究了酰胺化桔皮果胶的胶凝性质并进行相关的动力学分析。

87、The technology process that the residue after extracting pectin from orange peels is produced food cellulose is introduced in detail. ─── 介绍了利用柑桔皮提取果胶后的残渣再生产食用纤维素粉的工艺过程,并对产品进行了质量检验。

88、A Study on Extraction of Pectin from Gardenia Peel ─── 从栀子皮中提取果胶的研究

89、Fig.3 Yellow apex stage, showing enlarged pectin cavity and chloroplasts, ribosomes disappeared. ─── 图3黄梢期,示扩大的细胞间隙和叶绿体,胞内核糖体消失,其它细胞器减少。

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