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09-09 投稿



globose 发音

英:[?ɡlo?bo?s]  美:[ɡl???b??s]

英:  美:

globose 中文意思翻译



globose 短语词组

1、globose nucleus ─── [医]小脑球状核:位于栓状核和顶核之间的小脑深部核,发出纤维通过小脑上脚

globose 词性/词形变化,globose变形

名词: globoseness |异体字: globous |副词: glo-bosely |

globose 相似词语短语

1、globs ─── n.一滴;水珠;一团;n.(Glob)人名;(丹)格洛布

2、globuses ─── 地球仪

3、gibbose ─── adj.凸状的;拱起的(等于gibbous)

4、globosely ─── 全球

5、globate ─── adj.球状的

6、globe ─── n.地球;地球仪;球体;vt.使…成球形;vi.成球状

7、globous ─── adj.球状的;球形的

8、globes ─── n.地球;[天]地球仪;行星(globe的复数);v.使成球形;成球状(globe的三单形式)

9、globoid ─── adj.球状的;n.球状体

globose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Capsule loculicidal, depressed globose. ─── 室背开裂的蒴果,扁球形。

2、Seeds many in a follicle, compressed globose, smooth or reticulate. ─── 在蓇葖果内的种子多数,扁球状,平滑的或网状。

3、Corona lobes ovoid to almost globose, dorsally rounded; leaves smooth or minutely densely papillate; stem hairs absent or slender, appressed. ─── 对几乎球状,背圆形卵球形的副花冠裂片;浓密的叶平滑的或微小的具乳突;茎毛无的或纤细,贴伏。(24

4、Capsule straight in relation to pedicel, depressed-globose, shorter than calyx, dehiscing transversely or irregularly. ─── 直的蒴果关于花梗,扁球形,短于花萼,横向开裂或不规则。

5、Fruit blackish purple when ripe, globose, ca. 1.5 cm in diam., 1-seeded.Embryo with intrusive branching tissue extending into and interlocking cotyledons. ─── 果微黑紫色的成熟时,球状,长约直径1.5厘米,1种子胚具侵入的分支组织伸进并且连结子叶。

6、A deciduous, eastern North American shrub(Myrica pensylvanica) having aromatic foliage and small, globose fruits with a waxy covering used for making fragrant candles. ─── 宾州杨梅北美洲东部的一种落叶性灌木(宾州杨梅杨梅属),具有芳香的叶子,其球状果实外的蜡层可用来做香烛

7、Fruit a berry or tardily loculicidally dehiscent fleshy capsule, ovoid, fusiform, or globose. ─── 果为浆果或缓慢室背开裂的肉质蒴果,卵球形,纺锤形,或球状。

8、Ovary 5-carpellate.Fruit red or yellow at maturity, globose, 7-13 mm.Fl.Sep-Nov, fr.Mar-May. ─── 成熟时的果红色的或黄,球状,7-13毫米花期9月11月,果期3月5月。

9、Ovary globose;style short.Capsule subglobose, dehiscing by 5 valves. ─── 子房球状花柱短蒴果近球形,通过5裂片开裂。

10、Fruit a capsule, nearly globose, locules easily freed from each other, stellate puberulent. ─── 果一蒴果,近球状,子房室容易彼此离生的,星状被微柔毛。

11、Fruit rugose, without prickles and wings, not globose, opening by 4 or 5 lobes at maturity. ─── 果具皱纹,没有皮刺和翅,不球状,成熟时以4或5裂片打开。

12、Fruit a small globose drupe, endocarp bony, mesocarp fleshy, exocarp thin. ─── 果一小球状核果,内果皮骨质,肉质的中果皮,瘦的外果皮。

13、This species is distinct in always having a globose tuber, capitate inflorescences, and a narrow, smooth achene. ─── 本种在有一球状的块茎,头状的花序和一狭窄,平滑的瘦果方面是独特的。

14、It is one globose, aculeate capsule if really. ─── 果为一球形.有刺的蒴果。

15、Cupule globose, 6-8 cm in diam., splitting into 4 or 5 segments, covered with clustered branching prickles. ─── 壳斗球形,直径6-8厘米,成熟时4或5裂,外面密被分枝的的针刺。

16、Fruit a berry, mostly white or blackish, globose, ovoid, or oblong, often juicy. ─── 果浆果,微黑的多数白色或,,卵球形,或长圆形,多汁的通常。

17、Fructification is flat globose, pensile and bunchy be like a grape. ─── 果实扁球形,悬挂成串如葡萄。

18、Ovary globose, 5-locular, lepidote. ─── 子房球状,5室,具鳞片。

19、Herbs perennial, repent at base, with underground globose root tubers. ─── 多年生草本,匍匐在基部,与一起在地下块根。

20、Fruit baccate, white to pale green, rarely red, globose or depressed-globose, usually ribbed. ─── 果浆果状,白色到苍绿色,很少红色,球状的或扁球形,通常肋。

21、Anthertidium the male reproductive organ, a globose to culindric, stalked structure producing sperms. ─── 产生精子的器官,常呈球形。

22、Cupule globose, 5-6 cm in diam., splitting into 4 regular segments, densely covered with clustered branching prickles. ─── 壳斗球形,外面遍布长1-1.5厘米的刺,熟后4瓣裂,内含坚果1个;

23、Fruit a berry, globose to ovoid. ─── 果一浆果,球状到卵球形。

24、Heads terminal or axillary, globose or terete. ─── 头状花序顶生或腋生,球状的或圆柱状。

25、Fruit ovoid to globose, enclosed by perianth, pericarp fleshy or parchmentlike. ─── 果卵球形到球形,藏于花被,果皮肉质或羊皮纸状。

26、Fruiting syncarp orange red to yellow, globose, glabrous or with sparse reddish brown pubescence. ─── 合心皮果橙红色到黄色,球状,无毛的或具稀的红棕色短柔毛。

27、Flowers bisexual, globose to ellipsoid in bud. ─── 在芽中的花两性,球状到椭圆形。

28、Follicle woody, compressed globose, ca. 12 cm in diam., puberulent outside, adaxially corklike. ─── 木质的蓇葖果,扁球状,约直径12厘米,在外面被微柔毛,内面软木状。

29、Capitate, sheet generates two 3 bunch to give birth to Yu Zhiding, submit most Fu made of baked clay form, inflorescence is globose. ─── 头状花序,单生成两三簇生于枝顶,呈多数覆瓦状,花序球形。

30、Immature berry red, globose, ca. 2.5 mm in diam., densely pubescent;persistent calyx lobes triangular, densely pubescent.Fr. after Jun. ─── 未发育完全的浆果红色,球状,直径约2.5毫米,密被短柔毛宿存的萼裂片三角形,密被短柔毛。

31、Tuber whitish gray, globose, 3-20 mm in diam. ─── 块茎带白色的灰色,球状,3-20毫米直径。

32、Fruits pedicellate, fleshy and indehiscent, globose, 2-celled with 1 or 2 seeds. ─── 果有花梗,肉质和不裂,球状,2室具1或2种子。

33、Leaves cordate at base, distal ones abaxially with a globose bulbil. Petaline spur ca. 1 mm. Persistent style ca. 2.5 mm. ─── 叶心形的在基部,上部的背面具一球状的珠芽。花瓣状距约1毫米。宿存花柱大约2.5毫米。

34、Infructescence a capitate or globose coenocarpium composed of numerous achenes. ─── 果序为由许多瘦果组成头状或者球状的聚花果。

35、Fruit a globose schizocarp. ─── 果一球状的分果。

36、Fruit a thin-walled capsule, circumscissile or 2- or 3-valved, rarely a nut, often globose or subglobose, smooth. ─── 果为薄壁的蒴果,周裂或者2-3瓣裂,很少坚果,通常球状或者近球形,光滑。

37、Fruit a capsule, globose to obovoid, loculicidal. ─── 果一蒴果,球状的到倒卵球形,室背开裂。

38、Leaf blade base cuneate, margin acutely serrate. Drupe and endocarp subglobose to globose. ─── 尖锐的叶片基部楔形,边缘有锯齿。核果和内果皮近球形的到球形。

39、Fruit a capsule nearly globose, 3-6-valved, spiny or strigose, loculicidally dehiscent or indehiscent, spine tips pointed, straight or hooked. ─── 果一蒴果近球状,3-6瓣裂,具刺或具糙伏毛,室背开裂或不裂的,刺端部尖的,直的或具钩的。

40、This species is distinct in always having a globose tuber, capitate inflorescences, and a narrow, smooth achene. ─── 本种在有一球状的块茎,头状的花序和一狭窄,平滑的瘦果方面是独特的。

41、Its shape is irregular such as fingerlike, linguiform, globose, strawhat.The varieties of the pseudopod extend and contract in a large scope. ─── 伪足透明,呈指状、舌状,球形及草帽形等不规则形态,其伪足伸缩变化较大,运动无一定方向。

42、Ovary ovoid or globose; stigmas 2 or 3 (-5), usually recurved, papillate throughout. ─── 子房卵球形或球状;柱头2或3(- 5),通常下弯,整个具乳突。

43、Leaf blade apex acute to apiculate; staminodes 2; capsule globose, 4-5 mm in diam. ─── 对具细尖先端锐尖的叶片;退化雄蕊2;蒴果球状,直径4-5毫米(2

44、Fruit blackish purple, globose, ca. 3 mm in diam., apically with a persistent calyx rim. ─── 果微黑的紫色,球状,直径约3毫米,顶部由于一持久的花萼凸缘。

45、Leaves 7-lobed, rarely 5-lobed; nutlets globose, wings recurved in upper part; sepals purple. ─── 叶7放高球,很少5浅裂;小坚果球状,击伤下弯的在上半部分手臂;萼片紫色

46、Fruit baccate, globose, 3-valved, indehiscent. ─── 果浆果状,球状,3瓣裂,不裂。

47、Schizocarp nearly globose, dehiscent into 3 mericarps. ─── 分果近球状,成为3分果爿开裂。

48、Stipules linear, leaving small discrete scars; infructescences globose, capsules not or only slightly exserted, or inflorescence 2-flowered. ─── 托叶线形,留下小的分离的伤痕;果序球状,胶囊并非稍外露或者开花2花。(6

49、Any of various bottom-dwelling fishes of the family Antennariidae of tropical and temperate seas,characteristically having a prickly or warty globose body and pectoral fins adapted for grasping. ─── 躄鱼热带或温带海域中属躄鱼科的海底鱼类,特点是有带刺或多疣的球形身体,善长用胸鳍捕食。

50、Capsule circumscissile, sessile, globose or nearly so. ─── 周裂的蒴果,无梗,球形或近球形。

51、Any of several forms of a European vegetable(Brassica oleracea var. capitata) of the mustard family,having a globose head consisting of a short stem and tightly overlapping green to purplish leaves. ─── 卷心菜,甘蓝菜欧洲几种十字花科蔬菜之一(芸苔属甘蓝变种卷心菜),其头部呈球形,由短茎和紧密层叠的绿色到略带紫色的叶子组成

52、Ovary globose, 3-locular. ─── 子房球状,3室。

53、Capsule straight in relation to pedicel, globose to subglobose, shorter than calyx, dehiscence circumscissile. ─── 关于花梗的直的蒴果,球形到近球形,短于花萼,开裂。

54、Umbel hemispheric to globose, many flowered; pedicels equal; style equaling or longer than ovary; stigma entire, punctiform. ─── 伞形花序半球形的到球形,多花的;花梗等长花柱等长或更长于子房;柱头全缘,点状。(10

55、Male flowers globose in bud, ca. 1 mm; anthers circular. ─── 雄花在芽中球状的,约1毫米;花药圆。

56、Capsule sometimes globose, scaly. ─── 有时的蒴果球状,有鳞。

57、Leaf apex subacute to bluntly acuminate; flowers regularly 4-merous; calyx lobes triangular to lanceolate, longer than tube; berries globose (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan). ─── 对钝的渐尖近尖的叶先端;花规则地4瓣;萼裂片三角形到披针形,长于筒部;浆果球状(广东,广西,海南)。(13

58、Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous. ─── 不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。

59、Leaf margin obtusely serrate; pome depressed-globose or globose, often projected at apex. ─── 叶缘钝锯齿;梨果扁球形或球状,经常,在先端伸出了。(14

60、Fruit a globose or subovoid drupe, with somewhat fleshy exocarp and crusty or leathery endocarp, 1-seeded. ─── 果一近卵形核果的球状或,具稍肉质外果皮和脾气暴躁或革质内果皮,1种子。

61、Fruit baccate, white to pale green, rarely red, globose or depressed-globose, usually ribbed. ─── 果浆果状,白色到苍绿色,很少红色,球状的或扁球形,通常肋。

62、Lianas, slender; old branches green-brownish or purplish, not tuberculate; seeds globose, surface finely corrugated. ─── 藤本植物,细长;老枝绿色带褐色的或带紫色,不具瘤;种子球状,表面好地皱。

63、Nutlets 1-4 maturing per flower, obovoid to ovoid, rarely globose, rugulose, glabrous or hirsute, drupelike, areole oblique. ─── 小坚果1-4每花,倒卵球形的到卵球形,很少球状,微皱成熟,无毛或者多毛,核果状,小窠斜。

64、Herbs perennial.Tuberoid nearly globose, large, to 15 cm in diam. ─── 多年生草本块根近球状,大,在15厘米直径。

65、Inflorescences terminal, capitate, globose, many flowered, with involucre of green leaflike bracts. ─── 花序顶生,头状,球状,多花的,具绿色叶状苞片的总苞。

66、Fruit a capsule, globose, 3(or 4)-valved, loculicidally dehiscent, each valve with 2 erect wings. ─── 果一蒴果,球状,3(或4瓣裂,室背开裂,每裂爿具翅2直立。

67、Fructification flesh is qualitative globose, blue, the seed is bigger, long elliptic, black. ─── 果实肉质球形,蓝色,种子较大,长椭圆形,黑色。

68、Seeds blue at maturity, berrylike, ellipsoid to globose. ─── 成熟时的种子蓝色,浆果状,椭圆形到球状。

69、Fruiting carpels globose, 6-8 mm in diam. ─── 成熟心皮球形,直径6-8毫米。

70、Seeds 1-2 in each locule, globose, verrucose. ─── 在每子房室里结子1-2,球状,瘤状。

71、Umbel hemispheric to globose, densely many flowered. ─── 伞形花序半球形的到球形,浓密多花的。

72、Fruits globose, ca. 1 cm in diam., densely yellow-brown stellate-hispid. ─── 果球状,直径约1厘米,密被黄的棕色星状具糙硬毛。

73、Mature berry yellow, globose or ovoid, sometimes oblique, 3-5 cm in diam., smooth or sometimes with orbicular lenticels, apiculate, sepals and staminal bundles usually persistent. ─── 成熟浆果黄,球状或卵球形,有时偏斜的,直径3-5厘米,平滑或有时具圆形皮孔,具细尖,萼片和雄蕊束通常宿存。

74、Stems 1 (rarely more), erect, apically branched, ultimate branches each with a globose inflorescence; calyx limb without conspicuous lobes. ─── 茎1(很少更多),直立,分枝,球状花序的末级分枝;没有明显的裂片的萼檐。

75、See inside vitreous body antrum floating countless white globose or dish state small system, be like ethereal numerous star. ─── 在玻璃体腔内见到漂浮着无数白色球形或盘状小体,如天上繁星。

76、Fruits small, baccate, globose, indehiscent, exocarp fleshy, endocarp papery to thinly woody, 3- or 4-locular. ─── 果小,浆果状,球状,不裂,外果皮肉质,内果皮纸质到薄木质,3或4室。

77、Fruit a capsule, cylindrical or globose, sometimes angled, 2-5-valved, loculicidally dehiscent.Seeds many. ─── 果一蒴果,圆筒状或球状,有时具角,2-5瓣裂,室背开裂。

78、Fruit globose or ovoid, 4-5(-6) mm in diam., fleshy, punctate-lineate. ─── 果球状或卵球形,4-5(-6)毫米直径,肉质,具点具线纹。

79、Drupe red when mature, globose, ca. 5 mm, scabrous, 2-seeded. ─── 成熟时核果红,球状,长约5毫米,粗糙,种子2。

80、Ovary superior.Capsule globose, ovoid, or cylindric, dehiscing by valves, rarely with an operculum or crumbling;seeds numerous. ─── 子房上位蒴果球状,卵球形,或圆筒状,以裂爿,很少具弄碎的一盖或开裂;

81、Will blossom in July, globose capitulum, provide long power, female flower foreword is very unripe, armpit of male flower foreword is unripe. ─── 7月开花,球形头状花序,具长柄,雌花序顶生,雄花序腋生。

82、Stem not fleshy; capsule globose or subsquare, ca. 3 mm across; seeds ellipsoidal, exotesta tuberculate, with a black, shiny appendage. ─── 来自茎,小枝粗的下半部分的植株分枝;叶片卵形蒴果近球形或者近正方形,先端微凹,具翅;种子具附属物(31

83、Fruit globose, 2.5 cm in diam.;pedicel red in fruiting time. ─── 果球形,直径约2.5厘米,果梗红色。

84、Fruit globose, ellipsoid, or ovoid, large, fleshy, spineless, with broad scales. ─── 果球状,椭圆形的,或卵球形,大,肉质的,无刺,具宽的鳞片。

85、Schizocarp nearly globose, 3-4 mm in diam. ─── 分果近球状,直径的3-4毫米;

86、Bracts lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, caducous at anthesis; ovary often glabrous; drupe compressed globose to transversely shortly oblong. ─── 苞片披针形的到线状披针形,早落的在花期;子房通常无毛;核果扁球状与长圆形的横向短。

87、Fruit baccate, globose, ovoid, or ellipsoid, with 2-60 seeds per locule. ─── 果浆果状,球状,卵球形,椭圆形的或,具种子2-60每室。

88、Fruit globose to subglobose, 3-4 mm in diam. ─── 果球状到近球形,直径的3-4毫米的;

89、The corner delays extended tree to follow apical globose Bai Deng makes a pair of picture. ─── 墙角延伸出的树跟顶上的球形白灯构成一副图画。

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