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09-09 投稿



demonize 发音

英:[?di?m?na?z]  美:[?di?m?na?z]

英:  美:

demonize 中文意思翻译



demonize 网络释义

vt. 妖魔化;使…成为魔鬼

demonize 词性/词形变化,demonize变形


demonize 相似词语短语

1、demonetize ─── v.取消……的货币价值;使通货废止使用

2、de-ionize ─── v.除去(物质,尤指水)的离子

3、demonized ─── vt.妖魔化;使…成为魔鬼

4、demonised ─── vt.使成为魔鬼(等于demonize)

5、deionize ─── v.除去(物质,尤指水)的离子

6、demonise ─── vt.使成为魔鬼(等于demonize)

7、demonises ─── vt.使成为魔鬼(等于demonize)

8、sermonize ─── vi.说教;布道;vt.对…说教;对…布道

9、demonizes ─── vt.妖魔化;使…成为魔鬼

demonize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Under the Watchful eye of the demon, wander alone in the formless Chaos. ─── 在恶魔的警惕之眼下,独自在无形的混乱中漫步。

2、Strangely, we found deliverance in the demon Illidan. ─── 奇怪的是,我们从恶魔伊利丹那找到了新的力量源。

3、I had done everything I knew to reach out to the Republicans in Washington; they had tried to demonize me from day one. ─── 我用尽了所有手段来与华盛顿的共和党人讲道理;他们却从我上任第一天起就试图把我妖魔化。

4、Mrs. Drover. The demon lover never really shows up. ─── 小说的名字中出现的。

5、In fact, some works of art into the area to "demonize" or "beautifying", the parties views differ. ─── 其实,对于一些艺术品进小区到底是"丑化"还是"美化",各方观点不一。

6、You know my name? Now I am assured you are a demon. ─── 你知道我的名字?现在我确定你是一个魔鬼了。

7、"They will die with no water or food, child. The demon is after them. ─── “孩子,没有水,没有干粮,他们有生命危险,老沙妖盯上他们了。

8、She's been a saint to us,yet you make her out to be a demon. ─── 她对我们那么好,简直是个圣人,而你却把她说成魔鬼。

9、A soothsaying spirit or demon. ─── 巫能够预言将来的精灵或魔鬼

10、Is it, as some claim, a kind of demon worship? ─── 它是否,正如某些人所说的,是对鬼怪的一种崇拜?

11、If you do well, you are accepted; if not, sin is a demon crouching at the door. ─── 如果你做得好,你就会被接受的。反之,罪恶就会象个魔鬼潜伏在你的门前。

12、It was wrong to demonize our service members in Vietnam; to canonize them now is wrong as well. ─── 像越南战争那样妖魔化我们的军人是不对的,当然,像现在这样神化他们也是不对的。

13、Help a demon transmigrate earlier, to become a good one. Why can't we do that? ─── 丹珠:帮助罪恶的灵魂早日转世,成为好的生灵是我应尽的善事。

14、Long, long ago, there was a ferocious demon called "nian". It did evil things everywhere. ─── 传说在很古很古的时候,“年”是一只凶恶的怪兽,到处做恶。

15、Their disagreeable bat , the symbol thinking that it is a vampire and a demon. ─── 他们讨厌蝙蝠,认为它是吸血鬼和凶神的象征。

16、Shippo is a cute little fox demon. ─── 七宝是一只可爱的小狐妖。

17、Lucia: Once entering the demon world, you may never be able to return. ─── 一但进入魔界,你就不可能回来了。

18、The leader of this political party said to his counterpart from another party that they should not demonize one another. ─── 这个政党的领导人对另一个政党的领导人说他们不应该互相妖魔化。

19、"This is the only one not to demonize the Japanese on the film Fist of Fury. ─── “这是唯一一部没有把日本人妖魔化的关于精武门的电影。”

20、He often murmured softly to the yellow sand, "You are a demon. ─── 他常常面对那茫茫黄沙低语:“你真是一头妖怪呵!

21、He' s very violent : it' s the demon drink, you know. ─── 他大撒酒疯, 你要知道就是因为喝了那种酒.

22、He was a victim of the demon drink, drinking almost daily. ─── 他喝酒上瘾,几乎每天都喝。

23、A "fanged skeleton" is a skeleton possessed by a hunger demon. ─── “毒牙骷髅”是一个被饥饿恶魔所侵占的骷髅。

24、An Archdevil is not one but two trump aces up a Demon Lord's sleeve. ─── 大恶魔可不单是恶魔领主藏着的一张王牌,而是一对。

25、"Who let you out of the bottle, demon? ─── “你这头妖魔呵,谁把你从瓶子里放出来的?

26、Your bloodletting days are finished, demon! ─── |你杀戮的日子结束了,恶魔!

27、A cranium bone which proves every part of the demon is useful. Adds +3 armor and +3 to all stats. ─── 一个用来证明恶魔的每个部位都有用的头骨。增加3点装甲与3点全部属性。

28、Illidan had colossally underestimated the demon lord's power. ─── 实际上,阿尔萨斯劝说伊利丹吸收神器的力量据为己有。

29、To say that some Americans do not demonize China is obviously not true. ─── 要说某些美国人对中国没有一点妖魔化,显然是不符合事实的。

30、And many of them said, He has a demon and is insane. Why do you listen to Him? ─── 其中有好些人说,他是被鬼附著,而且疯了,为什么听他?

31、But this demon's tempest won't hold us out ! ─── 不过,这邪恶的暴风雨将无法控制我们出去!

32、In what episode did the demon Meg possess Sam? ─── 在哪一集梅格附身到了萨姆身上?

33、He cried, @I'm sure a demon has put her in the pond. ─── 他叫道:“我想一定是恶魔把他推进池塘的。

34、He discerned the fact that his demon secret was abroad, universal. ─── 他领悟到,他那可怕的密秘已经不胫而走,众所周知了。

35、The West is trying to demonize China. Why? To ensure an upper-handed position economically, politically, and socially. ─── 西方国家正在试图妖魔化中国。为什么呢?是为了使自己在经济,政治和社会各方面占据上风。

36、He has been possessed by the demon of disease for years. ─── 他多年来病魔缠身。

37、Isabel Trust you? A servant of the Demon Sovereign? The murderer of Beatrice? ─── 伊莎贝尔相信你?魔王的仆人?杀害比阿特丽斯的凶手?

38、After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight. ─── 在精神净化后,他遇见邪魔并展开激烈的战斗。

39、She' s a demon for work, ie works very hard. ─── 她工作起来精力充沛.

40、In addition, both the demon and master will inflict 3% more damage. ─── 另外,恶魔与主人所造成的伤害提升3%。

41、began to demonize the other. ─── 开始把对方妖魔化。

42、The short story we are going to read is titled the Demon Lover. ─── 它出现在。

43、"She's been a saint to us, yet you make her out to be a demon. ─── 她对我们那么好,简直是个圣人,而你却把她说成魔鬼。”

44、It should not be used to demonize the desire or drive for wealth, per se. ─── 我们不应该用这个词本身来妖魔化对财富的渴望和追求。

45、She heard the demon chitter again, thenspout one comprehendible word. ─── 她听到魔鬼再次自语,然后一个难以理解的词破口而出。

46、To turn into or as if into a demon. ─── 使成为魔鬼使变成或似乎变成魔鬼

47、And as he was yet a coming, the demon dashed him down, and tare him grievously. ─── 孩子来的时候,鬼把他摔倒在地上,使他不停地抽疯。

48、He is a powerful disabler, able to afflict all soft of curse onto an enemy and has achieved the zenith of demon magics. ─── 他长于瘫痪敌人,能对敌人施放各种各样的诅咒,魔法的程度也已经达到了恶魔法术的顶点。

49、"H'm, you be true good!"Ah Bian demon track. ─── “嗯,你真好!”阿扁妖声道。

50、Come to lure him to demon's lair. ─── 为了引诱他进入妖怪的洞穴。

51、Schambach said."Homosexuality is not another lifestyle.It's a demon spirit. ─── 夏巴赫说,“同性恋不是一种不同的生活方式,它是魔性的体现。

52、Godric The demon reinforcements are a concern, Lady. I am glad we decided to hold out here. ─── 哥德里克恶魔的增援确实是一个不容忽视的问题,夫人。很高兴我们决定留守此地。

53、But since he was a demon himself, his power was also trapped on the other side. ─── 可是,由于他本身也是一名恶魔的关系,他的力量同样被抑制于恶魔世界之内。

54、You can kite this demon, but you can not kite her and the pet. ─── 你可以对那个怪物放风筝,但是你不能放术士和宠物两个的风筝。

55、The accursed Demon Sovereign has forseen everything. ─── 如果雷拉格想要阻止魔王抓住伊莎贝尔,他必须抓紧时间。

56、What does the grass in Nds demon dak cover card to have to use? ─── nds精灵驿站里的牧场套卡有什么用?

57、A terrifying ancient deity or demon of the underworld. ─── 冥府之神古代一位地狱中可怕的神或魔鬼

58、They say Isabel the Demon Queen is afraid of nothing any more. ─── 他们说恶魔女皇伊莎贝尔再也不怕任何东西了。

59、He's very violent: it's the demon drink, you know. ─── 他大撒酒疯,你要知道就是因为喝了那种酒。

60、Her husband is a demon for work. ─── 她丈夫工作起来精力过人。

61、The demon of alcohol haunted him his entire life. ─── 他的一生为酒这个恶魔所缠扰。

62、"You are the one", the demon screeches. ─── “就是你了,”魔鬼尖声大叫。

63、Again he slept and the demon of somnambulism took charge of his actions. ─── 但是自然的力量太大,他又睡著了,梦游症再度作祟,支配著他行动。

64、She went home and found her child lying on the bed, and the demon gone. ─── 她就回家去,见小孩子躺在床上,鬼已经出去了。

65、Help a demon transmigrate earlier, to b.cne a good one. Why can't we do that? ─── 丹珠:帮助罪恶的灵魂早日转世,成为好的生灵是我应尽的善事。

66、This is an organized campaign to discredit china, demonize China and stir up the pot. ─── 为什么是日本的电视太报道的,事情也太蹊跷了。

67、They are a strange combination of demon and construct. ─── 他们是恶魔与构造体的奇妙组合。

68、Because of this Agrael was a perfect tool for the Demon Sovereign. ─── 因此阿格雷尔对恶魔大君来说是个完美的工具。

69、She heard the demon chitter again, then spout one comprehendible word. ─── 她听到魔鬼再次自语,然后一个难以理解的词破口而出。

70、"In fact, a lot of people are staring at this (demon animal dealership) . ─── “事实上,很多人都在盯着这个(魔兽代理权)了。”

71、The headline of the newspaper is the West is trying to demonize China. ─── 报纸的大字标题是:西方正在试图妖魔化中国。

72、Gilraen Turn around and leave, demon! Your burning feet shall not tread our meadows. ─── 吉尔里恩滚回去,恶魔!不要用你燃烧的双足践踏我们的牧场。

73、Fixed bonus to Demon damage modifier to work with ranged weapons. ─── 对用工作恶魔损坏修改者固定的补贴射程武器.

74、Maybe a germ is one kind of a demon. ─── 但是细菌也许也可以看成是一种魔鬼。

75、"Threatening to demonize people liing with HI infection will not help. ─── “妖魔化HI感染者将不起任何作用,

76、Why i can't let both angle and demon to kiss me? ─── 为什么不能同时让天使与恶魔吻我?

77、Unfortunately the wolf demon had cheated little monkey of the pithy formula . ─── 但老狼已经从小猴口中骗取了马兰花的口诀。

78、Others said, These are not the words of one who is demon possessed. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind? ─── 另有人说,这不是鬼附的人所说的话。鬼岂能开瞎子的眼睛?

79、Xiao Zhang is really a demon. ─── 小张活生生就是一个凶煞。

80、Orcus appears as a grossly fat demon some 15 feet tall. ─── 奥库斯的外形是一个15英尺高,非常肥胖的恶魔。

81、It is said that demon of drought caused the drought. ─── 传说中旱魃是引起旱灾的怪物。

82、The water demon grunted, "Impossible! ─── "水怪轻蔑的哼道,"不可能!

83、Kazzak is a mighty demon with great power, but he lacks independent initiative. ─── 卡扎克是一个拥有强大力量的巨大恶魔,但他缺乏独立的主见。

84、She worked like a demon all through rehearsals. ─── 她每次排演时始终精力过人。

85、The Demon Lord Grawl has stolen the key to the Gates from the labyrinth. ─── 他指使恶魔领主格劳尔偷走了迷宫大门的钥匙。

86、they'd rather demonize. ─── 他们宁可将其妖魔化。

87、A terrifyingancient deity or demon of the underworld. ─── 冥府之神古代一位地狱中可怕的神或魔鬼。

88、After a while the demon came out of the bush and pulled the cow from the water. ─── 一会儿后,恶魔由矮树丛中走出来,将牛由水里拉起。

89、He published an article in the newspaper to demonize the presidential candidate. ─── 他在报纸上发表了一篇文章妖魔化这位总统候选人。

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