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09-09 投稿



incontestable 发音

英:[??nk?n?test?bl]  美:[??nk?n?test?bl]

英:  美:

incontestable 中文意思翻译



incontestable 同义词

decided | undeniable | undoubted | unquestionable | obvious | incontrovertible | irrefutable | indubitable | indisputable | incontestible |conclusive | undisputable | unarguable

incontestable 反义词


incontestable 短语词组

1、incontestable period ─── 无可争辩的时期

2、incontestable evidence ─── [法] 铁证, 不可否认的证据

incontestable 词性/词形变化,incontestable变形

名词: incontestability |副词: incontestably |

incontestable 相似词语短语

1、inconversable ─── 不可转换的

2、inconvertible ─── adj.不能兑换的;不能变换的

3、incontestableness ─── 无可争辩

4、uncontestable ─── 无法控制的

5、incontestably ─── adv.无讨论余地地;无可置疑地

6、incondensable ─── adj.不能凝缩的,无凝缩性的

7、inconceivable ─── adj.不可思议的;难以置信的;不能想象的;非凡的

8、contestably ─── 有争议地

9、contestable ─── adj.争论的;可争的

incontestable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Insurers must pay even if there were fraudulent misstatements at the time of the application if a policy contains an incontestable clause. ─── 如果保单规定了不可抗辩条款,即使投保人在投保时存有欺骗性告知,保险人仍需承担保险责任。

2、9.These uses are doubtless incontestable, but they seem quite ridiculous alongside the overwhelming myth of the Tower, of the human meaning which it has assumed throughout the world. ─── 对这些技术使用的不可质疑是无可争辩的,但在世界各地的人们赋予了埃菲尔铁塔的丰富想象和斑斓的意义下,这些冷冰冰的科学技术似乎又显得非常荒谬。

3、But beneath the pressure of that incontestable incomprehensibility he felt his brain bursting. ─── 但在这种不容置疑的不理解的压力下,他感到自己的脑袋开裂了。

4、It is incontestable that the advent of the People's Republic of China was a principal event in the evolution of international relations following World War II. ─── 中华人民共和国的成立无可置辩地是第二次世界大战以后国际关系演变中的大事件。

5、It is incontestable that music induces in us a sense of the infinite and the contemplation of the invisible. ─── 无可非议的,音乐引发我们心中未竟的感觉,隐形的深思。

6、It is an incontestable conclusion that the Surveying Robot(Automatic Electronic Total Station) can monitor open pit mining slope deformation automatically. ─── 测量机器人(即自动电子全站仪)固然可以对露天矿边坡进行自动化(或半自动化)外部形变监测。

7、Luxe Pack is an exhibition which is unique of its kind.It fills an incontestable industry need and is now internationally renowned". ─── 摩纳哥本身就是奢侈的同义词,位于具有时尚之都之称的法国和意大利之间,酒店业发达,这使得在这里发展新展会有了更多先天的优势。

8、Inside global limits, presswork the industry is digitlized forward, the development of direction of network, individuation has been incontestable fact! ─── 在全球范围内,印刷行业朝着数字化、网络化、个性化方向的发展已经是无可争辩的事实!

9、incontestable clause ─── 不可抗辩条款

10、an incontestable fact ─── 无可争辩的事实.

11、Tourist area life cycle (TALC) is a theory that expounds the evolvement rule of tourist area, its value is incontestable. ─── 摘要旅游地生命周期理论是阐述旅游地演化发展规律的理论,其存在价值不容否认。

12、It is an incontestable deed that Qian Zeng was a famous book-collector of Qing Dynasty who had done great contribution to collecting and tiding up ancient books. ─── 明末清初,常熟著名藏书家钱曾,一生以布衣聚书,对我国古典文献的收藏和整理做出了不可磨灭的贡献,这是不争的实事。

13、The Incontestable Clause Does Not Have Law Effect ─── 不可抗辩条款不具有法律效力

14、indisputable; incontestable ─── 无可争辩

15、It caused him to seek to embellish his most incontestable achievements. ─── 这使他想对自己最无可争议的成就加以吹嘘。

16、But those justifications have an incontestable value in their own day. ─── 但是这些辩解在当时却具有必要的意义。

17、The incontestable truth is that it is impossible to predict the outcome produced by the interaction of these contradictions in the event of such an attack. ─── 可以确信的是,在这些复杂关系下,一次这种打击将会产生难以预料的结果。

18、Incontestable, Literature of the May Fourth Movement was different from traditional culture for adopting overseas cultural factors.But it can’t be dissevered from tradition. ─── 毫无疑问,新文学运动借鉴与吸收了国外的文化,与传统有许多不同之处,但是我们并不能因此把五四新文学与传统文学割裂。

19、Insurers must pay even if there were fraudulent misstatements at the time of the application if a policy contains an incontestable clause. ─── 如果保单规定了不可抗辩条款,即使投保人在投保时存有欺骗性告知,保险人仍需承担保险责任。

20、incontestable period ─── 不可争辩期间

21、Incontestable,air pollute is a very pondrance issue:we must take some trenchancy measures to solve it. ─── 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:我们应该采取有力措施来解决它。

22、an incontestable right/fact ─── 无可争辩的权利;无可置疑的事实

23、incontestable proof of the defendant's guilt. ─── 证实被告有罪的无可否认的证据

24、That they need more capital is incontestable. ─── 它们需要更多资金是无可争议的。

25、This one theory of the Marxism, no matter be the past in capitalism, still be now, it is applicable, incontestable. ─── 马克思主义的这一理论,无论是在资本主义的过去,还是现在,都是适用的,无可争辩的。

26、Based on this, the jurisprudence foundation and application of the incontestable clause is the focus of this thesis. ─── 在此背景下,不可抗辩条款的理论和适用两大部分就是本文的研究重点。

27、Incontestable, environment polluction is serious problem, the authorities should take stronge action to solve it. ─── 无可否认,环境污染是一个极其严重的问题,当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。

28、Age, surely, is an incontestable measuring stick against which our achievements, our appearance and our tastes can be measured. ─── 年龄肯定是一把无可争议的标尺,可以用来衡量我们的成就、外貌和品位。

29、Incontestable clause of life insurance ─── 论人身保险的不可抗辩条款

30、OLDHAM S.A.has been,for the past 50 years,the incontestable specialist in the prevention of gas related risks. ─── 法国奥德姆公司是欧洲著名的气体检测设备专业厂家,研发生产气体检测设备已有50多年的历史。

31、he was radiant, he exterminated, he smiled, and there was an incontestable grandeur in this monstrous Saint Michael. ─── 过后她就要去领第一次圣礼。呀!真的!她应当几时去领她的第一次圣礼呢?”

32、One thing is - I believe - incontestable," he writes. ─── 他写道:“我认为,有一件事情是毋庸置疑的。”

33、That was incontestable. ─── 这是不容置疑的。

34、Since reforming and opening, no matter be to tell or be told on average from individual family and individual, our standard of living had huge to rise, this is incontestable fact. ─── 改革开放以来,无论是平均来讲还是从单个的家庭和个人来讲,我们的生活水平都有了极大的提高,这是无可争辩的事实。

35、Incontestable,more and more green invironmental material and clear energy will be used for our daily life. ─── 不可否认,越来越多的绿色环保材料和清洁能源将用于我们的日常生活中。

36、In the final analysis, she is her the incontestable goodwife in that circle, all things are controlled closely by her, even if the engagament of palace member and espouse, have no exception. ─── 归根结底,她是她那个圈子里无可争辩的女主人,一切事情都受到她严密的控制,即使是宫廷成员的订婚和嫁娶,都概莫能外。

37、e, Contesting the Incontestable: Reforming Trademark's Descriptive Mark Protection Scheme, 41 Gonz. L. Rev. 34, (2005). ─── 彭学龙:“商标法的符号学分析”,中南财经政法大学2006年博士学位论文,第235页。

38、An incontestable proof of this deduction is to be found in the fact that, however many commands may be given, the event does not take place if there is no other cause to produce it. ─── 这个结论的不可争辩的证据是,无论发出多少命令,假如没有别的原因,事件是不会发生的;

39、They deepen and broaden the research of bioethics, but will never lead to an incontestable ultimate conclusion. ─── 这些论争深化和拓展了生命伦理学研究,但不可能导出一个确定不移的终极性结论。

40、“And his theory that the principle of monarchies is honour seems to me incontestable. ─── “我是孟德斯鸠的崇拜者,”安德烈公爵说,“他的思想是荣誉是帝制的基础,我觉得这是毫无疑义的。

41、The one incontestable fact was that Kennedy failed to report the accident for more than 10 hours and, even by his own account, had behaved appallingly. ─── 其中一个无可争辩的事实是,肯尼迪在十多个小时内没有报告所发生的事故,甚至他自己的描述也表现的骇人听闻。

42、in order that the grievances of the citizens, based hereafter upon simple and incontestable principles, shall tend to the maintenance of the constitution and redound to the happiness of all. ─── 以便公民们今后以简单而无可争辩的原则为根据的那些要求能确保宪法与全体幸福之维护。

43、We all love our families and friends absolutely .But what is incontestable that we seldom give expression to the devoted people how much we love them for as much as sinitic connotation. ─── 朋友,你的关注是我最大的幸福,你的回复是我最大的荣幸,最后,还是那句,如果我发的贴不是太差的话,请顶一下,谢谢!!

44、The former base their views on human incontestable limitations while the latter stand on human indisputable infinitude of possibilities in improving and perfecting themselves. ─── 他说,世界就像一个点菜餐馆,每个人都认为邻座点的菜肴总比自己点的菜肴更加诱人、更加可口。第三,人类有幽默感。

45、If be duty already,manage person is in charge of, incontestable meeting produces a problem. ─── 如果是职业经理人来管,无可争辩地会产生问题。

46、This is the incontestable fact that the level of organization of the flow of rural labor is low, whereas the reasons are various . ─── 农村劳动力流动组织化程度低是不争的事实,但原因是多方面的;

47、The objective existence of universal value is incontestable; it is commonly viewed, global, spontaneous, contemporary and principled. ─── 普世价值的客观存在是不可否认的,其存在具有共识性、全球性、自发性、时代性和原则性等主要特点。

48、The heat of the Korea play has become an incontestable fact, it is almost an outward window for Korea. ─── 摘要韩剧的热播已成为一个不争的事实,它几乎成了韩国对外交流的一扇窗口。

49、It is incontestable that the patent technology implementation and industrialization are low here in China. ─── 我国专利技术实施和产业化率较低,是个不争的事实。

50、It caused him to seek to embellish his most incontestable achievements ─── 这使他想对自己最无可争议的成就加以吹嘘。

51、The science of geometry is the best manner in which "La Destreza" can be set forth because it is incontestable, being demonstrated to be exact by proofs. ─── 有证据显示,几何学因为它的无可争议的科学性而用于解释阐述"LaDestreza"这个词是准确的,也是最佳的方式。

52、This "impression" is generally dismissed as subjective, because time, according to the nineteenth-century view, is objective, incontestable and indifferent; to its indifference there are no limits. ─── 人们通常把这种“印象”斥为主观的,因为,按照十九世纪的看法,时间是客观存在、无可争辩、不偏不倚的;其中立是不受限制的。

53、Yet the rationale for keeping the collection together, representative as it is of the motherland's traditional culture, seems so incontestable that most people believe the treasures will be re-united one day. ─── 这份祖国传统文化之珍藏应是一个整体,而尤与紫禁城建筑不可分离,人们相信,终有一日,其终将得以完璧。

54、This "impression" is generally dismissed as subjective, because time, according to the nineteenth-century view, is objective, incontestable and indifferent; ─── 人们通常把这种“印象”斥为主观的,因为,按照十九世纪的看法,时间是客观存在、无可争辩、不偏不倚的;

55、incontestable evidence ─── 无可辩驳的证据

56、incontestable proof ─── 无可争辩的证据

57、an incontestable conclusion ─── 确定不移的结论

58、"America is American: that is incontestable." ─── 美国是美国人的,这是不可否认的....

59、Encryption and incontestable model in E-Banking using hardware authentication ─── 使用硬件认证的网上银行加密及不可否认性模型设计

60、Incontestable proof of the performance of the service will be exacted and each recommendation for the award of this decoration will be considered on the standard of extraordinary merit. ─── 在服役期间的英勇行为将会得到确切的证实,对于授勋的推荐都会因本人突出的表现所考虑。

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