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09-09 投稿



hypothenar 发音

英:[ha??pɑ?θ??nɑ?r; ha??pɑ?θ??n?r; ha?p??θi?n?r]  美:[ha??p?θ?nɑ?(r)]

英:  美:

hypothenar 中文意思翻译




hypothenar 短语词组

1、hypothenar area ─── [医] 小鱼际区

2、hypothenar reflex ─── [医] 小鱼际反射

3、hypothenar eminence ─── [医] 小鱼际

4、hypothenar pad ─── 掌外侧垫

hypothenar 相似词语短语

1、hypotheca ─── n.[无脊椎]下壳;抵押权

2、hypothecator ─── 抵押人

3、hypothecial ─── 抵押

4、hyposthenia ─── 体力不足;衰弱

5、hypothenuse ─── n.斜边;弦

6、hypothecae ─── 抵押权

7、hyposthenic ─── 低能的

8、hypothecary ─── adj.抵押的;抵押权的;以抵押取得的

9、hypothecate ─── vt.抵押;担保

hypothenar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results: The true pattern in the palmar hypothenar area showed the pedigree character of monogenic trait in 5 families. ─── 结果:发现手掌小鱼际区真实花纹在五个家系中表现单基因性状的系谱特点。

2、method, the flaps were used to repair skin defects in 18 cases, of which included palm, dorsum, thenar, hypothenar and the thumb. ─── 皮瓣修复手掌、手背、小鱼际、大鱼际、拇指的皮肤缺损创面18例,提出了避免皮瓣坏死的方法。

3、The items investigated include TFRC, abRC, atd, tPD, fingerprint, hand thenar, hand interidigital, hand hypothenar, and simian line. ─── 调查的项目有TFRC、a bRC、atd、tPD、指纹、手大鱼际纹、指间纹、手小鱼际纹、猿线等。

4、Opponensplasty by hypothenar muscle transfer ─── 对向肌成形术用小鱼际肌转移

5、hypothenar eminence ─── 小鱼际隆起

6、Skin of hypothenar region of palm ─── 手掌小鱼际区皮肤

7、A few structures may compress the ulnar nerve besides the fascial arch of the hypothenar muscles. ─── 腕尺管段的卡压因素:小鱼际肌营养血管、尺动脉深支、副小指展肌、小鱼际肌腱弓、豆钩韧带和豆钩间隙。

8、hypothenar hammer syndrome ─── 小鱼际锤打综合征


10、Conclusion: The genetics of the true pattern in human palmar hypothenar area may belong to autosomal dominant inheritance. ─── 结论:手掌小鱼际区真实花纹可能属于常染色体显性遗传。

11、hypothenar space infection ─── 小鱼际间隙感染

12、Conclusion: The genetics of the true pattern in human palmar hypothenar area may belong to autosomal dominant inheritance. ─── 结论:手掌小鱼际区真实花纹可能属于常染色体显性遗传。

13、muscle of hypothenar ─── 小鱼际肌

14、hypothenar area ─── [医] 小鱼际区

15、Skin of hypothenar region of palm ─── 手掌小鱼际区皮肤

16、Genetics of true pattern in human palmar hypothenar area ─── 人类手掌小鱼际区真实花纹的遗传方式

17、Keywords Aberrant muscle;Guyon s canal;hypothenar muscle;ulnar nerve; ─── 异常肌肉;腕尺管;小鱼际肌;尺神经;

18、Keywords muscle architecture;thenar;hypothenar;huma n; ─── 关键词肌构筑;鱼际;小鱼际;人;

19、Hypothenar space ─── 小鱼际间隙

20、The blood of the hypothenar district of 10 specimens and 7 patients provides four sources, and the foot artery contains a special branch enter the little finger exhibition muscle. ─── 显微解剖学观察废弃手10例标本及患者7例标本小鱼际区域血供有4个来源,其中尺动脉有一特殊分支进入小指展肌。

21、The results obtained included TFRC, a-b RC, atd, tPD, fingerprint, hand interdigital, hand hypothenar, simian line, hallucal, sole interdigital, sole hypothenar and calcar patterns. ─── 调查的项目有TFRC、a-b RC、atd、tPD、指纹、指间纹、手小鱼际、猿线、大拇趾球纹、趾间纹、足小鱼际纹和足跟纹等。

22、Their MP (including muscle of hypothenar, first interosseus and flexor carpi ulnaris) were also examined by the same operator. ─── 测定前,由同一操作医师测定患者相应的MP(小指展肌、第一骨间肌和尺侧腕屈肌)。

23、Keywords Deep branch of ulnar nerve;Ulnar tunnel;Hypothenar tendinous arch;Tendinous arch of adductor muscle of thumb;the third palmar interosseous muscle; ─── 关键词尺神经深支;腕尺管;小鱼际腱弓;拇收肌腱弓;第三骨间掌侧肌;

24、With the improved harvest method, the flaps were used to repair skin defects in 18 cases, of which included palm, dorsum,thenar,hypothenar and the thumb. ─── 临床应用尺动脉腕上支皮瓣修复手掌、手背、小鱼际、大鱼际、拇指的皮肤缺损创面18例,提出了避免皮瓣坏死的方法。

25、Objective: To study the pedigree character of the true pattern in palmar hypothenar area, and study the genetics of the true pattern in human palmar hypothenar area. ─── 摘要目的:研究人类手掌小鱼际区真实花纹的家系特点,了解人类手掌小鱼际区真实花纹的遗传方式。

26、hypothenar reflex ─── [医] 小鱼际反射

27、Vessel -pedicled hypothenar fat flap for management of recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome ─── 带血管蒂小鱼际皮下脂肪瓣治疗复发性腕管综合征

28、Results: The true pattern in the palmar hypothenar area showed the pedigree character of monogenic trait in 5 families. ─── 结果:发现手掌小鱼际区真实花纹在五个家系中表现单基因性状的系谱特点。

29、The results was obtained from TFRC, a-bRC, atd tPD, fingerprint, hand interdigital, hand thenar, hand hypothenar, simian line, hallucal, sole interdigital, sole hypothenar and calcar patterns. ─── 研究的项目有TFRC、a -bRC、atd、tPD、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、大拇趾球纹、趾间纹、足小鱼际纹和足跟纹等。

30、Results The blood of the hypothenar district of 10 specimens and 7 patients provides four sources, and the foot artery contains a special branch enter the little finger exhibition muscle. ─── 结果显微解剖学观察废弃手10例标本及患者7例标本小鱼际区域血供有4个来源,其中尺动脉有一特殊分支进入小指展肌。

31、hypothenar pad ─── 掌外侧垫

32、Hypothenar tendinous arch ─── 小鱼际腱弓

33、Conclusions Femoral nerve transfer to the muscular branches of the thenar and hypothenar muscles has some protective effects on the hand intrinsic muscles. ─── (3)经过一次神经离断的手内部肌,可能更不能承受第二次离断。

34、Hypothenar palm of your hand or pat his arm, the lateral. ─── 手掌或小鱼际轻拍手臂内、外侧。

35、Genetics of true pattern in human palmar hypothenar area ─── 人类手掌小鱼际区真实花纹的遗传方式

36、true patterns in hypothenar distal area are more than other areas. ─── 远侧区真实花纹较多,其他跖区较少。

37、Hypothenar region ─── 小鱼际区

38、wasting of the thenar and hypothenar eminences ─── 大小鱼际肌萎缩

39、9. The results was obtained from TFRC, a-bRC, atd tPD, fingerprint, hand interdigital, hand thenar, hand hypothenar, simian line, hallucal, sole interdigital, sole hypothenar and calcar patterns. ─── 拇展肌起自跟骨结节及舟骨,止于拇趾近节趾骨底。其腱性部分不象其它肌肉那样位于肌腹的表面,而是位于肌腹的下面。收藏指正

40、Objective To explore the structures of the palmaris brevis and the relationship between hypothenar area and the changes of gripping power. ─── 目的探索人掌短肌形态结构、小鱼际区皮下诸结构与握力强度变化的关系。

41、hypothenar pattern ─── 小鱼际纹型, 小鱼际花纹

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