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09-09 投稿


brigandage 发音

英:[[br?'ɡ?nd?d?]]  美:[[br?'ɡ?nd?d?]]

英:  美:

brigandage 中文意思翻译



brigandage 短语词组

1、brigandage mod ─── 强盗国防部

2、brigandage band ─── 强盗乐队

3、brigandage war ─── 强盗战争

4、brigandage italy ─── 意大利强盗

5、brigandage se se ─── 旅

6、brigandage meaning ─── 强盗的意思

7、brigandage def ─── 强盗定义

brigandage 相似词语短语

1、brigandish ─── adj.似土匪的

2、bandage ─── n.绷带;vt.用绷带包扎

3、brigade ─── n.旅;大部队;队列;vt.把…编成旅;把…编成队

4、brigandages ─── n.抢劫,土匪行为

5、brigandry ─── 准将

6、brigand ─── n.强盗;土匪;盗贼;n.(Brigand)人名;(法)布里冈

7、blindage ─── n.掩体,盲障

8、brigandine ─── n.锁子甲,锁子铠甲

9、brigandines ─── n.锁子甲,锁子铠甲

brigandage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、inquired the brigand chief, turning towards his men, who all retreated before his look. ─── 匪首转身问他的部下,那些人都被他的目光逼得往后退。

2、He was this same "brigand of the Loire. ─── 他正是那卢瓦尔的匪徒。

3、Then the brigand stood up and gazed at the saint, and there was a strange look in his eyes. ─── 这时盗贼站起,直瞪瞪地看着圣人,眼神有点奇怪;

4、"Well, my boys," said the brigadier, "the brigand must really have escaped early this morning; ─── “嗯,孩子们,”团长说,“那逃犯一定是今天一早就逃走了。

5、the Lord of the Mountain (a brigand chief) ─── 镇山太岁

6、he approached just as the brigand was refreshing himself with a mouthful of brandy, which, owing to the leathern bottle containing it, sent forth an odor which was extremely unpleasant to Danglars. ─── 他把眼睛凑到一条门缝上,正巧看见那个强盗在饮白兰地酒,那种酒,因为装在一只皮囊里,所以发出一种使腾格拉尔嗅了极不愉快的气味。

7、He was called "poor child," because he had for a father "a brigand of the Loire." ─── 这孩子就是我们先头提到过的那个。大家称他为“可怜的孩子”,因为他的父亲是

8、You know, brigandage don’t abduct women who were worthless. ─── 你知道强盗不会把没有价值的女人作人质。

9、While the Commonlands had become much safer these days, it would not be the first time some brigand had tried to take advantage of a seemingly helpless old man. ─── 虽然公共大陆这些年来安全多了,但他也不止一次的遇见有强盗试图占这看上去无助的老人的便宜了。

10、24 He who defrauds father or mother and calls it no sin, is a partner of the brigand. ─── 向自己父母行窃,却说“这并不是罪,”与强盗是同路人。

11、Uh, il vient chez moi comme un brigand, demandant: - ─── 噢,他像个强盗一样走到我面前,问我:

12、He was the "brigand of the Loire. ─── 这就是那个卢瓦尔的匪徒了。

13、"I almost hesitated, though," replied the sailor; "you looked more like a brigand than an honest man, with your beard six inches, and your hair a foot long." ─── “说真的,我刚才有点犹豫呢,”水手回答说,“你的胡子有六英寸长,头发也尺把长,看上去不象个好人,倒象个强盗。”

14、Player act as a policeman or brigand to fight together with his comrades. ─── 运动员担任一位警察或者土匪连同他的同志一起对抗。

15、Luckily for the soldier the victim turned out to be a brigand wanted by the police. ─── 那士兵算是走运:死者原来被警方通缉,是个土匪。

16、fraudulence and brigandage ─── 诓骗窃夺现象

17、Fraudulence and Brigandage in the Field of Economy in the Ming Dynasty and the Prevention Measures ─── 明代经济领域诓骗窃夺现象的盛行及其防范

18、As a result, there were excessive fraudulence and brigandage in the field of economy between all groups of people with various sly and brutal measures. ─── 这造成了明代经济领域诓骗窃夺现象的空前盛行,这种社会现象广泛地发生在各种社会群体之间,实行诓骗窃夺之人,采用的手段多而狡猾、残忍。

19、The Brigand's stronghold is leaning against a hill ─── 贼寨靠山

20、mounted brigand ─── 马贼

21、And the brigand said, "I have committed countless crimes. ─── 盗贼:"我犯下了数不清的罪行。"

22、There is a thief, a brigand, a convict named Jean Valjean! ─── 只有一个贼,一个土匪,一个苦役犯,叫冉阿让!

23、You know, brigandage don't abduct women who were worthless. ─── 你知道强盗不会挟持没有价值的女人。

24、If I knew which rascal threw at the carriage, and if that brigand were sufficiently near it, he should be crushed under the wheels.' ─── 我若是知道是哪一个混蛋对马车扔东西,若是那强盗离我的马车不远,我就要让我的轮子把他碾成肉泥

25、There are no brigand attacks during the first two turns of the game. ─── 所以不是掷出之后的两回合生效,是游戏的头两回合不生效,其他还是立即生效的。

26、bandit; brigand ─── 土匪

27、'We're most grateful to you, sir, for stopping this brigand from getting away.We'd have looked pretty foolish otherwise. ─── 今天若不是公公出手,擒住了这反贼,我们的脸可丢得大了。”

28、At that moment we heard the brigand singing in the distance, and the echo of his song filled the valley with gladness. ─── 圣人答道:"他确实不会再信服我了,但他是得了很多快慰走的。"

29、9 Laotse said that brigandage was that wealth and treasures are accumulated in excess. ─── 舍利弗就曾告诫修行者,除了食法以外,其他的事业都别做。

30、There were several brigandage occured in this zone. ─── 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。

31、bandit | brigand ─── 土匪| 流寇

32、And the brigand said, "But I am a thief and a plunderer. ─── 盗贼:"可我是个贼人,是个强盗。"

33、smacks too strongly of the brigand. ─── 都和土匪相去不远。

34、professional brigand; hardened bandit ─── 惯匪

35、Instantly afterwards four carbineers, on horseback, appeared on the edge of the wood; three of them appeared to be looking for the fugitive, while the fourth dragged a brigand prisoner by the neck. ─── 过了一会儿,四个骑兵在树林边上出现了,其中的三个似乎在寻找那亡命者,第四个则拖着一个俘虏来的土匪的脖子。

36、1 Let's read the Chapter on brigandage in the view of practice. ─── 且让我们重新回到修行的观点来读老子的这章“盗夸”。

37、Charity is as bad as brigandage. Charity is really just as unfair to the recipient as to the donor. ─── 施舍和掠夺一样可恶,对捐献者和接受者都有失公平。

38、They surrounded the four friends, and their Captain called out to them to stop fighting: 'We have orders to arrest the Notorious Brigand Mao Eighteen, known as Whiskers! ─── 十余骑奔到近处,散将开来,将四人围在垓心,为首的军官喝道:“且住!

39、The poacher, like the smuggler, smacks too strongly of the brigand. ─── 私自打猎的人正如走私的人,都和土匪相去不远。

40、2.We passed the desiccated corpse of a brigand hanging on a gibbet. ─── 我们路过一具悬在绞刑架上的土匪干尸。

41、allows the brigand to avoid any area effect attacks and spells that do not directly target the brigand. amazing reflexes avoidance suspends temporarily if the brigand receives damage. ─── 允许强盗避免任一个区域作用攻击和拼写直接地不瞄准强盗令人惊讶的反射退避临时地暂停如果强盗接受损伤。

42、'Unless you want to be taken in along with this brigand, stand well back both of you.I mean it. ─── 那军官喝道:“你们两个若不是跟茅十八一伙,快快离开这是非之地,别惹事上身。”

43、I am not a brigand !" ─── “不,我是土匪!”

44、Can not a brigand be treated only as a history noun therefore, the mentality institute has bandit culture culture soil on among the people as before deep. ─── 因此不能仅将土匪作为一个历史名词看待,匪文化心理所具有的文化土壤在民间依然深厚。

45、and as we were conversing upon the nature of virtue a brigand came limping wearily up the ridge. ─── 当时,我与他正在谈论着美德的本质,一位盗贼疲惫不堪、脚步趔趄地沿山路走来。

46、There were hundreds and perhaps thousands of such practically independent brigand rulers. ─── 这种事实上独立的强盗统治者有几百个,甚至可能几千个。

47、"Peppino," said the brigand chief, "give me the torch." ─── “庇皮诺,”那个强盗头儿说道,“把火把给我。”

48、but there is an innate sympathy between the Roman brigand and the Roman peasant and the latter is always ready to aid the former. ─── 他们十分清楚,这个亡命者一定是个强盗,但在罗马十匪和罗马农民之间,天生存在着一种同情心。

49、You can modify the starting strengths by talking to the old man at the brigand fort on the first day. ─── 第一天在贼堡和老人对话可以修改各派的起始强弱状态。

50、This brigand of the Loire was M. Gillenormand's son-in-law, who has already been mentioned, and whom M. Gillenormand called "the disgrace of his family." ─── 这位卢瓦尔的匪徒是吉诺曼先生的女婿,我们在前面也已提到过,也就是吉诺曼先生所谓的“他的家丑”。

51、Fraudulence and Brigandage in the Field of Economy in the Ming Dynasty and the Prevention Measures ─── 明代经济领域诓骗窃夺现象的盛行及其防范

52、Capture the brigand chief before his man ─── 擒贼先擒王

53、Standing before the tribunal of history is one brigand named France and the other named Great Britain. ─── 一个强盗大肆掠劫,另一个强盗纵火焚烧。从他们的行为来看,胜利者也可能是强盗。

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