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09-09 投稿


trooper 发音

英:['tru?p?]  美:['trup?]

英:  美:

trooper 中文意思翻译



trooper 网络释义

n. 骑兵;骑警;伞兵;部队运输船n. (Trooper)人名;(英)特鲁珀

trooper 短语词组

swear like a trooper

1. 破口大骂

He swore like a trooper when I complained about his work.

我对他的工作提出不满意见, 他便破口大骂。

1、state trooper ( ─── 美国)州警察

2、super trooper ─── 超级骑警

3、trooper and the maid ─── 骑警和女佣

4、storm-trooper ─── 纳粹党突击队员;极为凶狠之人

5、love trooper ─── 爱情骑兵

6、swear like a trooper ─── 破口大骂

7、moss-trooper n. ─── 土匪, 强盗

8、storm trooper n. ─── 纳粹党突击队员, ─── 纳粹党员

9、trooper adventure ─── 骑兵冒险

10、trooper shooter ─── 骑兵射手

11、state trooper highway patrol ─── 州警公路巡逻队

12、rabbit trooper ─── 兔子骑兵

13、the trooper ─── 骑警

14、trooper band ─── 骑兵乐队

15、ghoul trooper fortnite ─── 食尸鬼发现强壮

16、elite space trooper ─── 精英太空骑兵

17、giant trooper ─── 巨型骑兵

18、ghoul trooper ─── 食尸鬼骑兵

19、flame trooper ─── 火焰骑兵

trooper 词性/词形变化,trooper变形

动词过去式: trooped |动词第三人称单数: troops |动词现在分词: trooping |动词过去分词: trooped |

trooper 相似词语短语

1、drooped ─── vi.下垂;萎靡;凋萎;vt.使…下垂;n.下垂;消沉;n.(Droop)人名;(英)德鲁普

2、troupers ─── n.戏团演员;台柱演员;剧团的团员;有经验的演员

3、trooped ─── n.军队;组;群;多数;vi.群集;成群而行;结队;vt.把(骑兵)编成骑兵连

4、troopers ─── n.骑兵;骑警;伞兵;部队运输船;n.(Trooper)人名;(英)特鲁珀

5、Cooper ─── n.(美、加、英)库珀(人名);n.(cooper)制桶工人,修桶匠;v.(cooper)箍桶,修桶,制桶

6、outrooper ─── 其他

7、blooper ─── n.大挫折;引起杂音的收音机

8、trouper ─── n.戏团演员;台柱演员;剧团的团员;有经验的演员

9、groper ─── n.科鱼,白斑鱼;古氏黄唇鱼;隆头鱼科;苏眉鱼;抚摸他人身体的人;n.(Groper)(美、罗、加)格罗珀尔(人名)

trooper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"My bookkeeper has screamed and dived for cover, but I was like a good trooper defending the fort, Fort Assets." ─── 我的簿记员会不知所措,急忙还债,可我就像一位坚强的战士一样坚守着城堡--我的资产堡垒。

2、Success of the shadow trooper division led to the creation of the Storm Commandos, as well as Blackhole's elite stormtrooper forces. ─── 暗影部队的成功推动了帝国特种冲锋队和“黑洞”精锐冲锋队的建立。

3、Yo they tell me I'm a trooper. ─── 他们说我象个伞兵。

4、The Phase Two trooper was much more refined, bearing a gunmetal gray armored exterior reminiscent of stormtrooper uniforms. ─── 第二代黑暗士兵精致得多,其铜灰色盔甲酷似冲锋队制服。

5、Last week, Alaska lawmakers voted 5-3 to subpoena Palin's husband in the legislative investigation into whether his wife improperly attempted to fire a state trooper. ─── 上周,阿拉斯加州立法者以五比三投票通过,传唤了佩林的丈夫,以调查佩林是否滥用职权,试图辞退一名州警官。

6、He is doing 100 miles an hour down the Mass Pike and gets pulled over by a state trooper. ─── 他在马萨公路上以每小时100英里的速度行驶,结果被一名州警拦下。

7、Meanwhile a great cry issued from Goatee and one more trooper flew through the air and landed with a thud on the ground. ─── 但听得吴大鹏长声吆喝,一人飞了出去,拍哒一响,掉在地下,军官中又少了一人。

8、The ARC trooper was developed to be the equivalent of a Navy SEAL version of a regular clone trooper. ─── ARC士兵对于一般复制人是兵而言,就相当于海军的海豹部队。

9、21St Nova Corps Galactic Marine Trooper ─── 21新星军银河陆战队员

10、We never had a conversation on whether Trooper Wooten should be a trooper or not. ─── 我们从没讨论过州警伍腾是否应该继续任职。

11、I work a full-time job and go to school part time in the hope that I will become a state trooper. ─── 我是全职并且在在学校里兼职并且希望成为一名州警察。

12、The 5th Fleet Security was a clone trooper unit toward the end of the Clone Wars. These units were used to provide security on many starships and landing platforms. ─── 第5舰队安全部队是在克隆战争末期部署的一支克隆军队。这支部队的作用是为一些战舰和登陆平台提供保障。

13、Mace Windu's Attack Battalion Trooper ─── 梅斯.温度攻击营士兵

14、"Yep," the farmer said as he watched the trooper shoo away several flies. ─── “好吧,”老伯伯边说边看着这个警官在不停地驱赶着几只苍蝇。

15、On a rural road a state trooper pulled this farmer over and said: "Sir, do you realize your wife fell out of the car several miles back? ─── 在一条乡间道路上,警察拦住了一辆农民开的车,说道:“先生,请问你有没有意识到你的妻子几英里之前就从车上掉下去了?

16、For you, as a trooper, they are the highest example of faith, and to be a full adherent to the Imperial Creed you should follow their peerless lead. ─── 对于你,一个士兵来说,政委就是信仰的最高象征;同样地,想要成为帝国信条的忠实拥护者,你就应当服从政委出类拔萃的领导。

17、hosed the enemy trooper. ─── 射杀敌兵

18、Pincer and Shock Trooper ships were falling out of the sky like ducks on a bad day at the marsh. ─── 螯击机和突击骑兵机像倒霉日中沼泽地的野鸭子一样纷纷从天上掉下来。

19、Then he thanked the trooper, and with a weird, old-maidy show of caution turned the car around. ─── 然后,他谢了谢警察,用一种奇怪的、老太太式的谨慎倒着车。

20、He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright. ─── 他只是一个新兵,害怕得浑身筛糠。

21、Kansas state trooper says the search that resumed after daybreak is still being called "a search and rescue mission. ─── 据一个堪萨斯州的州警察称,天亮后就开始的搜寻工作仍然处在搜寻营救阶段。

22、Authorities say the man they are looking for is Ralph "Bucky" Phillips.He is the same guy who already wanted in connection with another trooper shooting in June. ─── 官方称通缉犯名叫*,他同时也是六月份发生的一起枪袭州警事件的通缉犯。

23、They are best used when a decent continuous firing AA is needed, or when a flak trooper needs to be saved. ─── 在你需要强大持续开火的防空武器或是当你的高射炮兵需要保护时,它是很不错的选择。

24、The ARC troopers were a specially bred type of clone, more independent and with less docility tampering than the standard trooper of the line. ─── ARC士兵是特别培育的复制人,比普通士兵有更高的独立性和更少的驯化改良。

25、The unique clone trooper identification number is embedded in each clone's DNA. ─── 复制人士兵独一无二的识别码被植入每个复制人的DNA内。

26、We was drivin' down the road, mindin' our own business, when a big trailer truck came out of nowhere and creamed us.When I came to, I was in the ditch, and a trooper was pullin' up with his car. ─── 当时我们正开下公路,没想到一辆拖挂卡车不知从哪里冲出来撞到我们,等我回过神来,发现我已经在壕沟里,一个警察正用他的小车拖拉。

27、storm trooper ─── n. 纳粹党突击队员, 纳粹党员

28、It is basically a Zone Trooper except with anti-air, so if you know how good they are, then you'll know this will be your unit of choice if you are ZOCOM (since only ZOCOM get the Zone Raider). ─── 她基本上就是带防空的重装机兵,所以如果你知道她们有多强大,你就知道这就是你的首选单位(当然只有ZOCOM子阵营才可以使用)。

29、All flight trooper, man your stations ─── 全体飞行队员就位

30、The basic unit of organization was the individual trooper. ─── 冲锋队建制的基本单位是单个士兵。

31、He is the same guy who already wanted in connection with another trooper shooting in June. ─── 此人因六月份枪击另外一名骑警而被通缉。

32、Increases Zone Trooper line of sight, and detects stealthed units. Unless you are dealing with stealthed units, this upgrade is not particularly useful. ─── 增加地区防御兵的视野范围,可以探测隐形单位。除非你在对付隐形单位,这项升级不是特别有用。

33、Not a single state trooper stopped us, but many passing motorists took great pains to honk and wave at us. ─── 没有一个交警阻拦我们,而且许多过去的司机不辞辛劳地对我们按喇叭,招手。

34、a heavily armed trooper in some European armies of the17th and18th centuries ─── 17、18世纪欧洲军队中全副武装的步兵

35、The BARC speeder gave a single clone trooper increased operational range, great speed, mobility, and firepower otherwise unavailable to the foot soldier. ─── BARC飞行机车使单一个复制人士兵增加作战距离、更高速度、机动性及步行士兵不足的火力。

36、"For Heaven's sake, sergeant, next time you have to inform a trooper of a loved one's demise, please be a little more subtle, " he said. ─── “看在老天的份上,班长,下次你要告诉弟兄们有亲人死亡时,请多用点技巧,委婉一些,”排长说道。

37、Monegan says he was working with the Governor's staff over the issue of Trooper Wooten. ─── 摩尼根说他正在与州长的下属一起讨论骑兵伍腾的问题。

38、The model of the soldier uses the same basic body of a clone trooper, with a custom blue paint job, different head, and a large scarab-like shoulder pad with the Senate seal for the captain. ─── 该兵种的建模采用克隆人士兵的基本身躯,加上特制的蓝色贴图,不同的头部。队长还有大的甲虫形肩胛板,上带议院之印。

39、You are A Real Trooper ─── 你真实一个好骑手

40、He became a trooper in the Royal Tank Regiment. ─── 他当上了皇家坦克团的装甲兵。

41、A group of officers from the Arizona Dept. of Public Safety arranged a special day for him, including a custom-made trooper uniform and a ride to headquarters in a department helicopter. ─── 一群来自亚利桑那州公共安全部的警察为他安排了特别的一天,包括一套定制的军装和坐直升机前往公安总部。

42、Kansas state trooper says the search that resumed after daybreak is still being called "a search and rescue misson. ─── 一名堪萨斯州士兵说,天亮后还要继续清理那仍然被称着搜寻援救的任务。

43、Late in the Clone Wars, they patrolled the vast cityscapes, and Coruscant's citizens knew to produce their identification at the behest of any red-marked clone trooper. ─── 复制人战争末期,他们巡逻广大的都市,科罗森的市民知道对任何红色的复制人士兵的命令都要认同。

44、P>He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright. ─── 他只是一名新手骑兵,(初上战场)他当然害怕地站不稳。

45、car video camera shows Trooper Calvin Jenks trying to get the2 men out of their car. ─── 当局称,巡逻车内的摄像机内的胶片显示当时骑警凯文正试图让这两名男性下车。

46、The trooper straightened up, boots creaking. ─── 警察直起腰,靴子吱吱作响。

47、Having Power Packs will also increase the Zone Trooper firing range. ─── 拥有能量包也可以增加地区防御兵的射程。

48、Shock Trooper Teleport: Similar to the Desintegrator Teleport.Clump mass Shock Troopers by Force Fire or Blink Packs. ─── 传送突袭兵:类似粉碎行者,利用强制攻击或闪光包来聚集大量的突袭兵。

49、Vonkummer told the trooper that an Oreo had just slipped from his fingers as he dunked it in a cup of milk, and that he was trying to fish it out when he lost control of his car. ─── 冯库莫告诉这名州警,当他把一块奥利奥饼乾浸到一杯牛奶里时,饼乾竟然从指间滑掉;他忙著把饼乾(从牛奶里)捞出来,所以车子才会失控。

50、An East Indian sailor, army servant, or artillery trooper. ─── 东印度水手;军队仆佣;炮兵

51、Stormtrooper, my first ever white trooper! ─── 你(有些人)老妈子生你出来, 就是要你当人家的奴隶, 帮人家做事吃屎, 你真的对得起自己的家人及祖宗十八代!

52、A trooper arrived at the gallop. ─── 一个骑兵策马飞奔而至。

53、state trooper ─── ph. 【美】州警察

54、Once long ago he had considered becoming a state trooper. ─── 很久以前他曾考虑过当一名州警官。

55、Design Director Doug Chiang's concept art focused on this connection, melding features of both armors into the finished clone trooper design. ─── 设计指导江道格的概念艺术于是著眼在此点上,在完成的复制人设计显示著两种盔甲的设计。

56、Probably the most eye-catching collectible made to depict Rotta was plush life-size Rotta made to fit within a usable soft clone trooper backpack. ─── 或许最引人瞩目的罗塔玩具是一比一大小的长毛绒罗塔,它可以被放进一个日用型克隆人软背包里。

57、I just cannot recall a specific conversation where Commissioner Monegan and I talked about this specific trooper. ─── 摩尼根部长和我详细地谈论这个骑兵,我想不起有过这样一次具体的谈话。

58、The plane crashed about 10:20 p.m., hitting a home and bursting into a fireball, according to New York State Trooper John Manthey. Twelve residents were evacuated from the area. ─── 该飞机大约在上午10:20时坠毁,击中一处民房并起火,纽约州州警约翰说,有十二户居民从出事区区域紧急撤离。

59、Seeing who it was the trooper says "just a moment please I need to call in. " ─── 看到他是谁,骑警说:“请稍等,我要汇报一下。”

60、He was a good father, upright citizen and an experienced young trooper over at the Rhode Island State Police. ─── 他是一位好父亲,正直的公民,一直就任于罗德岛州警察局,年轻而富有经验的骑兵。

61、swear like a trooper ─── v. 大骂

62、For the finished film, every single armored clone trooper was realized as a computer-generated creation, and no clone trooper armor was ever built. ─── 在完成的电影中,每个穿著装甲的复制人士兵都以电脑动画呈现,也没有任何复制人盔甲被制造出来过。

63、Kansas State trooper says the search that resumed after daybreak is still being called a search and rescue mission. ─── 一位堪萨斯州的军人表示搜寻工作在黎明后将继续,任务仍然是搜索和救援。

64、Trooper Onozuki, wearing mask and armor, sits in the other doorway, leaning on the sling of the door-gun. ─── 戴着面具和身着盔甲的士兵 Onozuki 坐在另一个门口,斜靠在门枪的吊索上。

65、Wily old trooper won't go away ─── 老谋深算的老伞兵不会离开

66、Your ‘88 Trooper isn't bringing enough in trade to step up to the whopping MSRP. ─── 您的'88骑兵没有使足够的贸易,加强对高达建议零售价。

67、The trooper was not hurt. ─── 所幸巡警并未受伤。

68、Well, the trooper, seeing who it was, says "just a moment please I need to call in. " ─── 看见谁在开车之后,骑警说:“请稍等,容我通禀。”

69、Now that you're done with the tooka doll, don't lose it; unless of course you need the help of a friendly clone trooper. ─── 现在你做好了图卡布娃娃,别弄丢了哦;当然,除非你想碰到一个和蔼的克隆兵叔叔帮你找。

70、Alongside trooper Jek and Lieutenant Thire, Rys followed Yoda as they crash-landed on the moon's surface after being shot down by Separatist frigates. ─── 在他们的飞船被分离主义势力的护卫舰击落后,里斯和战友杰克外加塞尔中尉陪伴尤达迫降在这卫星的表面。

71、The state trooper pulled the speeding motorist over. ─── 州警命令超速的摩托车手把车停到路边

72、It was a trooper. Without it, none of the Crave articles you've read by me would have been possible. But it's retired. ─── 这是一个骑兵。没有它,你的渴望我所看过的文章本来没有可能。但它的退休。

73、The nose-art on Luminara's gunship has a clone trooper quite literally giving Count Dooku the boot. ─── 卢米娜拉炮艇的机鼻标志是一个克隆人士兵结结实实地踢了杜库伯爵一脚。

74、Bly was one of the first generation of clone commanders to be trained by the ARC trooper Alpha. ─── 布莱是属于ARC士兵阿尔发训练的第一代复制人指挥官。

75、They say footage from the patrol car video camera shows Trooper Calvin Jenks trying to get the 2 men out of their car. ─── 当局称巡逻车内的摄像机内的短片显示骑警凯文试图让这两名男性下车。

76、The trooper row is due to come to a head today when Alaskan legislators are scheduled to open a hearing. ─── 州警的这起纠纷案正进行到要紧关头。今天,阿拉斯加法庭准备召开听证会。

77、Imagery of the red Bly saw publication and became the basis of a Hasbro action figure, even though a clone trooper with those particular markings did not appear in Episode III. ─── 红色的布莱之画像可在出版物上看到,并且成为孩之宝的基本可动人偶,即使在第三部曲中甚至都看不到有那样特别涂装的复制人士兵。

78、She cursed and stormed at me like a trooper. ─── 她对我连吼带叫,破口大骂。

79、He swore like a trooper when I complained about his work. ─── 我对他的工作提出不满意见,他便破口大骂。

80、The standard weapon does a good damage against every unit, it kills Hammer Tanks in 12 seconds and a Peacekeeper or Flak Trooper in less than 2 seconds (2 volleys). ─── 它的标准武器可以对每个单位造成不错的伤害,它可以在12秒内干掉一个铁锤,在2秒内(2发齐射)干掉一个和平守卫者或是高射炮兵。

81、Jek and his fellow trooper Rys were assigned to escort Jedi Master Yoda to a diplomatic mission to Rugosa, under the command of Lieutenant Thire. ─── 杰克和他的战友里斯被分配去护送绝地大师尤达前往鲁戈萨执行一个外交任务,他们的上司是塞尔中尉。

82、The very last armored Shock Trooper tried a headfirst dive at the very bridge canopy, and most of the beings there dove for the deck, useless as that was, by sheer reflex. ─── 最后一个突击骑兵机试图转头向下俯冲,朝舰桥罩舱撞去,大多数人都伏身趴向地板,其实这动作毫无用处,只是本能反射罢了。

83、But trooper Pierpont is still needed to soothe those first-time (or even tenth-time) nerves. ─── 但是,骑警皮尔邦德还是要花费一番周折,让那些第一次(甚至是第十次)走环形路的司机放心行驶。

84、He pulled to the side of the road, and Trooper McWilliams rushed over with his flashlight. "You've got to keep moving! " the officer barked. ─── 他把车停在了一边,骑警威廉姆斯带着他的闪光灯冲过来大叫到:“你一直在行驶!”

85、to get rid of Trooper Michael Wooten, her ex-brother-in-law. ─── 为了摆脱她的前妹夫,迈克伍滕,一名骑兵。

86、He pulls over and the trooper comes to his window. Seeing who it was the trooper says "just a moment please I need to call in." ─── 教皇把车停在一边,骑警来到他们窗口前。看到他是谁,骑警说:“请稍等,我要汇报一下。”

87、The Incinerator trooper was an elite specialized variant of stormtrooper, distinguished by the red markings they bore on their armor, which made them resemble Palpatine's Shock Troopers. ─── 焚化兵是精锐的冲锋队分化兵种,盔甲上带有鲜明的红色标识,因此与帕尔帕廷的克隆人震击兵有些相似。

88、A Kansas State trooper says the search that resumed after daybreak is still being called a search and rescue mission. ─── 一名堪萨斯州伞兵表示天亮后重新开始的搜寻工作仍然是一项搜救任务。

89、I drove 55 miles per hour all the way from Ohio to here and just got confused coming into a new town (imagine a very unimpressed trooper staring at me through dark sunglasses). ─── 我以每小时55英里的速度从俄亥俄州一直开到这,只是到了新城镇里搞迷糊了(想象一个没有特征的警察从黑色的太阳镜后盯着你的样子)。


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