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09-09 投稿



emotivity 发音

英:[[?m??'t?v?t?]]  美:[[?mo?'t?v?t?]]

英:  美:

emotivity 中文意思翻译



emotivity 相似词语短语

1、eruptivity ─── 喷发状态

2、emotivism ─── n.情绪主义,情绪论

3、ergativity ─── n.作格性

4、emissivity ─── n.[物]发射率;辐射系数

5、motivity ─── n.动力;原动力

6、electivity ─── 选择性

7、demotivate ─── v.使失去动力,使变得消极,使泄气

8、emotively ─── adv.动情地;使感动地

9、erosivity ─── 侵蚀性;磨蚀程度

emotivity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the specific texts, there are also contextconst rained deviat ions in referent ial meaning, derogato ry meaning, commendato ry meaning, and emot ional meaning. ─── 在具体的篇章中,还存在由于语境制约而导致的所指义偏离、贬损义偏离、褒奖义偏离和情感义偏离。

2、 双语使用场景

3、There are larger differences in the content of painting products by five-six aged children in city and village including happening and emot. ─── 6岁城乡儿童在绘画内容中所表现的事件和情感存在较大差异。

4、His Gaoyou Story concentrately displays the special gift of his novel, on which his special aesthetic emot... ─── 他的“高邮故事”集中体现了他小说的“异秉”,寄托其“与众不同”的美学情感和艺术追求。

5、Keywords Middle school and primary school teacher;Job burnout;Emot ional exhaustion;Cynicism;Reduced personal accomplishment; ─── 中小学教师;职业倦怠;情感衰竭;玩世不恭;个人成就感低落;

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