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09-09 投稿



horticultural 发音

英:[,h??t?'k?lt??r?l]  美:[,h?rt?'k?lt??r?l]

英:  美:

horticultural 中文意思翻译



horticultural 网络释义

adj. 园艺的

horticultural 短语词组

1、horticultural crop ─── 园艺作物

2、horticultural structure ─── 园艺建筑物

3、Horticultural therapy ─── 园艺疗法

4、horticultural scheme ─── 园艺计划

5、horticultural plant ─── [医]园艺作物

6、horticultural spray ─── 园艺喷雾

7、horticultural lighting ─── 园艺照明

horticultural 相似词语短语

1、anticultural ─── 反文化的

2、horticulture ─── n.园艺,园艺学

3、multicultural ─── adj.多种文化的;融合或具有多种文化的

4、horticulturist ─── n.园艺家

5、agricultural ─── adj.农业的;农艺的

6、horticulturalist ─── 园艺种植者;(尤指)园艺(学)家

7、sericultural ─── adj.养蚕的

8、floricultural ─── adj.种花的;养花的

9、horticulturally ─── 园艺学

horticultural 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Storage Industry Should Develop in Step With Horticultural Industry ─── 园艺产业呼唤产后保鲜业同步发展

2、International Horticultural Exhibition Shenyang China ─── 中国沈阳世界园艺博览会

3、The effects of light intensity on photosynthesis diurnal variation of horticultural plants diver with some differentiations in species, cultivars, bearing times and ecological factors. ─── 光照强度对园艺植物的光合作用日变化因不同种类、不同品种、不同生育期或因不同生态因子对其影响不同而各异;

4、International Society foe Horticultural Science ─── 国际园艺协会

5、Cold treatment techniques for horticultural produce to keep fresh at the fresh - keeping station built in situ ─── 园艺产品产地保鲜站的冷处理技术

6、Progress in Researches of High Temperatwre Stress Physiology of Horticultural Plants ─── 园艺植物高温逆境生理研究进展

7、During a visit to the Taiwan Orchid Technology Park, Wang remarked that she is looking into the possibility of substituting jail terms for minor offenders with horticultural service. ─── 参访台湾兰花科技园区期间,王说,她正在考虑是否有可能以园艺服务取代未成年人罪犯入狱服刑。

8、Also, put a cultural horticultural crops such as tomatoes, onions and fruit are more easily effected affected by climate change than grains and oil - seed crops. ─── 同时,像番茄、洋葱和水果这些园艺作物比起谷物和榨油作物更容易受到气候变化的影响。

9、The 2006 Shenyang International Horticultural Exposition is about to start in a few days, I invite you to come to visit our EXPO in summer! ─── 2006沈阳世园会就要开幕了,诚挚邀请您在暑假走进我们的世博园!

10、'99 Kunming International Horticultural Exposition ─── 99昆明国际园艺博览会

11、Protoplast Culture of Horticultural Plants and Its Application: A Review ─── 园艺植物原生质体培养及应用

12、Main interest is in coir yarn and fibre, coir brush fibre, coir mats and mattings, and coir fibre dust used in the horticultural. ─── 主要经营粗纱,粗纤维,制刷用的粗纤维,粗席及园艺市场用的粗纤维粉末。

13、Progress in water stress physiology and drought tolerance mechanism of horticultural plant ─── 园艺植物水分胁迫生理及耐旱机制研究进展

14、National Gardening Association Horticultural Dictionary ─── 园艺辞典。

15、WANG Jun-hui, HUANG Chun-nong.Vitrification-a new approach for cryopreservation of shoot-tips and meristems of horticultural crops[J].Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 1994, 21(3):277-282. ─── [4]王君晖,黄纯农. 玻璃化法-园艺植物茎尖和分生组织超低温保存的新途径[J].园艺学报,1994, 21(3):277-282.

16、Horticultural plant tissue culture ─── 园艺植物组织培养学

17、The term is often loosely used to describe breeds of livestock or various cultivated forms of agricultural and horticultural species. ─── 此术语广泛用于描述家畜的品种或农业、园艺上的各栽培种。

18、A Prediction of the Prospect Regarding the Market of Kunming World Horticultural Garden ─── 关于昆明世博园市场前景的预测

19、NTR; Nordic Secretariat for Agricultural and Horticultural Workers; ─── 北欧农业和园艺工人秘书处;

20、10 Post-harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops Kader, A.A. 2009-03-24 ─── 9女人一生最重要的15个决定毛定娟,李卫平著黑龙江科学技术出版社2009.12009-03-25待处理

21、August 14, is located in the Belgian capital of Brussels a major downtown square, along with horticultural workers will be laid flowers at the pebbles on the ground to form a huge carpet of flowers. ─── 8月14日,在位于比利时首都布鲁塞尔市中心的大广场上,人们跟园艺工人一起将花瓣铺在鹅卵石地面上,组成巨大的鲜花地毯。

22、Also, horticultural crops such as tomatoes, onions and fruit are more easily affected by climate change than grains and oilseed crops. ─── 园艺作物如西红柿,洋葱和水果比谷物和油作物更易受天气影响。

23、Advances and application of ethylene receptor inhibitor to horticultural crops (a review) ─── 乙烯受体抑制剂在园艺作物上的应用研究(综述)

24、Horticultural Trial with Henry Chestnut under Varying Altitude Conditions ─── 不同海拔锥栗栽培试验研究

25、certified horticultural tractor ─── 合格园圃拖拉机

26、International Horticultural Exhibition ─── 世园会

27、Category includes all farm managers except horticultural. ─── 此类别包括所有的农场经理,园艺除外。

28、Other products are oil (sesame seeds, linseed), flax, wheat and horticultural products. ─── 其它产品是油(芝麻油,亚麻子)、亚麻、小麦和园艺产品。

29、Effects of different temperatures on the nutrient releasing characters of APEX horticultural release-controlled fertilizers ─── 不同温度对APEX园艺专用控释肥料养分释放特性的影响研究

30、Shanghai has those who specialize in sweetgrass flower farming root is sweet horticultural, the herb that popularizes to the citizen already had more than kinds 80. ─── 也可干燥贮存,制作香袋.香枕.沐浴和医疗健身,不同种类的香草花主要功能都各有所长。

31、Research Advances in Abscission of Floral Organs in Horticultural Plants ─── 园艺植物花器脱落研究进展

32、The Horticultural Department of Hubei Agricultural College, Jing zhou Hubei 434103; 2. The College of Enology, Northwestern Agricultural University,Yangling shanx... ─── 关于我们-联系我们-广告服务-杂志征订-法律声明-友情链接-网站导航

33、Horticultural plant pathology ─── 园艺植物病理学

34、Fangcun District in the realm Liwan, the original horticultural industry will be more focused on research and development and marketing, the original status of the agricultural land will drop. ─── 中山大学岭南学院林江博士说,从大宏观层面看,老区的合并将“提升整个老城区的房地产价值”。

35、Yunnan will fully display its rich and unique natural scenery and ethnic folklore during the International Horticultural Exposition. ─── 云南将在世博会期间,全面展示丰富独特的自然风光和民族风情。

36、breeding science of horticultural crops ─── 园艺植物育种学

37、The International Horticultural Exhibitions held before have rarely found so many participants. ─── 参展者之多,在历次世界园艺博览会中是少有的。

38、The causes and countermeasures for variety degeneration of horticultural crops ─── 园艺作物品种混杂退化的原因及对策

39、With strict quality control, we provide high quality plants and horticultural appliances and conceive the landscaping and nursing projects for the best effect. ─── 严格把控原材料关,提供高质量苗木及配套资材,并精心组织施工和养护,铸造精品工程。

40、A Preliminary Study of the Influence of Horticultural Operation Activities on the Physical and Mental Health of the Elderly ─── 园艺操作活动对老年人身心健康影响的初步研究

41、Horticultural Exposition INTEGER ─── 世博INTEGER

42、Water retention by horticultural perlite is not an indiscriminate action. ─── 保水的园艺珍珠岩不是不分青红皂白的行动。

43、Also, hortacultural horticultural crops such as tomatoes, onions and fruit are more easily affected by climate change than grains and oil seed oilseed crops. ─── 另外,像番茄、洋葱和水果等园艺作物相比谷类和油料作物,更容易受气候变化的影响。

44、The natural distribution,the ecological characteristics and the horticultural and medical values of Rhododendron L.are presented in this paper. ─── 介绍了杜鹃花的天然分布,生物、生态学特性,观赏、药用和生态价值。

45、Chu Xialin is close, outdoors and horticultural household also begins to warm up together as sunshine. ─── 初夏临近,户外园艺家居也开始随着阳光一起升温。

46、Advance of Studies on Browning and Antibrowning Techniques in the Tissue Culture of Horticultural Plants ─── 园艺植物组织培养中的褐化现象及抗褐化研究进展

47、Design and Implementation of Horticultural Teaching Software by Utilizing Authorware ─── 利用AUTHORWARE进行园艺教学软件的设计与实现

48、Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the International Horticultural Expo? ─── 劳驾,请问去世园会怎么走?

49、Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; malt. ─── 农业、园艺及林业产品及不属别类的谷物;活的动物;新鲜水果和蔬菜;种籽、草木及花卉;动物饲料、麦芽。

50、Chinese Society of Horticultural Science ─── 中国园艺学会

51、What is Brought to Us in "International Horticultural Exposition"? ─── "世博会"给我们带来了什么?

52、Pests, Disease and Rat Damage of Forests surrounding Kunming Horticultural Exposition Garden and Its Control Strategies ─── 世博园外围林区的植物病虫鼠害及防治对策

53、Nordic Gene Bank for Agricultural and Horticultural Plants; ─── 北欧农作物和园艺植物基因库;

54、Crop Growth Simulated System and its Application in Equipment Horticultural Production ─── 作物生长模拟模型及其在设施园艺生产中的应用

55、All the basic procedure and methods of risk management are illustrated by certain horticultural exposition based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). ─── 以某园艺博览会为实例,介绍了大型社会活动事故风险管理应用的全过程,并选用层次分析法进行了事故风险的综合评价。

56、Karyotype analysis on two horticultural plants of Celastraceae L. ─── 卫茅科两种园艺植物的染色体核型分析。

57、Cultivar:a horticultural race or variety of a plant that has originated and persisted only under cultivation. ─── "栽培品种:某一植物的园艺品种或变种,在栽培条件下起源并只能在栽培条件下存活."

58、More than 70 local and overseas horticultural organisations took part in the 1997 show held at Sha Tin Park and Sha Tin Town Hall. It attracted more than 450000 visitors over its 10 days. ─── 一九九七年香港花卉展览在沙田公园及沙田大会堂举行,为期10日,参加的本地及海外园艺组织逾70个,到场参观人数逾45万人次。

59、III. Yunnan will fully display its rich and unique natural scenery and ethnic folklore during the International Horticultural Exposition ─── 三、云南将在世博会期间全面展示丰富独特的自然风光和民族风情

60、Parthenocarpy of Horticultural Crops and It's Application ─── 园艺作物的单性结实及应用

61、Also hotcultural[horticultural] crops such as tomatoes,onions and fruit are more easlier(easily) affected by climate change than grains and oilseed crops. ─── 同时,园艺作物比如西红柿,洋葱和水果比谷物和油种作物更容易被气候变化影响

62、agricultural or horticultural hoe (excl. hand tools) ─── 农用或园艺锄(不包括手工具)

63、The plant is being very effectively commercialized by the Ball Horticultural Company based near Chicago in the USA. ─── 鲍尔园艺公司对该种植物进行了卓有成效的商业化经营,这家公司坐落于美国芝加哥附近。

64、Horticultural Tools and Outdoor Equipment ─── 园艺工具及户外装置

65、Challenging Problems In Horticultural And Forest Pathology ─── 园艺森林病理学复杂问题

66、Embodying horticultural therapy and satisfying the needs of every body are basic trend in 21st century. ─── 园林设计中体现园艺疗法,满足各种群体的需求,是21世纪园林建设的根本趋势。

67、Standard Test Method for Particle Size Range of Peat Materials for Horticultural Purposes ─── 园艺用泥炭材料粒径的试验方法

68、Horticultural application and breading technology of Aesculus chinesis ─── 七叶树的园林应用及繁育技术

69、to friends of the news media. Welcome all of you to visit the International Horticultural Exposition. ─── 在这里,我要特别向新闻界朋友发出邀请,欢迎大家光临世博会。

70、Design of Roof Siphonic Rainwater Drainage Systems of Rose Pavilion in 2006 International Horticultural Exposition ─── 2006世园会玫瑰园虹吸式屋面雨水系统设计

71、Bioinformatics Resources for Molecular Breeding of Horticultural Plants ─── 园艺植物分子育种相关生物信息资源及其应用

72、Ponderation over the Optimizing Knowledge Structure and Course System of Undergraduates in Horticultural Specialty ─── 优化园艺专业本科生知识结构和课程体系的思考

73、a horticultural show, society, expert ─── 园艺展览﹑ 协会﹑ 专家.

74、AFLP Technique and Its Application in the Studies of Horticultural Plants'Genetics and Breeding ─── AFLP标记及其在园艺植物遗传育种中的应用

75、a horticultural show/society ─── 园艺展览/协会

76、Horticultural exporters who typically rely heavily on seasonal finance will be further hit by an increasing cost of credit. ─── 由于信贷开销的上涨,总是严重依赖着时令经济的园艺品出口商将会受到更大的打击。

77、The composition of tea varies with species, season, age of the leaf (plucking position), climate, and horticultural practices. ─── 茶的成分随种类、季节、年龄变化、叶子(采收位置)、气候和栽种技术而不同。

78、The findings are described in the Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. ─── 这项发现被美国园艺学协会日报所登载。

79、The horticultural industry has the responsibility of providing much of the food for the masses in the most efficient manner. ─── 园艺业以最有效的方式承担着为芸芸众生提供大量食物的重任。

80、Shanghai Horticultural Profession Must Strengthen Cultural Construction ─── 上海建设科技

81、Mainly the production of bamboo and rattan wood crafts, small wooden furniture, carved cork products, bamboo products, horticultural products and home products. ─── 主要生产各种木竹藤工艺品、木制小家具、软木雕刻制品,竹制品,园艺制品,家居制品等。

82、Other major exports and timber products, fish and horticultural products. ─── 其他主要出口产品有木材、木器、水产和园艺品。

83、Research on Designing the Whirling Blade Radius of Horticultural Cultivator ─── 园艺型耕耘机刀辊半径设计方法的研究

84、A famous Chinese ornamental plant with many widely cultivated horticultural forms. ─── 一个著名的汉语观赏的植株具很多广泛栽培园艺的形式。

85、Lal Bagh Hyder Ali laid out this famous botanical garden and his son added horticultural wealth to them by importing trees and plants from several countries. ─── 占地2400英亩从多个国家运来多种植物,总共1000多种植物。

86、Because these vegetable factories are support such as completely agrotechnical, horticultural technology, electron is electric technology.. ─── 因为这些蔬菜厂完全是依靠诸如农业技术、园艺技术、电子电气技术...

87、International Horticultural Exposition ─── 世界园艺博览会

88、duster ,powder-spraying, agricultural or horticultural, whether or not portable with or without motors ─── 农业或园艺用喷粉器,不论是否便携式,是否装有马达

89、Presented at the 89th Annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science at Helton Hotel.Honolulu.Hawaii. ─── 台中区农业改良场特刊第33号(台湾经济果树栽培技术研讨会专集)167-178。

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