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09-09 投稿



invariance 发音


英:  美:

invariance 中文意思翻译



invariance 反义词


invariance 同义词

invariance | invariability

invariance 短语词组

1、invariance principle ─── [计] 不变性原则

2、space invariance ─── [计] 空间不变

3、impulse invariance ─── [自]冲激不变法

4、invariance requirement ─── 不变性要求

5、gauge invariance ─── [化] 规范不变性

6、Galilean invariance ─── [化] 伽利略不变性

7、rotation invariance ─── 旋转不变性

8、invariance imbedding ─── [电] 不变蕴藏

9、Lorentz invariance ─── [化] 洛伦兹不变性

10、invariance property ─── 不变性性质

11、relativistic invariance ─── [化] 相对论性不变性

12、cardiac invariance ─── 心脏不变性

13、invariance postulate ─── 不变性公设

14、position invariance ─── [计] 位置不变

invariance 相似词语短语

1、invariants ─── n.[数]不变量(invariant的复数);不变性

2、invariancy ─── 不变性

3、invariant ─── adj.不变的;n.[数]不变量;[计]不变式

4、in advance ─── adv.预先,提前

5、at variance ─── 不和;有分歧

6、covariance ─── n.[数]协方差;共分散

7、variance ─── n.变异;变化;不一致;分歧;[数]方差

8、invariables ─── adj.不变的;常数的;n.常数;不变的东西

9、invariable ─── adj.不变的;常数的;n.常数;不变的东西

invariance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Subsequently, as a important property, the time invariance of support set of solutions of regularization is proved. ─── 证明了正则化解的一个重要性质,即解的支集关于时间的不变性;

2、In the calibration of the system, a plan based on the principle of cross ratio invariance in algebraic projective geometry was used to calibrate the coded light planes. ─── 在对编码投影光平面的标定过程中,提出利用代数射影几何中的交比不变原理对其进行标定的方案,并论述了标定原理。

3、Improvement and Invariance Analysis of Pseudo-Zernike Moments ─── 伪Zernike矩不变性分析及其改进研究

4、Simulation of moving cylinder inside a transient Couette flow verifies the Galilean invariance of Lattice- BGK model; ─── 使用该方法模拟剪切流场中的移动圆柱问题,模拟结果表明格子-BGK模型符合伽利略不变性原理。

5、For geometric invariance of the invariant moment, it has been used in pattern recognition, computer vision and image reconstruction. ─── 不变矩的几何变换不变性特点,使其在模式识别、计算机视觉和图像重构中被广泛使用。

6、invariance postulate ─── 不变性公设

7、Landsberg P T. Is the temperature of a moving body invari cant [J] . Nature, 1966,212:571. ─── 叶壬癸.狭义相对论中温度变换的讨论[J].厦门大学学报(自然版),1982(3):319.

8、conformal invariance ─── 共形不变性

9、Form Invariance of Equations of Motion of Holonomic Systems in the Event Space ─── 事件空间中完整系统运动方程的形式不变性

10、The invariance of distance boundary condition domains under quasiconformal mapping and the quasi-invariant metric of Mobius transformation ─── 两类距离边界条件域的拟共不变性和Mobius变换的两个拟不变量

11、Linear invariance property of discrete fractal indices in Zd ─── Zd中离散分形指标的线性不变性质

12、principle of coordinate invariance ─── 坐标不变性原理

13、Problem on scale-invariance, rotation-invariance and translation-invariance can be solved with this method. ─── 解决了尺度变化、旋转和平移不变性问题。

14、Invariance of Estimator of Scale Parameter under a Class of Symmetric Loss ─── 一类对称损失下刻度参数估计的不变性

15、The invariance of distance boundary condition domains under quasiconformal mapping and the quasi-invariant metric of M?ius transformation ─── 两类距离边界条件域的拟共不变性和M?ius变换的两个拟不变量

16、Invariance principle and state feedback stabilization of invariant sets of switched systems ─── 切换系统的不变性原理与不变集的状态反馈镇定

17、The Application of the Invariance of First Order Differential Forms in the Differential Calculus for Function of One Variable ─── 一阶微分的形式不变性在一元微分学中的应用

18、derivation methods of Lorentz transformation according to invariance of light speed and principle of relativity are commented. ─── 评论了仅仅依据光速不变假设和相对性原理推导洛伦兹变换公式的方法。

19、Form invariance of holonomic systems with unilateral constraints in phase space ─── 单面完整约束系统在相空间中的形式不变性

20、A Discussion of the Complete Convergence of U-Statistics by Means of the Strong Invariance Principle ─── 利用强不变原理讨论U-统计量的完全收敛性


22、This paper proved that this algebraic feature has some important properties of algebraic and geometric invariance. ─── 该文证明了这样抽取的代数特征具有一些重要的代数和几何不变性。

23、invariance principle of dependent direction ─── 依赖方向不变原理

24、This paper analyses the influence of scale factor on moment invariant features in discrete,constructs a new moment invariant with both scale,translation and rotating invariance. ─── 分析了在离散状态下比例因子对不变矩特征的影响,构造了一种新的不变矩,使其具有平移、旋转和比例因子的不变性。

25、Inside cool water circulation system can guarantee invariance temperature, stable laser output power. ─── 内封闭制冷循环系统,循环水可保证恒定温度,激光功率输出稳定。

26、A seeming sign that Lorentz invariance does not hold exactly comes with the formulation of quantum electrodynamics, and Richard P. Feynman's infamous renormalizations. ─── 在量子力学理论里面对电荷和质量的重正化当中罗伦兹不变量并不是一定成立的。

27、The invariance principles in physics have transcended both kinetic and dynamic properties and are at the very heart of our understanding of the physical world. ─── 在物理学方面的不变原理已经超出动力和动态的特性,在我们的理解物质世界的中心。

28、Nash Certainty Equivalence in Large Population Stochastic Dynamic Games and Invariance Principle ─── 众多参与者的随机动态博奕中的Nash平衡和不变性原理

29、SAR raw signal; time-domain simulation; shift invariance; templates; multithreading; hybrid coding ─── 关键字:SAR原始数据;时域模拟;平移特性;模板;多线程;混合编码

30、Invariance properties of a triple operator product involving generalized inverses ─── 包含广义逆的算子乘积的一些不变性

31、The Function of the Invariance of Differential Form of First Order ─── 一阶微分形式不变性的作用

32、the invariance of the temperate ─── 保温

33、Invariance refers to areas of agreement. ─── 不变性指的是一致的部分。

34、Therefore, to verify the hypothesis of invariance of light speed, a new method must be found to take accurate measurement of the infinitesimal change in the travelling time of light. ─── 因此要在地面上验证光速不变假设是否正确,必须找出一种精密测量光运行时间微小变化的新方法。

35、Supersymmetry and Shape Invariance of Hartmann Potential Supersymmetry and Shape Invariance of Hartmann Potential ─── 哈特曼势的超对称性和形不变性

36、This invariance requirement has been a strait jacket on the free invention of scientists. ─── 这个不变性要求,已经成了套在科学家的自由创造上的一件紧身衣。

37、In this paper, authors present a derivation of the Lorents transformation by invoking the principle of relativity alone, without the principle of invariance of light speed. ─── 在大多数介绍狭义相对论的文章中,导出洛仑兹变换公式的依据都是相对性原理和光速不变原理。

38、reflection invariance ─── 反射不变性

39、affine invariance ─── 仿射不变

40、Some Characters of Information System Homomorphism and Invariance of Upper and Lower Approximations ─── 信息系统同态的性质及上下近似的不变性

41、The Computational Methods Based on Invariance of Cross Ratio ─── 基于交比不变性的计算方法研究

42、A Road Recognition Method with Illumination Invariance ─── 一种具有光照不变性的道路识别方法

43、Keywords volume hologram;thermal fixing;correlation recognition;shifting invariance; ─── 体全息;热固定;相关识别;位移不变性;

44、Invariance under translation in time leads to conservation of energy. ─── 在时间平移下的不变性导致能量守恒。


46、CP Invariance in Neutrino Oscillation ─── 在中微子振荡中的CP破坏

47、Restructuring the Rotation Invariance of Singular Values for Image Recognition ─── 图像矩阵奇异值旋转不变性的重建

48、It has been proved that the OCT system behaves as a linear shift invariance system and can be described precisely by a coherent transfer function (CTF). ─── 分析了该技术测量样品纵深结构时图像的形成机理,结果表明它相当于一复振幅线性平移不变系统,从而可用相干传递函数描述系统性能。

49、Robust Invariance Switching Control for a Class of Nonlinear Cascade Systems ─── 一类非线性级联系统的鲁棒不变切换控制

50、invariance theorem of dimension ─── 不变量钢定理


52、invariance of decision problem ─── 决策问题的不变性

53、Keywords Image Fusion;Pixel-Level Fusion;Wavelet;Multiscale Decomposition;Frame;Filter Bank;Shift Invariance;Nonlinear; ─── 图像融合;像素级融合;小波;多尺度分解;框架;滤波器组;移不变性;非线性;

54、The shafting structure requires a high invariance of the figure, so even tiny plastic deformation can affect the capability of the shafting. ─── 因为轴系是对形状恒定性要求很高的结构构件,即使是发生微小的塑性变形,也会对结构性能产生影响。

55、By use of the invariance of first order differential form, we can avoid solving the derivate of complex composite function and we can also solve the implicite function, ─── 利用一阶微分形式不变性求解微商,可以避免较复杂的复合函数微商问题,介绍利用一阶微分形式不变性求解隐函数、数形式的函数的微商以及相关变化率的问题。

56、We have proved the invariance of M only with the implicit assumption w/? 锁 ?. ─── 仅仅在暗中假定w/?锁?时,我们才证明了M的不变性。

57、Form invariance for a constrained system with second-order reducible differential constraints ─── 二阶可降阶微分约束系统的形式不变性

58、In the calibration of the system,a plan based on the principle of cross ratio invariance in algebraic projective geometry was used to calibrate the coded light planes. ─── 在对编码投影光平面的标定过程中,提出利用代数射影几何中的交比不变原理对其进行标定的方案,并论述了标定原理。

59、An Explanation and Improvement on the Invariance of the Wald Test on the Differential Geometry ─── Wald检验不一致性的微分几何解释及改进

60、The Application of the Invariance of Total Differential Forms in the Differential Calculus for Function of Several Variables ─── 一阶全微分形式不变性在多元微分学中的应用

61、Notes on the Invariance of the Interval and the Lorentz Transformation ─── 关于间隔不变性与洛仑兹变换的几点注记

62、By using the invariance property of VSC, the controlled system independent of the uncertainty which satisfies the matching condition on the sliding surface. ─── 利用变结构控制的不变性,使受控系统在滑模面上与满足匹配条件的系统不确定性无关。

63、The approach is axiomatic and formulated in terms of geometric invariance with respect to the position of the observer. ─── 这种方法是无须证明的并且用与观察者的位置有关的几何学不变方式阐述。

64、In order to solve this problem,we introduce translation invariance for wavelet based de-noise technology in this paper. ─── 为消除此类影响,文中将平移不变小波变换的念引入到小波图象降噪应用中。

65、The invariance cf node numbering sensitivity( N-invariance) is also discussed. ─── 从而为广义协调元提供了一种变分依据。


67、A Study of Invariance Properties in DEA Model ─── DEA模型的不变性研究

68、The relationship between gauge invariance and the law of charge conservtion ─── 再论规范不变性与电荷守恒的关系

69、This far-reaching assumption about the invariance of physical laws is a foundation stone of the theory of relativity ─── 关于物理定律不变性的这一影响深远的假设,是相对论的一个基石。

70、Algorithm of space plane parameters based on cross ratio invariance ─── 基于交比不变性的空间平面参数算法

71、A Theorem of the Invariance of the Scattering Matrix of N-port Networks ─── n口网络散射矩阵不变性定理及其应用

72、By using temporally invariance, constructing two sub-arrays with same array shape, direction of arrival estimation can be obtained using ESPRIT technique. ─── 利用时延数据,以时间变元为旋转因子,构造了两个具有相同阵形的子阵,采用ESPRIT实现了对目标信号的波达方向估计。

73、Camera calibration based on invariance of perspective projection ─── 基于射影不变量的摄像机标定

74、Its connotation is nonfigurative invariance and consistency.At the same time it is idiographic variability and otherness. ─── 其内涵,既具有抽象的恒定性和一致性,又具有具体的变化性与差异性;

75、A shadow detection scheme based on both tricolor coefficient invariance andluminance change detection is proposed. ─── 同时给出了一种基于三色值系数不变性和亮度变化检测的运动阴影检测算法。

76、An application example is enumerated that the space plane parameters are confirmed based on invariance of cross radio. ─── 列举一个应用实例,利用交比的不变性确定空间平面参数。

77、the invariance of differential form of first order ─── 一阶全微分形式不变性

78、Study the invariance of state of polarization in single mode fiber ─── 单模光纤偏振度的不变性研究

79、Invariance of Maxwell Equations with Three-dimensional Vector Forms ─── 三维矢量形式的麦克斯韦方程组的协变性

80、Basing on traditional operator theory,operator madel for a circuit is established,and a new method for the solution of response of linear time invariance system is introduced. ─── 在传统的算子理论基础上,建立了电路的算子模型,提出了求解线性非时变系统全响应的一种新方法。

81、Why does combining the principle of relativity with the invariance of the speed of light lead one to conclude that no medium is required for light to propagate? ─── 为什么由相对论原理以及光速的不变性可以推导出光不需要介质即可传播?

82、Lasalle invariance principle ─── Lasalle不变原理

83、The gauge invariance of a charged particle motion in uniform magnetic field ─── 均匀磁场中带电粒子量子运动的规范不变性

84、The Use of the Invariance of the One Order Differential Form in Classroom Instruction ─── 一阶微分形式不变性在课堂教学中的妙用

85、A New Frequency Estimation Way of a Single Frequency Signal Via FFT Rotational Invariance Techniques ─── 基于FFT旋转不变性的正弦信号频率估计新方法

86、Uncertainty Analysis of Constructing Calibration Points Based on Invariance of Cross Ratio ─── 交比不变获取标定点的不确定性分析

87、estimation signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) algorithm ─── ESPRIT算法

88、the principle of invariance of light speed ─── 光速不变原理

89、By means of the language of mathematical logic the invariance of Hamilton principle under canonical transformation is expressed and proved. ─── 用数理逻辑的语言表述了哈密顿原理及其在正则变换下的不变性,并给以证明。

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