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09-09 投稿


coefficient 发音

英:[?ko???f??(?)nt]  美:[?k????f??(?)nt]

英:  美:

coefficient 中文意思翻译




coefficient 短语词组

1、aging coefficient ─── [化] 老化系数

2、activity coefficient ─── [计] 活动系数 ─── [化] 活度系数

3、adiabatic coefficient ─── [化] 绝热系数

4、adiabatic coefficient of com-pression ─── [化] 绝热压缩系数

5、absolute peltier coefficient ─── [电] 绝对裴尔提系数

6、affinity coefficient ─── [机] 亲合系数

7、adhesion coefficient ─── [机] 粘附系数

8、absorption coefficient ─── [化] 吸收系数; 吸光系数; 光谱吸光系数 ─── [医] 吸收系数, 本生氏吸收系数

9、absolute seebeck coefficient ─── [电] 绝对席贝克系数

10、absolute coefficient ─── [机] 绝对系数

11、alpha coefficient ─── [化] α系数; 副反应系数

12、acceptance coefficient ─── [经] 合格系数

13、advance coefficient ─── [机] 前进系数, 前进常数

14、am-pm coefficient ─── [电] 调幅-调相系数

15、adsorption coefficient ─── [化] 吸附系数

16、ageing coefficient ─── [化] 老化系数

17、accommodation coefficient ─── [化] 调节系数

18、acceleration coefficient ─── [经] 加速系数

19、Amann's coefficient ─── [医] 阿曼氏系数

coefficient 词性/词形变化,coefficient变形


coefficient 常用词组

transfer coefficient ─── 传送系数,转移系数

friction coefficient ─── 磨擦系数

heat transfer coefficient ─── [化]传热系数

coefficient 相似词语短语

1、deficient ─── adj.不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的

2、coefficients ─── n.[数]系数(coefficient的复数形式)

3、efficient ─── adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的

4、cost-efficient ─── 有成本效率的;本轻利厚的

5、sufficient ─── adj.足够的;充分的

6、perficient ─── 很 完美

7、inefficient ─── adj.无效率的,效率低的;无能的

8、-efficient ─── adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的

9、nonefficient ─── 非有效

coefficient 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A correlation coefficient in which one variable is many-valued and the other is dichotomous. ─── 一个多值变数和一个双值变数的相关系数。

2、The greater the sum, the greater the cross-correlation coefficient obtained in this way will be. ─── 和数越大,以这种形式得到的相关系数也越大。

3、For the calculation of the viscosity coefficient, bring in the Baldwin-Lomax algebra fast flow model. ─── 为了计算黏性系数,引入了Baldwin-Lomax代数湍流模型。

4、The concept of the buckling-strength coefficient to determine whether the local buckling occurs in the member is put forward. ─── 为方便判断构件是否发生局部屈曲,提出了屈强系数的概念。

5、In many update steel structure codes, the restraining coefficient is often adopted in effective width approach to taken PAE into account. ─── 目前许多国家的钢结构设计规范中,在计算受压板件的有效宽度时,常采用板组约束系数来考虑板组效应。

6、Qf value and temperature coefficient of resonant frequency decreased gradually as (Lii/2Ndi/2)TiO3 content increased. ─── Qf值和谐振频率温度系数随(Li_(1/2)Nd_(1/2))TiO_3含量增加而线性下降。

7、The algorithm makes the middle frequency coefficient of the host information into sequence of . ─── 将DWT变换域的中频系数分解为一个序偶序列,通过序偶中a和b的大小关系来表示0或者1。

8、The main parameterof heat convection process is heat transfer coefficient. ─── 反映对流换热过程特性的主要参数是对流换热系数。

9、Calculating square-average diameter cumulative percentbased on diameter correlative coefficient. ─── 利用变动系数求林分平方平均直径的株数累积百分数。

10、The distribution coefficient equation is still valid for any value of n. ─── 对任一级n,分配系数关系式仍然是成立的。

11、We measured heat tranfer coefficient intensity of encapsulate density of foam and flame retardency. ─── 并对产品的导热系数、压强度、沫密度、燃性等性能进行测试。

12、Since velocity and density generally increase with depth, the reflection coefficient is usually positive. ─── 因为速度和密度一般是随浓度而增加,故而反射系数通常为正值 。

13、Zig-zag scan is used for transform coefficient levels in frame macroblocks. ─── Z扫描用于扫描帧MB的变换系数。

14、Pascal published a treatise on binomial coefficient. ─── 帕斯克发表了关于二项系数的论文。

15、This coefficient was used to solve the heat transfer between the melt and cooling water, namely the heat transfer capacity of the mold. ─── 该系数用于解决金属和冷却水之间的传热,即反映结晶器的传热能力。

16、In many cases an overall drag coefficient is given so that the net force on the surface can be determined. ─── 在许多情况下,总的拖曳系数是已知的,因而可以确定作用于表面上的净力值。

17、EPV has a positive effect on CC, the influence coefficient is small. ─── 员工让渡价值对员工持续承诺有正向影响,但影响系数较小。

18、Sticking Coefficient of As in molecular beam epitaxy of HgCdTe [J]. ─── As在HgCdTe分子束外延中的表面粘附系数.红外与毫米波学报);

19、The correlation coefficient(r) of HF with VLF was significantly greater than that with LF. ─── VLF与HF的相关系数值(r)显著大于LF与HF的相关系数值。

20、It is important in ASAC system based on acoustic radiation modes to obtain adjoint coefficient of the radiation modes. ─── 基于声辐射模态理论进行ASAC控制系统中的一个重要内容就是获得声辐射模态伴随系数。

21、BSM is modified to calculate the scattering coefficient and emissivity of soil moisture profile. ─── 其结果和KM模型一致,表明了BSM模型的正确性。

22、So far the convective heat transfer coefficient of the building wall's exterior surface has not been studied systematically. ─── 到目前为止建筑墙体外表面对流换热系数还没有得到系统的研究。

23、With regard to urban residents, the Engel's coefficient was 57.3% in 1978, but dropped to 35.5% in 2001. ─── 从城镇居民看,1978年恩格尔系数为57.3%,2001年降到35.5%。


25、It had high resistance to DDVP,resistance coefficient>9.5. ─── 对敌敌畏抗性系数>9.5,属于中抗水平。

26、The correlation coefficient of SBP, MAP, DBP, PP reaches 0.89, 0.90, 0.92 and 0.79 respectively. ─── 并通过临床试验对算法进行了评估,本算法判读的收缩压、平均压、舒张压、脉压的数值与水银柱血压计的判读结果的相关性分别达到0.89、0.90、0.92和0.79。

27、The mean variation coefficient of CACD,ACA and ACV measurements were 0.4%,3.9% and 2.6% respectively. ─── 前房轴深、前房夹角、前房容积的平均变异系数分别为0 4%、3 9%、2 6%。

28、Fu kick absorption coefficient adjustable suction paper, cardboard smoothly into the Printing Division. ─── 吸辅踢纸系数可调整吸力,使纸板顺利送入印刷部。

29、The housing has a higher coefficient of expansion than the ring. ─── 壳体比圆环具有较高的膨胀系数。

30、All strains can be classified into 11 ERIC and 8 AFLP groups (similarity coefficient = 0.8). ─── 以相似性系数0.80为分类依据,共分为11个ERIC类群和8个AFLP类群。 其中,AFLP标记不能很好的将L.

31、Each rank of "Improved Fireball" now reduces your spell damage coefficient by 2%. ─── 强化冰剑/火球每1点减少装备提供的伤害2%.

32、The acoustic wave impedance coefficient is recovered from the incomplete data of the far field pattern. ─── 对于系数反问题进行了研究,利用远场模式的不完全数据反演声波阻尼系数。

33、The Gini coefficient was 0.38 by population and 0.45 by local acreage. ─── 卫生人力资源按服务人口分布的Gini系数是0.38,按区域面积分布的Gini系数是0.45。

34、Of, relating to, or being the coefficient of the imaginary unit in a complex number. ─── 一个复数中虚部。

35、The effect of alloying elements on expansion coefficient of greg iron was investigated. ─── 利用正交试验方法,研究了合金元素对灰铸铁膨胀系数的影响;

36、The low density graphite gets higher friction coefficient and bulk worn loss than the high density graphite. ─── 低密度石墨的摩擦系数和体积磨损量比高密度石墨材料高。

37、A soil having a uniformity coefficient smaller than 2 is considered uniform. ─── 均匀系数小于2的土壤可视为均质土。

38、We found coefficient of inbreeding will increase in close breeding populations. ─── 发现麋鹿占群优势雄性数目越少,其有效种群越小。

39、The population bonus is the condition of the more abundant tabor force and the less coefficient of social total foster. ─── 人口红利是从人口年龄结构的角度,对人口状况的一种描述,即劳动力资源相对比较丰富,社会总抚养系数较低的状况。

40、Coefficient of variation(CV) for within-run assays was 5.0%,CV for between-run assays was 1.6%. ─── ACB方法批内变异系数(CV)为5.0%,批间CV为1.6%。

41、If a term consists of only variables, its coefficient is 1. ─── 如果某项只包含变量,那么它的系数是1。

42、The longer time and the bigger convection and diffusion coefficient was,the bigger the polluted region. ─── 作用时间越长,扩散系数越大,污染物影响范围越大,质量浓度值越高。

43、coefficient of compaction is 1.22 on the mechanical loader. ─── 机械装载机的压实系数为1.22。

44、Fits for testing coefficient of mature, maturity ratio and percentage of mature of fine cotton and long-stape cotton. ─── 产品说明:用于测定细绒棉和长绒棉的成熟度系数、成熟度比、成熟纤维百分数。

45、UV radiation had little effect on quasi-static piezoelectric coefficient d33 of porous PTFE electrets. ─── 医用紫外线辐照时多孔PTFE的准静态压电系数d33的影响甚微.

46、coupling?coefficient?of?transformer?relates the?transforming?efficiency.? ─── 变压器的耦合系数与变压器的效率有关。

47、The IMAGINARY(string) returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex. ─── 字符串)函数返回复数的虚部系数。

48、The vertical eddy coefficient is obtained with the K-KL two equation turbulence closue model. ─── 应用先进的K-KL二方程紊流闭合模型得到垂向涡粘系数。

49、The coefficient of the second harmonic generation of BTO/STO is 23 times larger than that of bulk BaTiO3 crystal. ─── BaTiO3/SrTiO3超晶格的光学非线性效应比BaTiO3体材增大23倍。

50、The correlation coefficient, like the covariance, is a measure of the extent to which two measurement variables "vary together. " ─── 与协方差一样,相关系数是描述两个测量值变量之间的离散程度的指标。

51、The unbalancing value was resolved with influence coefficient method. ─── 利用影响系数法进行不平衡量的解算。

52、In respect of thermal transfixion, the permeability coefficient ratio determines the success or failure of GWHPPRSW. ─── 从热贯通的角度来说,渗透系数比是同井回灌地下水源热泵系统工程成败的关键。

53、In 3xy,3 is the coefficient of xy. ─── 在3xy中,3是xy的系数

54、Therefore, at sufficiently high energies the absorption coefficient begins to increase after passing through a minimum. ─── 因此,在足够高的能量下,吸收系数便由最小值开始增加。

55、Food expenses dropped to 58.8 percent of the consumption expenditure (the Engel coefficient) in 1994. ─── 1994年,农村居民的食品支出占消费支出的比重(恩格尔系数)降为58.8%。

56、In 3xy, 3 is the coefficient of xy. ─── 在3xy中, 3是xy的系数.

57、By experiment study, the uncertainty coefficient is proved reasonable and viable. ─── 实验表明,特征子集的不确定性系数作为特征选择度量是合理和可行的。

58、Apply ELISA measure serum IGF-1 and NTX and BGP,in batch coefficient of variation(CV)

59、The common methods include coefficient correlation and randomness model. ─── 常用的方法有相关系数和随机性模型。

60、Cancel water vapour permeability coefficient. ─── 取消了水蒸气渗透系数。

61、The proportion of food expenses in consumption outlay (the Engel coefficient) dropped to 50.0 percent in 1994 from 54.2 percent in 1990. ─── 1994年,城镇居民的食品支出占消费支出的比重(恩格尔系数),从1990年的54.2%下降到50.0%。

62、Ratio of lift coefficient to drag coefficient. ─── 升力系数与阻力系数的比值。

63、A Method for Color Image Segmentation Based on Color Similarity Coefficient. ─── 基于颜色相似系数的彩色图像分割方法。

64、The dissipative coefficient was introduced and used as an index to ev... ─── 分析结果表明,狗骨式焊接节点的抗震性能优于普通节点。

65、Under this conditions a constant coefficient, independent of load, can be obtained. ─── 在此条件下,就能得到一个不随负荷而变化的恒定系数。

66、The coefficient of convection heat transfer increases with increasing the particle diameters. ─── 对流换热系数随着颗粒直径的增大而增大。

67、The coefficient of performance (COP) of PV-SAHP is improved because the evaporating process under insolation. ─── 另一方面,PV-SAHP系统热泵循环的的蒸发过程在太阳直接辐照条件下完成,使得热泵循环的性能系数COP明显提高,也减少了热泵冬季供暖时常出现的运行不稳定和结霜等缺憾。

68、Only teak matches oak's expansion coefficient and stays watertight. ─── 只有柚木才能达到橡木的膨胀系数,并保持水密性。

69、The reliability coefficient of the multiple-choice cloze was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson 20 (K-R 20). ─── 多项选择式完形填空题的信度以K-R 20来计算。

70、Low core loss and magnetostriction coefficient. ─── 低损耗、低磁致伸缩系数。

71、Sir Isaac Newton was one of the pioneers in investigating viscosity, and on his analysis depends the definition of the coefficient. ─── 艾萨克·牛顿爵士是研究粘度的先驱者之一,粘性系数就是根据他的分析下的定义。

72、The increasein initial soil salt content would decrease the desalinization coefficient. ─── 土壤初始含盐量的增加使得达标脱盐系数减小。

73、The price elasticity coefficient of demand was -0.427 3 in CMS. ─── 农民对合作医疗的需求价格弹性系数为-0.4273。

74、It is concluded from the study that the absorption coefficient depends upon the air voids of asphalt mixture. ─── 发现空隙率尤其是有效空隙率是影响沥青混合料吸声系数的关键因素;

75、The formula for empirical frequency correlation coefficient between two random variables is demon -strated. ─── 导出了两随机变量的频率相关系教的公式。

76、Formation equivalent absorption coefficient inversion. ─── 地层等效吸收系数反演。

77、Real per capita investment spending on plant and equipment also exhibits a positive regression coefficient. ─── 实际平均厂房与设备支出也具有一个正的回归导数。

78、The consolidation coefficient is key parameters in the soft clay engineering. ─── 在软土工程中,地基土的固结系数是重要参数。

79、Enrichment coefficient analysis showed that three species of Echinacea has enrichment effect for Sr, P, K, Ca. ─── 富集系数分析显示,松果菊对Sr、P、K、Ca有富集作用。

80、Among rural residents, the Engel's coefficient was as high as 60.8% in 1978, but dropped to 50.4% in 2001. ─── 从农村居民看,1978年恩格尔系数高达60.8%,2001年则降至50.4%;

81、They identified the octanol-water partition coefficient as a suitable measure of the CMC. ─── 他们将辛醇和水的分离系数作为测定CMC的一个标准。

82、The drop of the "Engels" coefficient signified a new improvement in people's quality of life. ─── “恩格尔系数”的下降,标志着人们的生活质量有了新的提高。

83、CBO exhibits a relatively large effective nonlinear optical (NLO) coefficient in the ultraviolet range. ─── C B O 在紫外波段具有较大的有效非线性光学系数。

84、The absorption coefficient is often strongly wavelength-dependent. ─── 吸收系数往往与波长密切相关。

85、Q: Are the developers actively evaluating the 10% Mage coefficient nerf? ─── 开发者们在积极的评价对于法师的10%节魔的取消么?

86、The correlation coefficient of cf and ICP is marked than those of PI, RI, Vd, Vm and ICP. ─── TCD频谱参数cf比目前的TCD频谱参数PI、RI、Vd和Vm更显著地提示颅内压升高。

87、Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the coefficient of determination, R2. ─── 对集进行线性回归计算,并返回确定系数R2。

88、The correlation coefficient between the activity of ALT and AFU was r=0.810(P

89、The Ecological Footprint unjust coefficient is 0.24 which shows that the unjust HEF of each group is not obvious. ─── 引入生态足迹掠夺及总生态足迹掠夺,并进一步计算生态足迹不公平系数为0.24,表明收入不同引起的足迹消费的不公平不突出。

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