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09-09 投稿



gravestone 发音

英:['gre?vst??n]  美:['ɡrevston]

英:  美:

gravestone 中文意思翻译



gravestone 网络释义

n. 墓碑,墓石

gravestone 反义词

petty |trifling | trivial | puny

gravestone 同义词

sculpture | slow-moving | somber | sculpt | important | sober | life-threatening | tomb | crypt | sedate | grievous | scratch | stately | grim | dangerous | mausoleum | vital | essential | weighty | vault | thoughtful | imposing | burial chamber | heavy | inscribe | severe | sombre | grave accent |serious | solemn | majestic | ominous | burial place | engrave | earnest | dignified

gravestone 词性/词形变化,gravestone变形

名词: graveness |动词过去分词: graven/graved |动词过去式: graved |形容词最高级: gravest |副词: gravely |动词第三人称单数: graves |动词现在分词: graving |形容词比较级: graver |

gravestone 相似词语短语

1、grapestone ─── n.葡萄子,葡萄核

2、graveside ─── n.坟墓边

3、bakestone ─── n.烘烤用石板

4、graystone ─── n.灰色岩

5、gravestones ─── n.墓碑;金属墓石(gravestone复数)

6、gallstone ─── n.[病理]胆石

7、grapestones ─── n.葡萄子,葡萄核

8、freestone ─── n.毛石;核肉分离的果实;adj.离核的;果肉与核容易分开的

9、drakestone ─── n.薄石片

gravestone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Newly Unearthed Gravestone and Grave of Tuluxi ─── 新出土的涂鲁希墓碑及其墓葬

2、As a drop of water into the sea, and a gravestone in comparison of the sand; so is a thousand years to the day of eternity. ─── 千年对于永恒,如同大海一滴水,沙滩一粒沙。

3、I know you dream of adventuring, but how do you keep from get bored stiff looking at this old gravestone all day ─── 我知道你一直想去冒险,不过每天对着破墓碑发呆也不是办法啊

4、9 see joke: One person stands before a gravestone of graveyard, writing on tablet: "In this death person for the lawyer, trustworthy does not have the person of bully. ─── 9看笑话: 一人站在墓地的一块墓碑之前,碑上写着:“在此长眠者为律师,信实无欺之人。”

5、The lettering on the gravestone is badly wear and almost illegible ─── 墓碑上的文字已严重磨损难以辨认

6、But these people remain their tribal history and their inflexible belief that they are Mongolian nationality by family tree, gravestone, and oral instructions, it embodying the indomitable national spirit. ─── 但是,他们通过家谱、墓碑、口授的方式,传承着家族的历史和自己作为蒙古人的执著信念。

7、, The main product has:Statue of Buddha, the tower of Statue , column pole, float the Engraving , the lion of Rock , park Engraving , memorial arch, cinerary casket, gravestone. ─── 主要产品有:佛像、佛塔、栏杆、浮雕、石狮、影雕、园雕、牌坊、骨灰盒、墓石。

8、We sell granite grave slate beautiful blank gravestone grave head white marble irish gravestones. We also can provide you a customizes graver stone. ─── 我们出口的各种墓碑,纪念碑.包括盒骨灰.石雕按你的要求.

9、On the edge of a reservoir that has flooded a Jewish cemetery, he finds surviving Hebrew text on an abandoned gravestone in the woods. ─── 水库淹没一块犹太人墓地,在水库边一个被遗弃的木制墓碑上,他发现了依然健存的希伯莱文。

10、Michael's eyes drift down to the inside of his bicep and he runs his thumb over a tattoo of a gravestone. ─── Michael的眼神游离到自己手臂上的二头肌内侧,他用拇指在一个墓碑图案的纹身上拨弄。

11、Maric could barely make out the great oak behind him, thrusting up into the overhead canopy like a gravestone. ─── Maric勉强能认出身后的橡树,高耸进入头顶的树冠中,就像墓碑一样。

12、The letters on the gravestone have worn away with time. ─── 墓碑上的字母随着时间已经磨掉了。

13、On Revenue avenue, the grave traveler jumped the gravestone bravely. ─── 在税收大道上,严肃的旅行者勇敢地跳过墓碑。

14、His “Da Shou Bi” fame comes from his eulogistic and gravestone writings that are ordered by the king.Furthermore, “Da Shou Bi” refers to his great talent in writings. ─── 张说的“大手笔”主要有两个涵义,一是指他奉敕而撰的颂赞文和碑志文,二是指他在这类文章创作上的杰出成就。

15、The lettering on the gravestone is badly worn and almost illegible. ─── 墓碑上的文字已严重磨损难以辨认。

16、Tendril Tuo trailing plants, poisonous flower, behead also behead is endless, year answer a year, fu full grace mound, with cadaverous leaf, go of placatory gravestone icy. ─── 蔓陀萝,有毒的花,斩也斩不尽,年复一年,覆满坟头,用苍白的花瓣,去抚慰墓碑的冰凉。

17、No gravestone, no name, no identifying mark of any kind. ─── 没有墓碑、没有姓名、也没有任何可供识别的记号。

18、This sound is from a certain shade shadow comes out they are frightened so that quiver all over, then they discover a senile hand hold chisel is certaining a gravestone. ─── 这声音是从某个阴暗处传出他们被吓得浑身发抖,接著他们发现有位老年人手执凿子正在凿一块墓碑。

19、They ask what it is that I want written On the gravestone where I'll lie? ─── 他们问我:死的时候碑上要刻什么墓志铭?

20、to some the gravestone of a dead delight, to some the landmark of a new domain! ─── 成为那些死掉的喜悦的墓碑,和那些新的领地的边界。

21、More fortunately, just went in before long, encountered to be in the worker of gravestone of this graveyard job, main responsible sculpture. ─── 更为幸运的是,刚进去不久,就碰到了一位在这个墓地工作、主要负责雕刻墓碑的工人。

22、The gravestone bears an inscription. ─── 墓石上有碑文。

23、New Zealand comedian came over to a gravestone which had an inscription(碑文,铭文,题词).It read: A rich merchant , a honest man, eternally (永久地) slept here . ─── 有个新西兰的喜剧演员来到一块墓碑前,看到上面写着:这里长眠着一个富商,一个诚实的人。

24、This is, that woman sits down before gravestone, said a note deeply, say: "Arrived home eventually! ─── 这是,那女子在墓碑前坐下,深深吐了口气,说:“终于到家了!”

25、But whatever you say, nothing can keep me from my home, my place of rest, out there in the open air, with a gravestone at my head! ─── 无论你怎么说,什么也别想阻止我回家,我安息的地方,在外面的旷野里,头顶上立着一块墓碑!

26、9 see joke: A man is in cemetery mow, hear phonic news suddenly, he thinks is to encounter ghost, looked in the past, it is a person is knocking gravestone. ─── 9看笑话: 一个男人在坟地里割草,忽然听到有声音,他以为是碰到鬼了,过去一看,是一个人在敲墓碑。

27、Can the cobble of river side also become gravestone? ─── 河边的鹅卵石也能成墓碑吗?

28、the gravestone it says I told you I was sick. ─── 着,我告诉过你我那时病了。

29、Timidly the waters touched the worn gravestone that for more than three hundred years had laid before the vanished altar. ─── 河水怯怯地触摸古旧的墓石,在消失的祭坛前静躺了三百多年的墓石。

30、Picking up a piece of white stone, I scribbled my names on it and said, “Let this be my own gravestone.” ─── 我便拣了一块白石来写上了我自己的名字,把来做了墓碑。

31、The gravestone was inscribed with the name and dates of the dead poet ─── 墓碑上刻着已故诗人的名字和生卒日期。

32、Then I found a skinny old man with messy hair, is axing a gravestone. ─── 接着我发现有位枯瘦如柴,头发凌乱的老年人手执凿子正在凿一块墓碑.

33、Computer Aid Design of Gravestone by Preferences ─── 石材墓碑参数化计算机辅助设计

34、Just after finishing his words, he found an old man carving on the gravestone beside him. ─── ”当他说完后,他发现一位老人站在墓碑身旁。

35、a gravestone ─── 墓碑

36、"He said so,in the sea wind,in front of the mourning gravestone. ─── ”他这么说,在海风,在前面的哀悼墓碑。

37、Then I found a skinny old man with messy hair, is axing a gravestone. ─── 接着我发现有位枯瘦如柴,头发凌乱的老年人手执凿子正在凿一块墓碑。

38、Fortunately, however, several gravestone epitaphs excavated after liberation in 1949 have provided the most significant clues to look into their lives. ─── 幸好解放后新出土的数方高氏碑志,为此提供了重要线索。

39、On Revenue avenue ,the grave traveler jumped the gravestone bravely. ─── 在税收大道上,严肃的旅行者勇敢地跳过墓碑.

40、Silk Clothes Gravestone Epitaph Feng Shi's Brief Biography is Reviewed ─── 绸衣墓志冯氏小传评介

41、In order that ZHANGYUNTING could be found in future, his comrade-in-arms buried him on the bank of HAIHE river and made a gravestone and inscription to show their grief . ─── 为了日后能找到张云亭,战友们将他埋葬在海河岸边,并立碑铭志,寄托哀思。

42、81. On Revenue avenue, the grave traveler jumped the gravestone bravely. ─── 在税收大道上,严肃的旅行者勇敢地跳过墓碑。

43、The gravestone follows, slides down over me; ─── 墓碑跟在后面,滑下来倒在我身上;

44、This gravestone discovered again seems to tell us the action story of the hero. ─── 墓碑的重见天日仿佛讲述着英雄的战斗事迹,这块墓碑也将永远立在人民心中。

45、I asked them all to follow me to the churchyard, and see the letters which recorded Laura's death removed from the gravestone. ─── 我叫他们跟我去教堂墓地,看一下记录瑙若死亡的文字,然后从墓碑上去掉那些字。

46、And he added, "It will be a great consolation to me if after my death there are carved on my gravestone the words 'Here lies a Chinese Bolshevik, Liu Bocheng'." ─── 他接着还说了这样一段话:如果我去世的时候,能在我墓上立一块碑,上书中国布尔什维克刘伯承之墓,那就是我莫大的安慰。

47、From the gravestone, a man named Li Dong was buried in the ancient tomb of the Ming dynasty. ─── 从墓表看,这座明代古墓埋着一个名叫李东的人。

48、The letters on this gravestone have worn away with time. ─── 随着时间的流逝,碑文已磨损了。

49、Fixed capital amount to one million and fifty thousands, introducing new technology and techniques we can produce granite, step-stone, mushroom-stone, side-stone, road-edge stone, square stone, stone material, carve stone and gravestone. ─── 本厂有固定资金150万,引用先进的科学技术和工艺,生产了花岗岩、台阶石、蘑菇石、侧石、路沿石、广场石、石材、雕刻、墓碑。

50、The letters on this gravestone have been worn away with time. ─── 随着时间的流逝,墓碑上的文字已经被磨损。

51、His “Da Shou Bi” fame comes from his eulogistic and gravestone writings that are ordered by the king. ─── 他的大手笔之文内容雅正,形式活泼,气势恢弘,在同类文章中别具一格,具有浓厚的文学色彩。

52、Picking up a piece of white stone, I scribbled my name on it and said, "Let this be my own gravestone. " ─── 我便拣了一块白石来写上了我自己的名字,把来做了墓碑。

53、on the gravestone was badly worn and almost illegible. ─── 墓碑上的文字已严重磨损难以辨认.

54、to inscribe one's name on the gravestone ─── 将某人的名字刻在墓碑上

55、A better solution might be to transform the gravestone itself into a powerful visual icon. ─── 更好的办法也许是把墓碑本身变成某种强力的视觉标示。

56、I swept rainwater off the flat top of a gravestone. ─── 我拂去一块墓碑平顶上的雨水。

57、It's possible the poem is referencing a gravestone the Templars praised at the tomb of Magdalene, but that doesn't help us much because we have no idea where her tomb is. ─── 这首诗很可能是在暗指圣殿骑土在抹大拉的玛利亚墓前赞扬过的墓碑,不过这对我们毫无帮助,因为我们不知道她的坟墓现在到底在哪里。”

58、On her gravestone, four Chinese characters are inscribed, reading “Jinling, the Immortal ”. ─── 她的墓碑上刻着四个汉字:“金陵永生”。

59、What is marriage?Marriage is love's gravestone。 ─── 婚姻是什麽,婚姻是爱情的坟墓。

60、Time and weather have worn off the name on the gravestone. ─── 天长日久的风雨冲蚀了墓碑上的名字。

61、Such stability was a clear gravestone marking a lifeless planet. ─── 这种稳定性就是制造毫无生命的星球的墓石。

62、Analysis into the Value of Family Hereditary Literatare of the Ancient Gravestone Epitaph ─── 试析古代墓志的家族世系文献价值

63、Laura Youngblood, widow of U.S.Navy Petty Officer Travis L.Youngblood, touches his gravestone in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery during the Memorial Day weekend in Arlington, Va. ─── 劳拉杨,美国海军士官特拉维斯属杨的遗孀,在阿灵顿国家公墓第60区,劳拉抚摸着丈夫的墓碑。

64、Jewish custom requires speedy burial;a prayer known as the Kaddish is recited at the graveside, and a gravestone is normally erected a year after burial. ─── 犹太教的习俗是尽速埋葬,祈祷者站在墓旁诵念祷文,而且通常在葬礼一年之后才会立墓碑。

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