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09-09 投稿


corsets 发音

英:[?k??s?ts]  美:[?k?rs?ts]

英:  美:

corsets 中文意思翻译



corsets 短语词组

1、corsets for back pain ─── 背痛紧身胸衣

2、corsets in the 1800s 19 ─── 世纪的紧身胸衣

3、corsets women history ─── 紧身胸衣女性史

4、corsets and health ─── 紧身衣与健康

5、corsets for under dress ─── 内衣紧身衣

6、corsets for big belly ─── 大肚紧身胸衣

7、corsets uk ─── 紧身胸衣英国

corsets 词性/词形变化,corsets变形

动词过去式: corseted |动词第三人称单数: corsets |动词过去分词: corseted |动词现在分词: corseting |

corsets 相似词语短语

1、worsets ─── 工作组

2、corselets ─── n.胸衣,妇女的胸衣;盔甲

3、cornets ─── n.短号;圆锥形纸袋;n.(Cornet)人名;(法、罗)科尔内

4、corslets ─── n.甲胄;体甲

5、corset ─── n.(妇女用的)束腹,紧身褡;(中世纪流行的)紧身外套;(非正式)限制;v.给……穿上束腹;严格控制;n.(Corset)(美、法、瑞、秘、俄、阿、埃)科尔塞(人名)

6、cosets ─── n.[数]陪集

7、corseys ─── 紧身胸衣

8、corses ─── n.丝带;尸体(corse的复数)

9、cossets ─── vt.宠爱;溺爱;纵容;n.宠儿;爱畜;供玩赏的小动物;n.(Cosset)人名;(法)科塞

corsets 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Corsets made then were termed "full-boned" if the boning was placed a as closely together as possible. ─── 在制造上,所谓的“全骨”束衣是指每一根鲸骨都尽可能紧紧的排在一起。

2、MAGICMASN sexy Underwear Co., specialized manufacturer of sexy lingerie & latex corsets in China. Located in South China, our products range including bra set, babydoll, corset, uniform for fun. ─── [相关分类:胸罩和女内衣,贴身短内裤,短衬裤,皮带和拳击短裤,戏剧服装,成套内衣

3、I have always been fascinated by corsets and my husband, Duncan, is frightfully keen on restraint. ─── 我和我的丈夫邓肯都为束衣着迷,酷爱拘束。

4、corset liver ─── [医] 胸衣肝(妇女着紧胸衣所致肝变形)

5、In Europe, this took the form of mutilating the body by means of corsets or stays. ─── 在欧洲,这个过程的形式是:使用束衣和支撑物毁掉自己的身体。

6、corset ,surgical or medical (excl. prenatal and maternity belts) ─── 外科或内科用胸衣(不包括产前带或妊娠带)

7、we are manufacturer and specialized produce variety underwear like bras ,bikini sets ,lingeries, ladies body suit ,sportswear ,corset , nightwear , pajamas . ─── [相关分类:贴身短内裤,短衬裤,皮带和拳击短裤,睡衣,睡衣裤和便服

8、She went hastily up the two short blocks to Peachtree Street, breathing the unfouled air in as deep gulps as her tightly laced corset would permit. ─── 她急急忙忙横过两条马路向桃树街走去,大口大口呼吸着新鲜空气,将那件花边胸衣胀得一鼓一鼓的。

9、corset busk ─── 妇女紧身衣上衬骨

10、The top is based on a corset made of a gold backed ivory silk satin duchess, which gives the gown a warm, champagne nuance. ─── 上半身以马甲为重点,以金色(背里象牙色)为衬底之丝缎制成,带给这件礼服温暖香槟色的细致色调。底下的衬裙为象牙色之塔夫丝绸。

11、Where is your corset department? ─── 买胸衣的部门在哪里?

12、It carried a sword, had a crude crossbow slung across its back, and wore a faded leather corset. ─── 它拿着一把剑,背着一把粗糙的十字弓,还穿着一件磨损的皮质紧身外套。

13、Today was a wonderful day as I finally received my corsets. ─── 今天是个美妙的日子,因为我终于拿到了我的紧身胸衣。

14、There was a lively discussion about my sleeping in my corset. ─── 我们真的展开了一场讨论,主题是关于我穿着束衣睡觉。

15、corset stomach ─── [医] 围腰胃(因用过紧的西色围腰所致)

16、There are four big kinds of bras, lingeire, sex lingerie, sex corset, sex costume, sex breif, and so on. ─── 公司将一如继往的为新老客户提供优质的产品和一流的服务,竭诚欢迎新老客户的光临和惠顾。

17、Our bras and corsets are made from high quality materials and designed ergonomically by specialized tailoring.Our Body Beautifying Series provides a perfect body figure as well as comfort our clients. ─── 利用高级布料,依照人体工学,经由特殊剪裁所制成的胸罩、束衣裤,不但穿着舒适更可为你雕塑凹凸有致、曲线玲珑、体态动人、拥有健康美丽自信的美好身材。

18、Sports Jerseys coexisted with corsets, bangled belly dance sashes, and other exotica. ─── 对于高端人群来说是一个完整的国际金融决策平台。)

19、In 19th-century Europe, women used to wear corsets to achieve a body shape that is no longer considered healthy.Men would wear woolen shawls across their shoulders. ─── 19世纪的欧洲,女性会穿紧身衣来达到塑身效果,而在今天看来,这种做法不利健康。

20、A stay is another word for corset in British English. ─── 在英式英语中,stay是corset的另一种表达。

21、front-laced corset ─── 前面穿绳紧身胸衣

22、He felt the warmth of her body, the fragrance of scent, and heard the creaking of her corset as she moved. ─── 他闻到她的身躯的热气、香水味,听到她上身动弹时束腰发出窸窣的响声。

23、In Europe, this took the form of mutilating the body by means of corsets or stays. ─── 在欧洲,这个过程的形式是:使用束衣和支撑物毁掉自己的身体。

24、Victorian Age corsets were all the cry with women. ─── 维多利亚时代,紧身衣在妇女间很流行。

25、a horny material from the upper jaws of certain whales; used as the ribs of fans or as stays in corsets. ─── 一些鲸鱼上颌上的角质材料,用作扇骨或束腰。

26、Therefore, proper materials should be chosen according to the principles of reshape corset straightening techniques, so as to improve the tailoring and straightening techniques of reshape corsets. ─── 因此,应依据重型束衣矫形技术原理,选择适当的材料,不断改进重型束衣的矫形和裁剪技术。

27、Probably, because the corsets were so restrictive that once worn tightly, they served to weaken the muscles to such a point that the wearer virtually had to continue lacing tightly purely for comfort. ─── 可能是因为束衣的限制性,一旦紧缚,束衣导致的肌肉萎缩令使用者不得不继续收紧,以确保舒适。

28、The gypsy girl removed the starched lace corsets she had on nike dunks there she was, changed into practically nothing. ─── 一个人的理想越崇高,生活越纯洁派宁清洁机。

29、corset carcinoma ─── [医] 铠甲状癌

30、She was tightly laced into unfashionably severe stays which she was unable to remove because she wore a metal corset over them and this corset was padlocked. ─── 她被紧紧的束缚在一种已经不流行的束衣中,她自己无法脱掉这种束衣,因为在束衣外面她还穿着一个被挂锁锁住的金属支撑物。

31、It is called that corset because it encloses the arms, so that the wearer appears to be armless like a Venus. ─── 它这样被命名,是因为它会把穿着者的手臂也包起来,好像这个人没有手臂一样,就像维纳斯雕像。

32、An undergarment that is a combination of a light corset and a brassiere. ─── 内衣一种兼作轻紧身衣和奶罩的内衣

33、Another box in the garage is full of other reminders of past coughing fits and tight corsets that probably prevented hernias. ─── 在车库里的另一个盒子中,放满了过去吃剩的咳嗽药和可能是用来防止疝气的紧身胸衣。

34、The doctor told her not to lace the corset . ─── 医生告诉她不要系腹带。

35、The De Milo corset is virtually for bondage society people. ─── 德麦洛束衣是为了捆绑社会上的人。

36、I like being in corsets. ─── 我就像在紧身衣。

37、Women must wear a corset after sundown and be in the company of male chaperone. ─── 妇女日落后必须穿着束腹且必须要有男伴陪同。

38、The remaining hernias were managed with volume reduction, conversion from CAPD to automated PD and mechanical support with corset. ─── 其馀未接受手术治疗的疝气患者则以减少透析液填充量、改为自动腹膜透析以及使用束腹带来治疗。

39、inflatable abdominal corset ─── 充气式腹围

40、Because of their special design for the reshape and adjustment of women's figures, reshape corsets are quite complex and precise in tailoring, producing and materials' choosing. ─── 摘要重型束衣由于专为重新塑造、调整女性身体而设计,在裁剪、制作和材料选择方面都比较复杂、精细。

41、The distortion of corset was no longer desired.Exaggeration of the female form was abjured and more freedom for the legs was de- manded. ─── 人们不再需要那种使身体扭曲变形的紧身衣,开始拒绝那些强调女忭特征的设讣,而是需要更多的腿部白由。

42、Somehow while he was kissing her, he had eased away the fabric from her breasts, and even now, with his mouth suckling her tenderly, his hands were busy with the laces of the corset. ─── 他吻着她,松开她胸前的衣服,就在此刻,他的嘴柔情吸吮着她的乳头,而他的手却忙着解开她的腹带。

43、old-fashioned type of corset,stiffened with strips of bone or plastic ─── 带撑条的旧式紧身内衣.

44、woman's elastic corset rolled on over the hips ─── 女用弹力紧身内裤.

45、Viktor& Rolf's ribbon-trimmed dresses havedrama.Vivienne Westwood's corset gownsare great for curvy girls and Chloe's flowingfrocks are sexy and modern. ─── 不过为了更光彩照人些,佩带阿莎露的优雅水晶配饰就完美无缺了。

46、this laure was a lady of some fifty summers , whose swelling contours were tightly laced by belts and corsets. ─── 这个洛尔是一个年届半百的人,体态臃肿,皮带和胸衣紧紧地束在身上。

47、Elastic seaming and attaching elastic straps to corsets and bras. Also decorative sewing. ─── 可作紧身衣物或胸衣之松紧带缝制及装饰缝制之功能.

48、Probably guessing the corset would put you out at least for a few minutes, ─── 可能她猜到束胸会让你晕过去至少几分钟

49、" (sic) It was unthinkable for a girl to be permitted to have anything other than full-boned corsets and many mothers insisted on "double-boned" stays for their girls. ─── 很难想象女孩能逃过全骨束衣的魔爪,甚至有些母亲会给她们的女儿穿上“双骨”束衣。

50、Mr Corset devoted all his life to the cause of education and made great contributions to the country. ─── 克罗塞特先生一生献身教育事业,对国家做出了巨大贡献。

51、It seems that the tightness of my corset and the binding on my arms keeps me higher than in my former duller life. ─── 我觉得是我那紧缚的束衣和被绑的双臂让我超越了灰暗的前半生。

52、In fact, but for men wearing britches and a form of pantyhose and women wearing britches and a form of pantyhose and women wearing skirts and corsets, they dressed exactly the same. ─── 实际上除了女人人穿马裤,一种女裤以及穿裙子和胸衣外,他们穿着如出一辙。

53、She was in a petticoat now, and corsets which bulged, and unaware of being seen in bulgy corsets ─── 她现在穿着衬裙,紧身胸衣绷得紧紧的,给人看到也不在乎。

54、hidden under corsets and lace, ─── 把身体藏在紧身衣和蕾丝底下时,

55、If you wear your corset over a slip or chemise, you will protect it from excessive perspiration. ─── 如你把紧腰衣穿在汗衣外面,便可避免紧腰衣沾上太多汗水。

56、And she looked great from the back. We can't see it from this picture, but she had these, you know, the wonderful little corset look in the back. ─── 她从后面看上去也很棒。从这张照片是看不出的,但你知道从后面可以看到她穿着很贴身的紧身胸衣。

57、Gaultier did all that by working in his stock characters and garments: the matelot, the androgynous lady in the pantsuit, the trenches, the smokings, the corsets. ─── 他通过服装来赋予穿着者性格,比如水手装、女同性恋者的便装、战地军装、吸烟服、紧身胸衣等等。

58、She was in a petticoat now, and corsets which bulged, and unaware of being seen in bulgy corsets . ─── 她现在穿着衬裙,紧身胸衣绷得紧紧的,给人看到也不在乎。

59、I said 'Put him in a core set, not a corset! ─── 我说的是‘把它放进核心系列里,不是衣橱里!

60、maternity corset ─── 孕妇紧身衣

61、One-piece, corset gown with sweetheart, slim A-line skirt and full gown. The bodice features beadings and lace xxxxx sleeves. ─── [相关分类:服装和礼服,裙子和连衣裙,专业服装,刺绣和工艺纺织品

62、woman corset ─── 女胸衣

63、spinal corset ─── [医] 背甲

64、With corsets, you can just tug on the ties. ─── 与助听器,你可以在刚刚舨联系。

65、SUPER SEXY STRETCH WOVEN PIN STRIPE EMBROIDERY AND STRETCH MESH CORSET STYLE CHEMISE With under wired cups, adjustable straps, ribbon lace-up back. Comes with removable and adjustable garters. ─── 午夜挑情塑身马甲:窄裙式塑身马甲,活动式吊袜带可取下调整,钢圈托高创造深型魔法!上端蕾丝更添绮思!伸缩条纹布料,背后有可调整松紧的束带!肩带可调整。

66、Info:Embroidery beaded trimming Bridal corset design Made of nylon net, rayon yarn, and glass beads Tw ...... ─── 主要材质:尼龙/锦纶次要材质:粘胶/人造丝克重:其它幅宽:其它用途:服装用织物

67、His head lifted, just a fraction, so that he could pull away the fine fabric above the whalebone corset she wore and expose the delicate pink-tipped rise of her small breast under her lacy chemise. ─── 她带着鲸鱼皮做的腹带,他抬起头,稍顿,撩开那美丽的衣服,露出了腹带,在她绣着花边的内衣里,她的玲珑的乳房突起,显出淡淡粉红的尖头。

68、Gale said she appeared during dinner wearing a heavy corset, black fishnet stockings and at least a dozen balloons, which she invited delegates to pop as she danced. ─── 吉尔说,当时她穿着紧身胸衣、鱼网丝袜,绑着十几个气球出现在餐会上,并在舞蹈中邀请与会代表戳破她身上的气球。

69、Wearing a corset is illegal because “the privilege of admiring the curvaceous, unencumbered body of a young woman should not be denied to the normal, red-blooded American male. ─── 在那里穿胸衣是犯法的,因为“正常且强壮的男性有权欣赏充满曲线美和没有任何阻碍物的女性躯体”。

70、Stunning Floral Tapestry Strapless Corset with gorgeous Venice trim, hook &eye front, waist cinching lace-up back, and removable, adjustable garters.Comes with thong panty. ─── 华丽飨宴塑身马甲2件一套:漂亮的蕾丝花边显丽色,华丽的缎面花纹马甲+内裤。

71、a horny material from the upper jaws of certain whales; used as the ribs of fans or as stays in corsets ─── 一些鲸鱼上颌上的角质材料,用作扇骨或束腰

72、But I think that the corsets and the costumes and all that really do help and ad to the character. ─── 但我认为,胸衣和服装以及所有帮助和广告确实的性质。

73、There were the stitched corsets,the uchesse ,the cuirass and ,above all, the white silk corsets,dove-tailed with colours ─── 备有绣边内衣、文胸,均为白色丝绸内衣、多色的长飘带。

74、hook for corset ─── 妇女紧身胸衣钩

75、so I went for the corsets and the wig and just thought, “Well, might as well.” ─── 所以我穿上束身胸衣和戴上假发,想:“好的,也许会很好。”

76、posture aid corset ─── 整形紧身装

77、Since eight o'clock she had been trying on and rejecting dresses, and now she stood dejected and irritable in lace pantalets, linen corset cover and three billowing lace and linen petticoats. ─── 从八点钟开始她一直在试衣裳,试一件丢一件,此刻又灰心又恼火,穿着镶边的宽松内裤,紧身布褡和三条波浪式的镶边布衬裙站在那里。

78、canvas corset ─── 帆布紧身衣, 帆布围腰

79、"Other Baleen whales are the Blue, fin, gray, humpBack, and sei whales and the rorqual. Baleen was once used for corset stays and is still used in some industrial Brushes" ─── 其它的须鲸有蓝鲸、鳍鲸、灰鲸、驼背鲸、鳕鲸和鲸。鲸骨曾一度广泛用作妇女紧身胸衣的支撑物,现在仍用来制造一些工业用刷。

80、All patients were treated with therapeutic exercises, lumbosacral corset with steel bracing, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. ─── 两组患者均予以功能锻炼,以金属支具束腰,并口服非甾体类消炎药。

81、an undergarment that is a combination of a light corset and a brassiere ─── 内衣,一种兼作轻紧身衣和奶罩的内衣

82、SATIN TAPESTRY FLOWERED JACQUARD STRAPLESS CORSET With contrasting boning, Venice trim, hook &eye front and waist slimming lace-up back, removable garters. ─── 东方迷情塑身马甲2件一套:马甲上绣有东方风格花样,蕾丝花边装饰更添迷情!

83、The one I saw was a long boned garment, very heavy, that laced the waist tightly, molded the hips and bust, and supported the long stockings just like an ordinary corset. ─── 我见到过的那种是很长的骨制外衣,很重,收紧腰部,贴合臀形,并能够衬托胸部,和一般的束衣一样,它可以支持长袜。

84、corset busk of plastics ─── 塑料紧身胸衣

85、Lacquer Printed Charmeuse corset with matching multi-strand Pearl Necklace. Corset has hook and eye front, lace-up back, removable garters, White stockings and matching thong. ─── 亮面印花塑身马甲4件一套:珍珠项鍊+亮面印花马甲+内裤+丝袜,亮面印花塑身马甲,穿出妳的耀人好身材!珍珠项鍊更添珠圆玉润!吊袜带可取下,前排扣设计方便穿脱。

86、I wish that Halloween costumes for little girls involving vinyl boots or corsets were just silly and fun. ─── 我希望包括由乙烯基制成的长筒靴或着紧身胸衣在内的小女孩万圣节服饰纯粹属于愚蠢和开玩笑的。

87、Her clothes liberated women from the constricting corsets and tight skirts of the Edwardian Era. ─── 她的服装把妇女从爱德华时代压抑的紧身衣裙中解放出来。

88、She used to have a corset that laced up at the side . ─── 她过去有一个在侧面系带的束腹。

89、Her corset, was double boned and equipped with shoulderstraps, that kept her gasping in agony for hours after the morning and late afternoon lacing. ─── 她的束衣是双骨配肩带的款式,每当早晨和下午的例行收紧之后,她都为每一次呼吸而饱受折磨。

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