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09-09 投稿



tarsi 发音

英:[['tɑ:sa?]]  美:[['tɑ:sa?]]

英:  美:

tarsi 中文意思翻译




tarsi 词性/词形变化,tarsi变形

原型:tarsi 名词复数形式:tarsi

tarsi 短语词组

1、tarsi sycosis ─── [医] 睑疮

2、ligamenta tarsi dorsalia ─── [医] 跗骨背侧韧带

3、ligamenta tarsi profunda ─── [医] 跗骨深韧带

4、ossa trigonum tarsi ─── [医] 跗三角骨(变)

5、ossa centrale tarsi ─── [医] 跗中央骨, 足舟骨

6、ossa tarsi tibiale ─── [医] 距骨

7、ligamenta tarsi plantaria ─── [医] 跗骨跖侧韧带

8、ligamenta tarsi interossea ─── [医] 跗骨骨间韧带

9、bursae sinus tarsi ─── [医] 跗骨窦囊

10、articulationes tarsi transversa ─── [医] 跗横关节

11、apparatus ligamentosua sinus tarsi ─── [医] 距跟前韧带, 跗骨窦韧带装置

12、tinea tarsi ─── [医] 睑绿癣, 溃疡性睑炎

13、ossa tarsi ─── [医] 跗骨

14、acne tarsi ─── [医] 睑痤疮

15、ossa tarsi fibulare ─── [医] 跟骨

16、fascia tarsi ─── 筋膜塔西

17、sinuses tarsi ─── [医] 跗骨窦

18、os tarsi fibulare ─── [医]腓侧跗骨,跟骨

tarsi 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The foretarsi of female could feel the odor of geranium oil ,and the hid tarsi could feel the odor of geranium oil and citronella oil. ─── 后跗节能感受到天竺葵和香茅的气味。

2、cervical ligament of sinus tarsi ─── 跗骨窦颈韧带

3、ligamenta tarsi profunda ─── [医] 跗骨深韧带

4、Keywords Eyelid;Divieded nevus;Lacrimal passage;Tarsi; ─── 眼睑;分裂痣;泪道;睑板;

5、articulationes tarsi transversa ─── [医] 跗横关节

6、ossa tarsi fibulare ─── [医] 跟骨

7、sinuses tarsi ─── [医] 跗骨窦

8、Keywords tarsi gland cancer/diagnosis;causes analysis;diagnostic errors; ─── 睑板腺癌/诊断;原因分析;误诊;

9、ligamenta tarsi plantaria ─── 跗骨足底韧带

10、Fore tarsi had obvious potential reaction to all compounds (except trans-caryophyllene), and it had the biggest reaction to geraniol. ─── 前跗节供试化合物(除反式丁香烯)都有明显的电位反应,而且对对香叶醇的反应最大;

11、ligamenta tarsi ─── 跗骨韧带

12、acne tarsi ─── [医] 睑痤疮

13、os tarsi ─── 跟骨

14、This accumulated on the tarsi, immobilizing a few larvae, and causing others to fall off the plants. ─── 这些物质积累在跗节上,将一些幼虫粘住,并使另外一些幼虫从植株上摔下来。

15、Female antennae, mouthparts, fore tarsi,mid tarsi and hid tarsi of oriental fruit fly felt the odor of mile-a-minute weed ,further more, antennae had the greatest EAG value. ─── 桔小实蝇雌虫的触角、口器、前中后跗节均能感受到薇甘菊精油的气味,而且触角的电位值最大;

16、ossa centrale tarsi ─── [医] 跗中央骨, 足舟骨

17、os tarsi tibiale ─── 胫侧跗骨, 距骨

18、ectopia tarsi ─── 睑板异位

19、tensor tarsi ─── 杜佛内(氏)肌, 霍纳(氏)肌, 睑板张肌

20、Insects use chemoreceptors on ovipositors, mouthparts, antennae or tarsi to detect marking pheromones. ─── 食性昆虫的寄主标记信息素只产在寄主表面,用触角或产卵器检测。

21、This accumulated on the tarsi, immobilizing a few larvae, and causing others to fall off the plants. ─── 这些物质积累在跗节上,将一些幼虫粘住,并使另外一些幼虫从植株上摔下来。

22、tinea tarsi ─── 睑缘癣

23、eversio tarsi ─── 睑外翻

24、sycosis tarsi ─── 睑疱, 睑炎, 睑疮

25、Method: Via the incision on the upper eyelid skin, orbicular muscle was cut to show the tarsi. ─── 经上睑皮肤切口,剪开眼轮匝肌暴露睑板。

26、lymphonodus tarsi ─── 跗淋巴结

27、apparatus ligamentosus sinus tarsi ─── 距跟前韧带, 跗骨窦韧带装置

28、sinus tarsi ─── 跗骨窦

29、capsula articularis articulationis tarsi transversae ─── 跗横关节囊

30、Therefore, the alkaloid sensilla of P. versicolora were likely the styloconic sensillum on the tips of maxillary palpi, labial palpi and the trichoid sensilla on the tarsi of the fore legs. ─── 可推断柳蓝叶甲感知生物碱感器可能就是下鄂须、下唇须顶端的栓锥感器和足跗节顶端的毛状感器。

31、tensor tarsi muscle ─── 睑板张肌, 霍纳(氏)肌

32、Between this and the lower leg bone is a natural recess known as the sinus tarsi, which allows ankle flexibility. ─── 骨头和小腿骨之间的是一个天然的凹槽,被称为“跗骨窦”,它决定了脚踝的灵活性。

33、ligamenta tarsi dorsalia ─── [医] 跗骨背侧韧带

34、ophthalmia tarsi ─── 皮脂溢性睑板腺炎

35、os tarsi centrale ─── 中央跗骨

36、os trigonum tarsi ─── 跗三角骨

37、Excision of sinus tarsi ─── 跗骨窦切除术

38、tarsi sycosis ─── [医] 睑疮

39、ligamenta tarsi interossea ─── [医] 跗骨骨间韧带

40、os centrale tarsi ─── 跗中央骨, 足舟骨

41、apparatus ligamentosua sinus tarsi ─── [医] 距跟前韧带, 跗骨窦韧带装置

42、Low-grade ptosis remedied by partial tarsi-aponeurosis resection ─── 睑板-腱膜部分切除术矫正轻度上睑下垂

43、articulatio tarsi transversa ─── 跗横关节

44、bursae sinus tarsi ─── [医] 跗骨窦囊

45、osteoarthritis chronica deformans tarsi ─── 慢性畸形性飞节关节炎

46、The fourth division of an insect's leg, between the femur and the tarsi. ─── 胫节昆虫腿部的第四节,位于胫节和跗节之间

47、os tarsi fibulare ─── 腓侧跗骨, 跟骨

48、ossa tarsi tibiale ─── [医] 距骨

49、fascia tarsi ─── 跗筋膜

50、os tarsi accessorius ─── 副跗骨

51、ossa trigonum tarsi ─── [医] 跗三角骨(变)

52、ossa tarsi ─── [医] 跗骨

53、Method: Via the incision on the upper eyelid skin, orbicular muscle was cut to show the tarsi. ─── 方法:经上睑皮肤切口,剪开眼轮匝肌暴露睑板。

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