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09-09 投稿



incontrovertibly 发音

英:[??nkɑ?ntr??v??rt?bli]  美:[??nk?ntr??v??t?bli]

英:  美:

incontrovertibly 中文意思翻译



incontrovertibly 词性/词形变化,incontrovertibly变形

副词: incontrovertibly |名词: incontrovertibility |

incontrovertibly 短语词组

1、incontrovertibly means ─── 无可争辩的手段

2、incontrovertibly true meaning ─── 无可争辩的真实意义

3、incontrovertibly define ─── 无可争议地定义

4、incontrovertibly true def ─── 无可争议的真实定义

5、incontrovertibly true ─── 无可争辩地正确

incontrovertibly 相似词语短语

1、incontrovertibleness ─── 不容置疑

2、incontrovertible ─── adj.无可争议的;无疑的;明白的

3、incontrovertibility ─── 无可争辩

4、inconvertible ─── adj.不能兑换的;不能变换的

5、controvertibly ─── 有争议地

6、uncontroversial ─── adj.非争论性的;不会引起争论的

7、inconvertibly ─── 不可逆转地

8、uncontrovertible ─── adj.明白的;无可争议的

9、controvertible ─── adj.可质疑的;可争论的

incontrovertibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、team share the visibility via measured results that they can point to and thus incontrovertibly demonstrate the success of a new process? ─── 团队通过他们可以针对的度量结果分享可见性,并因而无疑地证明新过程的成功吗?

2、The practice proved incontrovertibly, only then the reform and open policy can realize the rich country and the strengthening of the armed forces benign interaction. ─── 实践雄辩地证明,只有改革开放才能实现富国与强军的良性互动。

3、In purely literary terms, this work is incontrovertibly a novel, and a well-wrought one. ─── 从纯文学的角度看,这部作品毫无争议是一部长篇小说,并且是精雕细琢的一个。

4、Bringing peace to Northern Ireland, incontrovertibly; ─── 实现北爱尔兰的和平,这是无疑的;

5、prove incontrovertibly; be eloquent proof of ─── 雄辩地证明

6、peace to Northern Ireland, incontrovertibly; improving (though at excessive cost) health care and education; perhaps promoting a more tolerant Britain. ─── 北爱尔兰的和平,这是无疑的;改善了医疗保健和教育(尽管成本过高);可能还促使英国更加宽容。

7、Huntington is incontrovertibly right that historically the origin of modern democracy is, as he says, rooted in Western Christianity. ─── 亨廷顿认为,历史上,现代民主的源头植根于西方的基督文化,这一点已是无可争议的事实。

8、The development of the world economy has proved incontrovertibly that technological innovation, which is the source of human wealth, is the motive force of the development of economy. ─── 世界经济发展的历史已经雄辩地证明:技术创新是人类财富之源,是经济发展的巨大动力。

9、Regardless of one’s point of view, though, Dashan has incontrovertibly become a de facto goodwill ambassador to China.And Canada has given him his reward. ─── 不管个人的出发点如何,毋庸置疑大山就是中国的亲善大使,而加拿大回报了他应有的荣誉。

10、The pairs figure skating and ballroom dance, both staged last Wednesday, are unmistakably, incontrovertibly gay. ─── 毫无疑问,于上周三举行的双人花样滑冰和交际舞大赛的参赛者们也是同性恋人。

11、In the style, Su Xun"s prose except vertically and horizontally spreads suddenly, incontrovertibly outside the torrential main style, also has mild complication, and narrates on one side; ─── 主旨上,苏洵重视文学的社会功用,文章着眼于今、期于有用。

12、No solution is incontrovertibly right. ─── 没有任何解决方案是百分之百正确的。

13、Yan Zi is Qi Guo the high-ranking court official, by the eloquence, the agile thought incontrovertibly is always well-known. ─── 晏子是齐国的重臣,一向以雄辩的口才、敏捷的思维而闻名。一次,齐王派晏子出使楚国。

14、Regardless of one's point of view, though, Dashan has incontrovertibly become a de facto goodwill ambassador to China. ─── 大多数的中国居民能够证明几乎每个中国人都知道大山是谁。

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