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09-09 投稿


poppy 发音

英:['p?p?]  美:['pɑpi]

英:  美:

poppy 中文意思翻译



poppy 网络释义

n. 罂粟花;罂粟属植物;深红色adj. 罂粟科的

poppy 短语词组

1、blue poppy ─── [网络] 蓝色罂粟

2、fringed poppy mallow ─── [网络] 流苏罂粟

3、bush poppy ─── [网络] 灌木罂粟

4、horned poppy ─── 黄花海罂粟

5、California poppy ─── [植] 花菱草(美国加州州花)

6、California tree poppy ─── [网络] 加州树罂粟

7、Mexican tulip poppy ─── [网络] 墨西哥郁金香罂粟

8、clustered poppy mallow ─── [网络] 聚集的罂粟花

9、field poppy ─── [网络] 田野罂粟;虞美人亦称田野罂粟;虞美人草

10、flaming poppy ─── [网络] 燃烧的罂粟

11、Iceland poppy ─── 冰岛罂粟

12、arctic poppy ─── [网络] 北极罂粟;极地罂粟

13、Mexican poppy ─── [网络] 蓟罂粟

14、horn poppy ─── [网络] 喇叭罂粟

15、matilija poppy ─── [网络] 白罂粟;马蹄罂粟花

16、opium poppy n. ─── 罂粟

17、celandine poppy 【 ─── 植物】二叶苞罂粟(stylophorum diphyllum)

18、Flanders poppy 【 ─── 植物】虞美人(Papaver rhoeus, 一种供观赏的草本 ─── 植物)

19、corn poppy ─── 虞美人

poppy 词性/词形变化,poppy变形

名词复数: poppies |

poppy 相似词语短语

1、coppy ─── n.副本

2、hoppy ─── adj.蛇麻草的;啤酒花的;啤酒花香的;跳动的

3、loppy ─── adj.无力地下垂的;n.勤杂工;杂货店

4、poppa ─── n.爸爸;n.(Poppa)人名;(意、罗、荷)波帕

5、pappy ─── n.爸爸,父亲;adj.糊状的;半流质的;浆状的

6、popply ─── 弹出窗口

7、peppy ─── adj.活泼的;起动快的;精神充沛的

8、moppy ─── 蓬乱的(mop的变体);拖把似的(mop的变体)

9、pippy ─── adj.多籽的;多核的;n.(Pippy)(加、美、澳)皮鄱丽(人名)

poppy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So for me, a well-crafted baguette, fresh out of the oven, is complex, but a curry onion green olive poppy cheese bread is complicated. ─── 对我来说,一个刚出炉的精心烘培法国面包是复杂的,但是咖喱绿橄榄罂粟洋葱奶酪面包是繁杂的。

2、Overall, not bad, but Poppy's in Tin Hau can cook the same quality of main courses (and probably bigger portions too), and many other places serves more impressive seafood platters. ─── 当中以榴梿雪糕最对口味,够香够浓,也吃到榴梿果肉,货真价实。

3、East Asian perennial herbs: plume poppy. ─── 东亚多年生草本植物的一个属;几种产于亚洲的博落回属的植物。

4、At the time of the 2001 war in Afghanistan, the Taliban were blamed for presiding over widespread poppy cultivation. ─── 2001年阿富汗战争期间.塔利班因广泛种植罂粟而倍受指责。

5、Blair is an experienced manipulator of his own image, I opined: if he wears a poppy it is because he wants it that way. ─── 我想布莱尔在营造自己形象上经验丰富,如果他佩戴罂粟花的话,一定是他也想这么做。

6、What is red? A poppy's red in its barley bed. ─── 什么是艳红色?在大麦床里的罂粟花就是艳红色。

7、multispectral opium poppy sensor system ─── 多谱段罂粟探测系统

8、The debate is whether the government should first tackle the insurgents or the poppy growers, and whether eradication should take place before or after alternatives are in place. ─── 争论的问题是,是要先处理叛乱还是先禁止罂粟种植,以及根除罂粟是在替代作物各就各位之前还是之后。

9、Poppy believes that Rona Leigh didn't receive a fair trial, but the obstacles to reopening the case are daunting.The governor has promised himself, and his public, that this woman will die. ─── 书中很多事例,由于涉及外交和他国声誉,故而不能具体点出这些国家的名字和涉及的国家的人员的具体姓名。

10、Brushwith egg white and sprinkle with caraway and poppy seeds as desired. ─── 刷上蛋白液,随好洒上葛缕籽和罂粟籽。

11、I am the coler of passion and of love.the red rose. the poinsettia and the poppy. ─── 我是激情和爱的颜色。是红玫瑰。猩猩木和罂粟。

12、You can find poppy seeds in most grocery stores. To ensure maximum freshness and flavor, buy them in a shop where stocks are renewed regularly. ─── 您能在多数杂货店发现罂粟种子。在定期的更新原料的商店买它们通常是最新鲜和风味。

13、The Queen laid a poppy wreath at the war memorial. ─── 女王向阵亡将士纪念碑献了罂粟花圈。

14、Poppy cultivation jumped up by nearly 60% across Afghanistan last year, mostly due to increases in the southern provinces. ─── 去年,阿富汗全境的罂粟种植跃升至近60%,大部分由于南方诸省的增长。

15、Using balloons to turn a lawn chair into a flying machine.A positive result on a drug test after eating poppy seeds on a bagel.Killing a person by completely covering their body wih gold paint. ─── 在决定成为一位专业的流言终结者之前,亚当?沙维奇曾经当过动画师、平面设计师、室内设计师、布景设计师以及电子动画专业人员。

16、The main types of Luhong litchis are Imperial Concubine Smile, White Sugar Poppy and March Red, of which characters are of more pulp and juicy and sweet as honey. ─── “鲁宏”牌荔枝主要品种是妃子笑、白糖罂、三月红等,其特点是肉厚,多汁,浓甜如蜜。

17、Clinical anlaysis on 15 cases of poppy nutshell decoction poisoning in children ─── 小儿罂粟壳煎剂中毒15例临床分析

18、Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon.I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy. ─── 我并不经常出没在天空,但日出或日落我在天际登场时,我的美丽足以惊世,没有人还会想起你们。

19、I am glad because I know we’re going home, but it makes me sad too because I have to leave Nanna and Poppy. ─── 我高兴,是因为知道我们要回家了,但也有些难过,因为我得离开爷爷奶奶。

20、annual Old World poppy with orange-red flowers and bristly fruit. ─── 东半球一种开橙红色花、结坚硬果实的一年生罂粟。

21、Humourless poppy cocks,in my limited experience. ─── 在我有限的经验里,他们都是无趣的东西。

22、Poppy: So what ! Big deal ! You can just replace me with a newer, trashier version, like you did with mom! ─── 那又怎样!大甩卖!你可以找个更新的,更没用的来代替我,就像你对妈妈做的那样!

23、Poppy cultivation jumped up by nearly60% across Afghanistan last year, mostly due to increases in the southern provinces. ─── 去年,阿富汗全境的罂粟种植跃升至近60%大部分由于南方诸省的增长。

24、Argemone mexicana [prickly poppy] ─── 刺罂粟

25、8.Summer is hoppy, croppy, poppy. ─── 夏天欢快跳跃,庄稼喜人,爆竹声声。

26、Ripe poppy seeds have no narcotic effects. The seeds and latex (milky sap) extracted from green capsules, however, have sedative, tranquilizing, antispasmodic, and hypnotic properties. ─── 成熟罂粟种子没有麻醉作用。种子和乳汁(乳状的树汁)从绿色的荚提取,然而,有镇静剂,使平静,止痉挛和催眠产物。

27、The committee report also expresses concern about the slow progress in curbing opium poppy production in Afghanistan. ─── 外交事务委员会的报告还对阿富汗制止鸦片生产的缓慢进程感到担忧。

28、Papaver nudicaule [iceland poppy] ─── 冰岛罂粟

29、"Red Poppy beats out the ambition of Chinese people, brings out the vitality and charm of modern females, and demonstrates the profound and inclusive Chinese culture. ─── “红樱束打出了中国人的志气,打出了现代女性的朝气和魅力,打出了中国文化的深邃内涵和宏大的包容性。”

30、California wild poppy with bright red flowers. ─── 加利弗尼亚一种开亮丽的红色花的野生罂粟。

31、The author reviewed the research progress on opium poppy celandine s chemical component and phytochemistry classification basis, and delineated the perspective. ─── 作者对白屈菜族植物的化学成分及植物化学分类进行了综述,并对其开发前景进行了展望。

32、Poppy Cat likes splish-splosh with duck-duck in the sink. ─── 啪霹猫喜欢和玩具鸭在水槽玩水。

33、Poppy:What? You think just because Mom went to boarding school in England,it's going to magically straightem me out ? Do you even remember Mom? ─── 怎么?难道你认为就是因为妈妈曾经在英国上过寄宿学校然后就可以神奇的改变我?你有想起过妈妈吗?

34、any of several similar or related plants,such as the California poppy ─── 几种相似或与其有关的植物一种,如加利福尼亚花菱草

35、Fifteen months later, the pair had a baby girl, Poppy, and now they're engaged. ─── 15个月以后,他们生了个女婴 Poppy ,他们现在已订婚了。

36、I am the color of passion and love the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy. ─── 我代表着激情,我热爱红玫瑰、猩猩木和罂粟。”

37、4.perennial poppy mallow of United States southern plains states having rose-red or rose-purple flowers. ─── 分布在美国南部大草原各州的多年生的罂栗锦葵属植物,有玫瑰红或玫瑰紫色的花。

38、I would like to be a pricky rose, or better to be a lethal poppy. ─── 我愿意做带刺的玫瑰,更愿意做能致命的罂粟!

39、an addictive narcotic extracted from seed capsules of the opium poppy. ─── 从罂粟的种子中提取的上瘾的麻醉剂。

40、"Lost" is something that may not really in nine, ten roamed the streets. it is only to fade away by the thought of Aucknagen heartstrings, and the rest of the poppy is stagnating. ─── “迷失”这种东西,也许真的不用在九,十条街上乱逛, 它只是清淡的带走了思考用的那根心弦,剩下的却是在罂粟中徘徊。

41、"Maybe he needs to get in that poppy field for a while," Jackson said jokingly, referring to a scene in the movie in which Dorothy falls asleep in a field of poisonous poppies. ─── “也许他需要在罂粟花田里呆一会,”菲尔开玩笑说,他是指电影中多罗西在一片有毒罂粟花田中睡着了的场景。

42、A poppy field away in the Golden Triangle Park is the impressive Halls of Opium. The building is both a museum and a research and educational facility. ─── 金山角公园里的一片罂粟花田是令人印象深刻的鸦片文史馆。这座建筑既是博物馆,也是研究机构和教育机构。

43、Poppy Fields Are Now a Front Line in Afghanistan War ─── 国际的最新军事,政治情报

44、Poppy Al was a small man, shorter and slighter than Papaw, with a kind, sweet spirit. ─── 埃尔祖父个子矮小,不仅比我的外公矮,也比外公瘦,但善良亲切。

45、I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy. ─── 我是激情和爱的颜色,是红玫瑰、猩猩木和罂粟。

46、an addictive narcotic extracted from seed capsules of the opium poppy ─── 从罂粟的种子中提取的上瘾的麻醉剂

47、herbs of Europe and North Africa and Asia: horned poppy ─── 产于欧洲北非和亚洲的一个草本属;角罂粟

48、The chef sprinkle poppy seed on the cake. ─── 厨师往蛋糕上撒罂粟籽。

49、They are also used to produce a pleasant-tasting edible oil (poppy-seed oil), which can be added to salads instead of olive oil. ─── 他们被使用生产愉快滋味的可食的油(罂粟籽油),可能增加来沙拉代替橄榄油。

50、The herbal drug Corydalis Saxicola Bunting (CSB) is the plant of poppy family, and has been used as a kind of Chinese traditional medicine applied to the prevention or remedy of hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis and even hepatoma. ─── 岩黄连是罂粟科紫堇属(Corydalis Saxicola Bunting)植物,在民间用其治疗肝炎、肝硬化等疾病。

51、Poppy:I hope your bags end up in Kazakhstan. ─── 但你的行李却运向哈萨克斯坦。

52、California poppy promotes sleep, helps one to relax, and eases mild anxiety. ─── 加州罂粟花可促进睡眠、松弛神经及舒缓忧虑。

53、herbs of Europe and North Africa and Asia: horned poppy. ─── 产于欧洲北非和亚洲的一个草本属;角罂粟。

54、In a large bowl, sift together cake flour, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and poppy seeds. ─── 在一个大盆内,将低粉、普通面粉、泡打粉、苏打粉、盐和罂粟籽混合过筛。

55、She theorizes that there may be many undiscovered vegemagi, particularly among witches with botanical names such as Lavender, Lily, Myrtle, Narcissa, Olive, Pansy, and Poppy. ─── 她的理论是,可能有许多未经发现的植物玛格斯,特别是在名字中带有园艺意义的女巫中间,如拉文德,莉莉,桃金娘,纳西莎,奥利佛,潘西和波比。’

56、The poppy emblem was chosen because of the poppies that bloomed years after the war across some of the worst battlefields where thousands of solders lost their life. ─── 佩戴罂粟花是因为在战争期间,有无数个战士为了保卫祖国而献出了生命。到了第二年的春天,一大片的红罂粟花到处盛开从而覆盖了整个战士的墓地。

57、most amphibians have caducous gills; the caducous calyx of a poppy. ─── 大多数两栖类动物都有早落腮;易脱落的罂粟花萼。

58、any person who cultivates any plant of the genus cannabis or opium poppy , shall be liable upon conviction to a fine of hk 100 , 000 and. ─── 任何人如栽植任何大麻属植物或鸦片罂粟,一经定罪,最高可被判处罚款100,000港元及。

59、I am the color of passion and of love,the red rose,the poppy and the poinsettia. ─── 我是激情和爱的颜色,红玫瑰、罂粟花、一品红,哪个不是红色!

60、We smile in winter full of freshness and moist,the enchantment apple ,the red in opium poppy and blue of gentian dominate aesthetics although gorgeous but still would be decomposed. ─── 我们微笑在新鲜,潮湿的冬天,被施予了魔法的苹果的芬芳,红百合的朱红,龙胆草忧郁的蓝色统治着腐烂的艳丽美学。

61、“I would sit there for hours watching Poppy Ben and the musicians, and listening to their music“, says Declan. ─── “我会坐在那里罂粟本收看时间和音乐家,并听取他们的音乐”,说德克兰。

62、Old World alpine poppy with white or yellow to orange flowers. ─── 东半球一种山罂粟,开白或黄到橙黄色花。

63、Under the watchful eye of the school's headmistress (Natasha Richardson) and surrounded by a new circle of friends, Poppy begrudgingly realizes her bad-girl behavior will only get her so far. ─── 居住在洛杉矶的野蛮小公主波比摩亚(爱玛罗拔丝饰),平日行为出位过火,爸爸唯有送她到英国女子寄宿学校,希望她修心养性。

64、Gradually pour in the poppy mixture and sprinkle the streusel on the top. ─── 将罂粟仔馅倒入,然后洒上表层材料。

65、There is also a need for a healer at Hogwarts, where Madam Poppy Pomfrey runs the Hospital Wing. ─── 在霍格沃茨同样需要一名治疗师,这样,波皮·庞弗雷夫人管理了校医院。

66、principal vegetable oils are olive, cottonseed, poppy, and cocoanut oils, peanut oil, and oils in various nuts. ─── 主要植物油脂有:橄榄油、棉籽油罂粟油、可可油、花生油及各种干果油。

67、small gray seed of a poppy flower; used whole or ground in baked items. ─── 小的、灰色的、罂粟花的种子;整个使用或烘焙磨碎。

68、THE smell of the Afghan poppy season is unmistakable, even from the open door of a Black Hawk helicopter. ─── 又到了阿富汗罂粟成熟的季节。甚至在黑鹰直升机上就可以闻到罂粟花的气息。

69、” Others have proposed the idea of licensing poppy production to make pharmaceutical opiates. ─── ”其他人支持这样的想法,即给罂粟生产发放许可证,产品制成药剂师使用的麻醉进。

70、“ Cotton will not compete with poppy,” he says,“ but T-shirts will. ─── 他说,“棉花与罂粟无法比较,但T恤则可。

71、Spread the poppy filling and tightly roll up. ─── 将把面团由上往下卷,用锯齿刀将面团分8等份。

72、Not poppy, nor mandragora, Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world, Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep Which thou owedst yesterday. ─── 伊阿古罂粟、曼陀罗或是世上一切使人昏迷的药草,都不能使你得到昨天晚上你还安然享受的酣眠。

73、Divide half of the rice batter into 8 paper muffin liners, spoon in some poppy fix and add in a few of raisins.Finally cover with the rest of rice batter. ─── 将一半糯米糊匀勺入8个麦芬纸模中,勺入适量罂粟仔馅,加入若干提子,然后勺入剩下的糯米糊。

74、But Poppy Al spoke to him gently and respectfully and the man seemed to respond in kind. ─── 但埃尔祖父和他说话时很温和很尊重,那人似乎也很友善。

75、After crossing the river, Dorothy and her friends came to a poppy flower field, with many other colourful flowers next to it. ─── 过了河,多萝西和她的朋友们来到一片罂粟花地,旁边有许多其他五颜六色的花。

76、Then he turned his head and she saw the tattoo of the red poppy on his neck. ─── 她看见他脖子上纹着的红色罂粟花。

77、Girls' floral names continue to blossom with Lily, Daisy and Poppy all making the top 30. ─── 与花朵有关的女孩名持续绽放,莉莉(百合花)、黛西(雏菊)与帕比(罂粟花)都挤进前30名。

78、small gray seed of a poppy flower; used whole or ground in baked items ─── 小的、灰色的、罂粟花的种子;整个使用或烘焙磨碎

79、As goddess of flowers and fruitfulness she is associated especially with the rose, the poppy, and the myrtle. ─── 因为她是花果神,所以人们特别把她与玫瑰、罂粟和爱神木联系起来。

80、I would refuse a rose, from a couch of snow in the Acrousseronean Mountains, to say nothing of this addicting poppy flower. ─── 我会拒绝玫瑰,在阿克洛瑟朗尼亚的冰雪之椅中,何况这只是一支有毒的罂粟花。

81、On the other hand, in Caryophyllaceae, poppy Branch, the Solanaceae plant some grass and try in vitro fertilization and pollination of technology to overcome hybrid incompatibility. ─── 另一方面,曾在石竹科、罂粟科、茄科及禾本科的一些植物试用离体传粉和受精的技术克服杂交不亲和性。

82、"I know not what wine of wild poppy I have drunk, that there is this madness in my eyes." ─── "我不知道我喝了什么野罂粟花酒,使我的眼带着疯癫。"

83、annual European poppy common in grain fields and often cultivated. ─── 常见于谷地的一种一年生欧洲罂粟,通常为人工栽培。

84、Cook 400ml milk with ground poppy in a pot for 3 minutes over the medium heat. ─── 将400毫升牛奶和罂粟籽粉放到锅里中火煮约3分钟。

85、Detection of Residual poppy in Food by GC/MS ─── GC/MS法测定掺入食品中罂粟壳残留的方法研究

86、Hosts: Poppy head out. Poppy head out. ─── 奶奶慢慢走出去.

87、Item that is export from india: - black pepper, dill seed, cellery seed, poppy,turmeric, cummin seed, ginger, etc. ─── 印度出口的品种:黑胡椒、莳箩籽、茜萝、罂粟、韭黄、小茴香、生姜等。

88、Those that occur naturally in the opium poppy, notably morphine, have been used since ancient Greek times. ─── 天然的麻醉镇痛药来自鸦片罂粟,著名的有吗啡,自古希腊时期以来一直被广泛应用。

89、I know not what wine of wild poppy I have drunk, that there is this madness in my eyes. ─── 我不知道我喝了什么野罂粟花酒,使我的眼带着疯癫。







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NO.5森尼韦尔热度: 75

NO.6洛杉矶热度: 73

NO.7托伦斯热度: 68

NO.8圣何塞热度: 53

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