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09-09 投稿



greasing 发音

英:[?ɡri?s??]  美:[?ɡri?s??]

英:  美:

greasing 中文意思翻译





greasing 常用词组

lubricating grease ─── 滑脂;润滑脂;润滑膏

grease the wheels ─── v. 使顺利进行;贿赂

oil and grease ─── 油脂

greasing 短语词组

1、contact greasing ─── 触点润滑

2、greasing of palms ─── 行贿

3、greasing equipment ─── [化] 润滑用设备

4、greasing station ─── 润滑站

5、greasing substance ─── 润滑剂; ─── 润滑物质, ─── 润滑材料

6、leather greasing ─── [化] 皮革加脂

greasing 词性/词形变化,greasing变形

形容词比较级: greasier |副词: greasily |名词: greasiness |形容词最高级: greasiest |

greasing 相似词语短语

1、degreasing ─── n.脱脂(法);去油(法);洗毛

2、easing ─── n.减轻,缓解;v.减轻,缓解;(使)小心缓慢地移动(ease的现在分词)

3、creasing ─── n.压痕;折缝;皱折;v.变皱;起折痕(crease的ing形式)

4、-teasing ─── n.戏弄

5、-leasing ─── n.租赁;(苏)谎言;v.出租(lease的ing形式)

6、ceasing ─── n.停止;中止;终了;v.停止;中断(cease的ing形式)

7、-greasing ─── n.润滑;涂油;起油腻;adj.润滑的;油腻的;油脂的;v.涂油;贿赂;使便利(grease的ing形式)

8、feasing ─── 不断减少

9、-easing ─── n.减轻,缓解;v.减轻,缓解;(使)小心缓慢地移动(ease的现在分词)

greasing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、greasing substance ─── 润滑剂润滑物质润滑材料

2、If we spend a few million greasing the palms of some of the buyers, who's hurt? ─── 如果我们花上几百万用来贿赂买主,那么谁会吃亏呢?

3、But golf is good both for tourism and for greasing the wheels of business that propel the world's second-largest economy. ─── 但实际上,高尔夫既能促进旅游业也能对推动中国经济增长的商贸活动起到润滑作用。

4、hand greasing ─── 人工加滑脂

5、Simple structure,ideal greasing position and rear cover with nitrogen gas leakage proof make the maintenance very easy. ─── 简单的结构,极佳的油脂润滑位置,无氮气泄漏的后盖,使维修保养异常便利.

6、Low viscosity, make easy de-greasing after tapping. Chlorine-free. ─── 粘度低,加工后的脱脂作业容易,不含氯。

7、leather greasing ─── 皮革加脂

8、IN MANY parts of the world, greasing the palms of corrupt officials is a fact of life. ─── 在世界许多地方,满手油腻的腐败官员是个活生生的事实。

9、For cap-and-trade, it may require greasing the wheels with giveaways to favoured industries, not to mention the dodgy carbon tariffs. ─── 要想通过总量控制与交易议案,必须疏通各方关系,对重点行业特殊照顾,而不是冒险提出碳关税。

10、Bobby: Carol, that man was greasing your back. ─── 鲍比:可他一直在摸你的背。

11、Using high pressure greasing technique, the special protection grease for steel cable is poured into the flax wick of steel cable at the operation. ─── 采用高压注脂技术,向运行中的钢丝绳麻芯内注入专用的钢丝绳防护脂。

12、The surfactant as greasing agent has many advantages, such as, full, soft, very good elangation aswell as clean waxy and sillky surface. ─── 这一表面活性剂作为皮革加脂剂具有成革柔软、丰满、延伸性好,革面滑润等优点。

13、IN MANY parts of the world, greasing the palms of corrupt officials is a fact of life. ─── 在世界许多地方,满手油腻的腐败官员是个活生生的事实。

14、greasing base ─── 油脂性基质

15、greasing truck ─── 润滑车

16、The salt spray tester is used to test the anti-erosion quality of the surface of all materials after the rust-proof of painting ,coating ,electroplating ,annoying and rust-proof of greasing. ─── 盐水喷雾机乃专门针对各种材质之表面,经油漆、涂料、电度、阳极处理、防锈痌等防水处理后,测试其制品之抗浊性。

17、Vacuum greasing and drying also may be used for transformer are various power equipment becoming damp. ─── 也可用于变压器的真空注油和干燥各种受潮的电力设备。

18、He has to keep greasing the groove of events every moment. ─── 他随时都要在事物的槽子里涂上滑润油。

19、“Grea, I’d like e ake and a p f ffee. ─── (太好了,我想要一些蛋糕和一杯咖啡。)”传教士兴奋的说道。

20、It is of grea t importance that aesthetic views deepen into background research as well as cre ate practicality of contemporary novel. ─── 研究这种特征不仅能够深化服饰美学的研究基础,丰富古典小说的研究方法,还有利于促进当代小说的创作实践,具有深刻的现实意义。

21、The results show that fly ash itself has no pozzolanic activity;while the alkali,gypsum,lime have grea excitation effects on the pozzolanic activity of fly ash. ─── 结果表明,粉煤灰不具有自硬性,碱、石膏和石灰对粉煤灰火山灰活性有很强的激发作用。

22、non-automtic greasing nipple ─── 非自动润滑喷嘴

23、The salt spray tester is to test the anti-erosion quality of the surface of all materials after the rust-proof of painting,coating,electroplating,anoding and greasing. ─── 本试验机是针对各种材质之表面,经油漆、涂料、电镀、无机及有机皮膜经阳极、防锈油等防腐蚀处理后,测试其制品之耐腐蚀性。

24、Simple structure,ideal greasing position and rear cover with nitrogen gas leakage proof make the maintenance very easy. ─── 简单的结构、极佳的油脂润滑位置、无氮气泄漏的后盖,使维修保养异常便利。

25、People are sick of lobbyists greasing the palms of politicians. ─── 人们讨厌向政治家行贿的说客。

26、Greasing and flouring or lining the pan with non-stick baking paper will prevent the cake from sticking. ─── 在烤盘上涂油撒粉或者铺上不粘烘焙纸,可以防止蛋糕粘在烤盘上。

27、Translate the following sentence into Chinese, ‘They can make a point and they're handy for greasing the social skids.’ ─── 他们可以表明一个观点而这些习语非常方便地使谈话更加顺滑。

28、Anti-erosion Quality of the Surtace of the Materials,After the rust-Proofing of Paintig Caoting elecplating,Anoding and rust-proofing of Painting elecplating,Anoding and rust-proof Greasing. ─── 说明:盐水喷雾试验乃针对各种材质之表面经涂料、电镀、阳极处理、防锈油等防腐蚀处理后,测试其制品之耐蚀性。

29、manual greasing ─── 手动加注润滑脂人工加滑脂

30、car must be stable during the operation to the oil, greasing, and Meng-meng is best to avoid losing the oil phenomenon. ─── 新车期间在操作上必须平稳给油,最好避免猛上油和猛丢油的现象。

31、automatic greasing cycle ─── 自动润滑循环

32、But as a permanent fixture this rule would be an unhelpful drag, restricting short selling's role in greasing the market's wheels and aiding price discovery. ─── 但作为一项永久性规定,它会成为毫无帮助的累赘,并限制卖空操作在润滑市场车轮、协助价格发现方面发挥的作用。

33、Improvement of the Gear Greasing Way of Ball Mill ─── 球磨机齿轮润滑方式的改进

34、5. To do daily cleaning and maintenance of the plant equipment including greasing of the machines. ─── (做工厂设备的每日清洁和维护包括给机器上油。)

35、The problem is not just the petty palm greasing that's common worldwide, though that has its own corrosive effects. ─── 腐败问题并非仅是小额的贿赂和好处费等等,上下打点的做法在全世界都很普遍,当然它也有它的害处。

36、greasing station ─── 加油站

37、greasing apparatus ─── 润滑器

38、Simple structure, ideal greasing position and rear cover with nitrogen gas leakage proof make the maintenance very easy. ─── 简单的结构、极佳的油脂润滑位置、无氮气泄漏的后盖,使维修保养异常便利。

39、And trees do something else .They -- they can provide greasing grazing animals with shame shade from the sun. ─── 并且树做其他事情-他们可以为食草动物提供以太阳下的树荫。

40、Despite all the palm-greasing, Siemens didn't make much money. ─── 尽管行贿没少花钱,西门子却没赚到几个子。

41、You should have tried greasing his palm. ─── 你应该试试给他点小费才是。

42、With the increase of the greasing intensity , the activity of soil sucrose, unease and polyphone oxidize all decrease. ─── 随退化程度的加大,土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶、多酚氧化酶活性均降低。

43、Abstract: Using high pressure greasing technique, the special protection grease for steel cable is poured into the flax wick of steel cable at the operation. ─── 文摘:采用高压注脂技术,向运行中的钢丝绳麻芯内注入专用的钢丝绳防护脂。

44、A day later the Bank of England abandoned its hard-nosed attitude to greasing the money markets (see article). ─── 在降息后那一天,英国中央银行抛弃其顽固派立场,给货币市场加了点油(见文)。

45、Packing uses flexible graphite for dependable sealing performance.If request by users ,packing spacer ring and greasing mechanism can be available . ─── 填料采用柔性性石墨材料,密封性可靠。用户有要求时可提供填料隔环和注油脂结构。

46、The group of stowaway crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards. ─── 偷渡团伙买通边防警卫,偷渡国境。

47、Finish cooling on rack. Repeat steps 2-5, greasing and flouring cookie sheet each time. ─── 我做第一盘的时候就是还没有变色就拿出来了

48、Finish cooling on rack.Repeat steps 2-5, greasing and flouring cookie sheet each time. ─── 烤的时候一定要观察颜色的变化,当中间开始变黄了,就差不多了.

49、Maggie: Greasing ports and dance with men who even don't speak English. ─── 麦琪:贿赂了看门人,和那些个不会讲英语的外国佬跳舞。

50、Among them,710(20.91%)are RCT.Conclusion Although grea t achievement has been made in the quali ty of clinical trials of anesthesi... ─── 结果19卷144期共载临床研究论文3396篇,其中随机对照试验710篇(20.91%)。

51、greasing equipment ─── 润滑用设备

52、Only passion,grea passion,can elevate the soul to great things! ─── 只有激情,伟大的激情,才能够提升灵魂以成就伟业!

53、In Greenland, it's meltwater greasing the way for massive outflows of ice. ─── 在格陵兰岛,是冰水增加了大量的冰流出的渠道。

54、Use it every time for greasing the pan with vegetable oil. ─── 每次用它作注油泛植物油。

55、To stop greasing officials' palms becomes rather dif-ficult in Chinese society. ─── 在中国社会里,杜绝对官员行贿颇为困难。

56、greasing of palms ─── 行贿行为

57、You have to grea down when you drive to a crossroad. ─── 开车接近十字路口时,要减小油门。

58、But do you think my hands were as grea t a handicap as the bone spurs? ─── 但是,你可以为,我这双受伤的手跟骨刺一样是个很大的不利条件?

59、Greasing The Wheels: Using Pork Barrel Projects To Build Majority Coalitions in Congress ─── 贿赂:议会中以议员为选民所争取到的地方建设经费项目建造大多数联盟

60、Keywords Sunflower oil;surfactant;Greasing agent; ─── 葵花籽油;表面活性剂;加脂剂;

61、The nipple for greasing the outside roller was inaccessible to grease. ─── 如:外档滚筒油嘴的方向不便加油。

62、Translate the following sentence into Chinese, ‘They can make a point and they're handy for greasing the social skids. ─── 这些古老的陈词滥调能很好地说明观点,他们很容易使得社会隔阂得到润滑。

63、A day later the Bank of England abandoned its hard-nosed attitude to greasing the money markets (see article). ─── 在降息后那一天,英国中央银行抛弃其顽固派立场,给货币市场加了点油(见文)。

64、Conclusion The inhalation of atrovent and ventolin has grea t effects on lung function of patients with chronic asthmatic bronchitis. ─── 结果治疗组治疗后肺功能明显改善,临床症状缓解。结论爱喘乐、喘乐宁吸入治疗慢喘支近期效果显著。

65、an unglamorous job greasing engines. ─── 给机器加润滑油的单调工作。

66、2.The crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards. ─── 他们买通边防警卫,偷渡国境。

67、This research also has Shown grea t theoretical andpractical significance on the sp eed &purging of proliferationof Kefir grains of eachgeneration. ─── 同时,确定了开菲尔粒在每一代的增殖速度及清洗对开菲尔粒增殖的影响,具有一定的理论和较强的现实意义。

68、They're the ones just right for greasing up and throwing in a pool for the kids to chase. ─── 这些西瓜非常适合将他们弄得油腻,接着扔到游泳池中让孩子追逐嬉戏。

69、Poors Courts have broad barred camels from greasing grazing in national parks. ─── 法院也禁止来自牧场的骆驼进入国家公园。

70、For the sake of maintaining grea t figure of Yao, the later people fabricate many excuse for Gun should be killed . They libeled Gun and made him become a failure, an incapable person and one of "Four Scoundrels". ─── 后世人们为了维护尧的光辉形象,遂为鲧制造出种种该杀的理由,并加上了种种诬蔑之辞,使其成为失败者,“不才子”,“四凶”之一。

71、Research on Curdy and Greas Tongue Fur Analysis for Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 中医舌苔腐腻分析算法的研究

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