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08-20 投稿


furnishes 发音

英:[?f??n???z]  美:[?f??rn???z]

英:  美:

furnishes 中文意思翻译



furnishes 短语词组

1、furnishes the mind ─── 提供思想

2、furnishes attitude ─── 提供态度

3、furnishes definition ─── 提供定义

4、furnishes 7 little words ─── 提供7个小单词

5、furnishes crossword clue ─── 提供纵横字谜线索

6、furnishes attitudes ─── 提供态度

furnishes 词性/词形变化,furnishes变形

名词: furnisher |动词过去分词: furnished |动词过去式: furnished |动词现在分词: furnishing |动词第三人称单数: furnishes |

furnishes 相似词语短语

1、burnisher ─── n.磨光器;研磨器;把东西擦亮的人

2、furbishes ─── v.更新,翻新;磨光,擦亮

3、furnished ─── adj.家具,有家具的;v.供应;装备(furnish的过去分词)

4、unfurnishes ─── v.剥夺(某人的)权利(或财物);(使某物)失去(特定的品质);为(某人)脱去;摆脱(股权或投资等);搬走……的家具

5、refurnishes ─── vt.再供给;重新装备

6、burnished ─── adj.铮亮的;光洁的;v.擦亮;磨光(burnish的过去式和过去分词)

7、finishes ─── n.成品(finish的复数);抛光剂;罩面漆;v.完成;结束(finish的第三人称单数)

8、furnisher ─── n.家具商;供给者

9、burnishes ─── vt.擦亮;使…光亮;将…打磨光亮;n.光泽;抛光;闪闪发光;vi.磨光发亮

furnishes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? ─── 并且妄论神,说,神在旷野岂能摆设筵席吗。

2、Association does not create impulses or affection and dislike, but it furnishes the objects to which they attach themselves. ─── 联合并不创造喜爱和厌恶的冲动,但是提供他们依附的对象。

3、His house is spacious and commodious, and furnish with profusion and elegance. ─── 他的房子宽敞而便利,布置得富丽优雅。

4、On the tradition, ask even if assure of the branch to furnish to these. ─── 传统上,对这些部门的要求就是保证供给。

5、It furnishes complete sporting facility for the guests. ─── 为每一位来宾提供器材完备的服务。

6、The coastline of Great Britain is much indented, and thus furnishes excellent ports. ─── 大不列颠的海岸线非常曲折,由此提供了优良的海港。

7、We shall not be able to furnish additional copies . ─── 我们将不能提供额外的副本。

8、I'll furnish the room according to my own taste. ─── 我想根据自己的品味亲自摆放。

9、But Gus could furnish each ship with leftovers from other ships. ─── 但古斯可以用别的飞船上的遗留物装备每条飞船。

10、We can furnish everything you need for a successful party. ─── 我们可以为你提供办一个成功的聚会所需的一切。

11、This research furnishes tectonic evolution of Karakorum Mts with new constraints. ─── 为研究喀喇昆仑山构造演化提供了限定条件。

12、It shows the foot to advantage, and furnishes with blushes and re-composing airs beyond comparison. ─── 我译为:“它显示出脚的优点,房间布置成红色,重新构成与那边对应的空间。”

13、The sun's rays will furnish an unfailing supply of energy for mechanical power. ─── 太阳的光线将为机械动力提供永不中断的能源。

14、His room is neat but sparsely furnish, with an old couch, a beanbag chair, and a bookcase. ─── 他的房间整整齐齐,但是只疏疏落落摆了几件家俱,一张旧沙发,一张豆袋椅和一个书架。

15、Please furnish us with a catalogue and price list together with samples, if available. ─── 如果可能,请寄我方一份目录,价目单以及样品。

16、To furnish(a device or object) with a protective piece. ─── 加防护装置给(器械或物品)装防护装置

17、How Are You Going to Decorate and Furnish the Kitchen? ─── 你将怎样装饰你的厨房?

18、Consider whether the injury is one for which the law furnishes a relief. ─── 但是,在决定起诉之前,可能参与诉讼者必须考虑法律是否对这种伤害提供救助。

19、One that furnishes provisions, especially food. ─── 办伙食者负责筹办物资的人,尤指筹办食物

20、Regarding product warranty kindly let us know how you furnish warrantee. ─── 关于产品的保修事宜,请告知我们,贵司是如何提供维修人员的呢?

21、Scouted around for some antiques to furnish their new apartment. ─── 他们到处搜罗一些古董来装饰新居。

22、They spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? ─── 并且妄论神,说,神在旷野岂能摆设筵席吗。

23、It cost us a lot of money to furnish the new apartment. ─── 布置房间花了我们很多钱。

24、To furnish or line with a bushing. ─── 加衬套于,加轴套于用一个轴套或套管来装饰或排列

25、We shall furnish you with technical documentation and you'll is able to manufacture spare parts yourselves. ─── 我们将向你方提供技术资料,你们可以自己生产备件。

26、It cost us a fortune to furnish our new flat. ─── 为新公寓配家具花了我们一大笔钱。

27、The buyer shall furnish to the Seller all instructions for marking the package. ─── 买方应为卖方提供所有标明包装的说明。

28、"You should furnish him with some of course," replied Monte Cristo. ─── “您当然应该给他一点喽。”基督山回答。

29、To furnish or serve as evidence; testify. ─── 作证,证明提供证据,作为证据;作证

30、To furnish with help, support, or relief. ─── 帮助,救助提供帮助、支援或救助

31、It's costing us a fortune to furnish our new flat. ─── 买家具布置我们的新公寓房子要花掉一笔钱。

32、I'll be only too pleased to furnish you with any information you need. ─── 我将十分乐意向你提供你所需要的情况。

33、His proposal shall furnish the basis for our discussion. ─── 他的提议成为我们讨论的依据。

34、To form, furnish with, or serve as a top. ─── 形成顶部,装设顶部,用作顶部。

35、Restore this to the great crucible; your abundance will flow forth from it. The nutrition of the plains furnishes the nourishment of men. ─── 把这些归还给大熔炉,您将从中得到丰收,平原得到的营养会变为人类的食物。

36、But more blessed is that nation whose silent course of happiness furnishes nothing for history to say. ─── 但是更幸运的是,国家走上没有声息的幸福道路,没有给历史提供任何谈资。

37、Orbot manages the installation, bundles the Tor binary, and furnishes the UI. ─── Orbot负责管理安装包、 捆绑Tor二进制文件,并完善UI界面。

38、Can you furnish the committee with statements of the costs? ─── 你能把开支清单提交委员会吗?

39、The Atlantic furnishes much food for the people on its shores. ─── 大西洋为岸边的居民提供了丰富的食物。

40、Atomic fission furnishes enormous energy. ─── 原子分裂可提供大量的能源。

41、We struggled to furnish what economic and military aid for south Vietnam and Cambodia was obtainable from Congress. ─── 我们曾力争从国会手中多得到点经济和军事援助,交给南越和柬埔寨。

42、Can you furnish a letter of recommendation from them? ─── 你能让他们给你准备一份推荐书吗?

43、Can you see me knowing how to furnish a house? ─── 你能想象我懂得怎样布置一所房子吗?

44、It did not furnish an explanation for the heat generated by friction. ─── 它未能圆满地解释因摩擦而产生的热。

45、During our supervisor'stay in your plant,we want you to furnish them office free of charge. ─── 我方监督人员在贵厂停留期间,希望你方免费为他们提供办公室。

46、As to the account sale, you will please to furnish with a distinct account for each, and remit me for each . ─── 关于销售帐单,请分别列明各项收支,并请将款项分别汇交本公司。

47、The company will furnish each contestant with a free ticket . ─── 公司将为每个参赛者免费提供一张票。

48、To form,furnish with,or serve as a top. ─── 形成顶部,装设顶部,用作顶部

49、They are living in furnish accommodation. ─── 他们的住处家俱齐全。

50、And to furnish the quality documentation agrees upon in this connection. ─── 并提供相关质量文件。

51、They want to furnish their office tastefully with modem furniture. ─── 他们想用时髦家具把办公室装饰得雅致一些。

52、Vendor to furnish the list of spares and quote separately. ─── 卖方提供备件清单并分项报价。

53、You say if I furnish you the money you will deed me the land. ─── 你说如果我借给你这笔钱,你愿意把田地抵押给我。

54、I will furnish my house with furniture. ─── 我要为我的房子置办家具。

55、We have honour to inform you that we have furnish Mr. S. shibuya with a letter of credit for $100,000 on your bank. ─── 我们有幸告知贵方,我们已以贵行为议付行向三谷先生开出面额100,000元的信用证一份。

56、How are you going to furnish the house ? ─── 你将如何布置房子?

57、One who furnishes linguistic or cultural information to a researcher. ─── 为研究者提供语言或文化方面信息的人

58、The company can furnish you with every details. ─── 公司可以提供给你每个细节。

59、And, in some cases, wastepaper pulp may be blended in the furnish. ─── 在某些情况下,可在配料中混合一些废纸纸浆。

60、You must prove legality of your claim and, if necessary, you shall furnish additional evidence to arbitration. ─── 你方应该证明自己起诉的合法性,必要时你们应提交补充证据进行仲裁。

61、The Atlantic furnishes much food for the people on its shores. ─── 大西洋为沿岸地区的人们提供了丰富的食物。

62、Concretely, the theory of categories furnishes the metaphysical foundation of his fallibilism by dint of the doubt conception. ─── 具体而言就是,范畴理论借助怀疑概念为其可错论奠定了形而上学基础。

63、Regarding our offer,you will find our price attractive,particularly so in view of the value that we furnish. ─── 你会发现我们的报价很有竞争力,当获益非浅。

64、A microkernel is an operating system kernel which furnishes only the most fundamental mechanisms and abstractions. ─── 微内核是一种只提供最基本的机制与抽象的操作系统内核。

65、A teak table and chairs furnish the roof terrace. ─── 一套柚木桌椅装点着屋顶平台。

66、I will furnish all you need. ─── 我愿供给你所需的一切。

67、One of us is to furnish a repast for the hounds. ─── 我们中间必须有一个要充当猎狗的佳肴美食。

68、To supply(food, for example); furnish. ─── 提供供给;供应(例如食物)

69、The table and chairs used to furnish such an area. ─── 小吃饭间里用的家具适合这种小空间的配套桌椅

70、One who furnishes means of support, as to a family. ─── 供给者(如家庭之供养者)。

71、Can you furnish the committee with statements of the cost? ─── 你能向委员会提出费用报告书吗?

72、We shall pleased if you will furnish us with your quotation for this product. ─── 如果贵方提供给我们这种产品的报价,我方会很高兴的。

73、We can furnish all the equipment necessary for a hotel gym. ─── 我们可以为饭店的健身房提供全套的必要设备。

74、We will furnish our students with the ability to think. ─── 我们会让我们的学生具备思考的能力。

75、The factory furnishes employment to more than one thousand skilled hands. ─── 该工厂为一千多熟练工人提供就业机会。

76、Your friendship is like a lantern in my life, it provides illumination to my soul, and furnishes my life with. ─── 你的友情在我的生活里就像一盏明灯,照彻我的灵魂,使我的生活有了光彩。

77、Veal, calf, and young beef furnish nearly all of the sweetbreads. ─── 小牛提供了所有胸腺

78、I was the only man in the world who could furnish here any detail of the test-mark--by HONOURABLE means. ─── 世界上只有我一个人能一字不漏地写出对证词来--而且是用高尚的方式。

79、We propose to furnish our own house according to our own taste . ─── 我们建议按自己的爱好布置自己的房子。

80、I am bind to furnish my antagonist with arguments, but not with comprehension. ─── 我一定要向对手提供争论点,但并无予以理解的必要。

81、My mind to me a kingdom is, and it furnishes me with abundant and happy occupation in lieu of your restless idleness. ─── 我的思想就是我的王国,它让我生活得充实快乐,而不像你游手好闲,无所事事。

82、Don't go out of your way to furnish opportunities to your rivals. ─── 不要故意给你的对手提供机会。

83、I'll furnish you with all you need. ─── 我将提供你所需要的一切。

84、The measurements of total and residual ink concentration in ONP/OMG furnishes were introduced in this paper. ─── 主要介绍旧报纸/旧杂志纸碎解后废纸纸浆中总油墨粒子浓度和残留(束缚)油墨粒子浓度的测定方法及其测定操作。

85、Fresh-water lakes and streams furnish nearly all of our surface water supplies. ─── 我们所用的地表水几乎全由淡水湖和河流供给。

86、Furniture furnishes a respect, do not put too lofty furniture, much and big thing can let house decrescent only. ─── 家具摆设方面,不要摆放太高大的家具,多而大的东西只能让房子变小。

87、BRP values its employee, furnishes good benefit scheme and offers opportunity for career development. ─── 公司坚持以人为本,福利好,发展空间大,并为员工提供食宿、社会保险、年奖及医疗津贴等。

88、The school does not furnish students with lunch. ─── 学校不供给学生午饭。

89、Party A shall furnish forthwith Party B with shipping instrument . ─── 合同各方应该遵守前述本合同规定的条件。

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