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08-20 投稿


scowling 发音

英:[?ska?l??]  美:[?ska?l??]

英:  美:

scowling 中文意思翻译




scowling 短语词组

1、scowling syn ─── 愁眉苦脸

2、scowling meaning ─── 愁眉苦脸的意思

3、scowling keel ─── 皱眉龙骨

4、scowling meme ─── 愁眉苦脸

5、scowling pulling a face ─── 愁眉苦脸

6、scowling down ─── 瞋目而视

7、scowling at ─── 怒视

scowling 词性/词形变化,scowling变形

动词第三人称单数: scowls |副词: scowlingly |动词过去式: scowled |动词现在分词: scowling |动词过去分词: scowled |名词: scowler |

scowling 相似词语短语

1、bowling ─── n.滚木球戏;保龄球戏;v.打保龄球(bowl的现在分词);n.(Bowling)人名;(英)鲍林

2、scowping ─── 嘲弄

3、-coling ─── n.(Coling)人名;(英)科林

4、uncowling ─── 开卷

5、scowlingly ─── 愁眉苦脸地

6、scrawling ─── v.马马虎虎(或潦草)地写;n.潦草的笔迹;潦草的字条(或短信)

7、coaling ─── n.装煤;加煤;v.加煤;上煤(coal的ing形式)

8、cowling ─── n.[航]整流罩;飞机引擎罩;n.(Cowling)人名;(英)考林

9、Rowling ─── n.罗琳(女子名)

scowling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He wore a permanent scowl on his face. ─── 他脸上终日带着怒容。

2、Frank was still staring and scowling at me."What'd he want?"he asked."They've got George Harper.Morrie asked me to represent him during the Q and A." "Shit."Frank said. ─── Frank对自己的搭档(一民事律师事务所的合作者)要去插手一桩刑事案件大为不悦,指责人家“多管闲事”,在这种背景下,“shit”译为“乱弹琴’比较符合人物的心理。

3、Angrily, he leaped down and stood a metre away, scowling at me. "Quit your kidding! You've got a newspaper in your pocket. ─── 嗬! 他恼啦! 一蹦起来,站在离我几步远的地方,皱着眉头,偏着脑袋,把我上下打量了一番,说:“你! 哼,还哄我!

4、Don't let anyone wearing a scowl come closer than a hundred paces. ─── 不要让任何拉着一副老脸的人接近你。

5、the colonel called with a scowling face;and Lazarev, the soldier who was the best shot in firing at the range, stepped smartly forward. ─── 上校皱了皱眉头,喊出了口令,按高矮顺序排在第一的士兵拉扎列夫勇敢地向前走去。

6、His Shield Charm was so strong Snape was knocked off-balance and hit a desk. The whole class had looked around and now watched as Snape righted himself, scowling. ─── 他很快地把魔杖指向哈利,以至于哈利本能地做出反应;把要使用无声咒的事忘得一干二净,他大叫道,"盔甲护身!"

7、This time he came for me in dead earnest, with clenched fists and fierce scowl. ─── 他紧握双拳,满面怒容,决意找到我的头上来。

8、Even on calm days, Tehran wears a scowling, joyless aspect. ─── 即便在平静的日子里,德黑兰仍然一片阴霾和沉闷。

9、By the evening, every scrap of patience was gone and her eyebrows were fixed in a deep scowl. ─── 到了晚上,她连半点耐性也没有了,眉毛自己叫着劲,老直立着。

10、it doesn’t scowl, get hurt, or seek counseling. ─── 它不会皱眉,不会受到伤害,或者求助于心理咨询。

11、He lurched through the door and was met by his scowling wife, who was most definitely not happy. ─── 他摇摇晃晃地进了门,正好遇上了他的妻子,她阴沉着脸,明显不高兴。

12、What's in your craw? You've been scowling at me all day. ─── 什么事情让你不高兴了?你生气地盯了我一天了。

13、and it was impossible, however ill-tempered they might be, that the universal scowl they wore was their every-day countenance. ─── 不管他们的脾气有多坏,他们不可能每天都臭着脸。

14、Jon screwed his features into a scowl. ─── 乔恩的眼睛鼻子挤成一付苦相。

15、Expression essentially scowling, dignified, lordly, discerning, sober and snobbish, one of independence. ─── 一副愁眉不展的神情,高贵、庄重、严肃、冷静、独立。

16、Do not scowl or sigh or roll your eyes.And whatever you do,do not ring the bell hanging behind the counter-- this is used by the landlord to signal closing time; ─── 在不该干的事当中还绝对不要摇晃挂在吧台后面的铃,那是酒吧老板用的,表示关门时间到了。关键是你要让酒保看见你。

17、First he read a lot, scowling in his effort to figure out just where among the lines of characters the cachet of the articles lay. ─── 他大量地阅读资料,皱着眉头捉摸那些论文字里行间的功夫所在。

18、Sunday Telegraph, James Mossop: "On many a Saturday Jose Mourinho becomes the clown with the scowl but here absolute honesty prevailed. ─── 《星期日电讯报》记者莫苏普:“在周六进行的大部分比赛中穆里尼奥都板着脸显得愁容莫展,但这次他应该为胜利感到鼓舞。

19、Prince Andrey, scowling and clutching at his head, went out of the room and sat down on the sofa in the adjoining one. ─── 安德烈公爵蹙起额角,双手抱着头,走出房门,在隔壁房里的沙发上坐下来。

20、Its people are charming and pushy and always ready with a scowl or the brashest of smiles. ─── 大阪是一个巨大而鲁莽城市,很少给人以敏感的感觉。

21、when they scowl, the whole world seems to scowl back.So put on a happy face. ─── 如果他们愁容满面,那整个世界似乎也会怒目而视。

22、At fifteen you stopped scowling, ─── 十五岁的时候你不再愁眉,

23、Do not tap coins on the counter,snap your fingers or wave like a drowning swimmer.Do not scowl or sigh or roll your eyes. ─── 不要大声嚷嚷,不要在吧台面上敲击钱币,不要弹手指,不要像快淹死的人那样挥动手臂,不要绷着脸,不要唉声叹气,不要翻动眼珠。

24、Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species. ─── 只要想想雄性大狒狒愁眉不展的面孔上的红色条纹就很理解吧,可是非洲最大的猿类动物。

25、He let his face resume a scowl. ─── 他板起面孔,显出生气的样子。

26、He was drinking his double whisky too fast and scowling. ─── 他大口喝着双份威士忌,双眉紧皱。

27、His scowling face promised ill for our future. ─── 他那愁眉苦脸的样子显示出我们的前景暗淡。

28、There she was, grey-suited, sweet-faced, demure , but scowling. ─── 她就在那里,穿着灰色的衣服,漂亮的脸上显得严肃而忧郁。

29、He sits alone all day scowling at passers-by. ─── 他整天独自坐著,横眉怒目地瞪著来往的人。

30、The lesson was taught long ago in the other world systems that have naturally changed into the empty and awake, and are here now smiling in our smile and scowling in our scowl. ─── 在已自然地变成空与醒的其他世界秩序中很久前这一课就上了,此刻它在我们的微笑中微笑在我们皱眉时皱眉。

31、Its dark red scales are scarred and chipped from past struggles, and its scowling visage hints at unchecked rage. ─── 它暗红色的鳞片上布满了过去争斗留下的疤痕和裂纹,而它晦暗的表情表露出的是怒不可遏。

32、to scowl somebody into silence ─── 向某人瞪眼,让他不敢言语

33、He set his face in a scowl and paced up and down, then paused to look at Tu Chu-chai, who was sitting on a sofa taking snuff. ─── 他虎起了脸,踱了几步,看看那位坐在沙发里吸鼻烟的杜竹斋。

34、When scowling we twist the whole face to express anger,bad temper,etc ─── scowl 指怒容满面,表示愤怒、发脾气等

35、in a menacing or scowling way. ─── 以威胁或愁眉苦脸的方式。

36、Scowling, Shousheng walked into the back room and told Mrs. Lin about the shop across the street wanting to gouge merchandise. ─── 寿生皱着眉头再到里边,把裕昌祥来挖货的事情对林大娘说了,并且劝她:

37、Why are you scowling at me? I've done nothing. ─── 你为什么要瞪眼怒视我?我什么也没做呀!

38、Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species.But red is not exclusively a male trait. ─── 只要想想雄性大狒狒愁眉不展的面孔上的红色条纹就很轻易理解吧,它们可是非洲最大的猿类动物。

39、In the weeks prior to August 8, rumors swept across Western countries about the scowling, iron-fisted security of police and PLA units. ─── 8月8日之前,有关绷着脸手段强硬的安全人员和解放军的可怕传闻在西方国家传得沸沸扬扬。

40、"Heaven bless you, my child," said she, embracing Amelia, and scowling the while over the girl's shoulder at Miss Sharp. ─── 她搂着爱米丽亚说:“求老天保佑你,孩子,”一面说,一面从爱米丽亚肩头上对夏泼小姐恶狠狠的瞪眼。

41、Not since Stevie Francis flashed a meaningful scowl on being picked by the Vancouver Grizzlies in 1999 has there been an unhappier draft choice. ─── 1999年,温哥华灰熊选择斯蒂夫-弗兰西斯时,弗兰西斯怒目相向,自那以后还没有谁像易建联这么对选秀不满意。

42、The scowl on his face is not from disgust or anger;rather, it results from how these big cats scrunch up their nose to keep water out. ─── 它看起来怒容满面,其实这只是因为它在水中需要屏息而极力皱起鼻子才显得狰狞。

43、a disgruntled look, frown, scowl, etc ─── 不悦的样子、 因不满而皱眉、 怒容

44、Still, that didn't stop her from scowling as she headed into school on Monday morning, no doubt upset her weekend was over. ─── 不过,这并没有消除她周一早上去学校时的眉头紧皱,无疑烦恼她的周末已经结束了。

45、Her grin changed to scowl. ─── 她的笑容变成愁容。

46、a morose scowl ─── 一副阴沉的脸色

47、He looked up at me with a scowl. ─── 他脸色阴沉,抬眼看了看我。

48、Even my book cover is schizophrenic: on the front is a woman who is a mess, scowling, with her hair obscuring her face. ─── 甚至我的书封面都有点精神分裂症的样子:封面上的女性凌乱不堪、愁眉不展,头发盖住了脸。

49、It immediately places a scowling expression on your face. ─── 你的脸上马上会出现愁眉苦脸的表情。

50、They could not every day sit so grim and taciturn; and it was impossible, however ill-tempered they might be, that the universal scowl they wore was their every-day countenance. ─── 他们不可能每天这样严肃而沉默的坐着;不管他们的脾气有多坏,他们不可能每天都臭着脸。

51、A forbidding scowl. ─── 一脸讨厌的怒容

52、An impatient scowl. ─── 不耐烦的怒容

53、The old prince was dressing deliberately in his room, scowling and ruminating on what he was to do. ─── 老公爵在书斋里不慌不忙地穿上衣服,蹙起额角,周密地考虑他要怎样对付。

54、He looked around at each of them with his aggressive, pudgy face set in a fierce scowl. ─── 他看了看周围的每个人,盛气凌人的胖脸上异常阴沉。

55、Prince Andrey, scowling and clutching at his head, went out of the room and sat down on the sofa in the adjoining one. ─── 安德烈公爵蹙起额角,双手抱着头,走出房门,在隔壁房里的沙发上坐下来。

56、Prince Andrey shrugged his shoulders, and scowled as lovers of music scowl when they hear a false note.The two ladies let each other go; ─── 安德烈公爵像音乐爱好者听见一个走调的音那样,耸了一下肩膀,蹙了一下眉头。

57、That scowl he's wearing on his face should tell you so. ─── 他满脸的愁容告诉你他准备好了。

58、Inspection, straight scowl. ─── 一检查,直皱眉头。

59、To someone who has seen a dozen people frown, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds. ─── 对于那些常常面对愁苦和那些别人不肖一顾的人来说,你的微笑就像穿透乌云的阳光。

60、a scowl on his face ─── 他脸上的愁容

61、With no more than a glance at Tu Chu-chai, he turned and went back into the drawing-room. The scowl immediately returned to his face as he said to Fei Little Beard: ─── 他对杜竹斋看了一眼,就回身进客厅去,蓦地放下脸色来,对费小胡子说道:

62、When he died, broken and under the scowl of Vichy, towards the beginning of 1941, his last words were of hope in me. ─── 将近1941年初,他在维希政府的斥责下,郁郁寡欢地逝世,临终遗言,对我寄以厚望。

63、Do not call out tap coins on the counter, snap your finger or wave like a drowning swimmer. Do not scowl or sigh or roll your eyes. ─── 不要大声嚷嚷,不要在吧台面上敲击钱币,不要叭叭地弹手指,不要像快淹死的人那样挥动手臂,不要绷着脸,不要唉声叹气,不要翻动眼珠。

64、Her scowl was furious enough to cause him to change his original opinion. ─── 她极其阴沉的脸色让他改变了原来的主意。

65、the priest was still standing on the steps, pale as a ghost and scowling like the devil himself. He must have been sore as hell. ─── 牧师仍站在台阶上,苍白得像一个鬼魂,像魔鬼那样狠狠地瞪着我们,准是连肺都气炸了。

66、His scowl broke into an angry grin as he caught his sister's eye. ─── 他和姊姊视线相接,他愁眉不展的脸忍不住变成悻悻的笑容。

67、He sits alone all day scowling at passers by. ─── 他整天独自坐着, 横眉怒目地瞪着来往的人.

68、It is only like the golden eternity pretending to be smiling and scowling to itself; ─── 只像是金色永恒对自己假装微笑和皱眉;

69、As the truck stopped, she saw the scowling, muscled man with the mustache. ─── 小货车停了下来,劳娜看到的是个怒气冲冲、满脸胡须、肌肉发达的男人。

70、I can tell it by your scowl." ─── 从你这眉头一皱的神态就看得出来。"

71、scowl at ─── v. 怒视

72、The door burst open and Teresa charged in, scowling under her pancake makeup. ─── 室门突然打开,黛丽莎冲了进来,在她烙饼样的脂粉下面,一脸怒气。

73、To let go is not to denby, but to accept.To let go is not to nag, scowl, ort argue, but to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them. ─── 也许是讽刺,在刚刚从平行班转入理科实验班时,我自以为什么都可以做到,不顾别人的感受。

74、Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill , Africa's largest monkey species.But red is not exclusively a male trait. ─── 只要想想雄性大狒狒愁眉不展的面孔上的红色条纹就很容易理解吧,它们可是非洲最大的猿类动物。

75、If you serve up a smile to people, they usually bounce it back. Hit them with a snarl and watch them scowl instead. ─── 如果你给别人一个微笑,往往人们会报以一个微笑。给别人一个怒颜,就会发现人们沉脸。

76、3.He sits alone all day scowling at passers-by. ─── 他整天独自坐著, 横眉怒目地瞪著来往的人.

77、They zipped around on ten-speeds, lanky, scowling men who had lost their driver's licences and were now forced to ride bicycles, unwillingly getting healthier with every irritable mile. ─── 他们飞快的蹬着变速自行车,身材瘦长,板着脸,因为他们丢掉了驾驶执照,现在被迫骑自行车,不情愿地驶过每一英里,变得更健康也易怒。

78、” The prince turned to the steward and stared with scowling eyes at him. ─── 公爵把脸转向管家,用那阴沉的目光盯着他。

79、One might think such an experience would sour me to love and bring back, with a vengeance, my scowling hostility to romance. ─── 也许有人认为这样的一段经历会让我憎恶爱情、让我对浪漫爱情的敌意重新唤起。

80、The angry scowl on his face, the veins in his feet, the wrinkles on the skin of his elbows, the glare of his bloodshot eyes. ─── 他脸上的怒容、脚上的青筋、肘部皮肤的褶皱,还有那布满血丝的眼睛的凶光。

81、He was scowling fearfully, and I judged that he was concocting a particularly knotty editorial. ─── 他皱眉瞪眼,样子很可怕,我估计他是在拼凑一篇特别伤脑筋的社论。

82、He stood at the door of the shed in silence, scowling. ─── 他默不作声,皱着眉头,站立在棚门旁。

83、"I am sorry, captain, " Lincoln face takes scowl ground to say, "So be forced to say acoustical good-bye with you, lose sight of you forever because of me!Lose sight of you forever because of me!! ─── “对不起,上校,”林肯面带愁容地说,“那么只好与你说声再会啦,因为我永远看不见你了!”

84、At fifteen I stopped scowling, ─── 十五岁那会儿,我不再皱着眉头。

85、"Really? Would you look at that scowl!" she mused as he came closer. ─── "当真?你愿意看一下那张不乐的脸吗!"她若有所思说,此时,他走得更近了。

86、He thrust out his wand and stood scowling, with his hands in the pockets of his robes. ─── 他一下子把魔杖塞到后者手中,手放在袍子的口袋里,站在那里一脸的不高兴。

87、She answered my smile with a scowl. ─── 她以怒视回报我的微笑。

88、At fifteen I stopped scowling, I desired my dust to be mingled with yours. ─── 十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰。

89、He evinced his displeasure by scowling. ─── 他皱眉表示不悦。

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