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convicts 发音

英:[k?n?v?kts]  美:[k?n?v?kts]

英:  美:

convicts 中文意思翻译




convicts 同义词

criminal | prisoner | felon | send down | condemn | inmate | con | lawbreaker | imprison | doom |sentence | captive | judge | old lag | yardbird | offender | put away | villain

convicts 反义词

absolve |acquit

convicts 短语词组

1、convicts definition ─── 罪犯定义

2、convicts define ─── 罪犯定义

3、convicts candy book free ─── 罪犯免费糖果书

4、convicts 4 ─── 罪犯4

5、prison of convicts ─── [法] 已决罪犯的监禁

6、ex-convicts (ex-convict ─── 的复数) n. 前罪犯, 有前科者 [法] 前科犯

convicts 词性/词形变化,convicts变形

动词第三人称单数: convicts |动词过去式: convicted |动词过去分词: convicted |动词现在分词: convicting |

convicts 相似词语短语

1、conflicts ─── n.冲突;矛盾(conflict的复数形式);斗争;v.抵触;战斗;有分歧(conflict的第三人称单数形式)

2、convect ─── v.通过对流传送(热,物质);(流体)对流

3、convents ─── n.女修道院

4、convinces ─── vt.说服;使确信,使信服

5、convictism ─── 信念

6、convicted ─── adj.证明有罪的;已被判刑的;v.证明……有罪;宣判(某人)有罪;(使)知罪(convict的过去式及过去分词)

7、convects ─── v.通过对流传送(热,物质);(流体)对流

8、convict ─── vt.证明…有罪;宣告…有罪;n.罪犯

9、reconvicts ─── 再判决,重新判决

convicts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There is a thief, a brigand, a convict named Jean Valjean! ─── 只有一个贼,一个土匪,一个苦役犯,叫冉阿让!

2、Next year, 1804, the Sydney Government sent another party of convicts, under Colonel Patterson, to found a colony in the north of Tasmania. ─── 第二年(1804年),悉尼政府排出另一批犯人,由帕特森上校率领,准备在塔斯马尼亚北部再建一个殖民点。

3、They have brought the escaped convict to bay. ─── 他们已经使那逃亡的囚犯无处可逃。

4、The fact is that some convicts can run better reformatories than do correctional officers. ─── 事实上,一些犯人比罪犯管理人员更能办好教养所。

5、First He convicts us of sin and of our need of a Saviour. ─── 祂首先叫我们知罪,以及觉醒我们需要救主。

6、He regenerates men by his grace, convicts them of sin, moves them to repentance, and persuades and enables them to embrace Jesus Christ by faith. ─── 祂以自己的恩典重生人,使人扎心知罪,感动人悔改,说服人接受福音,赐人能力信靠耶稣基督。

7、In the movie, three convicts, led by the actor George Clooney, escape from a chain gang and end up recording a song in a tiny radio station. ─── 在影片中,乔治·克鲁尼扮演的囚犯带领另外两名囚犯越狱逃跑。在逃亡的路上,他们在一个小电台里录制了一首歌曲。

8、Captain Arthur Phillip leaves Portsmouth, England with eleven ships full of convicts (First Fleet) to establish a penal colony in Australia. ─── 1787年的今天,亚瑟·菲利浦船长率领11艘装满犯人的船队(第一舰队)离开英格兰的朴次茅斯,前往澳大利亚建立囚犯隔离区。

9、Two of the convicts have escaped from prison. ─── 两名犯人越狱逃跑了。

10、They deported the convicts to Australia. ─── 他们把罪犯驱逐到澳大利亚去。

11、He obstinately denied everything, the theft and his character of convict. ─── 他坚决否认一切,否认行窃,也否认当过苦役犯。

12、The search for the escaped convict went on for days. ─── 对那位逃跑囚犯的搜寻工作进行了好几天了。

13、Reflection: How does God convict a person to repent or to forgive? ─── 思考:神如何使人认罪悔改及饶恕他人?

14、During his youth he had been employed in the convict establishments of the South. ─── 在他青年时代,他在南方的监狱里服务过。

15、We have sufficient evidence to convict him. ─── 我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。

16、You see, everybody'll know that they're convicts because of their stripes. ─── 你看,因为他们都穿着囚衣,谁都知道他们是罪犯。

17、He was indeed ahead of his time in employing women, ex-convicts, and the handicapped. ─── 他的确思想先进,雇用了女性、刑满释放犯和残疾人。

18、British convicts were transported to Australia for life. ─── 英国的囚犯被终生流放到澳大利亚。

19、They amass enough evidence to convict him on six charges. ─── 他们搜集了足够的证据,宣判他有六条罪状。

20、He was driven with other convicts. ─── 他和其它罪犯一起被流放。

21、Tell me, what singular harvest, Convicts torn from cemeteries, Do you reap, and of what farmer Do you have to fill the barn? ─── 告诉我,你们想得到怎样奇异的收获,从墓地里逃出来的苦役犯,你们究竟要填满哪个农场主的谷仓?

22、A convict was his benefactor! ─── 一个苦役犯居然是他的恩人!

23、Obsolete way of punish a person legally without holding a trial , by pass a law to convict and sentence him. ─── 一种过时的合法惩罚某人的绝对方法,用此法时不审判,只通过一项法律给该人定罪和定刑。

24、WHEN Britain stopped dispatching convicts to its American colonies in 1775, it had to find some other way of dealing with miscreants. ─── 自从英国于1775年开始不再将其囚犯流放至美洲殖民地后,它就为如何处理这些家伙头痛不已。

25、I made up my mind then that someday I'd give another convict a break. ─── 当时我就打定主意,有朝一日我也要给别的犯人一个改过自新的机会。

26、They amassed enough evidence to convict him on six charges. ─── 他们搜集了足够的证据, 宣判他有六条罪状。

27、Years ago convict criminal in England can face deportation to Australia. ─── 很多年以前,英国已定罪的犯人可能被驱逐到澳大利亚。

28、Year ago convict criminal in England can face deportation to Australia. ─── 很多年以前,英国已定罪的犯人可能被驱逐到澳大利亚。

29、The convicts stand gaping, all pretense of work gone. They look like they've been pole-axed. Hadley shoots them a look. ─── 囚犯们怔怔的站着,都装着无活可干,看起来就像被钉住了身子。哈德利瞪了他们一眼。

30、Cause i'm a konvict never gonna be a convict..... ─── 我一直在玩。。。我的成绩岂不是。。。最拔尖的?

31、Transport of convicts to New South Wales ceased in 1840, resulting in a labour shortage. ─── 1840年,停止了向新南威尔士州运送罪犯,造成了劳工短缺的问题。

32、The old convict's sentence was reduced for good behavior. ─── 年迈的囚犯因行为良好而获得减刑。

33、Moreover, he looked as if he were ashamed to be working convicts and he had little to say to her these days. ─── 除此之外,他好像因为使用犯人而感到羞愧,近日来也没有什么话对她说了。

34、A barracks in which slaves or convicts were formerly held in temporary confinement. ─── 临时禁闭营以前奴隶或罪犯的临时禁闭房

35、First he convicts of sin and the need of a Saviour, then he gives new life and enters that heart to stay forever. ─── 圣灵首先使人知罪,并知道自己需要一位救主,然后祂便赐人新的生命,以及永远住在人的心中。

36、This knife alone should convict him. ─── 光光这把刀就应该能证明他有罪了。

37、English began to transport convicts to Australia in 1788. ─── 1788年英国人开始把囚犯流放到澳大利亚。

38、You are righteous;let the Holy Spirit firmly convict you of it. ─── 你是义的:让圣灵使你在这个认识上得到坚固。

39、He reported having seen the escaped convict . ─── 他报告说,他曾看见过那个逃犯。

40、Should Juvenile Convicts be deprived of Political Rights? ─── 对未成年罪犯是否剥夺政治权利的探讨?

41、This experience left a deep impression on him, and made him determined to do something for convicts and slaves and for all who were oppressed and deprived of their liberty. ─── 这段经历给他留下了深刻的印象,使他决心为囚犯和奴隶以及所有被压迫和被剥夺自由的人做些事情。

42、"Which one of you convicts Me of sin? If I speak truth, why do you not believe Me? ─── 你们中间谁能指证我有罪呢。我既然将真理告诉你们、为甚麽不信我呢。

43、An escaped convict tracks down the cop who put him away. ─── 一个逃跑的囚犯追捕投他入狱的警察。

44、He is accused of harboring an escaped convict. ─── 他被指控窝藏逃犯。

45、Convicts are spared if they can free themselves. ─── 如果他们能够自己挣脱,则可重获自由。

46、A convict regarded as worthy of trust and therefore granted special privileges. ─── 受优待的囚犯被认为值得信赖并给予特权的囚犯

47、A prisoner or an ex - convict. ─── 囚犯囚犯或有前科的人

48、The very thought of how Archie had sat in judgment upon her about the convicts always enraged her. ─── 她一想起阿尔奇曾经责怪她的关于罪犯的事,就怒火满腔。

49、He reported having seen the escaped convict. ─── 他报告说,他曾看见过那个逃犯。

50、This is obviously not an element of most tax crimes, but is necessary to overcome the reticence of juries to convict individuals tax crimes. ─── 很明显,这不是大多数税务犯罪所具有的因素,但是它却是促使陪审团不再保持沉默,认定被告犯有税务犯罪所必要的。

51、Agree which convicts should be killed? ─── 上帝同意处死罪犯?

52、We know that there is no human way to win a soul or convict of Truth. ─── 我们知道人没有什么办法能够去征服一个心灵,或叫一个人归向真理。

53、another was a boy about twelve; he lay between the two other convicts, with his head on the leg of one of them. ─── 另外有个十岁的男孩,他躺在两个男犯中间,一只手托着脸颊,头枕在一个男犯的腿上。

54、A small country-house in the neighborhood of Balaguier was at that time the dressing-room of escaped convicts,--a lucrative specialty. ─── 当时在巴拉基耶附近,有一家小酒店,经常替逃犯们供给服装,这是一种一本万利的特殊行当。

55、If the lawyer has enough evidence, he can prove the convict is innocent. ─── 如果律师有足够的证据,他可以证明犯人是无辜的。

56、Why do them use sterilized commandles when injecting a convict on death role? ─── 为啥她们要用消了毒的注射器给唯一死刑犯运行死刑?

57、It was built by free men, but convicts carted away the rubble and did other heavy labour. ─── 建造教堂的是自由劳动力,但是那些运走碎石以及其他重体力劳动则由流放的犯人来作。

58、The Kuomintang expanded its army by press-ganging. Its military and police seized people everywhere, roping them up and treating them like convicts. ─── 国民党政府扩军的一种办法,是派军警四处捉拿人民去当兵,捉来的兵用绳捆索绑,形同囚犯。

59、The hounds lost the escaped convict's trail at the river edge. ─── 在河边,猎犬们失去了那个逃犯的踪迹。

60、The policemen were on the alert for an excaped convict. ─── 一名逃脱犯令警方全面警戒。

61、The convicts were issued with clothing. ─── 囚犯们领到了衣服。

62、Henry first lived a checkered life as a cowhand, bank teller, reporter, embezzler, and convict. ─── 又因描写了众多的人物,富于生活情趣,被誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。

63、Mason plans to increase the number to a hundred in a preliminary study in which convicts are assigned to meditation practice during probation. ─── 他计划对一百名被告作初步的观察,并利用打坐取代缓刑。

64、Many people say Strine rhyming slang is evidence of Australia’s convict past! ─── 几百年前,英国的罪犯曾被流放到澳大利亚服刑,所以现在有许多人认为这种同韵俚语就是澳大利亚作为流放地的语言见证。

65、The Holy Spirit has come to convict us of this vital truth. ─── 圣灵来使我们知道这极其重要的真理。

66、Mr Killen was acquitted because one juror said she could not convict a preacher. ─── 并且,因一名陪审员声称他无法宣判教士有罪,基伦先生被无罪释放。

67、The usher, accompanied by a gendarme ready to lend him armed assistance, introduced the convict Brevet. ─── 在一个警卫的保护下,执达吏把犯人布莱卫带来了。

68、He believes he has ample evidence to convict . ─── 他相信他掌握了足够的证据可以定罪。

69、There were three convicts still at large. ─── 3名囚犯仍逍遥法外。

70、The beautiful sandstone span, built by convicts in 1836, is one of Australia's oldest and is decorated with an impressive array of carvings. ─── 由罪犯于1836年建造的、美丽的沙岩跨是澳大利亚历史上最悠久。并用一系列令人印象深刻的雕刻作品来装饰的建筑物之一。

71、Sydney's difficult Convicts were then sent to Newcastle to mine the coal. ─── 后来,当局把悉尼不安分的流放犯送到纽卡斯尔开采煤炭。

72、The men slaved like so many convicts under the vigilant surveillance of Crass, Misery and Rushton. ─── 工人们在克拉斯、瘟神和拉什顿严密的监视下,象罪犯似地服着苦役。

73、Which of you convicts Me of sin? Since I speak truth, why do you not believe Me? ─── 你们中间谁能指证我有罪?我既然讲真理,你们为什么不信我?

74、He was found innocent in the court, that is to say, the court could not convict him legally. ─── 他被法庭判为无罪,那就是说,法庭依法律不能定他的罪。(缩写为: i.e.)

75、The convicts undermined the prison wall and escaped. ─── 囚犯们在监狱墙下挖地道逃跑了。

76、The convict fled away with a hostage. ─── 囚犯带着一个人质跑了。

77、Now you can catch Pacu,Goldfish,and see Convicts cichlids along the banks. ─── 多年以来,我在附近的湖里钓鱼,里面有大量的大口黑鲈,双刺盖鲈和其他太阳鲈(翻车鱼)。

78、You can't convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone. ─── 不能只靠旁证就判定一个人有罪。

79、You can't convict him merely on circumstantial evidence. ─── 你不能仅凭间接证据判他有罪。

80、He alone can convict a person of sin. ─── 圣灵本身已有使人知罪的能力;

81、They found out that Smith was an escaped convict who had been sailing under false colours as a lawyer. ─── 他们发现史密斯原来是一个冒充律师的逃犯。

82、The convicts complained bitterly about prison conditions. ─── 囚犯们对监狱的条件强烈不满。

83、Monsieur to a convict is like a glass of water to one of the shipwrecked of the Medusa. ─── “先生”对于罪犯,正象一杯水对于墨杜萨的遭难音。

84、Proclaim the word; be ready in season and out of season; convict, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and teaching. ─── 2务要传道;无论得时不得时,都要预备好,用全般的恒忍和教训,叫人知罪自责,谴责人,劝勉人。

85、When God speaks to a heart, he convicts of sin and he does it a specific way. ─── 当神向人的内心说话,那人会知道自己的罪,并且明确地认罪。

86、At that time it was customary to carry convicts down to the dockyards by stage-coach. ─── 当年驿站上的马车,照例都要带几个押送到水牢船上去的囚犯。

87、But what if the prisons could be turned inside out, with convicts released into society under constant electronic surveillance? ─── 但如果监狱反转过来,在处于严密的电子监控下,把囚犯释放入社会,那会是什么样呢?

88、How had it happened? who had killed the convicts? Was it Ayrton? No, for amoment before he was dreading their return. ─── 事情是怎么发生的?是谁杀死罪犯的呢?是艾尔通吗?不,刚才他还担心罪犯们会回来呢!

89、"Recalling the seminal years of the blues, convicts pick cotton at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola. ─── 劳改者们在安哥拉的路易斯安那劳改所内采摘棉花,使人回忆起布鲁斯音乐刚刚诞生的岁月。

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