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08-20 投稿


disembowelment 发音

英:[[d?s?m'ba?elm?nt]]  美:[[d?s?m'ba?elm?nt]]

英:  美:

disembowelment 中文意思翻译



disembowelment 短语词组

1、disembowelment define ─── 去内脏定义

2、disembowelment def ─── 去内脏定义

3、disembowelment video ─── 开腹录像

4、disembowelment transcendence ─── 开窍超越

5、disembowelment shirt ─── 开腹衬衫

6、disembowelment band ─── 开腹带

7、disembowelment navel ─── 开腹脐

8、disembowelment death ─── 剖腹死亡

9、disembowelment gore ─── 剖腹血块

disembowelment 词性/词形变化,disembowelment变形

名词: disembowelment |动词现在分词: disemboweling/disembowelling |动词过去分词: disemboweled/disembowelled |动词第三人称单数: disembowels/disembowels |动词过去式: disemboweled/disembowelled |

disembowelment 相似词语短语

1、embowelment ─── 栓子

2、disemboweling ─── vt.取出…的内脏

3、disempowerment ─── 去权(指消除权力)

4、disembodiment ─── n.分离;脱离

5、disembowelling ─── 取出...的内脏;开...的膛;去掉...的意义或本质(disembowel的现在分词)

6、disemboguement ─── n.流注

7、disemboweled ─── vt.取出…的内脏

8、disembarkment ─── 下船

9、disembowelled ─── 除去……的内脏(disembowel的过去式和过去分词);取出……的内容(disembowel的过去式和过去分词)

disembowelment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Suicide by disembowelment was favoured because it was slow and painful and therefore demonstrated courage, self-control, and strong resolve. ─── 他们喜欢采用这一自杀方式是因为切腹进行缓慢,极度痛苦,因此能够证明勇气、自制力和坚定的决心。

2、" "Tell these superiors of yours that if my demands are not met within ten minutes, I will personally disembowel Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, live on the HoloNet. ─── 通讯官那细小的声音打断了格里弗斯的踱步,“我们正在遭受‘正直’号的猛烈攻击,长官。

3、Japanese citizen failed in his attempt to commit Seppuku, a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment, in front of the Houses of Parliament in Tokyo Monday after police foiled his bid. ─── 17日,一名日本人来到东京的国会议事堂前,试图用一把短刀剖腹自杀,在警员上前采取强制措施后,此人自杀未遂。

4、seppuku or hara-kiri , Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment, practiced by members of the samurai class. ─── 切腹,亦称「腹切」,日本封建社会武士阶级(武士)采用的剖腹的自杀方式。

5、Disembowelment or evisceration is the removing of some or all of the vital organs, usually from the abdomen. ─── 剜刑就是剜除某些或全部重要的器官,通常是从腹部。

6、a japanese right-wing nationalist stabbed himself in the stomach monday outside the parliament building in an apparent suicide attempt by ritual seppuku disembowelment, police said. ─── 警方称,一名日本右翼民族主义分子周一在日本议会大楼前用刀刺入自己的腹部,明显具有剖腹自杀的企图。

7、Poor horse - the horse did not wear any protection before 1909, and the bull could just disembowel the horse. I just can't, or rather, don't want to picture that ... ─── 1909年之前,马儿没有穿著任何保护,牛真得可以把马弄的肚破肠流。真不敢想像...

8、Traditionally, the monks who can't complete the task must take their own lives either by hanging or disembowelment. ─── 按传统,不能跑完“启迪之路”的僧人要付出生命的代价,或是吊死,或是剖腹。

9、Very quickly the meat line trundles away from me: legs off, skin pulled away, disembowelment, the headless carcass sawn in half. ─── 很快肉类生产线远离了我:卸腿,剥皮,剖腹,无头的尸体正锯到一半。

10、disembowel oneself ─── 剖腹自杀

11、"Many elements of Japanese culture that Westerners now associate with the country-including Zen Buddhism, samurai (warriors), seppuku (ritual disembowelment), and the tea ceremony-date from this period." ─── 许多与日本西部有关的事务均源于这个时期,如禅宗、武士、切腹和茶道。

12、Disembowelment played a part as a method of execution and ritual suicides once in Japan. ─── 剜刑曾被当作死刑的方式,以及一次发生在日本的宗教性自杀。

13、Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel? ─── |找不到弱小的动物让你开膛破肚了?

14、Clochette: Disembowel him, stud! ─── 猛男,把他煎皮拆骨!

15、8.D)I like to sleep at night.That way, my prey can see me in the light before I disembowel them. ─── 我喜欢在晚上睡,这样在白天的时候,我的猎物就可以在我取出他内脏之前看到我。

16、Urban myths abound about the birds being able to disembowel a man with their claws. ─── 城市里流传着一些谣传说鹤鸵能用爪子挖出人的内脏。

17、To disembowel and dismember after hanging. ─── 绞死后开膛或肢解。

18、ritual suicide by disembowelment formerly practiced by Japanese samurai ─── 切腹自杀以前日本武士所采用的一种仪式性的通过自剖其腹而死的自杀方式

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