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08-20 投稿


genetic 发音

英:[d??'net?k]  美:[d??'n?t?k]

英:  美:

genetic 中文意思翻译



genetic 短语词组

1、genetic code ─── [计] 遗传码 ─── [化] 遗传密码

2、genetic counseling ─── 遗传咨询

3、genetic defect ─── 遗传缺陷

4、genetic anemia ─── [医] 遗传性贫血

5、-genetic a. ─── 遗传的;基因的;起源的

6、genetic engineer ─── 遗传工程学家

7、genetic constitution ─── 遗传体[素]质,基因组成

8、genetic disorder ─── 遗传紊乱

9、genetic algorithm ─── [计] 遗传算法

10、bio-genetic adj. ─── 生物起源的; ─── 生物发 ─── 生的

11、genetic factor ─── 遗传因子

12、genetic disease ─── 遗传疾病

13、genetic fingerprint ─── 遗传基因纹印

14、genetic drift ─── 遗传漂变

15、genetic engineering ─── [计] 遗传工程 ─── [化] 基因工程; 遗传工程; 遗传工程学

16、genetic endowment ─── 天赋遗传 基因遗传

17、genetic fingerprinting ─── 遗传指纹法

18、genetic affinity ─── [医] 遗传亲和力, 遗传关系

19、genetic abnormality ─── 遗传畸形, ─── 遗传异常

genetic 词性/词形变化,genetic变形

异体字: genetical |副词: genetically |

genetic 相似词语短语

1、genesic ─── adj.发生的;诞生的

2、digenetic ─── 世代交替的,复殖的

3、genetical ─── adj.遗传的;起源的;创始的

4、agenetic ─── 发育不全的;无生殖力的

5、oogenetic ─── 卵生的

6、-genetic ─── adj.遗传的;基因的;起源的

7、generic ─── adj.类的;一般的;属的;非商标的

8、genetics ─── n.遗传学

9、Venetic ─── n.维尼提亚语;威尼托语

genetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Finally, I come to the subject of genetic engineering. ─── 最后,我来谈基因工程。

2、Only about 1-2% of cases are genetic. ─── 只有的病例是和遗传原因有关。

3、The condition of being a genetic chimera. ─── 嵌合现象成为遗传嵌合体的现象

4、The study of the interrelation between immunity to disease and genetic makeup. ─── 免疫遗传学研究对疾病的免疫力和基因结构相互之间关系的学科

5、The exact mode of genetic transmission is unknown. ─── 关于基因遗传的模式尚未可知.

6、What Extent Are Genetic Variation and Personal Health Linked? ─── 个人健康在多大程度上和遗传变异相关?

7、But the marrow must be a close genetic match to your own. ─── 但骨髓的属型必须与你自己的相匹配。

8、Having a bad time could upset you, but if you were unlucky enough to have this particular genetic variant then it would really upset you. ─── 就是说,你在不如意的时候有可能会精神崩溃;不过假如你实在倒霉,带有这种特别的变异基因,那么你可能真的会崩溃。

9、Extractant design using improved genetic algorithm with Mod. ─── UNIFAC group contribution (采用改进的遗传算法与Mod.

10、She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering. ─── 她要作一个关于转基因的演讲。

11、The interesting in RB genetic study is far beyond RB itself. ─── RB的遗传学研究的意义不仅仅限于RB本身。

12、Nor does genetic determinism undermine responsibility. ─── 基因决定论同样也不会削弱责任感。

13、Aggression is part of our genetic make-up. ─── 好斗是我们遗传个性的一部份。

14、Cloning differs from genetic engineering. ─── 克隆与基因工程不同。

15、A genetic linkage map was constructed based on SSR markers. ─── 基于微卫星标记建立了一个遗传连锁图。

16、Chimerism:The condition of being a genetic chimera. ─── 嵌合现象:成为遗传嵌合体的现象.

17、Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in 8 populations of Abies Concolor. ─── 8个科罗拉多冷杉种群的遗传多样性评价。

18、Study of selectable markers in genetic engineering of Chlorella sp. ─── 小球藻基因工程选择标记研究。

19、Aneuploidy in human population is a serious genetic problem. ─── 在人类群体中非整倍性是个严重的遗传问题。

20、A skeptic might yawn.After all, genetic engineering isn't new. ─── 怀疑论者对这种工作也许会想打哈欠,毕竟遗传工程已非新鲜事了。

21、He chose genetic engineering to be his lifelong career. ─── 他选择了遗传工程学作为终生的事业。

22、Genetic memories to be found at the end of a cycle. ─── 在周期的结束发现遗传记忆。

23、She accepts them as her genetic legacy. ─── 她把它们作为与生俱来的财富接受了下来。

24、The first direct evidence of a genetic link to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder has been found, a study says. ─── 有研究称,首个证实基因导致注意力不足过动症的第一手证据已被发现。

25、It is probable that the disease has a genetic element. ─── 这种疾病很可能有遗传因素。

26、Thus , DNA knotting interferes with genetic metabolism . ─── 因此, DNA的打结干扰遗传代谢。

27、Genetic engineering is a disrespect of life. ─── 基因工程是对生物的不尊重。

28、"Over time, genetic drift can occur," Hackett says. ─── “随着时间推移,遗传漂变出现了”,哈科特说。

29、Thus, HSP90, by fostering genetic variation, potentiates evolution. ─── 也因此,HSP90能利用促进遗传变异来加速演化的进行。

30、Immune genetic algorithm(IGA) is applied to canal transect design. ─── 合肥工业大学土木与建筑工程学院;

31、Most of the genetic link to disease remains unexplained. ─── 大部分和疾病相连的基因没有被阐明。

32、An enzyme that catalyzes genetic recombination. ─── 催化重级酶能催化基因重组的一种酶

33、Informed Consent for Diagnostic Genetic Testing. ─── 基因诊断测试的知情同意。

34、Russian-born American nuclear physicist known for his work on radioactivity and genetic information as well as his books popularizing theories of physics. ─── 伽莫夫,乔治1904-1968俄国裔的美国核物理学家,因在射线遗传信息方面的研究和有关普及物理理论的书籍而闻名于世

35、Congenital nystagmus is frequently genetic. ─── 先天性眼球震颤症通常是遗传性的。

36、The presence of a given genetic trait in only one member of a pair of identical twins. ─── 不和,不一致在一对同卵双胞胎中,某一特定基因特征只表现两者中的一个身上

37、"You're pulling a human into a genetic straitjacket. ─── 你把人类置于基因的枷锁里。

38、Section for the link to the Genetic Algorithms FAQ. ─── 中遗传算法常见问题解答的链接部分。

39、Genetic blood tests can detect some forms of inherited LQTS. ─── 基因测试能够检测出某些特定的遗传性LQTS。

40、The branch of immunology that deals with the molecular and genetic bases of the immune response. ─── 免疫遗传学免疫学中研究免疫反应的细胞和基因基础的分支

41、The human genome is a map of our genetic structure. ─── 人类基因组是我们遗传结构的图谱。

42、Such samples maximize the genetic variation among groups. ─── 因为这种样本会将人群间的遗传差异放大到最大的程度。

43、Molecular genetic markers and their application in entomology. ─── 分子遗传标记技术及其在昆虫科学中的应用。

44、The smaller a population, the greater the role of genetic drift. ─── 人口规模越小的群落中,遗传漂变的作用越大。

45、A side effect of increasing genetic variance following disruptive selection is often greater genetic flexibility of the population. ─── 经分裂选择后遗传变量增加的附带作用,往往使种群的遗传可塑性有所增加。

46、Is the Tendency to Engage in Entrepreneurship Genetic? ─── 创业倾向是否是天生的?

47、Genetic Algorithm; Gene; Multi-target ocating; Complicacy degree. ─── 10遗传算法;基因;多目标定位;复杂度;

48、Genotype refers to the genetic make-up of an organism or a virus. ─── 基因型指生物或病毒的基因结构。

49、To What Extent Are Genetic Variation and Personal Health Linked? ─── 基因的变异和人的健康有多大层度的联系?

50、The next major events of genetic history involved DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). ─── 基因史上的下一次重大事件涉及DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)。

51、It stops natural selection and genetic survival dead in its tracks. ─── 大意指将会停止自然选择适者生存。

52、Hilbert called the above approach the genetic method. ─── 希尔伯特称以上的处理为原生法。

53、An antibody found in the blood of individuals having a genetic predisposition to allergies such as asthma and hay fever. ─── 反应素个体血液中的一种抗体,可以对诸如气喘病和光粉热这些变态反应产生预先的基因处理

54、Only the additive genetic variance is transmissible by seed. ─── 仅仅加性遗传方差是由种子遗传的。

55、Family Tree DNA - we do genetic tests for your genealogy questions! ─── 家谱脱氧核糖核酸-我们做基因测试,你的族谱问题!

56、C. Human beings get infected because of the genetic reassortment. ─── 人类因为基因重组而受感染。

57、The application ways of Genetic algorithm toolbox are introduced. ─── 介绍了遗传算法工具箱的使用方法。

58、Title: Genetic variability of gliadin in Triticum compactum Host. ─── 关键词:密穗小麦;醇溶蛋白;遗传多样性;聚类分析

59、Progress of Centipedegrass on Genetic Diversity and Application. ─── 假俭草遗传多样性及应用研究进展。

60、The SSRs are multiallelic codominant genetic markers. ─── 以此为基础发展起来的SSR标记是一种共显性分子标记,遗传多态性丰富。

61、They say genetic engineering improves crops. ─── 他们称基因工程使收成增加。

62、It's like providing a horse breeder with genetic sequence data for five stallions and asking him or her to pick the best horse. ─── 这难度就好比拿5匹种马的基因组数据给马倌,并让他从中挑选一匹千里马。

63、The genetic is out of the bottle. ─── 基因妖怪已经从瓶子里跑出来了。

64、Genetic treatment shows promise against scrapie. ─── 基因疗法对于对抗羊瘙痒病是有希望的。

65、Genetic tweak makes virus favour human nose and throat. ─── 基因变异使病毒更适应人类的鼻和喉。

66、From point of view of genetic cracks and materials immun... ─── 对此进行的研究有助于深入认识材料疲劳损伤的物理机理。

67、The genetic differentiation (Fst) mainly comes from the Es locus. ─── 地方类型的遗传分化(Fst)主要源自Es位点。

68、Embryos developed by in vitro fertilisation methods would be routinely scanned for genetic illnesses. ─── 利用体外受精培养的胚胎将接受对遗传病的例行普查。

69、The Study on the Genetic Relationship in Population of Alpaca[J]. ─── 引用该论文 高莉,赵英虎,董常生.

70、Balmer formula is reconstructed based on genetic algorithm. ─── 基于遗传算法构建了巴耳末公式 .

71、They do know that the propensity for allergies can be genetic. ─── 但他们知道,过敏症的易感倾向可能与遗传有关。

72、Under the genetic plan, organs develop. ─── 器官的发育依据遗传图式而进行。

73、What they found was a genetic abnormality. ─── 他们发现的是一种基因的反常。

74、She may get short-term genetic benefits but she can sing all night for the resource benefits, like a cat sitting out in the rain. ─── 她也许会得到短期的基因利益,但是休想得到资源利益,只能像只雨中的猫一样哀哀地叫。

75、Suffer from leukaemia 50% be familial and genetic odds? ─── 患白血病50%是家族遗传几率?

76、Genotype: Genetic makeup of an organism. ─── 基因型: 一个生物体的遗传组成。

77、A group or class of organisms having the same genetic constitution. ─── 同型遗传小种具有相同基因构成的一组或一类有机体

78、Scar tissue is the result of missing genetic records. ─── 伤疤组织是遗传记录被丢失的结果。

79、The genetic meaning of id and CHF1 is not clear. ─── 因此,在一般情况下,Id和CHF1值的遗传含义是混杂不清的。

80、A Method for Routing Based on Quantum Genetic. ─── 季一木。基于量子遗传算法的路由选择。

81、Why should only rich people be able to eradicate genetic diseases? ─── 为什么只有富人还能根除遗传疾病?

82、What Genetic Changes Made Us Uniquely Human? ─── 何种基因改变使人类独特?

83、Cheap At-Home Genetic Testing Opens Deep Pandora's Box. ─── 廉价的居家基因测试打开潘多拉盒。

84、Genetic maximums can change, but don't expect this to happen soon. ─── 基因的极限能够改变,但别指望它马上发生。

85、The genetic engineering was based in Meruvia, on Aryan. ─── 基因工程的总部设在雅利安的麦茹维亚。

86、He is an authority on genetic. ─── 他是遗传学的权威。

87、Research on relevant genetic technologies will be launched. ─── 开展相关的基因工程方面的研究与应用。

88、Since the turn of the 20th century, how much of the world's plant genetic diversity for food and agriculture has been lost? ─── 自十九世纪末二十世纪初以来,世界上有多少粮食和农业植物遗传多样性已经丧失?

89、The human genome map describes a person's full genetic structure. ─── 人类基因组图描述了一个人完整的基因结构,





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