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08-20 投稿


launching 发音

英:['l?nt???]  美:['l?nt???]

英:  美:

launching 中文意思翻译



launching 词性/词形变化,launching变形

动词第三人称单数: launches |动词现在分词: launching |动词过去分词: launched |动词过去式: launched |

launching 短语词组

1、launching stand ─── 发射台

2、launching site ─── 发射场(设备)

3、launching platform ─── 下水船台

4、launching nose ─── 导梁

5、re-launching (re-launch ─── 的现在分词) vi. 重新发射;重新发动 vt. 重新发射;重新发动 n. 重新开张;重新上市

6、launching speed ─── 发射速度

7、launching cradle ─── 腾空架

8、launching way ─── 下水船道

9、launching trolley ─── 滑曳空中吊车

10、launching cable ─── 发射电缆

11、launching pad n. ─── 导弹或火箭发射场, 发射台

12、rocket launching ─── 发射火箭; 火箭 ─── 发射

13、Launching Site Guidance Radar ─── 发射场引导雷达

14、launching grease ─── [机] 船用润滑脂

15、aircraft launching apparatus ─── [机] 飞机起飞装置

16、launching oil ─── [机] 船用润滑脂

17、Launching System Module Console ─── 启动系统模块控制台

18、Amphibious Vehicle Launching Area ─── 两栖车辆发射区

19、a launching pad ─── 导弹发射台

launching 相似词语短语

1、lunching ─── v.为…供应午餐;吃午饭(lunch的现在分词形式)

2、flaunchings ─── n.凸缘

3、relaunching ─── vi.重新发射;重新发动;vt.重新发射;重新发动;n.重新开张;重新上市

4、flaunching ─── n.凸缘

5、craunching ─── n.咬碎;咬碎声;扎扎地踏;v.嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;压碎;扎扎地踏过

6、-lanching ─── 兰钦

7、paunching ─── n.腹;大肚子;胃;vt.剖腹;取出内脏

8、graunching ─── v.破坏;发出刺耳的声音

9、staunching ─── adj.坚定的;忠诚的;坚固的;vt.止住;止血;n.(Staunch)人名;(英)斯汤奇

launching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is ready to launch his son into the world. ─── 他已准备好把儿子送到社会上。

2、International commercial satellite launching service market. ─── 国际商业卫星发射服务市场。

3、Java Web Start begins by launching a splash screen. ─── Java Web Start以启动闪屏开始。

4、He was poising himself to launch a final attack. ─── 他稳定住自己,以发动最后攻击。

5、Attended the Launching of 23rd Malaysian Chinese Culture Festival. ─── 会长谢庆土出席登嘉楼唐人街牌楼完成修建美化及亮灯仪式。

6、We will launch the moon rocket next week. ─── 下星期,我们将发射月球火箭。

7、He made a resolve to launch a reform in the firm. ─── 他决定在公司推进改革。

8、No new launch date was announced by the Pentagon. ─── 五角大楼没有宣布新的发射日期。

9、To launch with a ceremonial gesture or gift. ─── 以仪式或贺礼开张

10、Launch the process Web client and test the process. ─── 加载流程Web客户端并测试流程。

11、To launch an attack on(two chess pieces). ─── 同时攻(两棋子)

12、You can launch all maps you want. ─── 可以选择你喜欢的地图。

13、Touch sensitive toolbar for launching applications. ─── 任务栏:点击式启动应用程序的工具栏。

14、The apparent reason for launching this project now seems to be that "Earth has issues, " as the Virgle homepage states. ─── 启动这一项目的直接原因是Virgle主页上显示的“地球出问题了”。

15、To launch a rocket is to send it up from its launching pad . ─── 发射火箭就是从发射台把它送上去。

16、Failed to launch explorer homed at %1. ─── 不能启动在%1上的资源管理器。

17、Launch and traction control are also standard. ─── 发射和牵引力控制系统也是标准。

18、Do you plan on launching a rocket? ─── 你计划发射一个火箭?

19、Discovery has a July 1st launch date. ─── “发现者”号航天飞机已定于今年7月1日升空。

20、He launch into a long series of excuse for his behaviour. ─── 他一五一十地提出很多藉口为自己的行为辩解。

21、Why Did Guan Yu launch the Xiangfan Campaign? ─── 关羽为何要发动襄樊战役?

22、Ajisen Ramen "Shun Tak Centre" branch launching. ─── 味千拉面信德中心分店现已开业。

23、Its real purpose is the launching and retrieval of small aeroplanes in flight. ─── 它的真正目的是发射和找回飞行中的小型飞机。

24、Launching an Olympic volunteer recruiting campaign ? ─── ??组织奥运志愿者。

25、One launch brought ten people back. ─── 一只小汽艇载着十个人回去。

26、Launch a new Clean Hong Kong Campaign by year-end. ─── 在今年年底开展全新的清洁香港运动。

27、Task bar Touch sensitive toolbar for launching applications. ─── 任务栏:点击式启动应用程序的工具栏。

28、The people all over the country exulted in the success in launching a new satellite. ─── 全国人民为成功地发射了一颗新的人造卫星而欢欣鼓舞。

29、GM: You never thought about launching your own brand? ─── 你没有想过成立自己的品牌?

30、He said the university was launching an investigation. ─── 他说,西北大学正在准备展开调查。

31、Couldn't launch the selected editor plug-in. ─── 不能快速启动选定的编辑器插入部件。

32、"We could launch a brand," Roger said. ─── “我们也可以闯出块新牌子来嘛

33、For example: The company is launching a new model next month. ─── 下月公司将推出新型号产品。

34、He suddenly launch out at me for no reason. ─── 他突然无缘无故的批评我。

35、Will all races be playable at launch? ─── 刚开始所有的种族都可以选择吗?

36、The act or an instance of launching or initiating, especially the floating of stocks or bonds or the financing of a business venture by floating stocks or bonds. ─── 发行公债,发行股票发起或创立的行为或事例,尤指流动股票、债券或由流动股票、债券支持的商业资金

37、Why launch service in Pittsburgh? ─── 为什么开始服务在匹兹堡?

38、Last month, Japan stole a bit of China's thunder by launching its own lunar probe, and India plans its own lunar orbiter next year. ─── 上个月,日本先声夺人,在中国之前发射了自己的月球探测器,而印度计划明年发射自己的月球探测卫星。

39、video shows him launching the helicopter into the air and flying just far enough to successfully remove the loose tooth. ─── 视频显示,他将直升机发射到空中并飞行了足够远的距离,才成功地将松动的牙齿移除。

40、Command to launch a job on a specific system. ─── 命令,在特定系统上发起一项任务。

41、They launch an aggressive election campaign. ─── 他们发起了一次大张旗鼓的竞选活动。

42、They regrouped their forces for launching an all-out offensive. ─── 他们重新部署兵力准备发起全面进攻。

43、Fixed lockup with nuke launching. ─── 修订了核武器发射的死锁情况。


45、He is very cautious about launching his new assistant. ─── 他在起用他的新助手时非常谨慎。

46、The launch is scheduled for Tuesday. ─── 发射预计周二进行。

47、Bad weather has frustrated plans to launch the spacecraft today. ─── 今日发射宇宙飞船的计画,因天气恶劣而落空。

48、The company sent out or issue a press release about the launch of the new car. ─── 公司寄出或发行了有关新小汽车投入市场的新闻稿。

49、But the timing of the launch was awful. ─── 但是,那是一个糟糕的发布时间。

50、Ajisen Ramen "Plaza Hollywood" branch launching. ─── 味千拉面荷里活广场分店现已开业。

51、Your parents know how to launch nasal projectiles. ─── 你的父母知道怎么发鼻音。

52、CLIVE HARRIS: We'll miss the launch date. ─── 克莱夫.哈里斯:我们可能会错过发布日期。

53、English: Error launching game module. ─── 启动游戏模块出错。

54、Aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching. ─── 下水后中间轴和螺旋桨连接后校中。

55、He's launching his son on a career in banking. ─── 他让儿子从事银行业.

56、Participate in new product launch project. ─── 参与新产品开发项目。

57、Ajisen Ramen "North Point" branch launching. ─── 味千拉面北角健威坊分店现已开业。

58、Project 956 destroyer launching decoy chaffs. ─── 956型驱逐舰发射诱骗箔条。

59、We get good media coverage for the launch of the new model. ─── 传播媒介对我们的新型产品投放市场作了有利的报导。

60、The year 1998 also saw the successful launching of 6 satellites. ─── 1998全年6次成功发射卫星。

61、The Queen is to launch a new warship today. ─── 今天女王要主持新军舰下水仪式。

62、Once again, the launch was postponed. ─── 又一次地,发射被推迟了。

63、He used the money to launch into a new business. ─── 他利用这笔钱开始从事一新行业。

64、The commander decided to launch the cavalry on the enemy position. ─── 司令决定骑兵冲击敌阵。

65、He said the company likely held exploratory talks with the federal government before launching its bid for Potash Corp. ─── 他说必和必拓公司很可能在发起竞标收购Potash公司之前已经与联邦政府尝试磋商过。

66、They must launch the new product next month. ─── 他们必须在下月将产品投放市场.

67、They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike. ─── 他们决定发动先发制人的攻击。

68、The launch of their new saloon received much media coverage. ─── 他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报道。

69、Ajisen Ramen "Telford Plaza" branch launching. ─── 味千拉面德福广场分店现已开业。

70、The countdown has begun and we are ready to launch! ─── 倒计时开始了,我们已经准备好了!

71、The makers are about to launch out a new product. ─── 制造商们马上要生产一种新产品。

72、Al Qaeda appears to be drawing closer to Somali insurgents in an effort to turn this country into a launching pad for global jihad. ─── 基地组织越来越亲近索马里的反政府叛乱分子,企图把这个国家变成一个全球圣战者的一个“基地”。

73、They rescheduled the product launch. ─── 他们重定产品投放市场的时间表。

74、The practice or habit of launching attacks. ─── 侵犯行为发动攻击的行为或习惯

75、The Queen is to launch new warship today. ─── 今天女王要主持新军舰下水仪式.

76、He led them in launching a patriotic movement. ─── 他领导他们开展了一场爱国运动。

77、The personnel manager have launch an all-out campaign to get the staff to work on Friday afternoon. ─── 人事经理发起了一个全面性的运动,使工作人员星期五下午都上班。

78、They're holding a big party to launch the new film. ─── 他们有一大群同行来开拍这个新电影。

79、They are about to launch out a new computer. ─── 他们打算开始生产一种新电脑。

80、We will launch the moon rocket next week . ─── 下星期,我们将发射月球火箭。

81、The MG can launch chaff and flare when needed. ─── MG型可使用金属箔条和红外诱饵曳光弹。

82、The company sent out a press release about the launch of the new car. ─── 公司发出了即将投放这种新型汽车的新闻稿。

83、China succeeded in launching its first man-made earth satellite in1970. ─── 1970年中国成功地发射了第一颗人造地球卫星。

84、When you're doing something important, like launching a big project, or running some sort of campaign designed to change things, keep a scrapbook. ─── 当你在做些重要的事情时,例如启动一个大计划,或开展一项以改变为目的的运动,那就做一个剪贴簿。

85、It would launch the next in its Gemini series. ─── 他们还要发射另一艘双子系列飞船。

86、In launching his raid Mr Nasrallah was in fact doing nothing new. ─── 哈桑对以色列的突袭其实不是什么新鲜事。

87、They are launching out into a series of scientific experiments. ─── 他们正在着手进行一系列科学试验。

88、Before launching my own firm, I worked alongside many big-firm lawyers who didn't seem to enjoy what they were doing. ─── 在我开创我自己的律所之前,我跟许多大律所的律师工作过,他们都不怎么喜欢自己所做的工作。

89、Debug a spacecraft before launch; debug a computer program. ─── 发射前排除航天机故障; 排除程序中的错误

a man—made satellite是什么意思?

aman—madesatellite的中文翻译  aman—madesatellite  人造卫星  双语例句  1  Onlaunchingoptimaltrajectoryofaman─madesatellite(ⅲ)  关于发射人造地球卫星的最佳轨道(Ⅲ)

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