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08-20 投稿


asphalt 发音

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asphalt 中文意思翻译





asphalt 短语词组

1、asphalt base crude oil ─── [化] 沥青基原油

2、asphalt flux ─── [机] 沥青助熔剂

3、artificial asphalt ─── [化] 人造沥青

4、air blowing of asphalt ─── [机] 吹气制进沥青法

5、acid sludge asphalt ─── [化] 酸渣沥青

6、asphalt (roofing) felt ─── [化] 沥青毡; 沥青层顶毡; (俗称)油毛毡

7、asphalt felt ─── [化] 油毡纸

8、asphalt emulsion ─── [机] 沥青乳浊液, 沥青乳胶体

9、asphalt base ─── [机] 沥青底子

10、asphalt filler ─── [机] 沥青填充物, 沥青填料

11、asphalt furnace ─── [机] 沥青炉

12、asphalt cement ─── [机] 沥青膏

13、asphalt base oil ─── [机] 沥青底子油

14、asphalt concrete ─── [化] 沥青混凝土

15、asphalt cutback ─── [机] 溶于石油馏出物中的(地)沥青

16、asphalt (electric) isolating paint ─── [化] 沥青绝缘漆

17、asphalt coal ─── [机] 沥青煤

18、air blown asphalt ─── [化] 氧化沥青

19、acid asphalt ─── [机] 酸性地沥青

asphalt 常用词组

asphalt pavement ─── 沥青混凝土路面

asphalt concrete ─── 沥青混凝土

modified asphalt ─── 改性沥青;改良沥青

asphalt 词性/词形变化,asphalt变形


asphalt 相似词语短语

1、shalt ─── v.将要;必定;应该,必须(shall的第二人称单数现在时)

2、asphalter ─── 沥青工

3、asphalts ─── n.沥青;柏油;vt.以沥青铺;adj.用柏油铺成的

4、asphaltic ─── adj.柏油的

5、asphalters ─── 沥青混凝土

6、asphaltum ─── n.[材]沥青;柏油

7、asphalted ─── v.用沥青铺面(asphalt的过去式和过去分词)

8、spalt ─── 剥落的;碎裂的

9、glasphalt ─── n.玻璃沥青

asphalt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"On sunny days, Tex sleeps stretched out on the driveway asphalt," says Jeffrey. "If a car approaches, Heinz will nudge him awake and guide him out pf danger. ─── “阳光和煦的日子,特克斯四条腿伸开睡在柏油车道上,”杰弗里说道,“有车来了,海因茨就把它拱醒,引着它脱离危险。

2、The potential to produce road asphalt with Changqing reduced crude and FCC slurry was studied in this paper. ─── 分析研究了以长庆重油和FCC油浆生产道路沥青的潜势。

3、So they had bricks for stone and asphalt for mortar. ─── 于是他们用砖代替石头,沥青代替灰泥。

4、Exports: textiles and footwear, asphalt, metals and metallic ores, crude oil. ─── 出口:纺织和鞋类,沥青,金属和金属矿,原油.

5、Company's own design and manufacture of the LCB Series of Asphalt gear pump rated at 1992 state-level new products. ─── 公司自行设计制造的LCB系列沥青齿轮泵在一九九二年被评为国家级新产品。

6、Adding antistripping agent to asphalt is an effective method to prevent water-induced damage of high-grade road. ─── 在沥青中添加抗剥落剂是防止高等级公路水损害的有效方法。

7、Accurate dada is the basis of quality control in asphalt pavement construction. ─── 准确的试验数据是路面质量控制的基础,比对试验是保证不同试验数据之间比较的重要途径。

8、Over three-fourths of the refineries surveyed reported that asphalt accounted for 25% or less of their production. ─── 四分之三以上受调查的精炼厂指出沥青占有他们的产品总量不超过25%。

9、It is of significance to apply the technology in low cost asphalt pavement in the remote area in North China. ─── 低造价沥青路面修筑技术在北方边远地区的研究应用具有非常重要的现实意义。

10、SHEN Jin-an.Modified bitumen and stone mastic asphalt pavement[M].Beijing : People 's Communications Press, 1999. ─── [1]沈金安.改性沥青与SMA路面[M].北京:人民交通出版社,1999.

11、We used asphalt to surface over the driveway. ─── 我们使用沥青铺设马路与道的路面

12、A road with beautifully laid asphalt is seen behind the barrier. It leads to a nice house on the valley and a helicopter ground next to it. ─── 在路障的后面可以看到一条铺设着漂亮沥青的公路。它通向一幢坐落于山谷里的豪宅,旁边有一个直升机场。

13、The paper introduces the research on RHJ asphalt emulsifiers of cations. ─── 介绍了RHJ型阳离子沥青乳化剂的研究过程。

14、The properties of the one component asphalt based polyurethane waterproof coatings were introduced. ─── 介绍了这种单组分石油沥青聚氨酯防水涂料的性能。

15、This morning, I first entered the campus, the first thing I saw was a long road tar, asphalt road next to a lawn. ─── 今天早上,我刚进校园,首先映入我眼帘的是一条长长的柏油马路,柏油马路的旁边是一个草坪。

16、When the trail zigzagged its way out of the Caves area, the asphalt ended and dirt and rocks made it rougher. ─── 再后来沥青没有了,地面土石混杂,凹凸不平,却更名副其实,山间小道本该如此模样。

17、To represent the background, it necessary to take a photo picturing tile or asphalt. ─── 将选中的背景抠出来放到新层里面,放在最下面的图层。

18、In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt. ─── 在特立尼达岛,石油以沥青的形式出现。

19、A pesky sprig of wildflowers grows through the asphalt on the side of the old Route 66. ─── 一株长在旧66号路边沥青上的野花调皮的伸展着带叶枝丫。

20、A freezing downpour washed the black asphalt street in front of the small-town bar. ─── 冰冷的倾盆大雨正洗劫这小镇酒吧前的一条黑乎乎的沥青街。

21、The traditional asphalt paving realizes issues such as accumulative water, environment destruction. ─── 传统沥青铺面存在积水、破坏环境等问题。

22、From here, you can walk along a concrete path, and then you will find an asphalt road. ─── 从这里沿着一条水泥路走,然后你会看到一条柏油路。

23、In the treatment of asphalt pavement reflection crack applications, has become the indispensable materials. ─── 在处理沥青路面反射裂纹应用上,已成为不可替代的材料。

24、The workers mixed the asphalt with sand and gravel together. ─── 工人们把沥青和沙子、石块混合在一起。

25、The charade was over: they could hear his feet striking sharply on the asphalt going away. ─── 他玩的把戏结束了,人们可以听到他的脚步响亮地敲击着沥青路渐渐远去。

26、Responsible for the debugging and testing of the control system of asphalt plant at factory. ─── 在设备出厂前,对设备控制系统进行调试。

27、Asphalt 3: Street Rules Burn up the asphalt and reign over underground racing! ─── 地下规则-让赛车燃烧地面的沥青,统治地下车赛吧!

28、At 2006 annual inland China pavement asphalt market statuses were summarizing. ─── 2006年的沥青市场状况及市场特征。

29、The application research of CSW in paving asphalt was carried on. ─── 对硫酸钙晶须在道路改性沥青中的应用进行了系统研究。

30、Other materials that are commonly cut with diamond blades include asphalt and green concrete. ─── 其它材料通常被列入削减锯切沥青混凝土和绿色。

31、The charade was over: they could hear his feet striking sharply on the asphalt going away. ─── 他玩的把戏结束了,人们可以听到他的脚步响亮地敲击着沥青路渐渐远去。

32、The mechanism of the modified asphalt improved by MACR was analyzed by microcosmic measures and tests such as SEM etc. ─── 利用扫描电子显微镜等微观测试手段分析活化胶粉改善沥青性能的机理。

33、It is so hot that the asphalt roads are bubbling. ─── 天太热了,柏油路面上都被晒起了泡泡。

34、Remove stubborn stains such as adhesive, paint, asphalt, oil, etc. with mineral spirits or paint thinner. ─── 去除顽固的污迹,例如胶水,油漆,沥青,油渍,等等,请用溶剂油或油漆稀释剂

35、It is concluded from the study that the absorption coefficient depends upon the air voids of asphalt mixture. ─── 发现空隙率尤其是有效空隙率是影响沥青混合料吸声系数的关键因素;

36、Even in the wet I expected to have more slippery asphalt than we had. ─── 因为是下雨天,我也觉得赛道沥青比我们过去跑的赛道更平滑一些。

37、A paving asphalt penetration ratio improver was introduced. ─── 介绍了一种提高道路沥青针入度比的改进剂。

38、If liquid oxygen spills on asphalt or other surfaces contaminated with combustibles, do not walk on or roll equipment over the spill area. ─── 如果液氧溅到沥青或者其它被可燃物污染的表面,不要在上面行走或辗轧设备。

39、The solar cell version of items such as shingles offer the same protection and durability as ordinary asphalt shingles. ─── 太阳能电池的应用项目例如遮板能提供跟普通沥青遮板一样的保护和耐用效果。

40、At eleven o'clock Wu Sun-fu's car was moving slowly off down the asphalt drive towards the gate. ─── 十一点钟时,吴荪甫的汽车在园子里柏油路上慢慢地开动;

41、As he hit the 5)asphalt, his body 6)crumpled into a roll, breaking his fall. ─── 在快要落到沥青面的时候,他蜷缩起身子,以减缓坠落时的撞击。

42、The blocks were replaced with asphalt paving in 1925. ─── 1925年时开始用沥青代替木块铺路。

43、The industrial production of SBS modified asphalt of Donghai Brand is introduced. ─── 介绍了SBS改性沥青工业化生产过程。

44、The failure criterion of asphalt concrete was not in good agree with the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. ─── 另外,沥青混凝土的破坏准则也并非符合莫尔-库仑破坏准则。

45、Most streets are laid with asphalt. ─── 多数街道是用柏油铺的。

46、Geotextiles include textiles for ground stabilization, erosion control, drainage, asphalt and moisture proofing. ─── 土工织物包括稳定地层用织物,防水土流失织物,道路用织物以及防潮织物。

47、Today, on an incredibly hot day, my flip flop broke, leaving me to walk barefoot on the hot asphalt for a mile and a half to my car. FML. ─── 今天天气死热,我的拖鞋坏了,害得我在滚烫的柏油路上光脚走了一英里半才上了我的车。FML。

48、Qin urban and rural areas in Hami City, the first Miyamura, through asphalt road, the traffic is very convenient. ─── 位于哈密市沁城乡头宫村,有沥青马路直通,交通极为便利。

49、All, that is, except one boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and began to cry. ─── 但一个男孩除外,他在沥青上绊倒了,跌倒了好几次,男孩开始哭了起来。

50、Production of paving asphalt from DOA is one of proposals which can make reasonable use of DOA. ─── 如通过控制适宜的脱沥青油收率,孤岛、二连等渣油的脱油沥青可以达到合格道路沥青的要求。

51、I'm looking for Bitumen Asphalt from Russia 80/100. Please contact me. ─── 寻求俄国产沥青80/100,如能供应请与我联系。

52、A completely new, user-friendly software specifically designed for the needs of the asphalt industry. ─── 全新的、用户友好的软件,专为满足沥青工业的需要而设计的。

53、JTG F40-2004, Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Asphalt Pavements[S]. ─── 公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程[S].

54、Clown: I love the smell of burning asphalt in the morning. ─── 我喜欢在清晨闻沥青燃烧的味道。

55、If you lose your balance between two rooftops, you would be splattered on the asphalt. ─── 但如果你在两幢大楼的楼顶失去平衡,你就会跌到沥青路上摔个粉身碎骨。

56、This paper analyes several problems of SBS modified asphalt linoleum in roof construction. ─── 分析了SBS改性沥青卷材屋面施工中的几个问题并提出改进办法。

57、Prosecutors raided nine locations including one asphalt contractor where they found a number of unmarked road samples. ─── 检方兵分九路,在其中一家承包商的沥青工厂,搜出没有标示的样本。

58、Up the pavement ahead of me, dogs doze in the sun as children run back and forth across the otherwise empty road's chipped asphalt. ─── 在我前方的路面上,狗在阳光下打盹,孩子们则在柏油已经碎裂的空旷道路上跑来跑去,除了他们之外四下无人。

59、The workers are patching holes in the road with asphalt. ─── 工人们正在用沥青填平马路上的凹坑。

60、You could cover the whole world with asphalt, but sooner or later green grass would break through. ─── 哪怕沥青覆盖了整个地球,绿草迟早会冲破障碍茁壮成长。

61、In India, they mix thrown-out plastic waste with asphalt and use it to pave new roadways. ─── 在印度,他们把丢弃的塑料废品和沥青混合起来,用来铺设新的道路。

62、SHC F40-01-2002,Technology guide for highway pavement using stone matrix asphalt[S]. ─── [4]SHC F40-01-2002,公路沥青玛蹄脂碎石路面技术指南[S].

63、Afreezing downpour washed the black asphalt street in front of the small-town bar. ─── 小镇,一场冻雨不期而至,噼噼啪啪倾倒,在酒吧前黑黝黝的街。

64、It screwed across asphalt, skittering in various directions at 30 miles per hour.It was actually cute. ─── 它在沥青路面上以30英里的时速没头苍蝇似的满地乱走,真是好玩极了。

65、He covered over the hole in the roof with a piece of asphalt felt. ─── 他用一块沥青油毡盖住了房顶的漏洞。

66、In only one refinery asphalt did represent more than 75% of production. ─── 仅有一家精炼厂的沥青占其产品总量高于75%。

67、AASHTO 1998,Standard specification for design of stone matrix asphalt (SMA)[S]. ─── 公路沥青路面施工技术规范[S].

68、Afterwards, time strode over me slowly, like the road roller runs over the surface of an asphalt pavement that was not enough smooth. ─── 后来,时间慢慢跨过我,像压路机碾过不够驯服的沥青路面。

69、Permanent deformation of asphalt pavement is proposed to study from a new perspective. ─── 因此,需要从新的角度去研究沥青路面的永久变形问题。

70、Exports: Asphalt, bitumen, petroleum products, metals, electricity, oil, vegetables, fruits and tobacco. ─── 主要出口产品:沥青()柏油成品、油产品、属、力、类、菜、果和烟草。

71、rain were falling and produced a black gloss on the asphalt. ─── 大雨倾盆而下,使沥青有了黑色的光泽。

72、The sky was dreary grey, like the asphalt beneath and the high granite walls. ─── 天空是一片惨淡的灰色,就象是下面的沥清路和那高大的花冈石墙壁一样。

73、Asphalt oil market are sold without Burning block with asphalt. ─── 市面上有沥青油卖,无需用沥青块烧熔。

74、Most streets are laid with asphalt. ─── 多数街道是用柏油铺的。

75、Do not use on linoleum, cloth, Plexiglas, plastics, asphalt floors and similar. ─── 勿使本品接触油毡、布料、有机玻璃、塑料、沥青地面和其他相同类型的物质。

76、A green isle for citizen spontaneity, an oasis of recycled asphalt, tires, trees, and bushes. ─── 出现了一个公民自己的绿色的岛,一个再生沥青中的绿洲,轮胎,树木和矮树丛。

77、McShane, Clay. Down the Asphalt Path. New York: Columbia University Press, 1995. ─── 《行驶在沥青路上》。纽约:哥伦比亚大学出版社,1995。

78、Therefore, cement asphalt paste with nano-silica fume can improve properties of Semi-Rigid Permeable Asphalt Concrete. ─── 就整体而言,含奈米矽灰之水泥沥青胶浆可改善透水性铺面之品质。

79、A new concept of destroy inflexion is brought forward and this point is regarded as the asphalt mixture's resistance. ─── 同时结合无侧限抗压试验数据建立了求解混合料粘聚力和内摩擦角的公式。

80、The Central Perk set is one of the few soundstage sets with a real asphalt "street. ─── 中央咖啡馆的场景,附带一条真正的沥青“街道”,是少数现场录音的场景之一。

81、The invention relates to an additive for a drainage asphalt mixture of a high temperature heavy load road and a preparation method thereof. ─── 本发明涉及高温重载道路排水性沥青混合料的添加剂及其制备方法。

82、Large Stone Asphalt Mixes:Design and Construction.NCAT Report No.90-4,1990. ─── 张宗涛,刘中林,等.间断级配沥青混合料配合比设计方法.绵阳公路交通大学学报,2001(4).

83、Construction &Decoration - Construction Equipment &Tools - Super Asphalt Concrete Paver ... ─── 埃及买家求购混凝土路面摊铺机/混凝土铺路机,...2009-4-13

84、In China the road was a pristine strip of asphalt, scarred only by the occasional rockfall. ─── 在中国境内,这条公路是清一色的柏油路,只是偶尔有山石滚落损坏了公路。

85、They're walking on the asphalt road. ─── 他们正行走在柏油路上。

86、Introduction and Comparation of Expressway Asphalt Pavement in Our Province and U.S. ─── 我省与美国高速公路沥青路面的简介和比较。

87、It is especially used for dry cutting marble,granite,asphalt and concrete. ─── 它特别适于干切大理石、花岗岩、沥青和混凝土等。

88、Asphalt Concrete with Gilsonite[J]. ─── 付海英,谢雷东,等.

89、Based on the concept of long-life pavement,performance of skeleton dense-graded stone asphalt mixtures are researched. ─── 依据长寿命路面的设计理念,研究骨架密实型多碎石沥青混合料性能。

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