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08-20 投稿


crystallized 发音

[ 'kr?st?la?zd]

英:  美:

crystallized 中文意思翻译



crystallized 反义词


crystallized 同义词

sugar-coated |candied | sugared | glazed | crystallised | crystalised | preserved | iced

crystallized 词性/词形变化,crystallized变形

形容词: crystallizable |名词: crystallization |

crystallized 短语词组

1、crystallized honey ─── 结晶蜂蜜

2、crystallized ginger ─── 糖姜,蜜饯生姜

3、crystallized inclusion ─── 结晶夹杂物

4、crystallized by swarovski ─── 施华洛世奇结晶

5、crystallized into ─── 结晶成

6、crystallized apiol ─── [医] 结晶洋芹醚

7、crystallized fruit ─── 糖腌水果,蜜饯水果

8、crystallized sugar ─── 结晶砂糖

9、crystallized region ─── 结晶区

10、Platner's crystallized bile ─── [医] 普拉特内氏胆汁结晶

11、crystallized intelligence ─── 固定智力;晶态智力晶化智力

12、crystallized strophnnthin ─── [医] 结晶形毒毛旋花子甙

13、crystallized trypsin ─── [医]结晶胰蛋白酶

14、crystallized flower ─── 水晶衣花

15、crystallized coal ─── 结晶煤

16、crystallized verdigris ─── [医] 结晶铜绿, 提纯铜绿

crystallized 相似词语短语

1、crystallizes ─── vt.使结晶;明确;使具体化;做成蜜饯;vi.结晶,形成结晶;明确;具体化

2、recrystallized ─── v.(使)再结晶(recrystallize的过去式和过去分词)

3、crystallizers ─── n.[化工]结晶器;结晶设备

4、crystalized ─── vt.使结晶;使成形;使具体化;vi.结晶;成形;具体化

5、crystallize ─── vt.使结晶;明确;使具体化;做成蜜饯;vi.结晶,形成结晶;明确;具体化

6、crystalised ─── 结晶的

7、uncrystallized ─── 未结晶的;未定形的

8、crystallised ─── v.使……结晶;使具体化;给(水果或花瓣)裹上糖霜;将浮动费用改为固定费用(crystallise的过去式和过去分词)

9、crystallizer ─── n.[化工]结晶器;结晶设备

crystallized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The workers imitate a diamond with crystal. ─── 工人们用水晶仿造钻石。

2、Crystal of China popular handwork. ─── 中国民间手工艺品的结晶。

3、Suitable for viscous, strong corrosive of or easy to be crystallized media. ─── 适于测量腐蚀性较强,且黏稠或易结晶的介质的压力。

4、Images sent from the satellite were crystal clear. ─── 卫星传回的图象很清楚。

5、If the confrontation has crystallized in this latest battle, it may already be heading toward a predictable conclusion: In the long run, the tech companies are destined to emerge victorious. ─── 如果这场冲突在最近的战斗中已经明确,那么它可能已经走向一个可预见的结论:从长远来看,科技公司注定会取得胜利。

6、A dimorphic crystal;dimorphic organisms. ─── 双晶晶体;二形有机体

7、It contains optical mineralogy and crystal optics. ─── 其中包括晶体光学和光性矿物学两部分。

8、Even the glowing crystal was beginning to flicker. ─── 即使是水晶球的光亮现在也开始闪烁起来。

9、Because of its bulk, the crystal is external. ─── 因晶体笨重,所以只能外接。

10、Elongate olivine crystals were aligned to produce a flow texture as this liquid phase crystallized. ─── 在液相结晶时,长形橄榄石晶体的成行排列产生了流状构造。

11、Ningbo julia crystal ornaments co., Ltd. ─── 宁波杰利雅水晶制品有限公司。

12、And the world is clear like a crystal. ─── 世界也如同水晶一般晶莹剔透。

13、Asymmetrical at the axial ends. Used of a crystal. ─── 异极的轴线终端不对称的。用于晶体

14、In 1880 Mr Lalique began to make crystal works in Paris. ─── 1880年莱俪先生在巴黎开始生产水晶饰品。

15、Pupu: I'm here, help, help.I can't get the crystal. ─── 我不能拿到水晶。

16、The crying boy tries to fry the dry crystal. ─── 哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体。

17、There was a crystal chandelier above their heads. ─── 他们头顶上方有一个水晶枝形吊灯。

18、The Crystal Palace was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of1851. ─── `水晶宫'是为1851年的`世界博览会'在海德公园建造的。

19、Your memory of it will be crystal clear. ─── 你对它的记忆将会很清晰。

20、Sometimes awareness of a value is crystallized in one event. Oftentimes, it's honed by years of experience. ─── 有时人们通过一件事而明了自己的价值观,而通常这需要常年经验的积累。

21、His plans have crystallized at last. ─── 他的计划终于具体形成。

22、So, I share it with all of you here today, though the idea itself is getting crystallized and I'm still writing up the business plan. ─── 因此我想将此想法与你们一同分享,即使此想法已具体成形但我仍力图使之精益求精。

23、Brice J C. J. Crystal Growth, 1977, 42: 427--430. ─── 张克从,张乐惠.晶体生长科学与技术,第二版.北京:科学出版社,1997.472--484.

24、You wouldn't want to touch the LG Crystal. ─── 你不会想触摸LG电子晶体。

25、He drank from a crystal wine glass. ─── 他用水晶酒杯喝酒。

26、Any of several forms of crystal with trapeziums as faces. ─── 偏方三八面体任一种各面均为不规则四边形的水晶体

27、Tech-PE is white, crystallized powder. It is soluble in water. ─── 季戊四醇是白色无味结晶粉末,溶于水,微溶于醇。

28、Do you happen to know where I can found bohemia crystal? ─── 你知道我在哪儿可以买到波希米亚车料玻璃器皿?

29、Shanghai Amzda Silicon Crystal Inc. ─── 上海广济硅材料有限公司。

30、Her style is clear as crystal. ─── 她的文体极其清晰明白。

31、"But by age 10, those memories seem to get crystallized, " she said. ─── “但是到10岁的时候,他们的早期记忆似乎被冻结了,”她说道。

32、Faceted clear crystal ornament with beige ribbon. ─── 在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶装饰品与米黄丝带。

33、The situation has not crystallized enough for economic pressures. ─── 对经济压力而言,情况还不够明确。

34、Having as many planes as required for complete symmetry in a given crystal system. ─── 全面的,全对称晶形的具有在给定的晶体系统中全面对称的全部平面的

35、Last time, we started to talk about glaciers and how these masses of ice form from crystallized snow, and some of you were amazed at how huge some of these glaciers are. ─── 上次我们开始讨论了冰川以及这些大型冰块是如何从结晶雪中形成的,你们中的一些人对这些冰川的巨大感到惊讶。

36、A toddler who was a menace in a shop full of crystal. ─── 对放满水晶制品的商店构成威胁的蹒跚学步的孩子

37、He wants to make it crystal clear that he do not agree with us. ─── 他想表明清楚他不同意我们的意见。

38、CRYSTAL: How about some Chinese food, Santa? ─── 吃点中国饭怎么样,圣诞老人?

39、It's crystal clear to me. ─── 再清楚不过了。

40、The history of modern China is crystallized in the story of Beijing University and other distinguished institutions. ─── 北京大学以及其它著名院校的历史集中体了现代中国的历史。

41、High gloss, used as the upscale crystal paint. ─── 具有非常高的光泽度,可以做成高档水晶漆。

42、The product is rhombohedral or flaky crystal. ─── 包装说明:无色菱形或片状结晶。

43、Charlize Theron: "Mrs.Billy Crystal. ─── "(见到美女就收之。

44、He crystallized salt as part of his experiment. ─── 他使盐结晶作为他的实验的一部分。

45、Handled the crystal bowl with care. ─── 小心谨慎地拿着水晶碗

46、L.L Crystal Lover Light > Interlude P.P.P. ─── 您当前的位置:首页 > Crystal Kay(克莉丝朵.凯儿) > C.

47、Crystal: My stomach's growling again! ─── 克莉丝:我的肚子又在叫了!

48、Their customs crystallized into law. ─── 他们的习俗形成了法律。

49、Joe is really fired up now.“I see.Money is just crystallized sweat. ─── 乔此时真的动了真情,"我明白了,钱就是汗水之结晶。

50、They sparkle in the light like tiny crystal chips. ─── 它们闪闪发光,像微小的水晶片。

51、She made her meaning crystal clear. ─── 她把她的意思解释得清清楚楚。

52、Mom wore a crystal necklace to the party. ─── 妈妈带了一条水晶项链去参加派对。

53、In the film, Zara has to find a magic crystal. ─── 在影片中,扎拉必须找到一块魔法水晶。

54、Can you fit me up with a new watch crystal? ─── 你能给装一块新的表蒙玻璃吗?

55、Crystal chandeliers glittered brightly above them. ─── 他们头顶的水晶吊灯闪闪发亮。

56、She wears a crystal ornament on her chest. ─── 她的前胸戴了一个水晶饰品。

57、His vague ideas crystallized into a definite plan. ─── 他那些模糊的想法变成了一个明确的计划。

58、Having one direction along which double refraction of light does not take place. Used of a crystal. ─── 单轴晶体的有一个方向的,沿此方向不发生光的双折射。用于晶体

59、Then they made a version with really short spindles, but the crystallized form did not diffract x-rays. ─── 之后他们作出了一个具有一些真正小纺锤的视角,但是已结晶的形态并不在X射线下产生衍射。

60、The Crystal Palace which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of1851 remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in1936. ─── 为1851年举办博览会而在海德公园建造的水晶宫到1936年烧毁之前,一直是世界上最著名的建筑之一。

61、Having only one form, as one crystal form. ─── 只有单一形式的,如单晶形式

62、Appearance:Dark blue or bluish block crystallized powder. ─── 外观:深蓝色或蓝色结晶粉末。

63、How Do I Use Crystal Reports in a Web Farm or Web Garden? ─── 如何在Web场或Web园中使用Crystal Reports?

64、We'll grind the emblem into the crystal. ─── 我们将把这块徽章镶嵌到这块晶体中。

65、Law is the crystal of social habitude and mind. ─── 1法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。

66、Later,the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. ─── 后来“水晶宫”搬到了伦敦南郊。

67、Crystal temples all over the Earth held up the Firmament. ─── 地球各地的水晶寺庙负责支撑冰天。

68、Character is a crystallized habit, the result of training and conviction. ─── 个性是一种明确的习惯,是训练和信念的结果。

69、If the confrontation has crystallized in this latest battle, it may already be heading toward a predictable conclusion: In the long run, the tech companies are destined to emerge victoriously. ─── 如果在最近的这场战斗中,双方的对抗已经明朗化,那么可能已经有了一个可以预见的结论:从长远来看,科技公司注定会成功崛起。

70、The product is a thin and yellow powdery crystal. ─── 产品的性状为淡黄色粉末状晶体。

71、Appearance:Light yellow crystallized powder. ─── 外观:浅黄色结晶粉末。

72、Beside the stream is a still deep pool of crystal clear water. ─── 在小溪的旁边有一个平静深沉的池塘,里面充满了清澈的水。

73、On the north side of Crystal Pond. ─── 在水晶池塘的北面。

74、The videodisc is made of liquid crystal polymers. ─── 影碟是由液晶聚合物制成的。

75、The solid matter in which a fossil or crystal is embedded. ─── 基质,脉石嵌有化石或水晶的固体物质

76、She takes the crystal as her amulet. ─── 她把水晶作为护身符。

77、People imitate diamonds with crystal. ─── 人们用水晶仿造钻石。

78、A close similarity in the crystal forms of unlike compounds. ─── 异质同形不同化合物组成的晶体在形状上的极其类似

79、CRYSTAL: Oh, you're so lucky, you got a good one. ─── 噢,你真走运,你的运气不错。

80、Be careful of the crystal plate. ─── 小心这水晶碟。

81、His style is as clear as crystal. ─── 他的文体极其清晰明白。

82、A toddlerwho was a menace in a shop full of crystal. ─── 对放满水晶制品的商店构成威胁的蹒跚学步的孩子。


84、Hate is crystallized fear, fear’s dividend, fear objectivized. ─── 仇恨是恐惧的结晶、附属品和客体化。

85、To smooth the surface of a wafer or semiconductor crystal. ─── 使晶片或半导体晶体的表面光滑的过程。

86、How Do I Migrate Crystal Reports Projects from Previous Versions? ─── 如何从先前版本中迁移Crystal Reports项目?

87、The crying map boy tries to fry the dry crystal. ─── 哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体.

88、Why when I find my crystal shoes for love. ─── 为什么当我找到爱情水晶鞋的时候.

89、It is an appropriate name for rocks that have cooled and crystallized from hot, molten rock material called magma. ─── 对于经由岩浆熔融物质冷却结晶的岩石来说,这个名称是很合适的。

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