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08-20 投稿


disorganization 发音

[ d?s,?ɡ?n?'ze??n]

英:  美:

disorganization 中文意思翻译



disorganization 反义词


disorganization 同义词


disorganization 短语词组

1、disorganization family ─── 无组织家庭

2、disorganization 13 ─── 瓦解13

3、disorganization synonym ─── 无组织同义词

4、disorganization syndrome ─── 紊乱综合征

5、disorganization means ─── 瓦解意味着

6、disorganization stage ─── 解体阶段

7、disorganization symptom ─── 紊乱症状

8、disorganization symptoms ─── 紊乱症状

9、social disorganization ─── [法] 社会解体, 社会秩序崩溃, 社会失控

10、disorganization theory ─── 无组织理论

11、disorganization facts ─── 无序事实

disorganization 词性/词形变化,disorganization变形

动词过去分词: disordered |动词第三人称单数: disorders |动词现在分词: disordering |动词过去式: disordered |

disorganization 相似词语短语

1、organization ─── n.组织;机构;体制;团体

2、suborganizations ─── 子组织

3、overorganization ─── 机构重叠

4、suborganization ─── 子组织

5、reorganization ─── n.改组;整顿;改编

6、inorganization ─── n.缺乏组织;无组织

7、Normanization ─── 诺曼化

8、disorganisation ─── n.杂乱无章

9、inorganisation ─── 无机化

disorganization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Emile Durkhem has attributed the social anomie to three reasons such as the danger of social disorganization,the damage of abnormal social division of labor on social solidarity and the threat on organic solidarity. ─── 涂尔干把社会失范的原因归结为三个方面,即社会解组的危险、反常分工对社会团结的破坏作用和有机团结受到威胁;

2、Disorganization of the fibered network could be found on 9 of 27 preinasie lesions, compatible with early disruptions of the basement membrane zone. ─── 纤维网状结构的结构破坏能在27例侵入前损害中发现9例,与基底膜区的前期损害一致。

3、Disorganization and Restruction of Personality ─── 人格的解体与重构

4、Regional monetary cooperation is a new thing emerged after disorganization of Bretton Wodds System. ─── 区域货币合作是布雷顿森林体系解体后出现的新事物。

5、community disorganization ─── 社区解组

6、As a well-known editor, Cheng Shewo was involved in the case of "Poem Debate between Zhu and Liu", which marked the turning point in Nanshe's history by declaring Nanshe's disorganization. ─── 摘要成舍我因编辑关系卷入1917年中国诗坛发生的“朱柳论诗”公案,这一公案成为南社发展史上的重要转折点,宣告了南社的解体。

7、academic disorganization ─── 学术失范

8、The result is immorality and delinquency; in short, personal and social disorganization ─── 其后果便是道德堕落与犯罪现象,简言之,就是个人的与社会的解组。

9、family disorganization ─── 家庭解组

10、Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceiling, and/ or equipment are in need of major repair. ─── 差:总的外观反映出不够整齐并且缺乏好的清洁卫生措施。地板,墙壁,天花板,和设备需要大的整修。

11、growth disorganization ─── 生长结构破坏

12、Many people still believe untidy desks belong to slobs, whose disorganization will make them unsatisfactory as colleagues and employees. ─── 许多人仍然相信,不整洁的桌子属于懒汉,他们的杂乱无章会让它们成为无法令人满意的同事和雇员。

13、Normally the processes of disorganization and organization may be thought of as in reciprocal relationship to each other ─── 一般情况下,解体与组结可看作是两个互补的过程。

14、Well, it says here that as the universe expands all matter is slowly degenerating into a state of total disorganization. ─── 哦,这篇文章说,随着大学的扩招,所有的事情慢慢地退化,变成一团糟。

15、Compassion does not mean impulsiveness or disorganization. ─── 怜悯并不代表冲动或混乱。

16、Membrane Structure Disorganization ─── 膜结构破坏型

17、personal disorganization ─── 个人解体

18、fibrin not only supported GEC attachment, spreading, and proliferation, induced GEC monolayer disorganization and capillary structure formation, but also promoted ICAM1 expression. ─── 纤维蛋白可以支持GEC铺展、增殖,并可以诱导GEC单层结构破坏和血管样结构形成,同时可以上调胞间粘附分子-1(ICAM-1)的表达。

19、All this is alive with the hideous vitality of things which have been organized out of disorganization. ─── 这一切都是活着的,以某种杂乱而有秩序的事物的那种奇丑的生命力活动着。

20、Light microscopy observations of the HIFU-treated arteries showed disorganization of adventitia, and coagulation and thinning of the tunica media. ─── 实验后治疗组和对照组在不同时间点红细胞比容无显著性差异。

21、In the ministries and departments of the Central Government the greatest disorganization was apparent ─── 中央政府各部中存在着很显著的严重混乱现象。

22、Personal disorganization resulting in unsocial behavior. ─── 杂乱导致非社会行为的个人失范状态

23、B: Yes. Before you leave, make sure you put the CDs back where they were. My brother has a thing about disorganization. ─── 是的。你离开前,务必把CD都放回原位。我哥哥很不喜欢东西乱乱的。

24、In such a system the speed of community disorganization and the endurance of disadvantaged groups in society to adjust themselves to the social and economic changes. ─── 必须控制社区解体的速度以及社会成员特别是贫困群体等弱势主体对经济社会变迁的承受度。

25、The site is the visual exception, tending from disorganization (exploratory) to organization (sorted) with a click. ─── 该网站是一种视觉异常,可以从无序(可探察的),通过用户点击变成有序(排序)化的。

26、The existence, development or disorganization of social community, mostly depend on consciousness variation, competition big or more, and national policy supporting of the community. ─── 社会共同体的存续、发展抑或散失、瓦解,很大程度上取决于构成该共同体的民族、族群或社群的意识消长、竞争力大小以及国家的政策支持。

27、On the Disorganization and Rebuilding of the Contemporary College Student Values ─── 论当代大学生价值观念的失范与重建

28、marital disorganization ─── 婚姻解体

29、The performance of a practical problem: Guangdong, southern Zhejiang consumers of red cans Wong Lo Kat cognitive disorganization. ─── 现实难题表现一:广东、浙南消费者对红罐王老吉认知混乱。

30、The disorganization of Soviet Union is a tragedy. ─── 苏联解体是一个悲剧。

31、In spite of this, PHP is often criticized for its inconsistent naming conventions, its lack of important features as compared to other languages (like namespaces) and its inherent disorganization. ─── 先不说这些,PHP经常因为它矛盾的命名规则和缺少其他语言所具有的重要特性(比如命名空间),以及本身固有的不合理而受到指责。

32、Religion had an effect on the Soviet Union"s disorganization and eastern revulsion . ─── 宗教在东欧剧变和苏联解体的过程中起到了一定的作用。


34、psychological disorganization ─── 心理错乱

35、One of the results of the collision was the disorganization of the traditional family based upon the Chinese patriarchal clan system. ─── 宗族制在中国历史上有着特殊的重要作用,它一直是政权统治的有效补充力量。

36、Well, it says here that as the universe expands all matter is slowly degenerating into a state of total disorganization. ─── 哦,这篇文章说,随着大学的扩招,所有的事情慢慢地退化,变成一团糟。

37、However, in China, the military logistics pattern, which is traditional and backward with some problems such as disorganization, technique outdated, resources wasting, etc. ─── 然而,我军现有的后勤保障模式却相对比较传统、落后,存在着组织分散、技术原始、资源浪费等问题,很难适应现代高科技战争灵活、快速的要求。

38、Dissolving process included strong structural disorganization of the cytoplasm, loss of nuclei, plasmolysis in cells. ─── 据此,我们认为广佛手果实分泌囊空腔是以裂溶生的方式发生。

39、disorganization discharge ─── 无组织排放

40、Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceilings and/or equipment are in need of major repair. ─── 差:总的外观反映出无次序的及很差的卫生状况。地面、墙、天花板和/或设备需要大修。

41、Towards the Cause of Disorganization of French Directoire in my Opinion ─── 法国督政府迅速解体原因之我见

42、The amounts of energy involved even in the deflection or disorganization of a tropical hurricane are vast, let alone in the melting of the polar ice caps. ─── 即使使一个热带飓风改变路径或是瓦解,其所用的能量也是惊人的,更不用说融化极地冰冠了。

43、brain disorganization ─── 大脑混乱

44、personality disorganization ─── 性格解组

45、So I cannot blame it on my disorganization. ─── 因此,我不能责怪我瓦解它。

46、social disorganization ─── 社会瓦解

47、myofiber disorganization ─── 肌纤维错构

48、The Organization and Disorganization of Dasheng Financial Organization ─── 大生金融机构的创办、组建及其解体

49、Carol: Well it says here that as the universe expands, all matter is degenerating into a state of total disorganization. ─── 卡罗尔:我在看杂志里面有一段是这样说的,随着宇宙的扩大,一起物质都会变的杂乱无章。

50、I have never seen so much disorganization! ─── 我从未见过如此的杂乱无章。

51、"Fort was Destroyed From the Inner": Analyses on the Cause of Russian Communist Party Disorganization ─── "堡垒从内部攻破":苏共灭亡原因的组织分析

52、Disorganization is the main thing you want to avoid when working so never undercut your productivity. ─── 所以千万不要削减自己的工作空间”预算”,否则会降低工作效率。

53、By prolonging the agony of the capitalist regime, the Social Democracy leads only to the further decline of economic culture, to the disorganization of the proletariat, to social gangrene. ─── 为了延长资产阶级政权的苦恼,社会民主党只能导向经济文化的进一步衰落、无产阶级的瓦解和社会糜烂。

54、Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceiling, and/or equipment are in need of major repair. ─── 差:外观整体上反映出杂乱和较差的整洁维护。地面,墙壁,天花和/或设备需要作较大的维修。

55、Make a list of things you to do Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that "there's so much to do, and not enough time" . ─── 为自己需要做的事情列一张清单压力可能来源于无序的生活状态或者,“有太多的工作和事情要做,却没有足够的时间”这样的一种感觉。

56、This review described the research progress on the disorganization,disturbance of endocrine and increase of cell apoptosis in the placenta infected with T.gondii. ─── 本文综述了弓形虫感染致胎盘结构破坏、内分泌功能紊乱、细胞凋亡等方面的研究进展。

57、Most have developed all kinds of defensive structures that protect the weakened self against further disorganization. ─── 其中绝大多数人已经发展出各种防御机制来保护脆弱的自体防止进一步的非结构化。

58、English: 529.The amounts of energy involved even in the deflection or disorganization of a tropical hurricane are vast, let alone in the melting of the polar ice caps. ─── 中文: 即使使一个热带飓风改变路径或是瓦解,其所用的能量也是惊人的,更不用说融化极地冰冠了。

59、The inside of your file cabinet is less than stellar, but never fear: the disorganization that affects your office doesn't have to affect your phone! ─── 内您的档案柜小于恒星,但从来没有的恐惧:解体,影响您的办公室并没有影响到您的手机!

60、Society is saturated with disorganization and a lack of efficiency. ─── 组织、低效率已经浸入社会之中。

61、Effects of Stress- Relaxation Plate on the Disorganization and Reparation of Regional Bone Structure ─── 应力松驰接骨板对骨结构的影响

62、Thinking about the Phenomena of Academic Disorganization ─── 关于学术失范现象的几点思考

63、I know I've forgotten things due to disorganization, so this year I'm taking the time to stay organized. ─── 我知道由于混乱而有些事情会忘记去做,所以,今年,我将花时间保持有组织化。

64、Fig.5 The mitochondria with the abnormal appearance such as swell, disorganization and reduction or vanish of the crista. ─── 图5凋亡淋巴细胞内结构异常的线粒体,主要表现为肿胀,嵴紊乱,嵴减少,消失。

65、cognitive disorganization ─── 认知混乱

66、Now an army is exposed to six several calamities,not arising from natural causes, But from faults for which the general is responsible. These are: (1) Flight; (2) insubordination; (3) collapse; (4) ruin;(5) disorganization; (6) rout. ─── 故兵有走者、有驰者、有陷者、有崩者、有乱者、有北者。凡此六者,非天之灾,将之过也。

67、On disorganization and reorganization of the morality ─── 论道德的解组与改组

68、These tumors display total architectural disorganization and significant cytologic atypia of urothelium.There is loss of nuclear polarity; ─── 此肿瘤显示了其组织结构的完全无序性和尿路上皮细胞的显著不典型性。

69、Autopsy showed multiple cervical and thoracic vertebral malformations with disorganization and fusion of malformed vertebral bodies. ─── 尸检发现多发的颈胸段脊椎异常,异常椎体存在开裂和融合。

70、the disorganization of the enemy troops by a flank attack ─── 侧翼受攻之下敌军的混乱

71、With East European upheaval and Soviet disorganization, the world socialism failed in succession. ─── 东欧剧变,苏联解体,世界社会主义败退出现多米诺骨牌之势。

72、All this is alive with the hideous vitality of things which have been organized out of disorganization. ─── 这一切都是活着的,以某种杂乱而有秩序的事物的那种奇丑的生命力活动着。

73、You do not want to select a space that is too small because that will lead to overcrowding which would lead to disorganization. ─── 太小的空间肯定不适合,因为太拥挤的话会不容易保持整洁有序。混乱不堪 是 你工作时最应该避免的事情。

74、thrown into a state of disorganization or incoherence. ─── 被抛进一种混乱或无序的状态之中的。

75、It was perhaps her disorganization that was to blame for Dunham's early demise at the age of 52. ─── 也许是邓纳姆的没有条理导致了她的早逝,享年仅52岁。

76、electrical disorganization ─── 放电混乱

77、Neopets is also accused of extreme disorganization, with many pages continuing to sport pictures of "old" versions of Neopets, old-style graphics, misspellings, and broken links. ─── 游戏者透过玩游戏来赚取尼奥点数,以照料他们的宠物和购买物品。

78、8.fibrin not only supported GEC attachment, spreading, and proliferation, induced GEC monolayer disorganization and capillary structure formation, but also promoted ICAM1 expression. ─── 纤维蛋白可以支持GEC铺展、增殖,并可以诱导GEC单层结构破坏和血管样结构形成,同时可以上调胞间粘附分子-1(ICAM-1)的表达。

79、Therefore, everything I have said about the patient's disorganization and then reorganization is also true for the therapist. ─── 因此,我所说的关于病人去结构化的一切,同样试用于治疗师。

80、"In February I left my post as coach of Syria because I could not work in complete disorganization,” Cabrini explained to La Stampa. ─── 卡布里尼最近很难找到一份活做,这位50岁的前球星表示他对尤文现管理层没有对他给予任何帮助让他就这么“流落街头”表示很震撼:

81、Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceilings and/ or equipment are in need of major repair. ─── 差:总的外观反映出无次序的及很差的卫生状况。地面、、花板和/设备需要大修。

82、military, he says, is now in a state of disorganization. ─── 他说军队现在处于动乱状态。

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