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08-20 投稿


dirtying 发音

英:[?d??ti??]  美:[?d??rti??]

英:  美:

dirtying 中文意思翻译




dirtying 常用词组

dirty water ─── 脏水

dirty laundry ─── 脏衣服

dirty air ─── 污浊空气

dirtying 词性/词形变化,dirtying变形

动词过去式: dirtied |副词: dirtily |形容词比较级: dirtier |动词现在分词: dirtying |形容词最高级: dirtiest |动词第三人称单数: dirties |动词过去分词: dirtied |名词: dirtiness |

dirtying 反义词


dirtying 短语词组

1、dirtying the nest ─── 弄脏巢

2、dirtying meaning ─── 污秽的意思

3、dirtying definition ─── 污秽定义

4、dirtying dance mone ─── 脏舞莫妮

5、dirtying up ─── 弄脏

6、dirtying in spanish ─── 西班牙语中的脏污

7、dirtying the air with smog ─── 烟雾污染空气

dirtying 同义词

muddy | sully | smoke | abusive | sordid | smeared | pollute | unclean | soiled | pestiferous | mess | black | sloppy | filthy | begrime | rotten | stain | muddied | dishonest | soil | colly | inky | lousy | bemire | stained | messy | illegal | muted | foul | impure | grime | cheating | unsportsmanlike | unsporting | nasty | dull | polluted | defile | smudged | contaminating | daub | obscene |grimy | ill-gotten | dingy | untidy

dirtying 相似词语短语

1、draying ─── n.运货马车;一种撬;vt.用马车运载;vi.以运货马车运;n.(Dray)人名;(英、法)德雷;(意、葡)德拉伊

2、divvying ─── vi.分摊;n.部分;分配;vt.分摊

3、dirling ─── vi.(苏格兰)抖动;发颤;vt.使颤动

4、partying ─── v.聚会(party进行式)

5、drying ─── v.(使)变干,把……弄干;擦去泪水;擦餐具;(使)脱水;忘记台词(dry的现在分词);adj.干燥的;n.干燥;(木材的)风干

6、birdying ─── 观鸟

7、dirking ─── n.短剑,匕首;vt.用短剑刺;n.(Dirk)人名;(德、荷、葡)迪尔克;(英)德克

8、deraying ─── 降额

9、bedirtying ─── 烦人的

dirtying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fuck the squeegee men, dirtying up the clean windshield of my car, Get a fucking job! ─── 操那些擦玻璃的人,弄脏了我干净的车,获得了他妈的工作!

2、Name the Financial Secretary who does not like to wear ordinary ties for fear of dirtying them while eating and who goes to church every morning. ─── 哪一位财政司弃用普通领带以免进食时不慎沾污,并且习惯每天早上到教堂去?

3、Blade became dirty can swab with soap powder fluid, do not use be brushed forcedly and edge tool goes dirtying. ─── 叶片脏了可用肥皂粉液擦洗,不要用硬刷和利器去垢。

4、Now that the basic texture is done, lets start dirtying it up. ─── 现在基本的材质完了,让我们给他做的旧一点。

5、dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. ─── 把我干净的挡风玻璃给弄脏。

6、Fuck the squeegee men,fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis,dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. Get a fucking job ! ─── 操那些擦玻璃的,把我干净的挡风玻璃给弄脏,找个他妈的工作吧;

7、He scarcely dares glance at the slim ankles which she reveals in her efforts to avoid dirtying her dress as it drags on the ground. ─── 这个女人怕她的衣服沾上泥,撩了一下裙子,露出了一段迷人的小腿,他都几乎不敢望一眼。

8、Voglio solo dirti ancora una volta Grazie Hao per essere sempre pronto e disponibile nei miei confronti. ─── 但是我仅想再次告诉你,感谢你总是能满足我的所需。

9、Documentationand guides are a great starting point, but dirtying your hands withstuff is always the best way. ─── 文件和指导是一个不错的起点,但是动手去做也是很好的方法。

10、dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. ─── 把我干净的挡风玻璃给弄脏。

11、The cap prevents your hair from dirtying the pool. ─── 泳帽是防止你的头发弄脏泳池。

12、Sabotage of property, thefts, and dirtying of premises are common. ─── 破坏财产,偷盗和下流的行为是很普遍的。

13、“Even our children know you cannot succeed without dirtying your hands,” another added. ─── 另一篇博文表示:“即使是我们的孩子也知道一个人不可能一身清白的成功。”

14、Man is fighting a battle against dirtying. ─── 人类正在与污染进行着斗争。

15、Jili's changing environment, with factories' dirtying the pure water so crucial to sericulture, also contributed to the industry's decline. ─── 工厂污染了对养蚕至关重要的清水,这也导致了辑里制丝业的衰落。

16、.. ti scrivo per dirti che ti amo... ─── 翻译 - 意大利语-阿尔巴尼亚语 - ciao amore mio.

17、Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. ─── 操那些擦玻璃的,把我干净的风挡玻璃给弄脏.

18、I like staying there,doing nothing but dirtying a paper or leaving some marks on a piece of canvas. ─── 我还喜欢对历史(美术史)上的各种样式自说自话和断章取义地理解,之后画出来的东西变成一些片断、一些轮廓和一些痕迹。

19、Man is fighting a battle opposition dirtying. ─── 现在基本的材质完了,让我们给他做的旧一点。

20、Blade became dirty can swab with soap powder fluid, do not use be brushed forcedly and edge tool goes dirtying. ─── 叶片脏了可用肥皂粉液擦洗,不要用硬刷和利器去垢。

21、Fuck the squeegee men,dirtying up the clean windshield of my car,Get a fucking job! ─── 操那些擦玻璃的人,弄脏了我干净的车,获得了他妈的工作!

22、i used to throw them, if them have been dirtying. ─── 如果脏了的话,我就把他们仍掉。

23、Documentation and guides are a great starting point, but dirtying your hands with stuff is always the best way. ─── 但是,这份累,要是给了学习多好,给了沉重的 心态实在是可惜。

24、The man accused Sarkozy of "dirtying me. ─── 该名男子声称萨科奇“弄脏我”。

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