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08-20 投稿


incentive 发音

英:[?n'sent?v]  美:[?n's?nt?v]

英:  美:

incentive 中文意思翻译



incentive 反义词


incentive 同义词

stimulus | encouragement | inducement |motive | provocation | motivator | occasion | inspiration | bonus | signal | stimulant

incentive 词性/词形变化,incentive变形


incentive 短语词组

1、incentive industry ─── [经] 受鼓励工业

2、incentive operator ─── [机] 计件工

3、incentive compensation ─── [经] 奖金

4、incentive compatibility ─── 激励相容;剌 ─── 激的协调性

5、cost-plus incentive fee contract ─── [经] 成本加奖金合同

6、incentive stock option ─── [财]激励性股票期权

7、incentive oil ─── [经] 奖励油

8、incentive payment system ─── [经] 奖励报酬制

9、group incentive system ─── [经] 集体奖励制

10、incentive wage payment plan ─── [经] 奖励工资制

11、incentive scheme un. ─── 奖励计划;物质刺激制度 [网络] 激励计划;激励方案;激励机制

12、cost-plus fixed incentive contract ─── [经] 成本加固定奖合同

13、incentive wages ─── [经] 奖励工资, 增产奖励工资

14、incentive shares ─── [经] 红股, 奖励股

15、incentive engineer ─── [经] 奖励工程师

16、incentive option ─── [网络] 激励期权;激励性股票期权

17、incentive program ─── [网络] 激励制度;奖励制度;奖励计划

18、incentive export system ─── [经] 输出状励制

19、incentive payments ─── [经] 奖励费

incentive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、'Consumers themselves would have to have the incentive to eat less meat and dairy, and there's not indication of that happening. ' ─── “消费者应该自己有减少肉类和奶制品消费的欲望才可以,但是现在还看不到这些征兆。”

2、There was no mechanism or incentive to protect knowledge and their research networks have limited interaction with industry. ─── 没有机制或者激励用于保护知识,而它们的研究网络限制了与工业界的互动。

3、The convention,exhibition and incentive travel sector is a key component of the tourism industry. ─── 会议、展览及旅游动员是旅游业的重要一环。

4、They don't try very hard, but then there's no incentive. ─── 他们不太卖力气, 不过却也没给他们奖励.

5、He is inclined to take things easy, so he has no incentive to accomplish anything. ─── 他做事松懈懒散,所以没有动力去完成任何事情。

6、Golden Handcuffs An incentive given to existing employees in hopes that they will decide to stay with the company. ─── 向现有员工提供优厚的待遇,以期他们留在公司。

7、Hence "as a want approaches satiety its capacity to reward, and with it its power as an incentive, diminishes fast" . ─── “当一项需求接近被满足时,其提供回报的能力和作为激励的效果将迅速消失”。

8、The Company is formulating an incentive plan for senior management including plans of stock option. ─── 公司正在制定包括股权激励为内容的管理层激励方案。

9、No doubt you know an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expand seller's business. ─── 毫无疑问,您知道一个有刺激性的折扣会鼓励买家帮助卖家扩展生意。

10、In the language of Organizational Behavior, we call these incentive and disincentive. ─── 在组织行为学中,我们把这称为奖励和非奖励机制。

11、It's a new incentive policy to let the top management hold the virtual shares of the company. ─── 管理人员持有公司的虚拟股票是对鑫远激励机制的创新。

12、However this kind of incentive mechanism has its drawbacks. ─── 但这种激励机制存在着理论弊端。

13、Councils should charge realistic rents in order to give people an incentive to own their houses. ─── 地方当局应采取合理的房租以鼓励人们买房。

14、To induce ingenuity and avoid incurring indignation, incentive is indispensable. ─── 为激发创造力,并且为了避免引起义愤,激励必不可少。

15、"I think this incentive is going to work," added the principal of the Creekside High, which has 2,500 students. ─── “我认为这个激励计划会奏效。”溪边中学共有2500名学生。

16、As an added incentive, there's a bottle of champagne for the best team. ─── 作为附加的激励措施,我们会给表现最好的团队一瓶香槟酒。

17、Provide an incentive for customers to buy and to return. ─── 为顾客的购买和回头再购买提供一个动机。

18、At the crudest level, prices provide an incentive for production. ─── 从最基本的层次来说,价格刺激生产。

19、Intended Incentive: Land tax meant to stimulate productive use of restituted and privatized land. ─── 动机:以土地税刺激私有土地和归还的土地更高效利用。

20、An incentive is something that pushes a child into action. ─── 奖励也就是推动孩子行动的东西。

21、No doubt you know that an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expend the seller's business. ─── 你肯定知道折扣具有刺激性,可以鼓励买方,有助于扩大卖方的业务。

22、The amount of incentive payments can be measured in a reliable way. ─── 奖励金额能够可靠地计量。

23、What would you do if you were presented with a corporate gift basket as a company incentive? ─── 你会怎么做,如果你献上一份礼物篮公司是一家公司的激励?

24、He observed that there was a lack of incentive for people to share their information with the government truthfully. ─── 他观察到,人民缺乏与政府开诚布公地共享信息的激励。

25、Tax Holiday A government incentive program that offers a tax reduction to foreign investors. ─── 向国外投资者提供税务宽减的政府鼓励措施。

26、For a conspiracy to occur, there would need to be collusion and incentive. ─── 一个阴谋要出现,需要勾结(谋)动机。

27、He hasn't much incentive to work hard. ─── 他没有努力工作的动力。

28、They ought to be wary of inscrutable companies, giving the firms an incentive to change their ways. ─── 他们应该提防这类不透明的公司,促使这些公司改变他们的经营。

29、There is no incentive to train the young and the temporary. ─── 对年轻人和临时工的培训变得毫无动机可言。

30、He had an incentive to paint the crisis to the media in the darkest possible terms. ─── 他尽可能把这次危机向新闻界说得严重一些。

31、Second, we should devote to precipitating the teachers to gain the spiritual incentive in the process of teaching. ─── 三是致力于促使教师在教育教学过程中获得心理的愉悦。

32、Reason: those potential backers would lose an important incentive if their profits were taxed at a higher rate. ─── 原因是如果他们的利润税率增高,那些潜在的资金提供者会失去一个重要的优惠。

33、With oil prices rising steeply in recent years, the economic incentive to produce grain-based fuels has risen as well. ─── 伴随着近年油价急剧上升,以粮食为生产燃料原料的经济刺激也同样上升。

34、There will be a strong incentive to enter into a process of negotiation. ─── 将会有一个强烈的刺激来进入谈判的过程。

35、Training, evaluative performance measurement systems, incentive programs, and supportive human resource systems. ─── 培训、绩效评估体系、激励方案、人力资源支持。

36、Something that motivates; an inducement or incentive. ─── 动力提供动机的事物;诱导物或动机

37、A slight goad or incentive; a small stimulus. ─── 刺激小刺激或激励;小刺激

38、Once you fulfill the participation requirements, we will ship the incentive gift to you with free shipping. ─── 一旦你履行了参与要求,我们将免费海运奖品给你。

39、He no longer had much incentive to studying. ─── 他已没有多少魄力去作进一步的钻研。

40、One problem is that some people benefit from uneconomic growth and thus have no incentive for change. ─── 其中一个原因是,有些人可以从中获利,因此缺乏改变的动机。

41、But without higher prices, consumers have little incentive to rein in power consumption. ─── 但如果不上调电价,消费者就没有节约用电的动力。

42、Money is still a major incentive in most occupations. ─── 在许多职业中,钱仍是主要的鼓励因素。

43、They have no incentive to look after and utilize the forest. ─── 他们没有照看和利用森林资源获取利益的意识。

44、Hence, the incentive structure of working contest should change with the psychological preferences of contesters. ─── 因此,对心理偏好不同的员工,应该采取不同激励结构的工作竞赛制度。

45、Also it would increase the incentive to release projects based upon GNU Aspell as Free Software. ─── 它也会增加将工程以GNU Aspell为基础而发行为自由软件的动机。

46、It will check that pay does not give bankers an incentive to take on more risk than the bank can safely manage. ─── 他们将检查支付不是给予奖励银行家们承担更多的风险比银行可以安全管理的动机之一。

47、Wikipedia editors have no incentive to be right, or to be objective. ─── 维基百科的编辑们没有保持正确或客观的动机。

48、Neither side would have a real incentive to start a war. Ergo, peace would reign. ─── 都没有发动战争的真实动机。因此,和平将会到来。

49、He no longer had much incentive to [for] studying. ─── 他已没有多少魄力去作进一步的钻研((他不再想作进一步钻研了))。

50、Establishing incentive mechanism encouraging the family planning. ─── 42、建立鼓励家庭实行计划生育的激励机制。

51、Another international incentive is ecotourism. ─── 另一个国际间带来的诱因是生态旅游。

52、Taxes must come down to give the British working men some incentive. ─── 减低税收,以刺激英国工人。

53、If performance in the fund is good, the incentive fees are huge. ─── 如果表现在基金是好的,奖励费是巨大的。

54、Similarly, MNCs should stress allowances and incentive bonuses for the expatriation to increase expatriate willingness. ─── 同时,愈重视津贴组合,并提供激励性奖金,亦可提高派外意愿。

55、There exists an incentive to debase the currency. ─── 存在货币贬值的动机。

56、The amendable principles can be viewed as the selective incentive to achieve the efficiency goal. ─── 合作社原则的不断修正可以视为为了达到组织效率目标而提供的选择性激励。

57、Won't everyone stop programming without a monetary incentive? ─── 会不会因为没有金钱上的诱因而让大家都停止写程式了呢?

58、There's a real danger in offering poor women a financial incentive to marry. ─── 向贫穷妇女提供福利金来鼓励她们结婚的确存在着一定的风险。

59、The PRI has a powerful incentive to collaborate. ─── 制度与革命党有强大的合作动力。

60、Kiessling said the study offeredextra incentive to protect coral reefs. ─── 基斯林说,该研究提供了更多保护珊瑚的动机。

61、They have an incentive to keep us hooked. ─── 他们有动机让我们着迷。

62、The Research of Incentive System about State-owned Enterprise of Transportation. ─── 国有运输企业激励制度研究。

63、Even if we achieve just a small portion of this payoff, say, 20%, the incentive for early intervention is tremendous. ─── 即使我们只获得了这些的一小部分,也就是说,20%,早期干预的奖金也是巨大的。

64、Human resource practitioners and managers often tailor their incentive and motivational scheme on Maslow’s theory. ─── 人力资源从业者和管理者经常调整自己关于马斯洛理论的奖励和激励方案。

65、"There's no bigger incentive," Grayson said. ─── "没有比这更大的诱惑了"格雷森说.

66、But surely the price guarantee actually reduces the incentive to diversify? ─── 但是,保证价格就一定减少了对生产者的刺激,使他们不愿进行多元化生产吗?

67、Cities will have a powerful incentive to discourage recycling. ─── 城市将采取有力的措施阻止再循环。

68、Incentive scheme is boosting production . ─── 奖励机制推动着生产的发展。

69、Money is still a major incentive to most people. ─── 对于大多数人来说,金钱仍是主要的刺激物。

70、Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment. ─── 利润率低意味着缺乏新投资的动力。

71、The bonus is an incentive for me to work hard. ─── 奖金是促使我辛勤工作的动机。

72、In a pretty woman of any refinement of feeling whatsoever he found his greatest incentive. ─── 一个美貌女子,不管她有何种优美情感,总是激发他施展最大的魅力。

73、The income and jobs it provides have become a strong political incentive to continue. ─── 它所提供的收入和工作岗位已成为继续发展的强大政治动力。

74、There was little incentive for merchants to fight wars... ─── (另外,迦太基人)很少受商业的鼓励而进行战争。

75、At present. we suggest that most enterprises choose proper incentive meand suitable for themselves. ─── 在目前条件不成熟的情况下,多数企业还需要结合实际,寻找更适合本企业特点的激励方式。

76、RSU is the incentive plan provided by JDSU. ─── RSU是JDSU给员工的激励奖,是属于员工的财产。

77、The convention, exhibition and incentive travel sector is a key component of the tourism industry. ─── 会议、展览及奖励旅游是旅游业的重要一环。

78、And Wall Streeters have every incentive to keep playing that kind of game. ─── 华尔街这伙人从来不缺玩弄这种把戏的动力。

79、Charcter:slidenafil mesylate, cure ED, treat impotence, sex incentive, sex product, penile enlargeme... ─── 发布者:陈鹏燕所在地:云南昆明市行业:医药、保养职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

80、And their incentive to write an exploit has much more to do with bravado and bragging rights than money. ─── 他们写(漏洞)利用程序的动机虚张声势和自夸胜于金钱。

81、Orcutt added that a strong commercial incentive exists to develop this system. ─── 奥克特还补充说,开发这个系统存在巨大的商业动机。

82、The slaveholder has little incentive to provide health care or to take care of slaves who are past their prime. ─── 奴隶主人不愿为奴隶提供健康照护,或是奴隶一旦过了工作盛年,奴隶主人就不愿继续照顾了。

83、A year or two before the incentive expires, the success of the incentive should be evaluated. ─── 在激励手段期满前一、两年,应评估该激励手段的效果。

84、Such an application might be the "killer app" which gives GPs and hospitals the incentive to join NHS Net. ─── 例如一项实际应用可能是一个鼓励GP们和医院加入到NHS网络的适宜软件。

85、Leaner hogs brought a better price, so the industry had an incentive to breed pigs with less fat. ─── 因为瘦肉可以卖的好价钱,所以该行业有了培育低脂肪猪种的动力。

86、A little bonus will give the employees an incentive to work harder. ─── 一点奖金可以刺激雇员更加努力地工作。

87、Tragedy of the commons is the worst incentive problem provoked by ambiguously defined property rights. ─── 公地悲剧是界定不清的模糊产权引起的最严重的激励问题。

88、If we refused aid, Israel would have no incentive to heed our views in the postwar diplomacy. ─── 如果我们拒绝给予援助,就不能推动以色列战后在外交方面注意听取我们的意见。

89、He has no incentive to work hard. ─── 他没有努力工作的动机。


incentive:in进入、使+cent唱、说+ive:原义为定调,唱的节拍,引申词义鼓励、说到心里去:/?n'sent?v/:n. 激励某人做某事的事物; 刺激; 诱因, 动机

accent:ac加强+cent唱、说:在说方面的强调,所以有口音的意思,也有强调的意思:/'?ks(?)nt/:n. 口音, 腔调;强调, 重点!



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