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08-20 投稿


cocksure 发音

英:[?kɑ?k???r]  美:[?k?k????(r); ?k?k????(r)]

英:  美:

cocksure 中文意思翻译



cocksure 网络释义

adj. 确信的;独断的;过分自信的

cocksure 短语词组

1、cocksure bandcamp ─── 自信训练营

2、cocksure synonyms ─── 自信的同义词

3、cocksure origin ─── 自信的起源

4、be cocksure of ─── 过分确信

5、cocksure font ─── 自信字体

6、cocksure etymology ─── 科克苏语源

7、cocksure definition ─── 自信的定义

8、cocksure antonym ─── 自信反义词

9、cocksure band ─── 可信性带

cocksure 词性/词形变化,cocksure变形

副词: cocksurely |名词: cocksureness |

cocksure 相似词语短语

1、cockspurs ─── n.鸡距

2、cockhorse ─── n.木马(等于rockinghorse);adv.骑着

3、cockspur ─── n.鸡距

4、cocksucker ─── n.混蛋;与男子进行口交者

5、cocksureness ─── 非常确信;过于自信

6、cocksurely ─── 公鸡

7、coinsure ─── v.共同保险;共同担保

8、cockshies ─── n.掷棒打靶

9、coculture ─── v.共同培养;n.共培养物

cocksure 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She is cocksure, but she is a hen all the time. ─── 她如公鸡一般自信,但她始终只是一只母鸡。

2、9.an arrogant and cocksure materialist; ─── 一个傲慢、自负的物质主义者;

3、I have no doubt he is a skilled worker but his cocksure demeanour and lack of team awareness must surely be addressed? ─── 我毫不怀疑,他很有能力,但他独断专行和缺乏团队意识的问题必须得到解决,不是吗?

4、But many others are put off by Google's cocksure assertion of its own holiness, as if it merited unquestioning trust. ─── 但是还有别的许多人而放弃谷歌,因为谷歌笃信地对自身圣洁进行维护,似乎它就应该获得不容置疑的信任,。

5、P> The tragedy about cocksure women is that they are more cocky, in their assurance, than the cock himself. ─── 可悲的是,自信外露的女人在自信时比公鸡本身表现更趾高气扬。

6、she is cocksure, but uneasy. ─── 她的确很自信,但不自在。

7、With the two kinds of femininity go two kinds of confidence: There are the women who are cocksure, and the women who are hensure. ─── 存在这两种类型的女性气质的同时也存在着两种类型的自信:自信外露的女人和温驯谦卑的女人。

8、Don't be too cocksure and take things for granted. ─── 不要太过自信,硬以为是这样。

9、And such a way of thinking is a cliff of "cocksure" . ─── 而这种想法是一条‘自以为是’的不归路。

10、And yet she is never so easy, cocksure, as she used to be when she was hensure. [FACE=Arial]Cocksure, she is cocksure, but uneasy. ─── 但她表现出公鸡般自信时,却不如温驯谦卑时感到自在。她的确很自信,但不自在。在她瑟瑟发抖时表现出温驯谦卑时,却感觉很舒服。

11、Education is the process of moving from cocksure ignorance to thoughtful uncertainty ─── 教育是一个过程,导你从独断的愚昧到达有思想性的疑惑

12、Granted, this complaint often comes from sour-grapes rivals.But many others are put off by Google's cocksure assertion of its own holiness, as if it merited unquestioning trust. ─── 诚然,这种不满的声音通常来自怀有酸葡萄心理的竞争对手,但谷歌自负独断地标榜自身的神圣崇高、好似绝对的信任理所当然的言行也让许多其他企业感到厌恶。

13、If women today are cocksure, men are hensure. ─── 说现在的女人自信外露,那男人则温柔顺从。

14、I simply lack the cocksure sense of America's essential goodness that infuses the analysis of the thoughtful colleagues above. ─── 摩宁史达与布拉克则认为,经过深思熟虑的单边主义路线,对这个世界更为有益。

15、Before, I would have been cocksure, overflowing with friendliness, and ready to kick some ass. ─── 过去,我总是自信满满,呼朋唤友,甚至随时准备教训别人。

16、1. He's so cocksure I'd love to see him proved wrong. ─── 他过分自信--我倒想看看他栽跟头.

17、Don't be so cocksure that he will succeed. ─── 不要那麽确信他会成功。

18、The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt. ─── 世界上最傻差的事就是,傻差的人勇往直前,而智者老是犹豫不决。

19、An army which is cocksure about its invincibility is doomed to defeat ─── 骄兵必败

20、A cocksure approach to investing will lead, probably sooner than later, to disappointment if not outright disaster. ─── 一个绝对可靠的投资方法,早晚会让你失望,或给你带来大灾难。

21、Back in March 2007 Mr Wen was cocksure enough to pronounce the Chinese economy "unstable, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable" . ─── 温家宝在2007年3月时还相当肯定地说,中国经济“不稳定、不平衡、不协调、不可持续”。

22、an arrogant and cocksure materialist; so bold and impudent as to speak to the queen; the less he knows the more positive he gets. ─── 一个傲慢、自负的物质主义者;如此大胆、厚颜无耻的对女王说话;知道得越少,就越自负。

23、He is cocksure that he would be a bill broker some day. ─── 他相信自己想当证卷经济人的梦想总有一天会实现。

24、My father is so cocksure; he won't even admit he's capable of making a mistake. ─── 我父亲过于自信,他甚至不承认他会犯错误。

25、A really up-to-date woman is a cocksure woman.She doesn't have a doubt nor a qualm.She is the modern type. ─── 一个真正的当代女性是一个自信干练的女人,她不会疑虑重重、恐惧紧张,她是现代型的。

26、But many others are put off by Google's cocksure assertion of its own holiness, as if it merited unquestioning trust. ─── 但是也有很多公司被谷歌自己至尊的可信的宣言推脱掉了,好像他们应该得到这种毫无疑问的信任。

27、Young people are unstable. They are cocksure. ─── 年轻人不稳。他们过于自信。

28、She becomes cocksure, she puts all her passion and energy and years of her life into some effort or assertion, without ever listening for the denial which she ought to take into count. ─── 她如公鸡一般自信,她把她所有的热情、精力和时间投入到某项事业或追求中,而不倾听那些她理应考虑的反对意见。

29、He was so cocksure that she would call him first. ─── 他确信她会先打电话给他。

30、The cockerel is, naturally, cocksure. ─── 小公鸡自然是极其自信的。

31、be cocksure of ─── v. 过分确信

32、Outsiders, especially Western democracies once so cocksure and outspoken on human rights, now fret that their power is ebbing eastward. ─── 外界,特别是一些西方民主国家,曾经在克什米尔人权问题上可以过于自信和直言不讳的,现在都随着实力下降而有所保留。

33、an arrogant and cocksure materialist; so bold and impudent as to speak to the queen; the less he knows the more positive he gets ─── 一个傲慢、自负的物质主义者;如此大胆、厚颜无耻的对女王说话;知道得越少,就越自负

34、She becomes cocksure, she puts all her passionenergyyears of her life into some effort or assertion, without ever listening for the denial which she ought to take into count. ─── 她如公鸡一般自信,她把她所有的热情、精力和时间投入到某项事业或追求中,而不倾听那些她理应考虑的反对意见。

35、Don't be so cocksure and take things for granted. ─── 不要过于自信,自以为是。

36、Come what may, its efforts to become a smaller, less cocksure and more focused bank chart a route to recovery for many others. ─── 兵来将挡,水来土淹,它所致力于的变成更小的、更谦虚的和更专注的银行的努力为许多其它银行指出了一条复兴的路线。

37、In English, the word “cocksure” is often used to describe a very conceited person. ─── 在国外,如果你想与那里的人交流,必须首先克服语言障碍。

38、“1C Fellowship is a crystalise mortal in the Country articulate regions, and we are cocksure we make constitute the perfect relative,” said Trond Arne Aas, CEO of Funcom. ─── 15058657179嘉鹏健身器材有限公司:是生产游艺,娱乐,健身,休闲用品专用生产商。

39、And yet she is never so easy, cocksure, as she used to be when she was hensure. ─── 但她表现出公鸡般自信时,却不如温驯谦卑时感到自在。

40、The fools are always cocksure. The intellects are always skeptical. ─── 愚人永远过分自信。智者永远充满怀疑。

41、The hens are suitably impressedimmediately devote all their henny consciousness to the scattered corn, pecking absorbedly, while the cock runsfusses, cocksure that he is responsible for it all. ─── 母鸡对此钦佩极了,但很快就把她们的母鸡意识投入到撒落的谷物上,专心致志地啄起食来。公鸡在一旁不停地走动,相信他有义务对此负责。

42、He is too bloody cocksure about everything. ─── 他对於每一件事都过於自信。

43、He is pining to be hensure, for hensure is so much surer than cocksure. ─── 他渴望表现出母鸡一样的自信,因为母鸡的自信比公鸡的要有力得多。

44、Had people ever been as nasty, as self-indulgent, as dull, as miserable, as cocksure, as bad at art, as dismally ludicrous or as wrong as they'd been in the Middle Age-Margaret's way of referring to the Middle Ages? ─── 人是不是从来都那么卑鄙、任性、愚笨、忧郁、狂妄、不懂艺术、荒谬绝伦、道德败坏,如他们在中世纪的玛格丽特所指的中世纪一样呢?

45、Cocksure Women and Hensure Men ─── 自信的女人与温驯的男人

46、He was an arrogant and cocksure materialist. ─── 他是一个狂妄的自信满满的唯物论者。

47、Had people ever been as nasty, as a self-indulgent, as dull, as miserable, as cocksure, as bad at art, as dismally ludicrous or as wrong as they'd been in the Middle Age-Margaret's way of referring to the Middle Ages? ─── 人是不是从来都那么卑鄙、任性、愚笨、忧郁、狂妄、不懂艺术、荒谬绝伦、道德败坏,和玛格丽特所指的中间世纪即中世纪一样呢?

48、She is cocksure, but she is a hen all the time. ─── 她如公鸡一般自信,但她始终只是一只母鸡。

49、Internazionale are the club who have most fervently been linked with an approach for Mourinho but the cocksure coach has now moved to put any such suggestions to bed. ─── 虽然这位葡萄牙战术家和往年一样:志在夺取他的第二个英超冠军头衔.但是在收关之前,仍旧有传言从西伦敦机构传出.

50、Cocksure, she is cocksure, but uneasy. ─── 她的确很自信,但不自在。

51、If you are so marvellous and cocksure of yourselves, how come you waver? ─── 你那么厉害,尾巴翘得那么高,为什么动摇呀?

52、So we have the tragedy of cocksure women. ─── 因此我们发现了自信女人的悲剧。

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