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brusque 发音

英:[br?sk; bru?sk]  美:[br?sk]

英:  美:

brusque 中文意思翻译



brusque 网络释义

adj. 唐突的;直率的;无礼的n. (Brusque)人名;(法)布吕斯克

brusque 短语词组

1、self assured and brusque ─── 自信而粗鲁

2、brusque crossword clue ─── 粗俗的纵横字谜线索

3、brusque means ─── 粗鲁的意思

4、brusque meaning ─── 粗鲁的意思

5、brusque crossword ─── 粗鲁的纵横字谜

6、brusque definition ─── 唐突的定义

brusque 词性/词形变化,brusque变形

名词: brusqueness |副词: brusquely |

brusque 相似词语短语

1、basque ─── n.巴斯克衫,紧身胸衣;n.(Basque)巴斯克人;巴斯克语;n.(Basque)(加、法、美)巴斯克(人名)

2、brusquely ─── adv.唐突地;直率地

3、bisque ─── n.[陶瓷]素瓷;浓汤;橘黄色

4、usque ─── 威士忌酒

5、brusquerie ─── n.粗率;无礼

6、risque ─── adj.败坏风俗的;近乎淫猥的;n.(Risque)人名;(英、西)里斯克

7、borasque ─── 波拉斯克

8、brushup ─── n.擦;打扮

9、bosque ─── n.灌木丛;树丛

brusque 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、8.Native New Yorker Dan Norman, 36, from East Rockaway, said: "The thing to remember is that New Yorkers are not rude, they are brusque. ─── 住在罗克卫东区的36岁纽约人丹?诺曼说:“你要记住的是:纽约市民并不粗鲁,他们只是很直率。”

2、brusque refusal ─── 粗暴的拒绝

3、surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in manner. ─── 举止上令人惊讶的随便、唐突。

4、brusque variation ─── 偏种突变

5、Surprisingly and unceremoniously curt; brusque. ─── 无理的,唐突的令人吃惊且无理地唐突的;粗鲁的

6、Explain as little as possible without being brusque ─── 解释要少而得体。

7、to be brusque with someone ─── 疾颜厉色

8、Remembering Aunty Henny’s own brusque attitude towards superfluous objects and papers, I did not doubt that he was right. ─── 当我想到亨妮自己对待多余物品和纸张的粗野态度时,我对他的话也就深信不疑了。

9、His manner was self-assured and brusque. ─── 他的举止自负而且粗鲁。

10、Urban New Yorkers are chatty but brusque, giving them the reputation for being in-trusive and rude, whereas the friendly Midwesterners can take so long to get to the point that it takes a half an hour to buy a bar of soap. ─── 纽约人话多且唐突,有好管闲事和卤莽的名声,而友好的中西部的人办事很慢,买一块肥皂也要花上半小时。

11、The marching was quick, the movements brusque, and there were many high kicks and foot stampings. ─── 步伐是快速敏捷的,动作粗暴,同时有许多高踢腿和跺脚。

12、The doctors are brusque and busy. ─── 医生们十分忙碌,说话简短生硬。

13、To them she is not a brusque crazy, but 'appropriately passionate'(Mary McGrory) ─── 在他们看来她并不是一个唐突的疯子,相反她表达了‘适度的热情’(玛丽 麦格罗里)

14、brusque behavior ─── 无礼的行为

15、"To them she is not a brusque crazy, but ‘appropriately passionate’" (Mary McGrory) ─── “在他们看来她并不是一个唐突的疯子,相反她表达了‘适度的热情’”(玛丽·麦格罗里)

16、She was businesslike and brusque, with no small talk ─── 她公事公办,不讲絮话,但有时话语唐突。

17、I thought him more sensitive and gentle than his occasionally brusque manner suggested ─── 他有时态度粗暴,但我认为他还是较为机灵和文雅的。

18、A new ship has arrived in Atlantis from Earth: the Apollo, commanded by the brusque and take-charge military officer, Colonel Abe Ellis (possibly a recurring character next season).Ever since the ... ─── 这一战,A城(不仅仅指人类)损失两艘战舰为代价,换取一点点新技术和另外一艘战舰。

19、The doctor spoke in a brusque tone. ─── 医生不客气地简单说了几个字。

20、There was little to see. The marketplace was filthy and rundown, the people brusque or insisting that we buy their overpriced souvenirs. The heat was near unbearable. ─── 没什麽值得看的。市场里相当的肮脏与残破,当地人唐突或坚持要我们买他们定价过高的纪念品。高温简直让人难以忍受。

21、brusque and surly and forbidding. ─── 粗暴、乖戾、令人难以接近。

22、He generally affected a brusque manner, but he had a great smile, a good sense of humor, and a keen understanding of human nature. ─── 他总是装出一副很粗鲁的样子,但笑起来却十分爽朗,也很有幽默感,对人性有着深刻的洞察。

23、The doctor spoke in a brusque tone. ─── 医生不客气地简单说了几个字。

24、At first he thought that Dirk was the cause of the disaster, and he was needlessly brusque with him ─── 最初他还以为戴尔克是罪魁祸首,毫无必要地顶撞了他几句。

25、Her brusque manner concealed a caring nature. ─── 她举止粗鲁但实际上很关心他人。

26、Some customers are not ratIT brusque and don't seem to like conversation. ─── 有些顾客相当粗鲁,也不愿多说话。

27、His manner was brusque ─── 他的举止唐突。

28、Try to cultivate a less brusque manner. ─── 尽量去培养不那么粗暴的举止。

29、He was one of the great ones, one of the brusque characters of the time, who could be critical and curt to an absurd extreme ─── 他是伟人之一,是当时狂放不羁的人物之一,勇于对极端的谬论痛加批驳。

30、Czechs can also seem brusque and not very welcoming, yet are possessed of a remarkably sly sense of humour and deep pockets when it comes to buying complete strangers drinks in crowded beer halls. ─── 捷克人似乎很直率。也不太好客;但是他们似乎有着特别神秘的幽默感,在拥挤的啤酒馆里会很慷慨地给陌生人买啤酒喝。

31、This is a brusque, impetuous melody whose tension is underlined by dotted rhythm, wide leaps, and a wide span ─── 这是一个粗莽、迅疾的旋律,附点节奏,大跳和宽阔的音域突出了紧张性。

32、8). Remembering Aunty Henny's own brusque attitude towards superfluous objects and papers, I did not doubt that he was right. ─── 想起汉妮伯母自己对多余的物品和文书证件不屑的态度,我并不怀疑他说的都是真话。

33、Mr Aczel's research is thorough and his conclusions interesting. It is all the sadder that the cramped style and brusque pace limit his book's appeal. ─── 艾克塞尔先生的研究深入透彻,结论引人关注。但非常遗憾的是,该书篇幅有限同时又仓促出稿,其吸引力便打了一些折扣。

34、brusque a. ─── 唐突的;

35、brusque in speech; snippy ─── 言语唐突

36、His keen grey eye, impersonal and brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently. ─── 他那锐利的灰色眼睛唐突而不近人情,有点不耐烦地扫了她一下。

37、At a factory down the road, the response to queries was more brusque. ─── 在同一条马路上的另一个厂那里, 我们得到一个男人更粗暴的回答:"我们已经破产了!"

38、Sagittarius is connected with a strong thrust of thought -- often idealistic -- an outpouring of ideas in an enthusiastic, to-the-point manner that is often seen by others as impulsive, even brusque. ─── 射手的原型是拿弓箭的人马,下半身的马象征追求绝对自由,上半身的人象征知识和聪明,而手中的箭,则表现出射手的攻击性和伤人的一面。

39、He is always affable and never brusque with people. ─── 他对人很和蔼,从不疾言厉色。

40、”Over the years, Mr.Wallace’s brusque manner has raised the hackles of many a subject. ─── 这就像试图阅读报纸福州网站建设 时,有人在撬拨你的肩膀反复。

41、I got his secretary who was rather brusque with me and told me to call back later. ─── 我跟他的秘书通了电话,他秘书对我很无礼,并叫我稍后再打过去。

42、Brusque the facades, almaximum forbidding;immaculate except for the splotches of shadow cast by the leaves. ─── 其正面粗暴甚至可怕,除了树木投下星星点点的影子,一片洁净。

43、In the MIT CS department, there seems to be a tradition of acting like a brusque know-it-all ─── 在MIT的顾客满意部门,好像有一种叫做“装成一个什么都知道的猛男(我喜欢这个词,译注)”的传统。

44、She dropped her head; then, with a brusque movement, she pulled to the door, which closed behind her. ─── 她低下了头,继而以急促的动作,突然一下把门带上了。

45、At a factory down the road, the response to queries was more brusque. "We've already gone bust, " said a man, and hung up. ─── 在同一条马路上的另一个厂那里,我们得到一个男人更粗暴的回答:“我们已经破产了!”接着电话就给挂断了。

46、Management Style: " Brusque " would be a polite term for it. ─── 管理风格:对它来说“粗暴无礼”倒是一种礼貌。

47、Sagittarius is connected with a strong thrust of thought-- often idealistic-- an outpouring of ideas in an enthusiastic, to-the-point manner that is often seen by others as impulsive, even brusque. ─── 射手的原型是拿弓箭的人马,下半身的马象征追求绝对自由,上半身的人象征知识和智慧,而手中的箭,则表现出射手的攻击性和伤人的一面。

48、His keen grey eye, impersonal and 18)brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently. ─── 他那双锐利的灰色眼睛半带厌烦地扫了她一眼,显得不近人情且粗暴无礼。

49、hackers in general would rather get somewhat brusque but technically sharp bug reports than polite vagueness. ─── 黑客们一般宁可读有点唐突但技术鲜明的臭虫报告,而不是那种礼貌但含糊的报告。

50、She was offended by his brusque reply ─── 他那种粗暴的回答使她听了很不舒服。

51、try to cultivate a less brusque manner; a curt reply; the salesgirl was very short with him. ─── 试图培养得礼貌些;唐突的回答;那个女售货员对他很无礼。

52、Mr Edelman could be brusque and difficult with colleagues. ─── 爱德曼或许态度粗暴而显得难与同事相处。

53、Je vous fais mes excuses pour ma demande brusque ? ─── 请问达人们,请原谅我唐突的要求,这句话怎么说比较有礼貌啊?

54、This generosity to America's enemies also sits ill with a more brusque approach to staunch allies, such as Japan (see article), Britain and several east European countries. ─── 美国对敌人的这些做法称得上慷慨,但与其对日本(见有关文章)、英国与几个东欧国家等美国坚定盟友的草率无礼形成鲜明对比。

55、Eleanor was brusque and firm and businesslike ─── 埃莉诺态度粗暴,意志坚定、办事认真。

56、When a friend asked one Ahmadinejad supporter his reasons, the reply was brusque: because “all the whores are with Moussavi. ─── 当我一个朋友问一个内贾德的支持者他的理由时,回答是粗鲁的:因为“所有婊子都和穆萨维在一起。”

57、He was brusque and called her "Madam" ─── 总统表现得唐突无礼,称她为“太太”。

58、Remembering Aunty Henny's own brusque attitude towards superfluous objects and papers, I did not doubt that he was right. ─── 回想起亨妮阿姨对多余物品和报纸毫不留恋的态度,我相信他没说谎。

59、Walter found his new charge brusque and unapproachable, the hours were incredibly long. ─── 沃特发现他的新主人说话很少,而且不易接近。时间过得非常长。

60、He came from Ninghai, Taizhou, as you could tell at a glance from his brusque Taizhou manner. He was rather impractical too, and sometimes reminded me of Fang Xiaoru, who I imagine must have been very like him. ─── 他的家乡,是台州的宁海,这只要一看他那台州式的硬气就知道,而且颇有点迂,有时会令我忽而想到方孝孺,觉得好象也有些这模样的。

61、He took over the business from his father, a brusque fault finding widower who tries the patience of the care workers in the rest home where his son dutifully visits him each Sunday. ─── 这门生意是他的父亲退休后他开始接手打理的,而每个星期天他都准时到养老院探望父亲。这位老人家性格粗暴无礼,事事挑剔,常常令养老院的工作人员无法忍受。

62、try to cultivate a less brusque manner; a curt reply; the salesgirl was very short with him. ─── 试图培养得礼貌些;唐突的回答;那个女售货员对他很无礼。

63、He is never brusque with his comrades ─── 他对同志从不疾言厉色。

64、” Elsewhere he expresses a brusque impatience with charity and the clamor of worthy causes. ─── 在其他的地方,他表达了对仁慈的粗暴的不耐烦和对有价值的事业的强烈要求。

65、His manner seemed easier and, while still not friendly, was certainly less brusque and not aggressive ─── 他的态度似乎也平易了些,尽管仍然算不上友好,但肯定不那么唐突无理,气势汹汹了。

66、a brusque attitude ─── 粗鲁的举止

67、1.His reply was brusque. ─── 他的回答很唐突.

68、You probably walked away thinking they were pretty unfriendly, even if you intellectually knew they may have had a reason for being brusque. ─── 你可能认为他们不友好就走开了,即使你理智上知道他们可能另有原因。

69、Indeed, some point out that Britain has a long history of brusque and occasional brutish behavior. ─── 的确,有些人指出英国有长久的粗鲁和偶尔粗鲁的行为。

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