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08-20 投稿


suffusion 发音


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suffusion 中文意思翻译



suffusion 短语词组

1、suffusion define ─── 淹没定义

2、suffusion k + ps spray k+ps ─── 喷雾剂

3、suffusion gel ─── 浸没凝胶

4、suffusion ohp ─── 窒息性高血压

5、suffusion tris+ps flush ─── 窒息tris+ps冲洗

6、conjunctival suffusion ─── 结膜充血

7、suffusion definition ─── 淹没定义

suffusion 词性/词形变化,suffusion变形

名词: suffusion |形容词: suffusive |动词现在分词: suffusing |动词过去式: suffused |动词过去分词: suffused |动词第三人称单数: suffuses |

suffusion 相似词语短语

1、superfusion ─── n.过熔,过冷,溢出

2、diffusions ─── n.扩散,传播;[光]漫射

3、diffusion ─── n.扩散,传播;[光]漫射

4、suffusing ─── v.(颜色、光线或感情)充满,弥漫(suffuse的现在分词)

5、suffixion ─── 后缀

6、sufflation ─── 窒息

7、affusion ─── n.注水

8、effusion ─── n.渗出;泻出;渗漏物

9、suffusive ─── 弥漫的

suffusion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、mechanism of suffusion ─── 潜蚀机理

2、CONCLUSION: Incidence of restenosis is high following bare-mental stent implantation, and morphological images mainly exhibit intra-stent suffusion and intra-stent involved suffusion. ─── 结论:金属裸支架置入处再狭窄发生率高,影像形态学以支架内弥漫和支架内弥漫累及两端为主;

3、Blood of the suffusion inside the car, gu An's body is in taxi driver of 54 years old the backlash of the car, police discovers two sharp knives beside the body. ─── 车内满布鲜血,54岁的出租车司机古安的尸体在车的后座,警方在尸体旁发现两把锋利的刀。

4、Petals white, often with a mauve suffusion, lorate, large, falling separately. ─── 花瓣白色,通常具淡紫色充满,带状,大,分别下垂的。

5、There was a healthful suffusion on their cheeks, instead of the ashen hue that had made them look so corpse-like. ─── 他们有一个健康的矿井脸颊,而非铁青的色彩,让已经冲刷尸样。

6、suffusion de-formations of saline soil ─── 盐胀变形

7、He suffered from suffusion of blood on the brain. ─── 他患脑溢血。

8、Suffusion ratio ─── 满布率

9、evaluation of suffusion deformations ─── 盐胀性评价

10、He suffered from suffusion of blood on the brain ─── 他患脑溢血。

11、In the west there was a great suffusion of cold red light, which made the sides of the little valley look only more rugged and dusky . ─── 西边落霞满天,一片冷冷的红光,使幽谷两边的山壁看起来只是显得更加皱褶黝黑。

12、Pato has an edematous suffusion to the adductor of his right thigh. His conditions will be evaluated in the next few days. ─── 而帕托是右大腿内收肌浮肿,他的状况还需要继续观察。

13、Petals white, often with a mauve suffusion, lorate , large, falling separately. ─── 花瓣白色,通常具淡紫色充满,带状,大,分别下垂的。

14、west there was a great suffusion of cold red light, which made the sides of the little valley look only more rugged and dusky. ─── 西边落霞满天,一片冷冷的红光,使幽谷两边的山壁看起来只是显得更加皱褶黝黑。

15、The authors analyse the damages of groundwater on the highway slope in three aspects i. e. pore water pressure, permeable suffusion and rising and falling of groundwater level. ─── 从孔隙水压力、渗透潜蚀、潜水位升降三方面分析地下水对公路边坡土体造成的危害,针对这些危害,提出了解决的措施,一是阻排地表水,防止水流对公路边坡的冲刷及下渗;

16、In the west there was a great suffusion of cold red light, which made the sides of the little valley look only more rugged and dusky ─── 西边落霞满天,一片冷冷的红光,使幽谷两边的山壁看起来只是显得更加皱褶黝黑。

17、Detroit lies beside us now, an immense suffusion of light, sound of machineand people. ─── 这样,底特律就在我们的身边了。底特律城灯火闪烁,机器轰鸣,人声鼎沸。

18、The clinical symptoms of infected patients include high fever, myalgia, weakness, conjunctival suffusion, lymphadenopathy and calf muscle tenderness. ─── 感染的病人其临床症状为高烧、全身酸痛、乏力、结膜充血、淋巴结肿大和明显的腓肠肌疼痛。

19、Now, if it was just the suffusion rate holding back, it'd probably be less than a decade. ─── 现在,如果它仅仅是充满率把持背面,它将会或许是少于十年。

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