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08-20 投稿


naturalness 发音


英:  美:

naturalness 中文意思翻译



naturalness 网络释义

n. 当然,自然

naturalness 词性/词形变化,naturalness变形

动词过去式: naturalized |动词现在分词: naturalizing |名词: naturalization |动词过去分词: naturalized |动词第三人称单数: naturalizes |形容词: naturalizable |

naturalness 同义词

openness | ingenuousness | simplicity | spontaneity |sincerity | purity | artlessness | freedom | genuineness | innocence

naturalness 反义词


naturalness 短语词组

1、naturalness area ─── 自然区

2、naturalness and non ─── 自然与非

3、naturalness and nameless ─── 自然无名

4、naturalness index ─── 自然度指数

5、naturalness laozi ─── 自然老子

6、naturalness meaning ─── 自然意义

7、naturalness bias ─── 自然偏差

8、naturalness scale ─── 自然度量表

naturalness 相似词语短语

1、fatalness ─── n.危险性;致命性

2、gutturalness ─── 胆量

3、unnaturalness ─── 违反常态;非自然性

4、casualness ─── n.偶然;漫不经心;随便

5、materialness ─── 材料性

6、factualness ─── 实性

7、connaturalness ─── 自然性

8、pastoralness ─── 田园的

9、literalness ─── n.文字,字义上;无修饰;表面意义上

naturalness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today,we try to avoid the confusion outside and go to his world of literature critic inside.we should go into the debate which brings him bad reputation and try to grasp the inner feature and natur... ─── 今天我们试图撩开各种外部的纷扰,走进梁实秋的文学批评世界,从学理层面上去把握论争的内在特质。

2、To use(language) with obvious lack of ease and naturalness. ─── 不熟练和不自然地使用(语言)

3、We learn from any gazelle the naturalness of grace. ─── 从任何一只瞪羚身上人类学到了优雅的自然性。

4、The products are designed to the concept of "going back to the simplicity and naturalness",combining modern life style and making effort to permeate "modern bearuty" into "classicality". ─── 产品设计以“反璞归真”为主要理念,结合现代生活风格、力求做到“古典”之中融合“现代美”。

5、Put your love into the philanthropism of motherland, naturalness and human.Then your love have the immutable life force. ─── 把爱情溶汇在对祖国、对自然、对人类的博爱中,这样爱情才会有永恒的生命力。

6、I have many hobbies such as photographing.I love to talk to other people and help others.I love natur... ─── 我非常善于与人交流,乐于助人,热爱自然,热爱和平,听说这次夏令...

7、Dialektik der Natur ─── 《自然辩证法》

8、He had the simplicity and naturalness of the Chinese peasants, with a lively sense of humour and a love of rustic laughter ─── 他有着中国农民质朴纯真的性格,颇有幽默感,喜欢憨笑。

9、Thinking dialectically about the trend toward naturalness in landscape morphology study ─── 景观形态学研究中对追求自然倾向的辩证思考

10、Both Jinshu and Zishu emphasize human rights towards "individual naturalness" and propose many factors of human rights towards "individual sociality", which starts a new page of Chinese human rights. ─── 无论是史书还是子书,在强调“个体自然性”人权的同时,提出了属于“个体社会性”人权的许多要素,共同翻开了中国人权精神的第一页。

11、The quality you most admire in a woman? Gentleness, naturalness, intelligence. ─── 女人身上最倾慕的特质呢?温柔亲切,自然,聪慧。

12、So, only on the precondition of the protection of naturally occurring drugs resource and ecological environment, can we try to achieve sustainable development of natur... ─── 在保护天然药物资源和生态环境的前提下,实现天然药物的可持续发展,实现民族医药产业与经济社会的协调发展。

13、Keywords Sichuan Basin;West;Depression;Natur al gas;Carbon isotope;Jurassic Period;Late Triassic Epoch;Source rock; ─── 四川盆地;西;坳陷;天然气;碳同位素;侏罗系;上三叠统;源岩;

14、He had the simplicity and naturalness of the Chinese peasant. ─── 他有着中国农民的质朴纯真的性格。

15、In establishing the Communist enterprise alliance, the principles of “free will, capacity, equality, sharing, naturalness and complementation” should be stuck to. ─── 建设共产企业联盟必须坚持“自愿、量力、平等、共享、自然、互补”的原则。

16、The core of Lao Zi's ideology is the concept of "Tao", the connotation of which is "naturalness" and "action through inaction. ─── 摘要老子思想的核心概念是“道”,而道最根本的性质是“自然”、“无为而无不为”。

17、He had the simplicity and naturalness of the Chinese peasants, with a lively sense of humour and a love of rustic laughter. ─── 他有着中国农民质朴纯真的性格,颇有幽默感,喜欢憨笑。

18、Teenagers lose their childhood simplicity and naturalness. ─── 十几岁的青少年就不像儿时那么淳朴天真了。

19、It was an obstinate pair of shoulders; they could not seem to learn the trick of stooping with any sort of deceptive naturalness. ─── 无奈那只肩膀儿一拗到底,怎么学那种拱肩缩背的样子,看上去也有点儿不大自然。

20、The result of this scheme reveals that the speech quality is improved, and its naturalness and articulation are increased greatly. ─── 实验发现,该方法大大改善了重建语音效果,明显提高了语音的自然度和清晰度。

21、But what sort of a way is that for bones to lie? Tain't in natur.' ─── 不过,这骷髅的姿势有点古怪,很不自然。”

22、It was an obstinate pair of shoulders; they could not seem to learn the trick of stooping with any sort of deceptive naturalness ─── 无奈那只肩膀儿一拗到底,怎么学那种拱肩缩背的样子,看上去都有点儿不大自然。

23、Romantic, naturalness, modern Good design for the different kitchen room. ─── 好的厨房设计,当然会适应不同的厨房空间。

24、This paper discusses the aesthetic trend in modern home design, that is, naturalness, harmony and personality. ─── 文章从自然美、和谐美,个性美的角度阐述了现代居室设计中的美学趋向。

25、The extraction of Syzygium aromaticum has been widely and successfully applied in food fresh keeping,such as soy sauce,vegetables,and meat product,etc.. As a natur... ─── 丁香提取物在酱油、果蔬以及肉制品应用取得了良好的保鲜效果,丁香是值得研究和开发的天然防腐资源。

26、the naturalness of her reaction ─── 她的必然反应

27、Good friends can help you to achieve your destination.Don't consider them as naturalness,but express your thanks liberally. ─── 好友可以帮助你达成目标,不要将他们视为理解当然,要大方地表达感谢之意。

28、What is gained in durability is lost in the naturalness of the leather. ─── 但这种皮革的持久耐用性往往是以它的自然特性损失为代价的。

29、The research shows that the Lower Carboniferous source rock is the dominating contributor to the natur... ─── 中下侏罗统烃源岩为一套优质烃源岩,但由于分布范围所限,贡献仅限于北缘山前带。

30、An den Bru:sten der Natur; ─── 普世众生共欢乐;

31、This way of photographing was soon challenged by available light photographs, which had a remarkable naturalness. ─── 这种摄影方法很快受到自然光线摄影方法挑战,自然光线摄影具有更强的自然效果。

32、Er ist doch nicht vom Natur so keiner ist so. ─── 他又不是一生出来就是这样的,没有人是这样的。

33、Discussion on Forest Naturalness Evaluation by Using Analytical Hierarchy Process ─── 应用层次分析方法进行森林自然性评价的探讨

34、We would soak ourselves in naturalness, get only aesthetic feeling, relaxed, and pleased sense, namely "natural person state". ─── 我们将沉浸在自然中得到的唯美感受、放松、惬意之感称为“自然人状态”。

35、the naturalness of her part was very difficult to sustain. ─── 但是她想要在举止行动上维持自然的态度是很为难的。

36、You see that it is hard to speak of a symbol in a tale whose most obvious quality just happens to be naturalness. ─── 你会发现,这很难称得上是故事中的象征,象征最显见的特征恰恰就是自然性(naturalness)。

37、Their unremitting spirit to pursue the truth showed their loyalty to the laws of instructional naturalness. ─── 他们不懈的求真精神所体现的正是对教学自然之法的执着与守护。

38、In all, eco-tourism has four basic attributes: naturalness, sustainability, responsibility and acquisitiveness. ─── 无论是作为哪一种概念,生态旅游都包含了自然性、可持续性、责任性和学习性四种基本特质。

39、It can supply nutrient and moisture in time.The cleanness, naturalness and unstickness make it moister, more nourishing and easier to do up your hair while making the hair soft and elastic instantly. ─── 及时补充秀发营养和水分,清爽自然不粘腻,既能保湿润泽,又使秀发容易梳理,瞬间让秀发柔软而有弹性。

40、Tea ceremony celebrates the pursuit of the ideals of peace, sharing, simplicity and naturalness. ─── 无我茶会起源于台湾,它推崇和平及共享,崇尚简约自然。

41、Their conversation was strangely hesitant considering the naturalness and confidence of their earlier meeting. ─── 奇怪的是尽管他们刚才相遇时是那么自然随便,现在说话却吞吞吐吐的。

42、With some naturalness and pizzazz, our clothes are of exquisite sense of reality and the tailoring embodies the female curve perfectly. ─── 带著几分率性与潇洒,自然地强调出精致质感,舒适合宜的剪裁考妙地勾勒出完美曲线。

43、Ich finde, dass sie recht hat. Die Natur r28;cht sich an China f徂r dessen V46;lkermorde. ─── 我认为莎朗.斯通是对的。大自然正在对中国犯下的灭绝人类的滔天大罪进行报复。

44、Where the principle of justice is inadequate to securing social stability around the world, we find the Taoist principle of humanistic naturalness, namely ziran, may assume greater significance. ─── 在这种情况下,研究和提倡道家的人文自然的原则就有了特殊意义。

45、Elegance , naturalness, calm, it can has its foresee ,views, thinking , action, but not follow without thinking , not flatter , not luxury on the social attitude . ─── 优雅,是一种自然而然,一种淡定,一种从容。待世,待事,待人,待已,总能在真实面前有预见,有看法,有思考,有行动。但不盲从,不媚俗,不浮华。

46、But what sort of a way is that for bones to lie?'Tain't in natur'. ─── 我想,这骨头架子的姿势可真奇怪,不太自然。”

47、Firstly this requires the reform of the current natur... ─── 三是在其它一般性税收中采取各种税收调节措施,体现环保目标。

48、Schon unsere physische Natur stellt sich oft drohend entgegen, und ihre Rechte wage keiner zu verspotten. ─── 我们的体质常常威胁我们,可是任何人也不敢藐视它的存在。

49、intrinsic naturalness ─── 内在天然性

50、Part two first indicated that Fei Ming manifested purposefully the character of "certainness" and "naturalness" in the rural world, which is the watch homestead spirit; ─── 下篇首先指认废名刻意表现乡土世界的“当然”或“本然”的品质,这就是守望精神家园;

51、In establishing the SCEZ economy, the principles of “free will, capacity, equality, sharing, naturalness and complementation” should be stuck to. ─── 建设共产特区经济必须坚持“自愿、量力、平等、共享、自然、互补”的原则。

52、Artlessness vs. Naturalness-- Comparative Studies of Jiangxi School Poetics and Yan Yu's Poetics ─── 人工入化与自然天成--江西派诗学与严羽诗学比较研究之四

53、Naturalness you can find the Chinese words, I write, would quite different from you searched. ─── 当然您一定会发现,我译的会与您看到的有较大的不同。

54、Was she not, indeed, too free, too fluent, for perfect naturalness? ─── 她是否自然得太夸张,太过分了?

55、Nur saemtliche Menschen erkennen die Natur; ─── 惟有民众懂得什么是真正的生活;

56、They had strong characters and tender hearts, and they treated me with the naturalness of the Earthly Paradise. ─── 她们有强烈的个性和温柔的心,她们在现实中以天堂般的纯朴来对待我。

57、Seeing an animal give birth brings understanding of the naturalness of childbirth, ─── 当有动物出生时,自然激发了我们对新生命的博爱之情。

58、The naturalness of the dialogue made the book so true to life. ─── 自然逼真的对话使得这本书非常贴近生活。

59、His poems are characterized by profundity of thoughts and feelings on the one hand and boldness and naturalness of style on the other. ─── 他的七言古诗,具有“寄怀深远”的特征和“奔腾放逸”的风格。

60、It was a preference for naturalness and simplicity that separated the Taoists from the Confucians. ─── 正是对自然和质朴的偏爱把道家人士从儒家人士中区分开。

61、Only when the human heart is voluntary can it accept regulations and naturalness be achieved. ─── 人心只有自愿,才能接受规则,才能产生自然。

62、1. The products are designed to the concept of “Going back to the simplicity and naturalness”,combining modern life stylr and making effort to permeate ”modem beauty”into” classicality”. ─── 产品设计以“返扑归真”为主要理念,结合现代生活风格、力求做到“古典”之中融合“现代美”。收藏指正

63、The naturalness in "content and rhetoric" and "indefinite accordance for content and style" in creating practice are tooted; ─── 发掘了其顺乎情理、顺乎时代而自然为文及“文质无恒”的思想;

64、Strong intelligent naturalness. ─── 强智自然。

65、A Chinese text-to-speech system with high intelligibility and high naturalness ─── 一种高清晰度、高自然度的汉语文语转换系统

66、Now fathers are often present at the birth of their children, but they are disrupting the naturalness of childbirth for the mothers, says an expert. ─── 如今父亲们常常在孩子出生时待产于一旁,但是有位专家说他们会扰乱母亲们分娩的自然性。

67、To use (language) with obvious lack of ease and naturalness. ─── 不熟练和不自然地使用(语言)


69、A war has broken out between “naturalness” and “socialization”. ─── 即发生着一场“自然性”与“社会化”之间的战争。

70、Now that they had a little food, everyone at Tara was busy trying to restore some semblance of naturalness to life. ─── 既然他们有了一点吃的,便人人都忙着想办法恢复生活的常态,想过得像样些了。

71、Traditional pedagogy had the understanding of knowledge natur e by other subjects as the conclusion of pedagogy,but never examined the nature o f knowledge from the perspective of pedagogy. ─── 传统教育学以其他学科对知识性质的认识作为教育学的结论,而未从教育学的视角对知识的性质进行考察,因而,传统的教育学没有形成本学科对知识的独特认识。

72、Sie werden kommen, die Zeichen der Natur, ─── 他们将要到来,自然的征兆,

73、You can't get up that naturalness and artless rosy tint in after days ─── 你今后不再会有这种自然和朴实无华的红润脸色。

74、a long await spectacular natur wonder,Eclipse. a chanc of million, will seem to be veil with heavi cloud or even dampen in rain. What a centuri disappointment! ─── 一个期待已久的自然奇观,日全食。一个百年难遇的机会,似乎将会被厚厚的云层所掩盖,甚至在雨水中“湿”去。唉,真是世纪之憾哦。

75、Teenagers lose their childhood simplicity and naturalness. ─── 十几岁的青少年就不像儿时那么淳朴天真了。

76、Keywords naturalness of human;development of human;sociality of human;practice; ─── 人的自然性;人的社会性;人的发展性;实践;

77、It is as if we were suffering from a mysterious kind of “legionnaire's disease”of which the chief symptoms are isolation and a loss of naturalness in our relations with other people. ─── 好像我们染上了某种神秘的“外籍军团流行病”(一种传染性肺炎,曾在法国外籍军团中流行),主要表现为疏远他人,跟人打交道不自然。

78、In the sine excitation linear prediction (SELP) vocoder, the DCT M model improves the naturalness of the reconstructed speech, having subjective tests of 65 %. ─── 将其应用在正弦激励线性预测(SELP)声码器中进行测试,结果表明,它能够改善重建语音的自然度,主观测试结果达65%。

79、Even in European countries where foreign languages are taught with outstanding success, young people go abroad to gain fluency and naturalness in their use of the target language. ─── 即使在外语教学非常成功的欧洲,年轻人为了能流利、地道地使用所学语言,也会出国学习。

80、Objective speech quality testing and informal listening testing results show that the intelligibility, naturalness and anti-noise performance of the 1.2 kb/s speech coding algorithm excel 2.4 kb/s LPC algorithm. ─── 客观音质测试和非正式主观测试结果表明 ,该算法在自然度、清晰度和抗噪声等方面明显优于 2 .4kb/s LPC算法 ,是低速率下一种良好的编码方案。

81、In the writing of old prose he approved of the naturalness and fluency and disapproved of the imitation. ─── 在古文写作上强调文从字顺,反对因袭模仿。

82、It was an obstinate pair of shoulders; they could not seem to learn the trick of stooping with any sort of deceptive naturalness. ─── 无奈那只肩膀儿一拗到底,怎么学那种拱肩缩背的样子,看上去也有点儿不大自然。

83、In C-E translation, Chinese students' language is always influenced by many factors with the result of lacking naturalness. ─── 在汉译英中,中国学生的译文总是受到多种因素影响以至表达不地道。

84、Those people prefer naturalness and easiness.They are rational but not pedantry, generous but not extravagant. ─── 他们崇尚自然舒适,理性却不近迂腐,大气而不至奢靡。

85、Wuzuolou links mountains and verges waters all the vision are from natural.It can sufficient for people who want to trace to naturalness. ─── 五座楼连山临水,景出天然,可充分满足人们返朴归真、走向大自然的愿望。

86、The Naturalness of Personal Life--On the Nature of Giddens'Life Politics ─── 个人生活的自然--论吉登斯生活政治的本质

87、The products are designed to the concept of "Going back to the simplicity and naturalness",combining modern life stylr and making effort to permeate "modem beauty"into" classicality". ─── 产品设计以“返扑归真”为主要理念,结合现代生活风格、力求做到“古典”之中融合“现代美”。

88、Freedom from constraint or embarrassment;naturalness. ─── 不拘束,自在没有感到不安、拘谨;自然

89、intelligent naturalness means that the intelligence is superior to the instinct but is independent of it, with the subjective initiative to alter the objective law. ─── 智能自然是智能高于和独立于本能,具有改变客观规律的主观能动性。

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