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08-20 投稿


churlishness 发音


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churlishness 中文意思翻译



churlishness 反义词


churlishness 短语词组

1、churlishness crossword ─── 粗鲁的纵横填字游戏

2、churlishness definition ─── 无礼定义

3、churlishness means ─── 无礼意味着

4、churlishness def ─── 无礼

5、churlishness underpopulated filching ─── 粗暴无礼人口不足的偷窃

6、churlishness in a sentence ─── 粗鲁无礼

7、churlishness meaning ─── 无礼的意思

8、churlishness synonym ─── 无礼同义词

churlishness 同义词

niggard | boor | grouch | peasant | brute | barbarian | scrooge | crosspatch | skinflint | crank | grump | tyke | Goth | tike |countryman

churlishness 词性/词形变化,churlishness变形

副词: churlishly |名词: churlishness |

churlishness 相似词语短语

1、chumpishness ─── n.大肉片;笨蛋;大木片(chump的变形)

2、Turkishness ─── 土耳其特质

3、currishness ─── 咖喱味

4、curliness ─── n.蜷缩;卷曲

5、cultishness ─── 崇拜

6、bullishness ─── n.[金融]景气现象;行情看涨

7、cheerishness ─── 快乐,

8、childishness ─── n.童心;幼稚

9、ghoulishness ─── 食尸鬼

churlishness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But it is churlish to carp. ─── 但是有点吹毛求疵了。

2、It seems churlish to refuse such a generous offer。 ─── 拒绝这样慷慨的建议未免有些失礼。

3、Most striking of all were China's actions at the Copenhagen summit on climate change, where the world's biggest emitter appeared churlish. ─── 最令人瞩目的事件当属中国在哥本哈根气候变化峰会上的表现。作为世界最大排放国,中国显得斤斤计较。

4、"Sheath thy sword," the surly sheriff said, "or surely shall a churlish serf soon shatter thee." ─── “把你的剑装回剑鞘吧,”无礼的郡治安官说,“否则很快很快就会有一个粗野的农奴将你碎尸万段。”

5、It is likely that when resources and effort have been expended on their behalf, patients feel it is churlish not to express some satisfaction. ─── 也可能是机构的资源与人员的努力,让病人感到不表达些许的满意是没有礼貌的。

6、It would be churlish to deny the White House some pleasure.But that does not mean following those conservative mapmakers all the way to their eccentric conclusions. ─── 否认白宫的幸灾乐祸有点不太礼貌,但这并不意味着完全听从左翼派的古怪结论。

7、This house was churlish to the nineteenth century. ─── 它满腔戾气地觑着十九世纪。

8、as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear(bShakespeare) ─── 象狮子般勇猛,象狗熊般粗俗(b莎士比亚)

9、I ejaculated mentally, 'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.' ─── 我心里直叫,“只为你这样无礼待客,就该一辈子跟人群隔离。”

10、'Wretched inmates!'I ejaculated, mentally, 'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. ─── “卑鄙的家伙,”我突然在心里骂道,“就冲你的无礼和冷漠,你就应该同你的同类永远隔绝。

11、rendered tenfold difficult by a churlish Boor of an employer in all the rancor of an ancient grudge against her. ─── 雇主是一个苛刻粗暴的乡下佬,他怀着旧有的怨恨,对苔丝非常憎恶,这给苔丝更增添了十倍的困难。

12、In a great drab field of desolation, she finds the meanest, most arduous of tasks rendered tenfold difficult by a churlish boor of an employer in all the rancor of an ancient grudge against her. ─── 在一大片死气沉沉的荒地上,她找到了最低下的、最艰苦的活。雇主是一个苛刻粗暴的乡下佬,他怀着旧有的怨恨,对苔丝非常憎恶,这给苔丝更增添了十倍的困难。

13、It would've been mean and churlish to say no. ─── 如果我再说不的话就会变得很小气和无礼了。

14、I ejaculated mentally, `you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. ─── 我心里直叫,“只为你这样无礼待客,就该一辈子跟人群隔离。

15、Both his constant quarrels with the neighbors and his chronic mistreatment of his children attested amply to his inescapable churlishness ─── 他常与邻人吵架以及经常虐待子女,充分证明他那改变不来的粗陋作风

16、At home he was churlish,parsimonious and cruel to his daughter. ─── 在家里他对他那些女儿粗暴无礼且残忍。

17、2. "Sheath thy sword," the surly sheriff said, "or surely shall a churlish serf soon shatter thee." ─── “把你的剑装回剑鞘吧,”无礼的郡治安官说,“否则很快很快就会有一个粗野的农奴将你碎尸万段。”收藏指正

18、With Wall Street at an -historic peak, it may seem churlish to dwell on potential problems for the global economy. ─── 随着华尔街处于一个历史性的高峰期,或许看起来很难去思考全球经济的潜在问题。

19、‘Wretched inmates!‘ I ejaculated, mentally, ‘you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. ─── 卑鄙的家伙,我突然在心里骂道,就冲你的无礼和冷漠,你就应该同你的同类永远隔绝。

20、as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear(Shakespeare) ─── 象狮子般勇猛,象狗熊般粗俗(莎士比亚)

21、Politicians need a stronger peer-review system that goes beyond the churlish opprobrium of the campaign trail, and I would love to see a political debate in which the candidates were required to make the opposite case. ─── 而政治人物除了选战里的恶毒攻讦外,同样需要极具权威的同侪检视系统,我会很乐于见到候选人必须在政治辩论会以相反立场进行答辩。

22、At least in part, the gripes against the Gates Foundation are the churlish growls of a jealous crowd of bureaucrats and labourers at less influential charities. ─── 至少部分程度上,对盖茨基金会的抱怨是心怀忌妒的一群官员和在缺乏影响力的慈善机构里就职的劳工们发出的缺乏涵养的咆哮。

23、Only the churlish keep score overtly, of course, but even generous people get uneasy when one party in a relationship takes and takes and takes without giving anything in return. ─── 当然,虽然只有那些无礼的人们才会去公然做记录,可即便是慷慨大方之人当在关系中的一方出现索取、索取而不做出任何回的时候,也一样会感到不舒服。

24、It would be churlish to refuse such a generous offer. ─── 拒绝这样一个慷慨的提议未免失礼。

25、Churlish as it may be to criticise those who set out to do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable. ─── 许多的慈善机构表现得很不负责,虽然我们这样责备这些从事善行的人可能显得不礼貌。

26、China would be churlish not to welcome that. ─── 但这是中国大陆并不会接受的。

27、a churlish fellow who will neither use a thing himself nor let others use it, ─── 讽刺那些占据说职位或某些物质却不做事的人。

28、But right now such objections seem churlish. ─── 但是现在这种否决似乎是无礼的。

29、She is routinely sour, surly and even churlish. ─── 三个词都是坏脾气的意思,连用表示加强语气.

30、Oorag’s Silver Circlet: Oorag was a churlish pirate who often used the Santa Contresena island fortress as hideout, but he hasn’t been seen for some 15 years now. ─── 中文意思: Oorag是一位脾气暴躁的海盗. 他经常以Santa Contresena岛上的城堡作为藏身之所,不过他好象已经15年没有出现了。

31、"?as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear?(Shakespeare)" ─── "象狮子般勇猛,象狗熊般粗俗"(莎士比亚)

32、It seems churlish to refuse such a generous offer . ─── 拒绝这样慷慨的建议未免有些失礼.

33、It is just churlish. ─── 真是无礼。”

34、This is perhaps a churlish, or even snobbish, objection; ─── 这也许是一种无礼甚至势利的反驳;

35、She offered them cups of tea and it seemed churlish to refuse. ─── 她不停给他们倒茶,回绝的话又好像没礼貌。

36、"as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear" (Shakespeare) ─── “象狮子般勇猛,象狗熊般粗俗”(莎士比亚)

37、He would not offer a churlish roof to his visitors. ─── 他十分小气,连住宿都不愿给来访者安排。

38、Churlish as it may be to criticise those who set out to2 do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable. ─── 也许去批评那些一心想做点好事的人是很无礼的,但是许多慈善团体表现地似乎一点责任感都没有。

39、"Churlish :like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar." ─── 象或适合粗鲁人的;粗鲁的或庸俗的.

40、Frank had his churlish delicacies. ─── 富兰克有罕见的温情。

41、All that said, it seems churlish to complain. ─── 总的来说,这似乎是抱怨粗野的一种抱怨。

42、It would be churlish to refuse. ─── 一口拒绝,可太粗暴了。

43、“If Russia's feeling churlish, they can pretty much bring to a grinding halt any kind of coercive actions, like economic sanctions or anything else,” said Peter D. ─── 除了在伊朗问题上的纷争外,在联合国安全理事会的决议上,俄罗斯也可以在一系列问题上阻拦美国的决议。

44、churlish a. ─── 粗野的;下贱的;

45、Perhaps there is a lot of that churlish pride of mind here, whose strength and extent I know only too well. ─── 还有就是:这样一种抱负必然会伴随着痛苦与不幸。然而,这种区分真就那么重要吗?

46、It would be churlish to tie strings to our help. ─── 把我们的援助加上一些附加条件,那是吝啬的。

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