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08-20 投稿


caned 发音

英:[ke?nd]  美:[ke?nd]

英:  美:

caned 中文意思翻译





caned 词性/词形变化,caned变形

动词过去分词: caned |动词过去式: caned |动词现在分词: caning |动词第三人称单数: canes |名词: caner |

caned 相似词语短语

1、canoed ─── v.乘(或划)独木舟(canoe的过去式和过去分词)

2、-caned ─── n.手杖;藤条;细长的茎;vt.以杖击;以藤编制;abbr.(CanE)加拿大英语(CanadianEnglish);n.(Cane)(英)凯恩,(西、意)卡内,(塞尔维亚)察内(人名)

3、caged ─── adj.关在笼子里的;vt.把…关入笼内(cage的过去式和过去分词)

4、caaed ─── caaed公司

5、canned ─── adj.罐装的;录音的;v.装于罐头(can的过去分词)

6、caked ─── adj.外表结块的;v.结成块状(cake的过去式和过去分词)

7、caneh ─── 卡内

8、cane ─── n.手杖;藤条;细长的茎;vt.以杖击;以藤编制;abbr.(CanE)加拿大英语(CanadianEnglish);n.(Cane)(英)凯恩,(西、意)卡内,(塞尔维亚)察内(人名)

9、canted ─── adj.有角的;倾斜的;v.倾斜(cant的过去式及过去分词)

caned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In old days, teachers were used to cane the pupils as a punishment. ─── 从前,教师常鞭笞学生作惩罚。

2、His cane answered for a baseball bat. ─── 他的手杖可代用棒球棒。

3、An unruly child who was thrashed with a birch cane. ─── 一个任性的孩子吃了一顿桦树棍

4、Good! Here this war criminal Sun Fo has made a voluntary confession, and a frank and truthful one too, although he has not been arrested or caned. ─── 好了,孙科这一名战争罪犯,没有被捕,也没有被打,即自动招供,而且忠实无误。

5、Cachaca is a dry aguardiente (sugar cane distillate) made primarily in Brazil. ─── 它是一种产自巴西的蔗糖蒸馏酒。

6、Some scholars think that sugar cane reached the region in this period. ─── 一些学者认为甘蔗在当时也来到那个地区。

7、Monosodium, Glucose, Common Salt, Cane sugar, etc. ─── 味精,食盐,蔗糖,葡萄糖。

8、The jailer caned the man. ─── 狱卒用藤条鞭打这个人。

9、They can cane ten chairs in a week. ─── 他们一个星期能编制十把藤椅。

10、He prodded the boy in the chest with the cane. ─── 他用手杖戳向那个小孩的胸口。

11、We caned the urbane Dane in the last football match, and eating too much sugar-cane was the bane of his life. ─── 我们在最后的一场足球比赛中把那个文质彬彬的丹麦人打得落花流水,吃了太多的蔗糖是他的致命伤。

12、He offered to strike the boy with his cane. ─── 他威胁要用手杖打那个男孩。

13、Taiwan railway story &sugar cane railway sl. ─── 台湾火车的故事.

14、A blind man with a cane was passing by. ─── 一个拄着拐杖的盲人走过。

15、Milk sugar is obtained from the milk of mammalia, but unlike cane sugar does not ferment. ─── 奶糖来自哺乳动物的奶,但跟蔗糖不同的是它不会发酵。

16、It is difficult for her to get around without a cane. ─── 她不用拐杖就寸步难行。

17、You want to remove the leaves at the bottom of the cane, but leave the ones near the top. ─── 你想删除的甘蔗叶在谷底,但离的近顶部。

18、He swished off the tops of the nettle with his cane. ─── 他用藤杖抽断了荨麻的顶部。

19、He unconsciously switched a tree with his cane when he talked to her. ─── 在和她讲话时,他无意识地用手里的鞭子抽打着一棵树。

20、He held out his hand unflinchingly for the cane . ─── 他毫不畏缩地伸出手去挨藤条打.

21、He switched the boy with a cane. ─── 他用手杖抽打那个小孩。

22、He lopped the wayside lilies with his cane. ─── 也挥舞拐棍,把路边百合花扫个光。

23、Elephants also eat berries, mangoes, coconuts, corn, and sugar cane. ─── 大象也吃浆果,芒果,玉米杆和甘蔗杆。

24、Some of the crops grown include sweet potatoes, bananas, sugar cane and tobacco. ─── 包括一些农作物种植甘薯、香蕉、甘蔗、烟草。

25、He held out his hand unflinchingly for the cane. ─── 他毫不畏缩地伸出手去挨条打.

26、Would you like bottled or caned? ─── 您喜欢瓶装的还是罐装的?

27、Unless reagent grade sucrose is available use cane sugar . ─── 如果没有试剂级的蔗糖,可以用甘蔗糖。

28、It is still difficult for him to get round without a cane. ─── 他不用手杖走动还是有困难的。

29、Lifting her skirt, levelling her cane fiercely before her, she began to march across the river. ─── 她撩起裙子,狠命将手杖平伸在前,气昂昂地开始过河了。

30、Convicted of vandalism, a Swiss national was caned in Singapore. ─── 一名瑞士人在新加坡因为破坏公物而遭鞭刑。

31、The lamps made of cane help you escape from the uproarious modern city and embrace the nature. ─── 以藤质为材料的灯饰,是对亲近自然的渴望,逃离喧嚣的都市生活,在家中辟出一方静土,与大自然亲密接触。

32、Nobody out there but some old gaffer with a cane. ─── 外面没别的人,就只有一个拄着拐棍的乡下老头。

33、He gets a leg lamed and has to walk with a cane. ─── 他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。

34、Mainly produces the new generation to imitate the cane to weave the handicraft. ─── 主要生产新一代仿藤编织工艺品。

35、He was cutting it with his knife in order to make a cane for himself. ─── 他正用刀子砍削树枝为自己做根手杖。

36、It lies on the map like the top half of a broken cane, parallel with the Equator but a long, long way north. ─── 它在地图上就象一根破烂手杖的上半节,和南面平行的赤道遥遥相望。

37、What must you do when you see a pedestrian with a white cane in the street ahead of you? ─── 前方看到手里拿着白色拐杖的行人应如何?

38、In Dunedin, we bought a cane. ─── 在达尼丁,我们买了根拐杖。

39、Many teachers wish to abolish the cane. ─── 很多教师希望废除用藤条等的体罚.

40、He struck off the head of the dandelion with a swish of his cane. ─── 他用手杖一击,打落了蒲公英的花序。

41、He clutched the cane in his clammy hand. ─── 他那湿冷的手紧抓住手杖。

42、Therefore we have one "extra" cany cane. ─── 于是就多出一枝拐杖糖啰!

43、It became a trading place for sugar cane, tobacco and coffee. ─── 并形成了一个以甘蔗、烟草和咖啡为贸易的地方。

44、Why use trees, rather than maize or sugar cane, as a feedstock for ethanol? ─── 为什么要选择树木而不是蜀黍或蔗糖作为乙醇原料?

45、Do they use a cane at St. Brutus`,boy? ─── 在圣布鲁托斯他们会用藤条吗,孩子?

46、We cane around a bend and there was the ocean in view. ─── 我们拐过弯就看见大洋了。

47、He carried a mahogany cane with a silver head to it. ─── 他提着一根柄上镶银的红木手杖。

48、Would you like bottled or caned? ─── 您喜欢瓶装的还是罐装的?

49、I haven't had sugar cane juice that was so sweet in a long time. ─── 好久没有喝到这么鲜甜的甘蔗汁了!

50、He hated mathematics and, at Ascot School, he had to be frequently caned by the principal. ─── 他讨厌数学,而且在爱斯科特学校时,他常常被校长用藤条鞭打惩罚。

51、Before their engagement, Sun Jou-chia often cane to see Hung-chien. ─── 孙柔嘉在订婚以前,常来看鸿渐;

52、An old man was walking with a cane. ─── 一位老人在拄着拐走路。

53、No wonder most investors had to stick to Wall Street and got caned. ─── 也难怪大多数投资者不得不留守华尔街而惨遭打击。

54、Nowhere in the world, raved Luke, did cane grow as tall or as rich in sugar. ─── 卢克夸口说世界上没有一个地方可以让甘蔗长得这么高,糖分这么足的。

55、You seem to cane from the jumping-off place. ─── 你似乎是从天边来的。

56、The carpenter cane along and screwed a shining brass on. ─── 一个木匠过来把一个发亮的铜牌拧在了上面。

57、Michael Rafer Jordan needs his knuckles caned and reminded that his last name is Allston and not Jordan! ─── 迈克尔拉夫乔丹需要棍子敲一下让他醒悟自己叫阿尔斯通而不是乔丹!

58、The urbane Dane sat on a cane chair and caned his son when the hurricane came. ─── 当发生飓风的时候,那个文质彬彬的丹麦人坐在藤椅上用藤条责打他的儿子。

59、Chateau-Renaud contented himself with tapping his boot with his flexible cane. ─── 夏多·勒诺只是用他那根富于弹性的手杖拍打他的皮靴。

60、You want to kill me, caned begin yesterday evening, my absoluteness can'ted resist. Want why to return secretly with me, harm my mother? ─── 你们要杀我,昨天晚上就可以动手,我绝对不会反抗。为什么要偷偷跟我回去,害我的娘亲?

61、Second class had cane seats and bronze trim. ─── 二等车厢有藤制座位和青铜饰条;

62、He walked along briskly, twirling his cane in the air . ─── 他一边轻快地走着,一边用手杖在空中旋转.

63、A wooden cane was used to punish the students. ─── 一个木头戒尺被用来惩罚学生。

64、A few minutes later, the eyes cane back again. ─── 待了一会儿,那对眼睛又来了。

65、You want to kill me, caned begin yesterday evening, my absoluteness can'ted resist.Want why to return secretly with me, harm my mother? ─── 你们要杀我,昨天晚上就可以动手,我绝对不会反抗。为什么要偷偷跟我回去,害我的娘亲?

66、United States has called on Singapore to reconsider the sentence on an American who is to be caned for vandalism. ─── 美国呼吁新加坡重新考虑对一名因破坏公物而将被处以鞭刑的美国人的判决。

67、She thrashed the children with a cane. ─── 她用藤条痛打孩子们。

68、Janelle and Billy bought Max from a local sugar cane farmer in 1983. ─── 1983年,詹妮尔和比利在一名甘蔗农手中买下了马克斯。

69、The urbane Dane sat on a cane chair and caned his son when the hurricane came. ─── 当发生飓风的时候,那个文质彬彬的丹麦人坐在藤椅上用藤条责打他的儿子。

70、The now faces a flood of student's data, statement, the handicraft handles the way has caned hardly keep up with the modern step. ─── 如今面对大量的学生数据、报表,手工处理方式已经很难跟上现代化的步伐。

71、He hated mathematics and, at Ascot School, he had to be frequently caned by the principal. ─── 他讨厌数学,而且在爱斯科特学校时,他常常被校长用藤条鞭打惩罚。

72、If you say it again, you will get caned. ─── 你要是再讲一遍,就要挨打。

73、He went out for a walk, cane in hand. ─── 他手里拿着手杖出外散步。

74、The farmland crops regard paddy rice, corn, sugar cane, potato as main. ─── 南靖地区境内,一有充足的河水可供灌溉外,二有适合甘蔗生长的土壤属性,加上高温多雨的气候,十分适合种植甘蔗及发展糖业。

75、He swished off the tops of the grasses with a flick of his cane. ─── 他用藤条轻轻地打掉了草尖。

76、On an electric guitar, the basses are heavier than this cane (chuckles). ─── 在电吉他里面,特别是电贝斯,比这根棍子还重(暗自发笑)。

77、It makes people feel exceedingly good to see Sun Fo applying the cane to the backside of the Kuomintang alone. ─── 孙科将一切板子都打在国民党的屁股上,使人们觉得甚为痛快。

78、You find 683 Neopoints, a Snow Pyramid , also a Desert Candy Cane !!! ─── 你找到了683尼奥点数,雪金字塔,和沙漠糖果棒!!!

79、When I was young teachers used to cane us when we behaved badly. ─── 在我小时候,我们调皮捣蛋时,老师就常用藤条抽打我们。

80、Zhang Qian came here by holding a cane, with a weather beaten face. ─── 张骞杖节而来,一脸风霜。

81、He propped his cane against the wall. ─── 他把自己的手杖靠墙立着。

82、We really caned them in the last match. ─── 我们最后一场比赛可真把他们打得落花流水.

83、He always walks carrying a cane with a silver tip. ─── 他经常拄着镶银顶的拐杖散步。

84、We heard the swish of a cane. ─── 我们听到藤条的抽打声。

85、He is sitting on a cane chair. ─── 他坐在一把藤椅上。

86、The toads were imported from South America to eradicate scarab beetles that were feasting on sugar cane crops. ─── 从南美进口的蟾蜍消灭金龟子被灯红酒绿甘蔗等作物.

87、He walked along briskly, twirlinghis cane in the air. ─── 他一边轻快地走著,一边用手杖在空中旋转。

88、Under his arm, he carried a long cane. ─── 他胳膊下夹着一根长手杖。

89、He walked along briskly, twirling his cane in the air. ─── 他一边轻快地走著,一边用手杖在空中旋转。

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