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materialism 发音

英:[m??t?ri?l?z?m]  美:[m??t??ri?l?z?m]

英:  美:

materialism 中文意思翻译



materialism 网络释义

n. 唯物主义;唯物论;物质主义

materialism 同义词

avidity |realism | avarice | cupidity | greed | philistinism | acquisitiveness | physicalism | greediness

materialism 短语词组

1、materialism means ─── 唯物主义意味着

2、historical materialism ─── 历史唯物主义; 唯物史观

3、materialism bible ─── 唯物主义圣经

4、materialism definition ─── 唯物主义定义

5、dialectical materialism n. ─── 辩证唯物主义

6、materialism buddhism ─── 唯物主义佛教

7、materialism philosophy ─── 唯物主义哲学

8、eliminative materialism ─── [辨证法]排除型唯物论取消式唯物主义

9、materialism psychology ─── 唯物主义心理学

10、post-materialism ─── 后物质主义

11、materialism consumerism ─── 唯物主义消费主义

12、materialism history ─── 唯物史观

materialism 常用词组

historical materialism ─── 历史唯物主义;历史唯物论

dialectical materialism ─── n. 辩证唯物主义

materialism 词性/词形变化,materialism变形

形容词: materialistic |副词: materialistically |名词: materialist |

materialism 反义词


materialism 相似词语短语

1、immaterialism ─── n.非物质论;唯心论

2、maternalism ─── n.母性;纵容,溺爱

3、materialises ─── vt.物质化(等于materialize);vi.突然出现(等于materialize)

4、materialise ─── vt.物质化(等于materialize);vi.突然出现(等于materialize)

5、materialist ─── n.唯物主义者;实利主义者

6、materialists ─── n.唯物主义者;实利主义者

7、materialised ─── 物质化

8、manorialism ─── n.庄园制度

9、materialiser ─── 材料

materialism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To Galbraith, materialism had gone mad and would breed discontent. ─── 在加尔布雷斯看来,物质主义已经变得非常疯狂,并且会滋生不满情绪。

2、So the materialism that strikes a visitor to America is not that of loving and hoarding wealth; it is a love of making and consuming wealth. ─── 所以,到美国的人感到震惊的不是物质享乐主义的爱财和守财,而是美国人的既喜欢赚钱又喜欢花钱。

3、Second the concept of coordinated and continous development is the specific application and development of the diale dialectical materialism. ─── 其次,全面、协调、可持续发展观是对唯物辩证法发展观的具体运用和发展。

4、They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism. ─── 他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。

5、The thought of standard of productive force is the enrichment and perfection of historical materialism. ─── 其确立的生产力标准思想,是对唯物史观的丰富和完善。

6、Idealism is opposite to / from materialism. ─── 唯心论和唯物论是对立的。

7、The root of historical mentalism is mentalism, whose value is against that of historical materialism. ─── 历史唯心主义的根源是唯心主义,它的价值观和历史唯物主义的价值观是相对的。

8、Thinking of people first,coordinated and continous development are the basic usage to Marxism philosophy and historical materialism. ─── 以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展观是对马克思主义哲学辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的具体运用和发展。

9、The theory of traditional Chinese medicine has been deeply influenced by classical Chinese materialism and dialectics. ─── 中医药学受古代唯物论和辩证法的深刻影响。

10、The suppression of reason that materialism requires makes one a little inhuman. ─── 基于唯物论所需要的压制这些想法使人变得有点不人道。

11、Above all, the dialectical materialism outlook in Marxism should not be treated as humanism and humanitarianism. ─── 与上述问题相联系,不能把马克思主义辩证唯物主义世界观当作人本主义、人道主义来理解。

12、The two are united in historical materialism and there is no question of their being in opposition. ─── 二者在历史唯物主义中是统一的,不存在对立的问题。

13、Based on different theories,Materialism and empiricism reached the same goal by different routes that they led metaphysics into predicaments. ─── 唯理论和经验论从各自的理路出发,却都殊途同归地将形而上学引入困境。

14、The man-centered hypothesis is maximal principle of value in line with the materialism. ─── 从唯物史观的基本内容和历史使命来看,以人为本是唯物史观的最高价值原则。

15、But Easterlin's evidence points to the persistence of materialism. ─── 但伊斯特林的论证却指出人类的物欲永无止境。

16、This methodology is the reflection of the humanism teaching principles and the philosophical features of dialectical materialism. ─── 它体现了人本主义的教学理念,具有辩证唯物主义的哲学品格。

17、The lure of materialism has dominated the thinking of young people and led them to pursue as much personal gains as possible. ─── 在拜物主义的牵引下,最大程度地追逐个人实利已经主导着青年人的思维。

18、Using the historical materialism to probe the rise of this trend, the authors affirm that though it is a futile effort of New. ─── 从唯物史观看,这一思潮的兴起是新托马斯主义为解决现代西方社会病和文化危机开出的一个宗教处方。

19、In philosophy, materialism and idealism form a unity of opposites and struggle with each other. ─── 在哲学里边,唯物主义和唯心主义是对立统一,这两个东西是相互斗争的。

20、According to the dialectical materialism, things are forever in the process of changes. ─── 唯物辩证法认为,运动永远不会息止。

21、Marx, Karl. Selections on Historical Materialism and Alienated Labor. ─── 《历史唯物主义与异化劳动》(篇章选读).

22、The classical Marx has rationally studied and expounded to the expension capacity of the mode of capitalist pruduction with the historical materialism. ─── 古典的马克思曾用历史唯物主义合理地解释了资本主义生产方式的向外扩张。

23、And materialism, they think they get out of it just by not existing, by dying, but they don't. ─── 在持唯物主义的人看来,所谓的惩罚会当这些坏人不存在了,即是死亡后也跟着消失。

24、He continually criticized England for its crass materialism. ─── 他不断批评英国过于宗拜物质。

25、And "historical materialism "and "practical materialism" are also one thing, namely, Marxist materialism. ─── "历史唯物主义"与"实践唯物主义"也不是两个主义,而是同一个主义,即马克思的唯物主义,辩证唯物主义与实践唯物主义不过是历史唯物主义的代名词。

26、Experts also say that American-style materialism and even the hiring practices of American and multinational companies are actually hardening class, color and caste distinctions. ─── 专家并指出,美式物质主义,甚至连美国及多国企业的用人作法,事实上更强化阶级意识、色和种姓不同等级的区分。

27、He made pretensions to literature and to materialism. ─── 他自以为爱好文学和唯物主义。

28、They contribute to urban sprawl. They encourage materialism. ─── 他们促成城市扩张现象、他们支持唯物论。

29、It is not supernatural Theism, nor is it the deconstruction of Materialism and Idealism.It should be fully affirmed. ─── 它既不是超自然的有神论,也不是对唯物论和唯心论的某种消解,是应当予以充分肯定的。

30、Scientific materialism thus triumphed over ignorance and superstition. ─── 科学唯物主义就这样战胜了无知和迷信。

31、The "materialism" of historical materialism is not a simple negation of idealism, but an analysis of the ways in which human beings can get freedom. ─── 历史唯物主义的“唯物”不是对唯心主义的简单否定,而是在唯物主义的基础上解析了人类自由的获得路径问题。

32、In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises. ─── 在投保单上你被问及是否有任何易燃物被存储在房屋里。

33、On the claim of the ontology, Methodlogy and history. Liu Zong Yuan use Buddhism to explain his ideas, but he hold firmly to Materialism outlook of life. ─── 从本体论、识论、史要求看,柳宗元虽然利用佛学阐释其思想,但始终如一地坚持唯物主义一元论的世界观。

34、Consequently, speculative philosophy, deteriorated by western philosophy, will be able to march towards clarity in the dimension of new materialism. ─── 从而才能使被当代西方哲学弄得混乱不堪的思辨哲学在新唯物主义中的维度得以走向澄明。

35、Zhuangzi’s optimism is based on his knowledge of the world, from the perspectives of materialism and relativism. ─── 庄子的达观是建立在对世界的唯物主义和相对主义的认识之上的。

36、The answers, which the philosophers gave to this question, split them into two great camps. Assert. The comp of idealism. Belong to the various schools of materialism. ─── 哲学家依照他们如何回答这个问题而分成了两大阵营。

37、The way to recognition of USI and its development was tortuous,which reflect standpoints of dialectical materialism s epistemology and contradiction. ─── 对USI的认识和实践经历了一个曲折的过程,体现了辩证唯物主义的认识论和矛盾论的观点。

38、He became totally obsessed with the frugal lifestyle of the Cynics, taking the disowning of materialism to new heights. ─── 他成为了被讽世者的节约生活方式完全占据心思, 采取否认唯物主义对新高度。

39、However, there are many comrades in our Party who lay no stress on the propaganda either of materialism or of dialectics. ─── 但是我们党内还有许多同志,他们并不注重宣传唯物主义,也不注重宣传辩证法。

40、In the course of the discussion, we impinged on a theoretical problem of dialectical materialism. ─── 在讨论过程中,我们接触到了一个辩证唯物主义的理论问题。

41、In a real world unfortunately thronged with materialism, true love shines its light weaker than the firefly glow. ─── 不幸物欲充塞的现世界,真爱的光辉竟有如萤火之微弱.

42、On the philosophical foundation of Marxist materialism, it has transcended traditional practical esthetics and human-centeredness. ─── 它以马克思主义唯物实践观为哲学前提,是对传统实践美学和人类中心的一种超越。

43、As a important proposition of Marxist philosophy, to understand it, the best understanding sight is the practice materialism. ─── 作为马克思主义哲学的一个重要命题,最好的理解视域是实践唯物主义。

44、Just as many of contemporary western philosopher, Bergson try to make his philosophy to surpass Materialism and Idealism that are two contrary philosophies. ─── 同许多现代西方资产阶级哲学家一样,柏格森企图使自己的哲学超出唯物主义和唯心主义这两条对立的哲学路线之外。

45、It is the inevitable requirement of Materialism to replace association form with production relation to elaborate the development of social history. ─── 以生产关系取代交往形式来阐述人类社会历史的发展是真正的唯物主义的必然要求。

46、Idealism is often contrasted with materialism, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to dualist or pluralist ontologies. ─── 唯心主义通常都与唯物主义想对立,与二元论或多元论相反,两者皆属于一元论。

47、Seen from the perspective of historical materialism, the establishment of legal beliefs has its own historical necessity and its sublation in future. ─── 从唯物史观的观点来看,法律信仰的确立既有历史必然性,又具有未来的可扬弃性。

48、To do that is non-Marxist and at variance with historical materialism. ─── 如果不是这样看问题,那就不是马克思主义的态度,不是历史唯物主义的态度。

49、Those engaged couples, especially the brides, hold great dreams of love and they cannot accept materialism will bury their love to each other. ─── 就是说先把伤感情的事提前说好了,才能把损失降到最低。

50、Meanwhile, Antonio Labriola held a full evaluation on the philosophical basis of historical materialism. ─── 同时,拉布里奥拉对唯物史观的哲学基础进行了充分的论证。

51、He embodied the American spirit of optimistic materialism. ─── 他具体表现了美国人乐观的物质主义精神。

52、When bustle about in the world of materialism, people will always choose a variety of forms to liberate their spirit. ─── 当奔忙于物欲横流的世界,人们总会选择各种各样的形式来解放自己的精神。

53、TheChinese government has not changed -- except that they now placatetheir populous with rampant materialism just like the North Americans. ─── 中国政府根本没变--只不过他们用极度的物质主义来安抚其人民,就像北美人一样。

54、The distribution almost equal of four types of FCP and there is high ratio Materialism and Compulsive of young junior college consumers in Taiwan. ─── 家庭沟通型态之四种型态分布相当平均,而物质主义及强迫性购买者之分布比例较偏高。

55、As for capitalism's wasteful materialism, even Adam Smith had a problem with it. ─── 就资本主义浪费的物质主义来说,即使亚当.斯密也颇有微辞。

56、In his high school in Nankai, he established the revolutionary democracy thought and the philosophy foundation of simple and unadorned dialectical materialism. ─── 在南开学校读中学时,奠定了革命民主主义思想和素朴的唯物论辩证法的哲学基础;

57、Both of them believed in Marxism and materialism. ─── 两人都信仰马克思主义和唯物主义。

58、The Opinion of "Property Less Means Personality Less" Be Humanism or Materialism? ─── "无财产即无人格"是人文还是物文?

59、A combination of the words "free" and "vegan," the term describes an anti-consumer who shuns mainstream materialism and only makes purchases as a last resort. ─── “免费”和“素食主义者”两个词的组合,这一术语描述的是一种反消费者,他们远离主流的物质享受,只在万不得已的情况下才去购物。

60、Williams "Cultural Materialism" is embedded with "cultural non-elitism", and exercises a positive impact on the development of Cultural Studies. ─── 他的“文化唯物主义”蕴涵着一种“非文化精英主义”思想,即把文化和文学的表现还原于社会和经济功能,对文化研究的发展起到了推动作用。

61、Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. ─── 在美国社会,物质主义和个人主义是最大的障碍。

62、While sticking to the basic principles of historical determinism, the historical materialism emphasizes on human's objective option with the development of society and history. ─── 历史唯物主义在坚持历史决定论的基本原则的同时,强调人在社会历史发展中的主体选择性。

63、The method of complexity exploration, which is seeking the unifing of reductionism and holism, is based on the dialectical materialism. ─── 复杂性研究用还原论与整体论统一的方法即系统方法探索复杂性,以辩证唯物主义为哲学基础。

64、However, we cannot disregard the insight of eco-socialist, but we should scrutinize once more and develop historical materialism to maintain its age feature forever. ─── 但我们应当正视生态社会主义者的洞见,在争鸣中发展历史唯物主义。

65、The third is the carrying forward of the practical materialism philosophy in Chinese socialism and the development of Marxist economy philosophy. ─── 三是实践唯物主义哲学在中国特色社会主义道路上的弘扬和马克思主义经济哲学的发展。

66、Using historical materialism, it has uncovered the laws governing the development of human society. ─── 它运用历史唯物主义揭示了人类社会发展的规律。

67、The institutional analysis based on historical materialism can be the foundation of general institutional analytical paradigm. ─── 基于历史唯物主义的制度分析可以成为一般制度分析范式的基础。

68、In the preamble of the encyclopedia, d'Alembert adhere to materialism expressed their own views, the right of the ideological and scientific issues. ─── 在百科全书的序言中,达朗贝尔表达了自己坚持唯物主义观点、正确分析科学问题的思想。

69、You can't afford that water bill. Listen to me. To handle a mid-life crisis, there's an easier way: Get a Ferrari.""Slave to materialism. ─── 你付不起这种水费。听着,应付中年危机有更简单的方法,你可以买一两法拉利。"你这个物质的奴隶。

70、In this age of materialism, everyone seems to not have enough feeling, and to not have any secrets. ─── 在这个功利主义的时代,大家都好象没有多余的感情,也没有什么秘密。

71、Some successors of Marxists once insist that the "substance" of the world is "abstract matter" of old materialism. ─── 一些马克思主义的后继者曾经把世界的“本体”等同于旧唯物主义的“抽象物质”。

72、The 1920s is a roaring period prevailed conspicuously by pragmatism, materialism, commercialism, mammonism, hedonism, etc. ─── 20年代是一个充斥着实用主义、物质主义、商业主义、拜金主义、享乐主义的喧嚣的时期。

73、If you know nothing about idealism and metaphysics, if you have never waged any struggle against them, your materialism and dialectics will not be solid. ─── 不懂得唯心主义和形而上学,没有同这些反面的东西作过斗争,你那个唯物主义和辩证法是不巩固的。

74、In terms of the history of moral science, it was the logic development of hedonism of ancient Greek,modern Britain experientialism and french materialism of the 18th century. ─── 从伦理学史上讲,是古希腊快乐论、近代英国经验论和18世纪法国唯物主义等思想发展的逻辑结论。

75、A rationale for dialectical materialism based on change through the conflict of opposing forces. ─── 基于矛盾引发的冲突的辩证唯物主义解说。

76、A man caught up with this world is not ready for the next one. Materialism is no preparation for judgement or for heaven. ─── 一位被这世界抓住的人尚未预备妥当进入来生。物质主义对审判及天堂毫无准备。

77、Whether it is Hegel's idealism or Engels' materialism, they all converge at a common point: the resolution of conflict. ─── 其实,无论黑格尔的唯心论或者恩格思的唯物论都强调了一个共同点,即寻求矛盾的统一。

78、They simply detach their egos from materialism and re-attach it to spiritualism. ─── 他们只是把自我从唯物主义中剔除出去却从唯心主义上重新依附于它。

79、Disillusioned with the materialism and capitalism of the west, hippies explored the religions and philosophies of the east. ─── 嬉皮们从西方的唯物主义和资本主义中醒悟出来,随后开始探索东方的宗教和哲学。

80、The contemporary moral education should transcend the materialism and help people find out the lost spirits during the transcendental enhancement. ─── 当代道德教育应超越物质主义,在超越性提升中帮助人们找回失落的精神。

81、His simple Materialism and dialectics thoughts is extensive and profound. ─── 他的朴素唯物主义和辩证法思想,堪称博大精深;

82、In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism . ─── 在布道中,教皇主要抨击了现代物质主义的种种弊病。

83、He studied nature, history and proletarian revolution and created dialectical materialism, historical materialism and the theory of proletarian revolution. ─── 他研究了自然,研究了历史,研究了无产阶级革命,创造了辩证唯物论、历史唯物论和无产阶级革命的理论。

84、That's because despite the country's notorious materialism, there has always been a countervailing stream of sound economic values. ─── 这是因为虽然美国有追求物质财富坏名声,但与此并行的是良好的经济价值观。

85、This is the essence of Heraclitus doctrine, it is of thinking of the succession of simple materialism and in-depth development. ─── 医生不懂他的意思。他跑到牛圈里,想用牛粪的热力把身体里的水吸出,结果无济于事,去世时大约60岁。

86、In fact, it isn" t reliable that Jurgen habermas criticized that Historical materialism were short of the communicative viewpoints. ─── 事实上,哈贝马斯指责历史唯物主义缺少交往观是站不住脚的。

87、From dialectic materialism opinion, productivity is essential power to impel our social advancement and labor creates the whole social wealth. ─── 从辩证唯物主义认为,生产力是必不可少的力量推动我们的社会进步和劳动创造了整个社会的财富。

88、In fact, Hu Hanmin in the 1920's act a trail blazer's role on disseminating in the process in the historical materialism. ─── 事实上,20世纪20年代的胡汉民在唯物史观的输入传布过程中扮演了一个先驱者的角色。

89、Sima Qian's academic success and great personality set up a glorious example in the compilation of historical literature in the light of naive materialism and dialectics. ─── 司马迁学术成功之路与伟大人格,在历史文献编纂方面的首创精神和在文献编纂指导思想方面坚持朴素唯物论与辩证法,堪为档案工作者的光辉典范。

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