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08-20 投稿


dismal 发音

英:[?d?zm?l]  美:[?d?zm?l]

英:  美:

dismal 中文意思翻译



dismal 同义词

overcast | cheerless | funereal | drear | doleful | dark | melancholy | grim | black | miserable | disconsolate | cloudy | dreary | solemn | bleak | glum | drab | dull | depressing |gloomy | sorry | painful | desolate | murky | blue | grey | comfortless | dingy | sullen | somber

dismal 反义词

merry | cheerful

dismal 词性/词形变化,dismal变形

名词: dismalness |副词: dis-mally |

dismal 短语词组

1、dismal science thomas mathoul ─── 沉闷的科学托马斯·马图尔

2、dismal land ─── 凄凉的土地

3、Dismal Swamp ─── 迪斯默尔沼泽

4、dismal river map ─── 惨淡的河图

5、dismal falls va ─── 弗吉尼亚州迪默尔瀑布

6、dismal science watch the ball ─── 沉闷的科学看球

7、dismal science ─── 沉闷[枯燥]的科学(资本主义社会中讽刺政治经济学)忧郁的科学;悲观科学

8、dismal creek va ─── 弗吉尼亚州迪默尔溪

9、dismal crossword ─── 沉闷的纵横字谜

10、dismal definition ─── 惨淡的定义

11、dismal meaning ─── 凄凉的意思

dismal 常用词组

dismal science ─── 忧郁的科学;悲观科学

dismal 相似词语短语

1、dismay ─── n.沮丧,灰心;惊慌;vt.使沮丧;使惊慌

2、disman ─── 德斯曼

3、dismayl ─── 迪斯迈尔

4、dismast ─── v.折断(船的)桅杆;夺掉(船的)桅杆

5、dismans ─── 拆卸

6、dismayls ─── 迪斯迈尔斯

7、dismals ─── adj.凄凉的,忧郁的;阴沉的,沉闷的;差劲的;可怜的

8、dismally ─── adv.沉闷地;阴暗地

9、dismask ─── 除去面罩

dismal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On January 4th dismal jobs figures seemed to confirm what many feared: a downturn is at hand. ─── 1月4号悲观的就业数据似乎确定了许多人担心的事实:经济衰退到来了。

2、"They feel heroic, as if they've saved these kids from a dismal existence," she said. ─── 她说“他们感到很崇高,好像他们把这些孩子从凄凉的生活中挽救了出来。

3、It was the least I could do for this perfect stranger, who had brought me out of a dismal time with a mere flash of a smile. ─── 这是我仅能为这个完美陌生人所做的了,就是她的一抹微笑让我走出了阴暗的时光。

4、Their dismal scream is truly Ben Jonsonian.(18) Wise midnight hags! ─── 夜半的智慧的女巫!

5、Her speech continued in the same dismal strain. ─── 她以悲伤的语调接著往下说。

6、Those were very long and dismal winter evenings! ─── 那些是多么漫长而阴沉的冬夜啊!

7、He got it out, rumpled and wilted, and it mightily increased his dismal felicity. ─── 他不知道,要是她了解此事,她会不会同情他,她会哭吗?

8、At this dismal news, I twisted the only button on my waistcoat round and round. ─── 一听到这个扫兴的消息,急得我扭着背心上仅剩的那一颗钮扣。

9、The agony she had endured silently in the dismal lime-walk had grown too strong for her, and she broke into a tempest of hysterical sobbing. ─── 在阴森森的菩提幽径里她默默地忍受的痛苦,强大得实在让她难以忍受,她迸发出了一阵暴风雨般的、歇斯底里的呜咽。

10、The singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs. ─── 那歌手唱了几首老歌,唱得不怎么样。

11、The dismal story of ventures in other places is quickly told. ─── 在其它几个地方的冒险很快就结束了,故事都很凄惨。

12、As everyone expected, Ted's chimerical scheme to make a fortune by raising ermines in his backyard proved a dismal failure. ─── 不出大家所料,泰德想在后院饲养白鼬来发财的荒诞不经的计划以惨败告终。

13、Arrived at the dreadful place, he wormed his small body through the crowd and saw the dismal spectacle. ─── 到了这个可怕的地方后,他矮小的身体在人群中拱来拱去挤到了前场,看见了悲凉的场面。

14、She listened to its dismal threnody, tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching rivulets snaking down the windowpanes. ─── 她一边谛听着那忧悒的悲歌,一边用红色的铅笔轻击着她的牙齿,看着雨水顺窗玻璃蜿蜒流下。

15、The same dismal story is being repeated in health and water services, which are also de facto privatized. ─── 医疗卫生与水利服务同样令人沮丧,事实上,这些部门已实现私有化。

16、However dismal the urban, scene may appear to the visitor, levels of rural poverty can be worse. ─── 不管在旅游者看来城市景象多么暗淡,农村的贫困程度更为严重。

17、I lived two years in this dismal condition. ─── 在这种悲惨的环境里我过了两年。

18、He attempts to explore dismal landscapes, where apocalyptic marches echo and thunder. ─── 他试图探索那些回响着神启之音的凄凉之地。

19、Last year's harvest was a dismal failure. ─── 去年庄稼歉收,令人十分沮丧。

20、Their recent attempt to increase sales has been a dismal failure. ─── 他们最近努力提高销售量,全是白费劲。

21、But low petroleum prices, a high birthrate, and austere policies produced a dismal economic picture. ─── 但是低廉的石油价格,高出生率,和酷吏却让他们的经济一片萧条。

22、Even the most dismal and unstable circumstances can become something to be clung to. ─── 即使最凄惨和不稳定的情况依然可以成为值得坚持的情况。

23、There was something to celebrate about amid the dismal environment on rocky Patmos. ─── 在多岩的拔摩岛凄凉的环境中,原来也有值得庆祝的事。

24、But The National Enquirer says this is due to dismal box office.And this pop star have to cancel her tours to minimize the necessary loss. ─── 但杰克逊的发言人在周六没有详细说明,只是说她是“休养” 。

25、They reached the corner house in an angle of a dismal street, through the open door of which two men had just gone in. ─── 他们走到一条阴森森的街道拐角上的房子,两个男人刚从敞开的大门走了进去。

26、Early in the dismal morning on a calm, apprehensive Fridas, the small band of skooma-laden men moved through the quiet dark towards the church. ─── 在一个平静的令人不安的阴沉星期五的大早,一小撮斯库玛瘾君子们穿行在寂静的黑暗里,去往教堂方向。

27、Amid a dismal year for office equipment, Xerox forged ahead with new eco-friendly technologies and continued its move beyond hardware into services. ─── 在这办公设备销售凄惨的一年,施乐逐步推进新环保技术,并且持续将脚步迈过硬件,走向服务。

28、She nodded. "Pretty dismal, isn't it?" She said with a light laugh. ─── 她点点头。“很让人郁闷,对不对?”她轻声笑着说。

29、He felt dismal after reading a piece of bad news in the newspaper. ─── 他读了报上的一条不好的消息后心情忧郁。

30、It was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways. ─── 因为那寡妇一举一动都很讲究那些死气沉沉的规矩和体面,在她家里过日子可真是一天到晚活受罪。

31、A dismal book; a dismal performance on the cello. ─── 乏味的书; 沉闷无趣的大提琴演奏

32、The national team's dismal performance has long been the subject of jokes and cursing among fans. ─── 中国足球队的糟糕表现长期以来是球迷取笑和诅咒的话题。

33、Amid a welter of dismal data suggesting the slowdown in the 16-nation euro zone will be worse than that stateside in the U. ─── 但对欧洲央行一些决策者和大多数私营部门经济学家来说,这一步伐仍然太慢。

34、But given the dismal returns associated with vaccines in the past, that still represents quite a shot in the arm. ─── 但是考虑到疫苗带来的令人害怕的反应,疫苗的生产仍然会给人们带来灾难。

35、Those that did not lay off any lawyers have frozen hiring and squeezed more work out of their staff. So morale is dismal at many firms. ─── 那些没有裁掉任何律师的公司停止了招聘,并想从员工身上榨取更多的劳动,因此很多公司士气低迷。

36、The dismal English effort in the third Anglo-Dutch conflict of 1672-1674 requires minimal space here. ─── 但是英国在1672-1674年第三次英荷战争中表现消沉,在此毋需赘述。

37、Lawrence Summers, one of President Clinton's treasury secretaries, said the odds of a recession this year went up after the dismal employment report. ─── 克林顿政府的财政部部长,说道,在令人沮丧的雇佣报告后,今年经济衰退的比率增加了。

38、The word"dismal", originally a noun, comes from Latin. Literally it means"evil days," though gradually it became used as an adjective meaning "gloomy", "depressing. " or"drab". ─── “dismal”这个词原来是名词,源于拉丁文,字面上的意思是“邪恶日”,而后逐渐变成了形容词,意为“情绪低落的”、“无生气的”或“单调乏味的”。

39、You are only an economist, practitioner of the dismal science. ─── 你 只 不 过 是 个 经 济 学 家 , 那 种 差 劲 科 学 的 研 究 者 。

40、"They feel heroic,as if they've saved these kids from a dismal existence," she said. ─── 她说“他们感到很崇高,好像他们把这些孩子从凄凉的生活中挽救了出来。”

41、But Europe's record of government investment in IT is dismal. ─── 但是,欧洲故去的政府投资项目却并不成功。

42、She listened to its dismal threnody , tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching rivulets snaking down the windowpanes. ─── 她一边谛听着那忧悒的悲歌,一边用红色的铅笔轻击着她的牙齿,看着雨水顺窗玻璃蜿蜒流下。

43、Dismal Days were sometimes called Egyptian Days, because they were computed by Egyptian astrologers. ─── 不吉利日有时叫做“埃及日”,因为这些日子是埃及占星家推算出来的。

44、The weather was dismal, and it was very cold. ─── 天气很坏,冷得要命。

45、In a generally dismal climate for media companies two outfits are thriving. ─── 在媒体公司普遍低迷的气候下,两家公司生意兴旺。

46、Japanese stocks are back in vogue, at least for now, despite lingering worries over dismal economic prospects and the strong yen. ─── 日本股市重新受到欢迎,至少目前是如此,尽管对黯淡经济前景和日圆走强的担忧依然存在。

47、He tries to avoid speaking of “father God”, so dismal are many people's experiences with fathers in this struggling Californian city. ─── 他尽量避免提到“父神”一词,就因为在这个生活艰难的加州城里,“父亲”是许多人家的心头之痛。

48、Stung by the public’s dismal reaction to their sophomore effort, the band took time off to regroup and plan their next move. ─── 在第二张专辑遭受公众消极反响之后,乐队受到刺激,休整了一段时间,重新组合,并策划下一步行动。

49、A dismal book;a dismal performance on the cello. ─── 乏味的书;沉闷无趣的大提琴演奏

50、Yet even set against this dismal backdrop, Labour's record since 1997 wins the wooden spoon (see article). ─── 但即使在这样忧心忡忡的大背景下,工党1997年来的记录依然获得了个末等奖。

51、Has anybody got anything to tell? It's been such a dismal day I'm really dying for some amusement,' said Meg, as they sat sewing together that evening. ─── “你们有什么有趣的事吗?今天闷死了,讲点什么轻松一下,”那天晚上她们坐在一起做针线活儿,梅格这样问。

52、He tossed about until the appearance of the dismal London daylight, when he sprang up desperately, and walked off to his uncle's lodgings in Bury Street. ─── 他翻来复去,等到伦敦那阴沉的白天开始上曙光,便一骨碌爬了起来,前往柏利街他叔父的寓所。

53、Forbid it as we shouldn't all flop (if it was anyways convenient) to get 'em out o' this here dismal risk! ─── 别应验,我们都应当跪下来(若是方便的话)祈祷他们逃出这种可怕的危险。

54、At a hearing on Capitol Hill, Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Keith Hall, described the unemployment figures as dismal. ─── 在国会联合经济委员会举行的一个听证会上,劳工统计局局长凯斯.霍尔表示,新的失业数据的确令人沮丧。

55、In fact, the horn alarmed most of the inhabitants, who crowded to their windows and doors to gaze upon the dismal procession as it passed. ─── 事实上,喇叭声惊动了大部分居民,他们都爬上窗口或挤在门口望着这支路过的阴郁凄惨的队伍。

56、In the dreariness doubled by the gloaming and the autumn scene, pieces of fluting from someone often made all these even more dismal. ─── 在暮色和秋色的双重苍凉里,往往不知什么人加上一阵笛音的苍凉。

57、HIS distraught colleagues cannot forgive Taro Aso for calling a general election on August 30th, following a dismal stint as prime minister. ─── 作为一个失败的首相,麻生太郎已经让其部下无法原谅,随后宣布8月30日举行平民大选,则更让其手下几近抓狂。

58、Clyde and Roberta were both becoming desperate, and Clyde saw his possible marriage to the girl as a dismal ending to all his hopes for a bright future. ─── 克莱德和罗伯塔急得走投无路,克莱德认为,要是他不得不与这姑娘结婚,那么他想要青云直上的一切希望都将化为泡影。

59、Its “civil liberties” are still assessed at a dismal 6. ─── 其“公民自由”依然被评为令人沮丧的6级。

60、Dismal Scientist, a webzine dedicated to economic news, is fun. ─── 经济新闻网络杂志《忧郁科学家》趣闻十足。

61、My no-named strategy proved a dismal failure,however. ─── 但是,我的不取名策略结果是彻底的失败。

62、But the roots of the unrest lie in the country's dismal economic state, which the unions and protesters blame on the president. ─── 但是,动荡的根源在于该国消沉的经济状态,工会及抗议者将之归咎于总统。

63、Still, in the morning, when her household duties would infringe upon her and Hurstwood sat there, a perfect load to contemplate, her fate seemed dismal and unrelieved. ─── 可是,到了早晨,她受到家务的骚扰,而赫斯渥则坐在那里,俨然一个累赘,这时她的命运还是显得凄惨而沉重。

64、Why are you looking so dismal? ─── 你为何看上去这么忧郁?

65、Then came night-dark, dismal, silent night. ─── 夜已来临,这是黑暗,凄凉,沉寂的一夜。

66、Although most patients can be cured,outcome of some patients remains dismal. ─── 大多数患者可以治愈,但仍有少数患者死于该病。

67、The prognosis for patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most common primary brain tumor, is dismal. ─── 多形性胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)是常见的原发性脑肿瘤,患者的预后不佳。

68、O wild and dismal night storm, with wind! O belching and desperate! ─── 啊,暴风雨已然成形,高涨,沿着海岸飞奔疾走?

69、He spoke in a dismal strain. ─── 他的口气很沮丧。

70、Don't be dismal or fret, but do your duty and you'll get your reward. ─── 别垂头丧气,怨天尤人了吧。尽到你自己的责任,你会得到报偿的。

71、Each wandered away, from time to time, but the same dismal fascination always brought them back presently. ─── 他们时常从那里走开,可是又都被这件惨案吸引回来。

72、The place assumes the most dismal, sinister character when darkness came on. ─── 天色暗下来,这里带上最阴森凶险的色彩。

73、It mattered little that he had assured her it was a very dismal place. ─── 他告诉她,那是一个阴森可怕的地方,她也不在乎。

74、His reflections as he made his toilette were rather dismal . ─── 在他梳装打扮的时候,他头脑里思绪万千,并不愉快。

75、Commutes are more dismal than ever. ─── 一场大暴雨就使城市下水道脏水外溢。

76、As Mr Diamond arrived at the slopes, back in London Mervyn King was spelling out some dismal economic truths. ─── 当戴蒙德抵达达沃斯的时候,英国央行(BoE)行长默文?金(MervynKing)正在伦敦阐述一些黯淡的经济现实。

77、The future looks pretty dismal. ─── 前途看来十分黯淡。

78、He had insisted on dressing himself up in a frock-coat and the most dismal pepper-and-salt trousers. ─── 他固执己见地穿着礼服大衣和那条最悔气的黑白相间的裤子。

79、I suppose it seems to you a kind of curse. It must be very dismal. ─── 你觉得那是一种诅咒。那一定是种令人伤心的诅咒。

80、Clyde saw his possible marriage to the girl as a dismal ending to all his hopes for a bright future. ─── 克莱德认为,要是他不得不与这姑娘结婚,那么他想要青云直上的一切希望都将化为泡影。

81、Pressure is on Dortmund after a dismal 3-1 opening loss to newcomers Duisburg, which saw Thomas Doll lashing out at his players. ─── 3负于升班马杜伊斯堡后,压力在多特这边,多尔猛烈抨击他的队员们。

82、Dismal Days were considered unlucky,while Red-Letter Days were the principal feasts and saints'days to be celebrated or observed throughout the Christian year. ─── 不吉利日被认为是倒霉的日子,而吉利日在基督教全年度里是重要的节日和纪念圣徒的日子。

83、The 22-year-old competed hard, played unselfishly and never blamed his supporting cast for their dismal shooting. ─── 22岁便全力以赴,打球无私并且不因队友糟糕的投篮而责备他们。

84、Michigan, its fate yoked to that of carmakers, must observe its own dismal calendar. ─── 而密歇根的命运和汽车制造商绑在了一起,它的萧条有自己的时间表。

85、In many ways, this series of trials gives France a dismal image. ─── 多年来,这一连串审判令法国形象黯然失色。

86、Yous world,happening now.Envisage dismal,offish and evil,you can smile like the devil.Like the inexorable eye of the night. ─── 你的世界,从此发生了。面对悲惨,冷漠,罪恶,邪邪一笑,犹如黑夜中冷酷的目光。

87、Chelsea midfielder Lampard has seen England drop to third in Group E behind Russia and Croatia after last month's dismal defeat in Zagreb. ─── 切尔西中场兰帕德见证了英格兰上个月在萨格勒布的溃败后,球队没落到第E小组的第三位。

88、She work in a dismal little room in the attic. ─── 她在阁楼上的一间阴暗的小房间里工作。

89、Why, you ask, was I bound and chained to this cold and dismal place? ─── 你问我为何受禁锢的枷锁在这又冷又暗的地方?

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