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08-20 投稿


designedly 发音

英:[d??za?n?dl?]  美:[d??za?n?dli]

英:  美:

designedly 中文意思翻译



designedly 短语词组

1、designedly define ─── 有计划地定义

2、designedly definition ─── 有计划地定义

3、designedly legal definition ─── 有计划的法律定义

designedly 反义词

accidental |undesigned

designedly 同义词

willful | voluntary | intended | organic | destined |intentional

designedly 相似词语短语

1、designingly ─── 设计

2、undesignedly ─── adv.无意中;无心地

3、deservedly ─── adv.理所当然地;应得报酬地

4、decidedly ─── adv.果断地;断然地;明显;毫无疑问

5、designee ─── n.被指派者;被任命者

6、designable ─── adj.可被区分的;可被识别的

7、designed ─── v.设计;计划;(为特定目的)计划(design的过去式和过去分词);adj.精心设计的,有计划的;故意的

8、feignedly ─── adv.装聋作哑地;假装地

9、resignedly ─── adv.听从地;服从地

designedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、protect yourself carefully.and don't show your face or body to the monitor designedly,in the case, you will feel bad when you see your body on the internet. ─── 保护自己的同时,不要在摄像头面前特意是显示你的脸或是身体。万一,你在网上看到自己的时候,感觉就特别痛苦了。

2、"We still are used in game page designedly like 3 class piece means undertakes clew, threaten minor must not be entered. ─── “我们还特意在游戏页面用像三级片的方式进行提示,恐吓未成年人不得进入。”

3、Host adds the beam of corridor coping designedly, reflected a kind already directional, reflected a kind of culture again, the structure style element that is period of Japanese Nai fine then. ─── 走廊顶部的横梁是主人特意加上的,既体现了一种方向性,又反映了一种文化,那是日本奈良时期的建筑风格元素。

4、The member that receive silver asked designedly when checkout, make clear eventually, not be so " abstruse dish " however " dish of another name for Guangdong Province " , sweat! ─── 结帐时特意打听了一下收银员,终于搞清,原来不是“奥菜”而是“粤菜”,汗!

5、Next, still should notice to raise caloric to use up in autumn, designedly increases an activity, make the best of time to choose certain physical training appropriately in the morning. ─── 其次,在秋季还应注意提高热量的消耗,有计划地增加活动,早晨抓紧时间适当选择一定的体育锻炼。

6、disuse designedly ─── 有计划的废止制

7、Perhaps, because I don't regulate my fettle designedly. ─── 也许,因为我并没有刻意去调整自己的状态。

8、Apiculture person oneself plant a flower or the circumstance of designedly implantation nectar source is very few, this is a kind of regret undoubtedly. ─── 养蜂者自己种花或有计划地培植蜜源的情况很少,这无疑是一种遗憾。

9、Surgery of eye ground laser finished the eye often aches, why ah, with need not be protected designedly ? ─── 眼底激光手术做完了眼睛老是疼,为什么啊,用不用特意的保护啊?

10、Therefore, land should be auctioned publicly and designedly so as to cut down real estate prices by means of increasing the supply of common commercial residential buildings; ─── 因此,土地应该公开拍卖,通过增加公共商业住宅的供应,有计划地降低房产价格。

11、Press, the job that has a lot of wants to be finished in the home, increased a study for everybody in this space designedly so. ─── 出版社,有很多的工作要在家里完成,所以特意在这个空间里为每人增加了一个书房。

12、Hence it is plain that they achieve their end, not fortuitously, but designedly. ─── 所以它们显然不是偶然的,而是有计划地去达到自己地目的。

13、Put, during changing cure, still should notice to want designedly to absorb enough quantity of heat and nutrition. ─── 放、化疗期间还应注重要有计划地摄入足够的热量和营养。

14、Additional, designedly has campaign, do some of chore for instance, take a walk etc, in order to prevent gestation fat. ─── 另外,有计划地进行运动,比如做些家务、散步等,以防止妊娠期肥胖。

15、The sender designedly sends some false information to deceive the secret listener. ─── 发信方在对话过程中故意发出一部分假的信息,诱使窃听者上当,以探测窃听者的存在;

16、Hence it is plain that they achieve their end, not fortuitously, but designedly ─── 所以它们显然不是偶然地,而是有计划地去达到自己的目的。

17、the training should be put into action purposefully,designedly and step by step; ─── 培训应该有目的、有计划、有步骤地分阶段进行;

18、The 3rd, educational process of green, be in the school namely the whole process of education, education, purposeful designedly is paid attention to direct or undertake with osmotic way the environment is taught. ─── 第三、绿色的教育过程,即在学校教育、教学的全过程,有目的有计划地注重直接或用渗透的方式进行环境教育。

19、To show pair of master respect, before George is going, bought a pair of beautiful new leather shoes to put on to the shop designedly. ─── 约翰郑重其事地邀请乔治去他家做客。为了表示对主人的尊重,乔治在去之前,特意到商店买了一双漂亮的新皮鞋穿上。

20、We still are used in game page designedly like 3 class piece means undertakes clew, threaten minor must not be entered. ─── 我们还特意在游戏页面用像三级片的方式进行提示,恐吓未成年人不得进入。

21、Because stone millstones does not have deepness, to prevent to splash water, soup gentleman matched well-known trademark designedly prevent splash bibcock. ─── 由于石磨盘没有深度,为了防止溅水,汤先生特意配了知名品牌的防溅龙头。

22、Secondly transplant the residents living in the reservoir area designedly. ─── 二是有计划地迁出湖区群众。

23、On the streets of Buenos Aires, opinions on the presidential race are designedly decidedly mixed. ─── 在布宜诺斯艾利斯的各个街头,有关总统竞选的看法也是各不相同的。

24、Bell ceremonially and the Qing Gongyan that go back to the motherland are knocked to go up in Nasidake, wang Tao thanked Sohu and Zhang Chaoyang designedly on congress. ─── 在纳斯达克敲钟仪式上和回国的庆功宴上,王滔在大会上都特意感谢了搜狐和张朝阳。

25、What children bedchamber just considers for children when a lot of adults are decorated now is more, still lack a kind of consumption sense that makes children toilet designedly. ─── 只不过现在很多成人装修时为儿童考虑儿童卧房的较多,还缺少一种特意打造儿童卫生间的消费观念。

26、The city of different situation, town, according to dimensions, function, level, designedly coordinates development, execute a variety of mode, build a characteristic. ─── 不同情况的市、镇,按照规模、功能、水平,有计划地协调发展,实行多种模式,建出特色。

27、Grandson couple represents, this is to be New Year of congratulatory the traditional Chinese calendar coming, ask modelling division to be the new hair style of her clip designedly. ─── 孙俪表示,这是为庆祝农历新年即将到来,请造型师特意为她修剪的新发型。

28、Yesterday evening, because concern oversleeps, I do not pull severe curtain designedly. ─── 昨夜,因为担心睡过头,我特意不拉严窗帘。

29、To build the atmosphere that sees dish, wu Yue changes upstairs sitting room into movie house designedly, and the disc of a whole wall is to let a person look the eye is aglow more! ─── 为了营造看碟的氛围,吴越特意把楼上的客厅改成电影房,而一整面墙的影碟更是让人看得眼睛发红!

30、Say according to Luo Chun, he invites Li Yi exceeds designedly. ─── 据罗春说,李逸超是他特意请来的。

31、A scented gift and rememberance designedly dropt, ─── 一件芬芳的礼物或者无意抛落的纪念品,

32、That day, I go to designedly big famous female shoemaker buys a shoe, the result still is to not have result and return. ─── 那一天,我特意去一家有名的大码女鞋店买鞋,结果仍是无功而返。

33、MCH work has wide research space, should take the scientific research as the faucet to improve the speciality building and strengthen the hardware building of the speciality designedly. ─── 妇幼保健工作具有广阔的研究空间,要以科研为龙头,促进专科建设,有计划地加强专科的硬件建设。

34、Sometimes you can see what the author was getting at, such as the sign that warns people to "keep valuables snugly", and "beware the people press close to you designedly". ─── 有时你可以意会到翻译者的本意,如以下标志:警告人们“注意保管好随身物品”,以及“警惕故意靠近你的人。”

35、Making use of emotion flexibly in order to prompt action creatively and designedly . ─── 适应性地利用情绪以便有计划地、创造性地激励行为。

36、Before move, the friend that Huang Yan is engaged in decorating helped her examine to decorate craft and quality designedly. ─── 在搬家之前,黄颜一个从事装修的朋友特意帮她检验了一下装修工艺和质量。

37、I was now safe, for I could swim along the ditch without being seen, and I reached the canal in safety. I had designedly taken this direction ─── 我现在安全了,因为我可以沿着那个转拐的边上游而不会被人发现,我平平安安地游到了运河,我是故意朝这个方向游的。

38、Bilingual Teaching means two language systems or foreign language acted as teaching language is designedly used in non-language subject’s teaching. ─── 双语教学是指在学校里有计划地使用两种语言系统,或者使用非母语语言作为教学媒介开展非语言学科的教学。

39、Because two aquarium are special heavy, he can change water with straw only, need to have 10 meters long straw to toilet from aquarium position, for this he asks a friend to help designedly. ─── 由于两个鱼缸都非凡重,他只能用吸管换水,从鱼缸位置到卫生间需要有10米长的吸管,为此他特意请朋友来帮忙。

40、" Tang Biao introduces designedly. ─── 唐彪特意介绍。

41、To respect the kitchen-employees'work; do not make difficulties designedly. ─── 尊重厨房员工的工作,严禁故意刁难。

42、worse than useless to seek to know whether he has been for years overlooked, or always designedly held prisoner. ─── 去追究他这么多年来究竟只是遭到忽视或是有意被囚禁,也会是有害无益;

43、I saw your answer look for you designedly. ─── 我看了你的应答特地来找阁下.

44、Love plays the general character that is every child, furniture stylist people designed for children designedly already amused practical furniture. ─── 爱玩是每个孩子的共性,家具设计师们特意为孩子们设计了既好玩又实用的的家具。

45、Give when new kitchen small electric equipment acquiring in the home, the product ornament that can choose a few red designedly is on work station, make the red in eat hutch space coherent rise. ─── 给家里添置新的厨房小电器时,可以特意挑选一些红色的产品点缀在操作台上,使餐厨空间里的红色连贯起来。

46、Before move, the friend that Huang Yan is engaged in decorating helped her examine to decorate craft and quality designedly . ─── 在搬家之前,黄颜一个从事装修的朋友特意帮她检验了一下装修工艺和质量。

47、How can just judge what should buy " foreign goods " the floor is authentic, the reporter enquired relevant course of study mies wife designedly person. ─── 如何才能判定要买的“洋货”地板是否正宗,记者特意询问了相关的业内人士。

48、Two take charge of:(Designedly)oh! ─── 二当家:(故意地)哎呀!

49、1. Arachne filled her web with subjects designedly chosen to exhibit the failings and errors of the gods. ─── 阿拉喀涅则故意地在自己的图案中织出了显示神祗们的缺点和错误的主题。

50、In order to make a profit, he designedly asked a craftsman to make a very delicate box.There were beautiful patterns carved in it and many small precious stones set on it.It looked very beautiful. ─── 为了能卖一个好价钱,他特意请工匠为这颗珍珠做了一个十分精致的例子,上面雕着美丽的图案,并镶嵌了许多小的宝石,显得非常漂亮。

51、To make everybody can hear, the staff member gives him the microphone with wireless mount designedly, but he does not wish,wear. ─── 为了使大家都能听见,工作人员特意给他装上无线的麦克风,可是他不愿戴上。

52、Yu Xin, as the great master of the Northern Dynasties epitaph, his writing bring far-reaching impact on future generations, the papers also designedly analyzed and summarized his write practice. ─── 庾信作为北朝的碑志大家,其创作实践对后世影响深远,这一章也辟专节对其创作经验予以了分析总结。

53、Arachne filled her web with subjects designedly chosen to exhibit the failings and errors of the gods. ─── 阿拉喀涅则故意地在自己的图案中织出了显示神祗们的缺点和错误的主题。

54、At this point sensitive issue, the reporter interviewed Chinese inland market and sale general manager Mr Li Guoqing designedly. ─── 他认为,在过渡期内,消费者可能会发现康柏品牌和惠普品牌共同存在的现象。

55、Study and Exploration of Designedly Experiment Teaching ─── 设计性实验的教学尝试与思考

56、Exhort designedly finally the article of my company member, the news center that attends toward the website everyday releases news inside the column, baidu does not like invariable website. ─── 最后特意叮嘱我公司的文员,天天都往网站上的新闻中心栏目里面发布新闻,百度不喜欢一成不变的网站。

57、Designedly restores and rebuild wet, it is to make sure people is normal the life, production and life safety, realize the inevitable alternative that can develop continuously. ─── 有计划地恢复和重建湿地,是保证人们正常生活、生产和生命安全,实现可持续发展的必然选择。

58、Designedly reclaims appropriate farming uncultivated land, want to serve as a significant strategic move to consider. ─── 有计划地开垦宜农荒地,要作为一项重要的战略举措来考虑。

59、Company should gradually improve the working environment. It should designedly modify the facilities for safe production and hygiene, afford fund and insure its special use. ─── 企业应不断改善劳动条件。有计划地进行安全设施的更新改造,提供资金保证,确保专款专用。

60、Interviewed Henan to save statistical bureau designedly for this print journalist investment of province of standing deputy director general, Henan yields office director Comrade Miao Chenghong. ─── 为此本刊记者特意采访了河南省统计局常务副局长、河南省投入产出办公室主任缪盛鸿同志。

61、"If it is designedly done, they cannot be justified;but I have no idea of there being so much design in the world as some persons imagine. ─── “因此男人们就故意逗她们那么幻想。”

62、Surgery of eye ground laser finished the eye often aches, why ah, with need not be protected designedly? ─── 眼底激光手术做完了眼睛老是疼,为什么啊,用不用特意的保护啊?

63、Think really " black " my word, need not look for two autograph to make contrast originally designedly. ─── 真想“黑”我的话,就不必特意找来两本签名本做对比了。

64、The essence of American commercial design is "shape first and function second".The core is the system that products are come into disuse designedly. ─── 摘要美国商业性设计的本质是形式第一,功能第二,它的核心是“有计划的商品废止制”。

65、While possessing capabilities of discovering talents and properly making use of the existing talents, an excellent enterprise is also required to cultivate the existing human resources designedly. ─── 优秀的企业不但要具备发现人才的能力、合理用好现有人才的方法,同时也需要有计划地对现有的人员加以培养。

66、And court for process of careful of complete record front courtyard, arranged record of two clerk court designedly, among them a record that use a pen, another records sessional process with computer. ─── 而法院为了完整记录庭审过程,特意安排了两位书记员法庭记录,其中一位用笔记录,另一位则用电脑记录开庭过程。

67、Constituting a reasonable and effective legislation program is extremely important to finish the work of legislating designedly, procedurally and intentionally, which is important to ensure the laws legislated suitable and systemic as well. ─── 编制合理有效的立法规划,对促使立法工作有计划、有步骤、有目的地进行,保证地方立法工作的科学化、系统化有极其重要的意义。

68、Master: It must be designedly defective. I will send a cable to the manufacturer to ask for replacing the software. ─── 船长:一定是设计缺陷,我发报给制造商,要求换软件。

69、I have come to see you designedly. ─── 我是专程来看你的。

70、designedly experiment ─── 设计性实验

71、Reporter: in the time that comes this, our data that obtained you from our propagandist group branch designedly. ─── 记者:在这次来的时间,我们的特意从我们的宣传组部门拿到了您的资料。

72、To respect the kitchen- employees' work ; do not make difficulties designedly . ─── 尊重厨房员工的工作,严禁故意刁难。

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