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08-20 投稿


genii 发音


英:  美:

genii 中文意思翻译



genii 短语词组

1、genii code ─── 天才密码

2、genii esu ─── 天才

3、genii def ─── 精灵定义

4、genii inc genii ─── 公司。

5、genii of our times ─── 我们时代的天才

6、genii pig ─── 猪天才

7、Genii Capital ─── 基尼资本

8、genii sga Genii sga ─── 公司

9、genii app genius ─── 应用程序

10、genii 4000 genii 4000 ─── 型

11、genii creation ─── 天才创造

genii 词性/词形变化,genii变形

原型:genii 名词复数形式:genii

genii 相似词语短语

1、genius ─── n.天才,天赋;精神;n.(Genius)妙选

2、genic ─── adj.基因的;由基因引起的;遗传学的;有关胚胎的

3、genip ─── n.格尼帕果,格尼帕属果树

4、genial ─── adj.亲切的,友好的;和蔼的;适宜的

5、genit. ─── abbr.所有格的(genitive)

6、genips ─── genips公司

7、genin ─── n.配基;n.(Genin)人名;(俄)格宁

8、genie ─── n.妖怪;鬼

9、genies ─── 神怪;妖怪(genie的复数)

genii 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Through enhancing the cure period rule, the rate of 2 months end phlegm genii feminine changed into 86.91%, the rate of 3 months end phlegm germ feminine changed into 91.82%. ─── 经强化期规则治疗,2个月末痰菌阴转率为86.91%,3个月末痰菌阴转率为91.82%。

2、The next question will be, "Are there known sources of knowledge which are available only to genii, and if so, WHAT ARE THESE SOURCES, and exactly how may they be reached? ─── 第二个问题是:“有没有仅限于天才方能接头的知识源已知的?如果有,这些知识的源头为何物?又如何才能确切触及这些知识源?”

3、That's right, Bernie is part of the Genii Capital bid for Saab. ─── 是的,伯尼是海格·萨博的资本参与竞投。

4、"Genii" and "Gurus" Were Extremely Favoured as College Entrance Examination Drew Near ─── 高考期间"大仙"、"圣人"备受青眯

5、It was also found that the crowding of the buccal segment, tooth genii of upper third molar and Angle classification of malocclusion had no correlation with upper second molars malocclusion. ─── 结论:上颌第二磨牙错(牙合)畸形与上颌牙槽弓局部宽度有关;

6、Hong, we started towards to the toy business with our own design - The Enginery Genii's Generation. ─── 于2006年,在创办人的带领下,创杰工作室迈向玩具市场,一偿渴望以久的心愿 - 建立自己的玩具王国!

7、The genii who preserve the character of their type, and are properly called genii, love that which relates to mankind. ─── 魔鬼保持他们个性特征的类型,且适合称作魔鬼,有着与人类有关联的爱。

8、Geniu is one percent of inspiration and ninety-nine percent of perspiration. ─── 天才者,百分之一是灵感,百分之九十九是汗水---爱迪生

9、Between mankind and the spirits are genii , male and female, inhabitants of the desert and created by fire. ─── 介于人类与精灵之间的是男魔怪和女魔怪、漠动物和火造就的生灵。

10、There were other dolls behind the large one, which seemed to her to be fairies and genii. ─── 在那大娃娃后面,还有许多小娃娃,她想那一定是一些仙女仙童了。

11、I saw nothing about fairies, nothing about genii; ─── 以我那种琐细的口味来说,“拉塞拉斯”显得很枯燥。

12、Some are primitive; others are produced by these, by God, by genii, by men, and all resemble their respective types. ─── 一些是原始的;藉着上帝,藉着魔鬼,藉着人类其它人被这些生产出来,而且全部具有他们的各自的类型。

13、Literally this intellect is "spirit of a genius" (chi ngshen ), the word "genius" being essentially taken in the sense in which we speak of fox genii, rock genii and pine genii. ─── 这种智能便是我们所谓“精神”,“精”这个字的意义和我们讲到狐狸精、石精、松精时的那个“精”字相同。

14、All was useless, the treasure disappeared, and had again reverted to the genii from whom for a moment he had hoped to carry it off. ─── 但一切都没有用,宝藏消失了,他原想从护宝神的手上把宝藏偷走,现在宝藏却又回到了他们那儿去了。

15、The genii will give evidence against those who have worshipped idols ─── 魔怪将提供证据来反对那些崇拜偶像的人。

16、Genii coefficient constitutes an important international criterion to measure the income gap of a country or a region. ─── 国际上通常使用基尼系数作为衡量一个国家或地区收入差距的重要标志。

17、Although, th is deal gets more intriguing when you real ise the Genii in the bottle is none other than F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone. ─── 虽然,这项交易得到更耐人寻味当你意识到在瓶子上海格无非是伯尼埃克莱斯顿等。

18、Results: Through enhancing the cure period rule, the rate of 2 months end phlegm genii feminine changed into 86.91%, the rate of 3 months end phlegm germ feminine changed into 91.82%. ─── 结果:经强化期规则治疗,2个月末痰菌阴转率为86.91%,3个月末痰菌阴转率为91.82%。收藏指正

19、Genii understand that it is not what they do, but howthey do it that makes them what they are. ─── 天才清楚不是他们做了什么,而是怎样做到而成就了天才

20、It is assumed that the reader has read and understood the basics of honeynets as described in KYE: Honeynets and KYE: GenII Honeynets . ─── 本论文假定读者已经阅读并且理解有关在了解你的敌人:蜜网技术KYE:蜜网s和了解你的敌人:第二代蜜网技术第二代KYE:蜜网s中涉及到的蜜网的基本概念。

21、"All those genii who have forsaken their own type, and become joined in individuality to an individuality of the divine type, are regarded as neighbors and associates of the Gods. ─── "所有的那些放弃他们的自己类型的魔鬼,和变得适合加入神的类型个性的个性,被视为上帝的邻居和同伴。

22、The country was beset by a bewildering number of cults and religions, including the worship of astral gods, fertility goddesses, genii and sacred stones. ─── 国家当时被众多的信仰和宗教所包围,其中包括人们对星神、繁殖女神、魔怪以及神石的崇拜,其数量之多令人费解。

23、Between mankind and the spirits are genii, male and female, inhabitants of the desert and created by fire. ─── 介于人类与精灵之间的是男魔怪和女魔怪、漠动物和火造就的生灵。

24、what, I repeat, would these Iron-dominant Genii think of me? ─── 重复一下这个问题吧,这些主宰钢铁的天才到底会怎样看我?

25、The little girl can name all the genii in Arabian stores. ─── 这小女孩能说出阿拉伯故事中的所有神妖的名字。

26、A spokesman for the Genii consortium said it was still interested in Saab but acknowledged Spyker was favourite. ─── GeniiCapital收购财团的一位发言人表示,它对萨博仍感兴趣,但承认世爵受到通用的青睐。

27、Thus the Gods [higher creative hierarchies] constitute a type, the genii [angels or devas] also. ─── 如此上帝[比较高的有创造力的阶级组织]构成一个类型,魔鬼[天使或天神]也是如此。

28、The next question will be, "Are there known sources of knowledge which are available only to genii, and if so, WHAT ARE THESE SOURCES, and exactly how may they be reached?" ─── 第二个问题是: “有没有仅限于天才方能接头的知识源已知的?如果有,这些知识的源头为何物?又如何才能确切触及这些知识源?”

29、It seems that some academics are great at life conceptually, but practically... not so good;Academic genii, social duds. ─── “但是如果它整晚犬吠,破坏我的睡眠,啃咬我最喜欢的鞋子和到处排泄的话又会怎样呢?”

30、"For bodies can be formed only by the divine will; individualities cannot be characterized without the aid of the genii; the education and training of animals cannot be conducted without men. ─── "因为身体能被神的意志所形成;没有魔鬼的帮助个性不能够形成特色;没有人类的管理动物的教育和训练不能够进行。

31、5.The retinue of Indra consists chiefly of the Gandharvas, a class of genii, considered in the epics as the celestial musicians; ─── 因陀罗的随从主要是由乾达婆组成,是一群魔仆,在史诗上被认为是天上的乐师;

32、Should the deal with Spyker fall through, Genii and partners remained at the ready to pursue talks with GM, Carlstrom said. ─── 他还表示,若与Spyker的交易失败,Genii和其合伙人仍准备寻求与通用汽车进行谈判.(完)

33、Charmed Words places you in a beautiful fantasy world where Goblins, Dark Genii, Daemons and worse use powerful spells in their quest to incinerate your beloved Academy. ─── 换言之魅力的地方,你在一个美丽的幻想世界里goblins ,皮肤黝黑genii ,守护进程和更糟的使用强大的阐述了在其追求以焚化您心爱的学院。

34、others are produced by these, by God, by genii, by men, and all resemble their respective types. ─── 藉着上帝,藉着魔鬼,藉着人类其它人被这些生产出来,而且全部具有他们的各自的类型。

35、Shaped like a lion with wings,it is a favourable creature of Chinese people for the purpose of preventing from various genii. ─── 本公司独家精心创作的“展翅辟邪”,威严雄壮、正气凛然、昂首怒目、跃跃欲飞、匠心独运、寓意深远。

36、"The genii who preserve the character of their type, and are properly called genii, love that which relates to mankind. ─── "魔鬼保持他们个性特征的类型,且适合称作魔鬼,有着与人类有关联的爱。

37、individualities cannot be characterized without the aid of the genii; ─── 没有魔鬼的帮助个性不能够形成特色;

38、He is now working on his comic book of the Enginery Genii's Generation and post them monthly in a local model hobby magazine named "MODEL KIT WORLD". ─── 在网上的模型讨论区经常有人慕名向他查询制作精要或心得。

39、Establishing a vast god system of navigation genii, sea guard and commercial gods, the ancient seamen created a security system to protect themselves and to profit economically from the ocean. ─── 庞大的海上航行保护神、镇海神乃至渔业商业神神系的确立,是古代的海客舟子在心中构筑一个生命安全与获取海洋经济利益的保障系统。

40、Genii coefficient constitutes an important international criterion to measure the income gap of a country or a region. ─── 国际上通常使用基尼系数作为衡量一个国家或地区收入差距的重要标志。

41、He who has affinity with the genii approximates himself to them. ─── 与人类的类型相似,或者甚至超越人类,他们的;

42、This paper explains step by step how to build a GenII virtual Honeynet using the commercial software VMware.Deploy a complete Honeynet with multiple honeypots on a single computer. ─── 本文一步步地解释如何使用开源的软件构建一个第一代虚拟蜜网,以一台 486 的机器和一些完全免费的软件部署一个完整的蜜罐。

43、" The entire issue of Genii dedicated to Bob and his work from 2004 is also included. ─── " 天才的整个问题致力鲍伯和他的工作从2004年也包括。

44、The Tale of Genii ─── 源氏物语

45、"Many interesting pages are crammed with much needed information. All magicians should read it and most should apply its teachings."- WILLIAM LARSEN, The Genii. ─── 转载要求:转载之图片、文件,链接请不要盗链到本站,且不准打上各自站点的水印,亦不能抹去我站点水印。

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