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08-20 投稿


interviews 发音

英:[??nt?vju?z]  美:[??nt?r?vj?]

英:  美:

interviews 中文意思翻译



interviews 词性/词形变化,interviews变形

形容词: interviewable |名词: interviewee |动词现在分词: interviewing |动词过去式: interviewed |动词第三人称单数: interviews |动词过去分词: interviewed |

interviews 短语词组

1、interviews questions ─── 面试问题

2、succeeding at interviews ─── 面试成功

3、it is where we do interviews ─── 这是我们采访的地方

4、panel interviews were ─── 小组访谈包括

5、interviews hollywood ─── 好莱坞访谈

6、panel interviews were than ─── 小组访谈比

7、phone interviews are typically ─── 电话采访通常是

8、personal interviews ─── 面谈;人员访问(personalinterview的复数)

9、press interviews ─── 新闻采访

10、panel interviews ─── 专门小组会谈;小组面试

11、shortlists for job interviews ─── 求职面试入围名单

12、train fares to interviews ─── 面试的火车票价

13、phone interviews ─── 电话面试 ─── 电话采访

14、interviews with monster ─── 采访怪物

15、job interviews ─── 求职面试,参加面试;口头审查

16、attends broadcast interviews ─── 参加广播采访

17、interviews with trump supporters ─── 采访特朗普支持者

18、post-interviews (post-interview ─── 的复数) adj. 面试后 ─── 的

19、interviews process ─── 面试流程

interviews 相似词语短语

1、interview ─── n.接见,采访;面试,面谈;vt.采访;接见;对…进行面谈;对某人进行面试

2、interviewee ─── n.参加面试者,被接见者,被访问者

3、interviewer ─── n.采访者;会见者;面谈者;进行面试者

4、interviewers ─── n.采访者;会见者;面谈者;进行面试者

5、interviewed ─── v.面试;接见;会见(interview的过去式)

6、interties ─── n.(美)联锁电力网

7、reinterviews ─── 再透视图

8、preinterviews ─── 面试前

9、interviewees ─── n.参加面试者,被接见者,被访问者

interviews 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He spruced (himself) up for the interview. ─── 他打扮了一下去参加面试.

2、An interview conducted in great depth. ─── 一次深入的采访。

3、Candidates were later contacted by recruiters for one on one interviews. ─── 之后应聘者会收到招聘者要求单独面试的通知。

4、The Ambassador refused to give any interviews to journalists. ─── 大使拒绝会见记者。

5、My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. ─── 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。

6、He indicated that the interview was over. ─── 他简短地说接见结束了。

7、In-depth interviews with cultural movers-and-shakers. ─── 创意文化领域话题人物的深度访问。

8、Bobby, did you have a good interview? ─── 博比,面试结果不错吧。

9、Interviews are by appointment only. ─── 会晤需经预约.

10、Candidates will be invited for interview early next month. ─── 下月初将约请候选人面试。

11、A television program with a mixture of news and entertainment features, such as interviews, commentaries, and reviews. ─── 信息娱乐片夹杂着新闻和娱乐的电视节目,比如采访、评论和回顾性节目

12、The woman picked eight of the men for interviews and is expected to meet two or three of them per month over the next three months. ─── 这位女富豪最终挑选了8位男士面谈,并打算在接下来的3个月里,每月与2到3人见面。

13、A college prep course; did extensive prep work for the interview. ─── 大学预备课程; 为会见作了全面的准备工作

14、She comes across well/badly in interviews. ─── 她在面试中给人留下很好的[很坏的]印象.

15、A ton of interviews to get through. ─── 会见很多访客。

16、The interview resolved itself into a pleasant chat. ─── 会见变成了愉快的闲聊。

17、He had a television interview with a journalist. ─── 他接受了一个记者的电视采访。

18、You've been unsuccessful in your interviews? Bad luck! ─── 你多次面试都不成功?真不幸!

19、In all,53 video-recorded interviews (all for sexual offences) were conducted. ─── 在录影下进行的会见有53宗,全部均为性罪行案件。

20、Do you sometimes censor yourself in interviews? ─── 你平时在访问中会留意下自己的语言吗?

21、A series of five interviews will be spread over two days. ─── 一共五次面谈,分两天进行。

22、He asked for an interview with the president. ─── 他要求与校长会晤。

23、How was your interview with Michigan? ─── 你跟密歇根大学的人面谈得如何?

24、In an interview for a post it is often the person who knows how to set out his stall that comes off best. ─── 在求职的面试中,常常是懂得如何巧妙展示自己的资格和才艺的人结果最好。

25、They must have edited bits of the interview out. ─── 他们一定是把这次采访的一部分删掉了。

26、He mentioned that problem at our interviews. ─── 他在我们会谈时提到了那个问题。

27、He is nervous (uneasy) about the interview. ─── 他很担心面试。

28、One important thing to avoid in interviews is the use of leading questions. ─── 在访谈中需要避免使用对答案有诱导性的问题,这点很重要。

29、He doesn't know how to put himself across at interviews. ─── 他不知道在面试时怎样把自己的意思讲清楚。

30、She was uptight about the interview. ─── 她对面谈感到紧张。

31、Can you arrange an interview for tomorrow? ─── 你可以安排在明天面谈吗?

32、Did you hear the interview with him on the radio? ─── 你有没有在广播里听到采访他的情况?

33、Please remind me again nearer to the time of the interview. ─── 到快面试时请再提醒我一下。

34、But the matter often came up in interviews. ─── 但在采访时这类事实已屡见不鲜。

35、Emily was all chewed up about the interview. ─── 埃米莉对这次会见感到非常紧张。

36、The President's schedulers allowed 90 minutes for TV interviews. ─── 为总统安排日程的官员留出了90分钟的电视采访时间。

37、At the job interview I admitted that I haven't any formal qualifications and immediately put myself out of court. ─── 在就职面试中,我承认没有任何正式的合格证明,因此马上就不被重视。

38、Lashed out at her critics during the interview. ─── 在采访过程中对她的批评者们进行严厉攻击

39、Would you like to for a personal interview? ─── 你愿意安排一次私人会见吗?

40、How do you feel about the interview on tv? ─── 在电视上接受采访你觉得怎么样?

41、In the West, job interviews are highly formalized and systematic. ─── 在西方,工作面试是非常正式和系统化的。

42、Job interviews are very different around the world. ─── 世界各地的求职面试是很不一样的.

43、And yet, after two years of interviews, I still find myself waking in a fog. ─── 但是,经过两年的采访,我仍处于迷茫之中。

44、Isn't that what one does on a job interview? ─── 在找工作面试时,不就是这样做的吗?

45、Which kind of CASHFLOW interviews are you most interested in? ─── 你希望在CASH的刊物CASHFLOW内,读到以下哪些专访?

46、Daphne Batts sometimes wonders if practical jokers with hidden cameras are spying on her as she interviews people for jobs at Bankrate Inc. ─── 芙妮?贝茨(DaphneBatts)有时会想,当她在BankrateInc。面试求职者的时候,会不会有喜欢恶作剧的人用暗藏的照相机偷拍她的一举一动呢?

47、He came over well in the interview. ─── 他在面试中给人留下了很好的印象。

48、Here are interviews with them. ─── 下面是对他们的采访。

49、But after that, I was more relaxed in the most of the interviews. ─── 但那之后,在大多数面试中,我都能作到比较放松自如了。

50、May I make a few preliminary remarks before we start the interview? ─── 在我们开始面试之前,我先说几句话可以吗?

51、But it nauseated him, Mr.Wu recalled in later interviews. ─── 但是这让他作呕,吴先生在后来的会见中回忆到。

52、As he had nothing to tell, he refused to give any interviews to the journalists. ─── 他由于无可奉告,拒绝了记者采访。

53、In a TV interview she hit back at her critic. ─── 她在接受电视采访时,反驳了那些批评者的观点。

54、He was deliberate in his answers in interviews. ─── 他每次回答采访的问题的答案都是经过深思熟虑的。

55、She became ever more nervous as the interview continued. ─── 她在面试过程中越来越紧张。

56、He was shied away from personal revelations in interviews and writings. ─── 他在谈话和文章中也避而不谈自己的经历。

57、He prepared three days for this interview. ─── 他为这次面试准备了3天。

58、She comes across well in interviews. ─── 她在面试中常给人留下很好的印象。

59、It made him squirm to think how he'd messed up the interview. ─── 他想到面试时自己表现得那么差劲,心里真不是滋味儿。

60、Many of his most famous quotes emanate from his annual letters to his shareholders; others come from speeches or interviews. ─── 许多著名语录摘自于他每年写给股东的信,还有一些来自他的演讲和访谈。

61、I stand out in a group interview. ─── 在集体面试中脱颖而出。

62、As if job interviews weren't stressful enough, hiring managers at some of the largest companies have taken to throwing real curve balls. ─── 好像工作面试不够紧张的话,一些大公司的招聘经理就没有尽职尽责。

63、She insisted on being present at all the interviews. ─── 她坚决要求出席所有的采访。

64、He completely botched up the interview. ─── 他面试表现得糟透了。

65、Original Radio Interviews With Sean Connery. ─── 原始的辛康纳利广播采访短片。

66、Last week I filled out an application form for a new company in town and arranged for a personal interview. ─── 上星期,我给城里的一家新公司写了申请表,并安排了私人会见。

67、Conduct Interviews via Telephone. Create Stimuli. Scanning at MGH. ─── 7通过电话(与被试的朋友及家人)会话。建立刺激。在MGH中扫描。

68、She had a chance to see the competition (ie the other people who were trying to get the same job as she was) before the interview. ─── 她在面试之前有机会见到了对手(与她竞争同一职位者).

69、Gavin carried out in-depth interviews with 42 regular chat room users aged 19 to 26 years. ─── 加文对42名年龄从19到26岁的聊天室常客进行了深度采访。

70、It is surely overkilled to screen three interviews on the same subject in one evening. ─── 一晚放映三个同一主题的访问记实,真是小题大做。

71、You can't go to a job interview looking so scruffy! ─── 你求职去面试不能这邋里邋遢的!

72、Had he read your record of your first interview? ─── 他看过你第一轮面试的成绩吗?

73、They interview people from all walks of life. ─── 他们采访各行各业的人。

74、Interviews of celebrities, focusing on lifestyle and stories. ─── 中国及国际名流的访问,聚焦生活品味及人文。

75、Have you forgotten your first job interview? ─── 你是否忘了你的第一次工作面试?

76、Putin contributed to the work with extensive interviews to Blotsky. ─── 克里姆林宫对布洛特斯基大开绿灯,方便他个人更多地接触普京。

77、He soon brought the interview politely to a close. ─── 不一会儿他就客气地结束了这次会晤。

78、You must be on autopilot with interviews by now. ─── 你现在一定对媒体的提问很熟练了。

79、He's applying for two other jobs as an insurance against not passing the interview for this one. ─── 他还申请了另外两份工作,以防这份工作面试不合格。

80、She comes across well in interviews. ─── 她在面试中常给人留下很好的印象。

81、In an exclusive interview with David Frost, the former president make many revelation. ─── 前总裁在接受戴维·弗罗斯特独家采访时透露了不少内幕情况。

82、In the prosecution of his duties, he had to interview people of all classes. ─── 在履行职责的时候,他得会见各个阶级的人。

83、Boy, this isn't going to be one of those easy interviews. ─── 哎,看来这不是一次轻松的采访。

84、They said the interview was just a formality/a mere formality, as they've already given me the job. ─── 他们说面试只是一种例行公事,因为他们已经把工作给我了。

85、The key to landing a job in interviews is to have a firm handshake. ─── 在面试中获得工作的关键在于有力的握手。

86、Ex 1:All candidates must go through a series of interviews. ─── 例1:所有求职者必须经过一连串的面谈。

87、But as he admitted later, in penitent memoirs and interviews, he had not understood the variables of war itself. ─── 但是此后充满忏悔的回忆录和访问中,他也承认,自己就没有搞清楚战争的变量。

88、Quite a considerable number of interviews are going on. ─── 许许多多的面试正在进行。

89、MP: Boy, this isn't going to be one of those easy interviews. ─── 哎,看来这不是一次轻松的采访。

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