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08-20 投稿


parasitically 发音


英:  美:

parasitically 中文意思翻译



parasitically 反义词


parasitically 短语词组

1、parasitically definition ─── 寄生定义

2、parasitically synonym ─── 寄生同义词

3、parasitically meaning ─── 寄生意义

4、parasitically define ─── 寄生定义

5、parasitically feed ─── 寄生性饲料

parasitically 同义词

yesman | hanger-on | tufthunter | sponge | bur | insect | bug | bloodsucker | sponger | cestode | minion | moocher | spaniel | time-server | toady | pest | cringer | dependent | courtier | sycophant | louse | lickspittle | beggar | follower | jackal | organism | plant louse | flea | attendant | adherent | flatterer |leech | freeloader | lickspit | crawler | satellite | creature | lackey | bootlicker | plant

parasitically 词性/词形变化,parasitically变形

异体字: parasitical |副词: parasitically |

parasitically 相似词语短语

1、drastically ─── adv.彻底地;激烈地

2、paradisaically ─── 荒谬地

3、parametrically ─── 参数化

4、parodistically ─── 夸张地

5、parasitical ─── adj.寄生的;食客的

6、paralytically ─── 麻痹地

7、paradisiacally ─── 悖论地

8、paratactically ─── 并列的

9、parabiotically ─── 寓言地

parasitically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines. ─── 多种寄生在脊椎动物体内的蠕虫,其能够伸缩的长鼻子上覆有许多钩状的刺。

2、[7]Xu JB,Gao XZ.Observation on microfilaments of Trichomonas vaginalis treated with dihydroartemisinin in vitro[J].Chin J Parasit Dis Control,2004,17:12-14. ─── (in Chinese)(许静波,高兴政.双氢青蒿素对阴道毛滴虫微丝作用的观察[J].中国寄生虫病防治杂志,2004,17:12-14).

3、parasitically excited antenna ─── 寄生振子天线

4、bristly fly whose larvae live parasitically in caterpillars and other insects; important in control of noxious insects. ─── 有刚毛的苍蝇,其幼虫寄生在毛虫或其它昆虫的身上;在控制有害昆虫方面很重要。

5、He would court opprobrium if he were to argue that, as a class of human beings, they lack morals or self-control, or to claim that they exist parasitically on the hard work of others. ─── 如果他提出,黑人作为人类的一种,是缺乏道德和自控的,或者说他们寄生于他人的辛劳工作之上,他将遭到责骂。

6、any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines. ─── 多种寄生在脊椎动物体内的蠕虫,其能够伸缩的长鼻子上覆有许多钩状的刺。

7、Though ruthlessly exploited by the ruling class, farmers were the producers of China’s wealth and held a higher status over merchants who were thought to live parasitically off the labors of others. ─── 农民虽然受到统治阶级的残酷剥削,却创造了中国的财富,地位也高于商人,因为商人被看做依靠他人劳动的寄生虫,商业是见不得人的买卖。

8、It was pointed out that such defence mechanisms and the components of helm inth in the hosts had the potential to develop other novel approaches of parasit e prevention and therapy. ─── 指出蠕虫在宿主中的防御机制及其功能性成分对畜禽蠕虫病预防和治疗新方法的开发具有重要意义。

9、Living organisms are constantly in contact with pathogens which, under the proper conditions, are able to parasitically proliferate to create pathological conditions. ─── 活的生物体是在与病原体接触不断,在适当的条件下,能够寄生繁殖创造病理状态。

10、It is up to that person to prove that he or she is not living "parasitically" off the money the sex worker makes. ─── 但是,至于这个人是否“像寄生虫一样”靠此名性工作者的收入生活,是由他/她自己来证明的。

11、Commercial spammers who parasitically link to Wikipedia entries are doing so only for commercial gain. ─── 并且有多种模板和客服方式供选择,而且完全免费,适合小型或个人站点使用。

12、any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines ─── 多种寄生在脊椎动物体内的蠕虫,其能够伸缩的长鼻子上覆有许多钩状的刺

13、Big cities are not alien entities parasitically feeding off their nations. ─── 毕竟,我已经用脚投票,选择住在了这里。

14、bristly fly whose larvae live parasitically in caterpillars and other insects; ─── 有刚毛的苍蝇,其幼虫寄生在毛虫或其它昆虫的身上;


adv. 带有成见地(stereotype的副词形式) [例句]A lot of people wonder how chinese parents raise such stereotypically successful kids.很多人想知道中国的父母提出这样的种典型的成功的孩子。


partly 这个词是有的,意思为:部分地;在一定程度上

例如:But this forecast was only partly true. 但这个预言只是部分地实现了。

patially 这个词是没有,你是想说partially 吗?partially包括两个意思1.部分地2.有偏见地,偏向地;partly只有一个意思即部分地。所以从这方面说,partially包括了partly的意思。但一般用到partially时都侧重它的后一个意思即有偏见地。而且partially 作为副词也不常用,常用的是形容词partial。

例如:He's partial to sporty women with blue eyes. 他对蓝眼睛的、运动型的女人是偏爱的。

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