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08-20 投稿


excommunicating 发音

英:[?eksk??mju?n?ke?t??]  美:[?eksk??mju?n?ke?t??]

英:  美:

excommunicating 中文意思翻译




excommunicating 词性/词形变化,excommunicating变形

名词: excommunicator |动词过去分词: excommunicated |形容词: excommunicative |动词过去式: excommunicated |动词现在分词: excommunicating |动词第三人称单数: excommunicates |

excommunicating 短语词组

1、excommunicating the faithful ─── 驱逐信徒

2、excommunicating synonym ─── 逐出同义词

3、excommunicating atheists ─── 驱逐无神论者

4、excommunicating def ─── 逐出教会

5、excommunicating yourself ─── 把自己逐出教会

excommunicating 同义词

debar | anathematize | bar | curse | remove | unchurch | eject | dispossess | expel | throw out |exclude

excommunicating 反义词


excommunicating 相似词语短语

1、excommunication ─── n.逐出教会

2、overcommunicating ─── 过度传播

3、excommunications ─── n.逐出教会

4、noncommunicating ─── 不沟通

5、communicating ─── adj.(房间)相通的,相连的;v.交流;传递;传播(communicate的现在分词)

6、excommunicative ─── adj.逐出教会的;放除的

7、excommunicate ─── vt.逐出教会;把…逐出教会;adj.被逐出教会的;n.被逐出教会的人

8、excommunicates ─── vt.逐出教会;把…逐出教会;adj.被逐出教会的;n.被逐出教会的人

9、excommunicated ─── vt.逐出教会;把…逐出教会;adj.被逐出教会的;n.被逐出教会的人

excommunicating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It could mean that Paul was excommunicating them or at least putting them out of the membership of the church for a stated period until they repented. ─── 它可能表示保罗要将他们逐出教会,或至少在某段期间停止他们的会友资格,直至他们悔改。

2、formal declaration of the Christian Church, excommunicating sb or condemning sth as evil. ─── 基督教把某人逐出教会或谴责某事物为邪恶的咒诅。

3、Representing the earthly empire of the Pope, they start with only Rome. They're militarily weak, but can retaliate on aggressors by excommunicating them. ─── 教皇的早期帝国,他们建立于罗马。他们的军事力量弱小,但是却可以通过逐出教会来反击侵略者。

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