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08-20 投稿


compatible 发音

英:[k?m?p?t?b(?)l]  美:[k?m?p?t?b(?)l]

英:  美:

compatible 中文意思翻译



compatible 同义词

agreeing | proportional | fitting | congruous |harmonious | companionable | coexistent | friendly | sympathetic | harmonizing | matching | one | consistent | agreeable | well-matched | corresponding | well-suited | congenial | like-minded | attuned | congruent

compatible 常用词组

compatible with ─── adj. 与……和谐相处;与……相配的

compatible 短语词组

1、compatible monolithic integrated circuit ─── [电] 和谐单石积分电路

2、compatible hardare ─── [计] 兼容硬件

3、compatible computer ─── [计] 兼容计算机

4、compatible machine ─── [计] 兼容计算机

5、backward-compatible adj. ─── 反向兼容,逆向相容

6、compatible crosspoints ─── [计] 互通交叉点

7、compatible ic ─── [电] 和谐积分电路

8、compatible controller ─── [计] 兼容控制器

9、compatible index ─── [化] 配伍指数

10、compatible index constraint ─── [计] 兼容索引约束

11、assignment compatible type ─── [计] 赋值相容类型

12、backwards compatible ─── 向后兼容

13、be compatible with ─── 适合, 一致

14、compatible access mode ─── [计] 相容存取方式

15、compatible hardware ─── [计] 兼容硬件

16、backward compatible ─── [计] 向前兼容

17、compatible distribution function ─── [计] 相容分布函数

18、bus-compatible ─── [计] 总线兼容的

19、compatible colour system ─── [计] 兼容彩色系统

compatible 反义词


compatible 词性/词形变化,compatible变形

副词: compatibly |名词: compatibility |

compatible 习惯用语

1、be compatible with ─── 与...相适应, 不矛盾, 一致, 相似

compatible 相似词语短语

1、compactible ─── adj.能被压实的,能被塞紧的

2、compatibly ─── adv.适合地;协调地;相互兼容地

3、companiable ─── 兼容的

4、comestible ─── n.食物;adj.可食用的

5、comptable ─── 会计

6、incompatible ─── adj.不相容的;矛盾的;不能同时成立的;n.互不相容的人或事物

7、computable ─── adj.可计算的

8、comparable ─── adj.类似的,可比较的;同等的,相当的

9、biocompatible ─── adj.生物适合的;不会引起排斥的

compatible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What phone models are compatible with the application? ─── 哪些手机型号可与此软件兼容?

2、Compatible with alkyd and phenolic paints. ─── 可以与醇酸类、醛类漆配套使用。

3、Are measures to protect the environment compatible with economic growth? ─── 保护环境的措施与经济的增长协调吗?

4、Converting a final cost estimate into a project budget compatible with an organization's cost accounts is not always a straightforward task. ─── 把最终的成本估算转化成与组织的成本报告兼容的项目预算并不是一项简单的工作。

5、"Any compatible waveform playback device may be used. ─── "任何一种兼容的波形播放设备都可能被使用。

6、Their marriage ended because they were simply not compatible with each other. ─── 他俩简直无法和睦相处,所以就离婚了。

7、Their objectives were compatible with the interests of North American investors. ─── 他们的目标符合北美投资者的利益。

8、A banking system compatible with a growing socialist market economy has begun to take shape. ─── 与社会主义市场经济发展相适应的金融体系初步形成。

9、Gloss, Fullness, Adhesion, Hardness, Compatible with Alkyd resin Fast dry. ─── 光泽,膜厚感,密著,硬度,与醇酸树脂相容性,速乾

10、A collection of strings that are names of compatible methods. ─── 兼容方法名称的字符串的集合。

11、Is this product compatible with the Zope and Python versions used on Objectis? ─── 产品是否和Objectis上Zope及Python的版本兼容?

12、War3x is no longer compatible with AMX. ─── war3x不再符合阿莫西林.

13、This design is compatible with tube or tubeless wheel sets. ─── 8. 可搭配无内胎或有内胎之轮组。

14、"C276" indicates media compatible with Hastelloy C276. ─── “C276 ”表示媒体与哈氏合金C276 。

15、For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom. ─── 因为人口过剩和自由是不可调和的。

16、All systems all SVGA or higher resolution or 720p HD compatible. ─── 全系统所有的SVGA或更高分辨率或720p高清兼容。

17、Are Visio 2003 files compatible with Office Visio 2007, and vice versa? ─── Visio 2003文件是否与Office Visio 2007兼容,反之又如何?

18、But are components of different brands compatible with one another? ─── 但不同牌子的部件能互相兼容的吗?

19、One is a non-resonant energy combination that is not compatible. ─── 一个是不能兼容的非共振的能量化合物。

20、These are all compatible with juvenile retinoschisis. ─── 均属幼年性视网膜分裂症的典型变化。

21、Are the Office Home and Student 2007 XML-based files backward compatible? ─── 基于Office Home and Student 2007 XML的文件是否可向后兼容?

22、According to the low-complexity of R22SDF algorithm, a compatible FFT algorithm is proposed. ─── 利用R22SDF算法的低复杂度的特点,在其基础上演变出一种通用的FFT算法。

23、Personal interest is not always compatible with public interest. ─── 个人利益和集体利益不能总是一致的。

24、What kinds of telephones are compatible with iTalkBB's service? ─── 哪种电话机适用于iTalkBB服务?

25、The two statements are compatible. ─── 两说并存

26、Not all good things are compatible, still less all the ideals of mankind. ─── 不同的价值不一定是相容的,人类的理想更不是如此。

27、Are your family members compatible with each other? ─── 你的家庭成员间能和 睦相处吗?

28、Parse Error - Current element not compatible with next element '{0}'. ─── 分析错误 - 当前元素与下一个元素“{0}”不兼容。

29、MIDI in/out, S/PDIF digital output, CDR compatible. ─── 2完全无缝环迴效果带3最新开启起动键。

30、An easy to use text editor for MS-DOS and compatible systems. ─── 一个易于使用的文本编辑器,用于MS-DOS和兼容系统。

31、Pertaining to a degree of standardization of computer system components to allow for combinations and large variety of compatible units. ─── 修饰或说明计算机系统部件的标准化的程度,模块化设计允许部件组合和出现很多种类的兼容部件。

32、The two of them are temperamentally compatible (or congenial). ─── 他们二人情趣相投。

33、new system will be compatible with existing equipment. ─── 新的系统将与现有的设备相互兼容。

34、You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes. ─── 你应该挑个和你意气更相投的人同住一室。

35、A biopsy revealed that the histological change was compatible with a syringoma. ─── 会阴部丘疹的切片病理变化,与汗管瘤相符。

36、He isn't compatible with his dormmates, because he is a little selfish. ─── 因为他有些自私,他和室友们处不来。

37、Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions. ─── 他辩称自由企业与俄罗斯的价值观和传统是相容的。

38、Below solution are highly compatible with the full series of D&G HMA Plants. ─── 以下再生配套方案适用于德基全系统沥青搅拌设备。

39、A base data type is compatible with another of the same base data type. ─── 基本数据类型与另一个相同的基本数据类型兼容。

40、We have spoken of this singular place in detail, but with respect, in so far, at least, as detail and respect are compatible. ─── 对那奇特场所我们谈得相当详细,但仍然是怀着恭敬的心情来谈的,至少是在详细和恭敬还能协调起来的范围内谈的。

41、FI 3960 has natural feel and can be compatible with silicate emulsion. ─── FI 3960赋予涂层自然的手感,可与有机硅配合使用。

42、PC Mouse or compatible pointing device. ─── PC鼠标或兼容指针设备。

43、In theory, both are binary compatible, but now is up to the Ruby code for some libraries how is going to interact with that. ─── 理论上,两种都是二进制兼容的,但是现在需要明白的是,使用某些库的Ruby代码是如何和这些库交互的。

44、Not compatible and very hurtful for the Fish that is attracted to you. ─── 不能相互包容将对双方都造成极大的伤害。

45、Upgradable and compatible with a com software. ─── 不但能更新而且还有兼容性。

46、Arsenical compounds are not compatible with reducing agents. ─── 含砷化合物与还原剂不能共用。

47、New version is XP compatible and can ZIP files before splitting. ─── 也可以依照使用者的需要分割出自己想要的档案大小。

48、Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliment s. ─── 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则.

49、Endocrine findings were compatible with androgen insensitivity syndrome. ─── 内分泌检查结果符合雄性激素不敏感综合征。

50、He and his wife aren't compatible. ─── 他跟他的妻子合不来。

51、DO NOT use any pumps, valves, or fittings that are not compatible with potable water. ─── 不要采用任何不符合饮用水要求的任何泵、阀门或连接件。

52、Named ACLs are not compatible with Cisco IOS releases prior to Release 11.2. ─── 在实作命名的ACL之前考虑下列问题。

53、Their interests are not compatible with ours . ─── 他们的利益和我们的利益不相容。

54、At least with Windows, you could reformat your PC and install Linux or any number of other PC-compatible operating systems. ─── 对于视窗,至少您可以格式化您的PC,装Linux或者其他PC兼容的操作系统。

55、One or more cartridges are not compatible. ─── 一个或多个墨盒不兼容。

56、Health and hard work are compatible. ─── 健康与努力工作是一致的。

57、IRQ Miniport found for a compatible router. ─── 为兼容的路由器找到了IRQ微型端口。

58、The donor's blood is compatible with the recipient's. ─── 供血者的血和受血者的血是相容的。

59、Amex86 is compatible of Intel80486 instruction set. ─── Amex86微处理器在指令集上完全兼容Intel486微处理器。

60、Parse error. Current element is not compatible with the next element {0}. ─── 分析错误。当前元素与下一个元素 {0} 不兼容。

61、Unfortunately, most of these advances have not been backwards compatible. ─── 不幸的是,这些改进中的大多数并不向后兼容。

62、Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliments. ─── 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则。

63、The academic nature of articles is in a compatible relation with the academic connotation of academic periodicals. ─── 文章的学术性和期刊学术性的内涵的关系是一种包容关系。

64、Any compatible waveform recording device may be used. ─── 任何一种兼容的波形录音设备都可能被使用。

65、From now, it will compatible with DLV 5.81 graphically. ─── 从现在开始,将符合DLV 5.81生动。

66、His computer is not compatible with this software. ─── 他的计算机和这个软件不兼容。

67、The formats for the render target and depth stencil surface must be compatible. ─── 呈现目标和深度模具图面的格式必须兼容。

68、EPS graphics are meant to be printed to PostScript compatible printers. ─── EPS图形需要使用PostScript兼容打印机打印。

69、Improve compatible analysis and test of frequency usage so as to prevent frequency interference. ─── 加强频率使用的兼容分析和测试,避免干扰。

70、Fujitsu took over another American firm, Amdal, to help it to make and sell machines compatible with IBM in the United States. ─── 富士通接管了另一家美国公司安岛,以帮助其在美国生产并销售与IBM兼容的机器。

71、The texture is compatible to real marble. ─── 云石般质感,媲美真云石,极匹配豪宅的云石大堂。

72、RF742 is a No-Clean Paste Flux compatible with FL250D NO Clean Solder Paste. ─── RF742是一种可以与FL250D免清洗焊锡膏相容的免清洗焊锡膏。

73、Such is rare, for that it might be thought compatible with neither cultural tradition nor the authoritarian circumstance. ─── 这非常罕见,可以想见,这与中国文化传统以及独裁环境很不搭。

74、A batch protocol used to communicate with an IBM mainframe or compatible system. ─── 一批协议,用于与IBM大型机或兼容系统之间的通信。

75、He drove a car at a speed compatible with safety. ─── 他以安全速度行车。

76、They are very compatible as a couple. ─── 他们是很合适的一对。

77、RUU will check if the Model ID and Language ID are compatible with the device. ─── RUU刷机程序将对设备进行一系列兼容性检测。

78、Make sure you're compatible with him before you start sharing a house. ─── 在你们合住一所房子之前先要确定你和他是否能和睦相处。

79、But ours is the only game that is fully compatible with the latest hardware. ─── 但我们的是唯一能完全兼容最新硬件的游戏。

80、Combines two compatible path strings. ─── 合并两个路径字符串。

81、Unfortunately, these objectives were not compatible. ─── 可惜,这些目标不是并行不悖的。

82、His idea is compatible with that of his father. ─── 他的观点与他父亲的观点一致。

83、LAWFUL, adj. Compatible with the will of a judge having jurisdiction. ─── 合法的:与法官的意愿一致就叫合法。

84、It can be compatible with a wild range of antirust primers. ─── 可以在各种防腐底漆上配套使用。

85、RSM database is not compatible with the Removable Storage Service binary. ─── RSM数据库与可移动存储服务二进制不兼容。

86、Do soot paternal so good, you very compatible, I hope you happiness. ─── 别傻了,烟尘的家世那么好,你们很相配,我希望你们幸福。

87、Overpopulation is not compatible with freedom. ─── 人口过剩和自由是不可调和的。

88、C196 is a compiled language which is compatible with ANSI C. ─── C196语言是一种编译型的程序设计语言,具有比较丰富的库函数、运算速度快、编译效率高。

89、X3D is based on XML and is backwards compatible with VRML. ─── X3D基于XML并向后兼容VRML。

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