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08-20 投稿


overcharge 发音

英:[??v?'t?ɑ?d?]  美:[,ov?'t?ɑrd?]

英:  美:

overcharge 中文意思翻译




overcharge 网络释义

n. 过度充电;超载;装药过多vt. 对……索价过高;使……过度充电vi. 过度充电;讨价过高

overcharge 词性/词形变化,overcharge变形

动词过去分词: overcharged |动词过去式: overcharged |动词第三人称单数: overcharges |动词现在分词: overcharging |

overcharge 短语词组

1、overcharge sheet ─── 超额收费表

2、overcharge someone crossword ─── 向某人多收费填字游戏

3、overcharge price ─── [经] 要价太高

4、overcharge someone ─── 多收费

5、overcharge ipod ─── 对ipod过度充电

6、overcharge an account ─── [经] 多开帐款

7、overcharge protection ─── 过充电保护

8、overcharge by a lot ─── 多收很 ─── 多钱

9、overcharge energy drink ─── 多收能量饮料

overcharge 相似词语短语

1、cover charge ─── 附加费;服务费

2、to overcharge ─── 多收费

3、hypercharge ─── 使超荷

4、overcharges ─── v.对……要价(或收费)过高;使(电池)充电过度,使(电路系统)超负荷;n.过高的要价;过度负荷;超载

5、overcharged ─── v.对……要价过高;较正常价格多收;给(电池)过量充电;(使)夸张(overcharge的过去式及过去分词);adj.情绪激昂的

6、overshare ─── 过度分享

7、cover charges ─── 附加费;服务费

8、overlarge ─── adj.过大的;超大的

9、overcharging ─── v.过度充电;收费过高(overcharge的现在分词形式)

overcharge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Advocates say one problem is that doctors in rural areas earn very little. Rural medics get an average stipend of$65 a year, leading some to overcharge their patients. ─── 倡导者说问题之一是农村医生的收入太少,年均收入只有65美元,这就导致一些医生对病人高收费。

2、The overcharge protection method is adding redox pair imidazolyl sodium or dimethyl bromobenzene as overcharge protectant into electrolyte of the battery until reaching its saturated concentration. ─── 一种锂离子二次电池过充电保护方法,包括选择氧化还原电对咪唑钠或二甲基溴代苯作为电池的过充电保护剂,添加进电池的电解液中,直至达到氧化还原电对的饱和浓度;

3、It is nothing less than robbery for them to overcharge you in such way. ─── 他们这样多收你的钱简直就是抢劫。

4、You can not possibly overcharge me. ─── 你不能对我要价太高啊。

5、The single battery possibly endures overcharge and overdischarge though the battery pack operates at normal voltage range. ─── 即使在整体不过充电、过放电的状态下,也可以出现单体蓄电池的过充电与过放电。

6、Cyclohexyl benzene (CHB) was studied as an overcharge protection additive in the spinel LiMn2O4 lithium-ion cell.The effect of CHB on cycle ability and capacity of cell was also investigated. ─── 摘要研究在电解液中添加环己基苯(CHB)对锰酸锂锂离子电池的防过充性能的影响,考察CHB的加入对电池循环性能及容量等的影响。

7、Travelers will always change their departure time when facing the congestion pricing to avoid overcharge while trying to reach the destination within the decided time. ─── 在面临拥挤收费时,出行者往往要重新选择自己的出发时间,以避免多交费,同时还要尽量在规定的时间内到达。

8、The family electricity should not overcharge in operation. ─── 家庭用电不可超载。

9、Aplication of cyclohexyl benzene and triethyl amine for overcharge protection of Li-ion batteries ─── 环己苯和三乙胺对锂离子蓄电池的过充保护

10、l To ensure that all room rate charged is accurate, avoid any undercharge or overcharge that will cause disputes. ─── 确保所有房间价格准确,避免任何会有争议的价格的上下浮动。

11、Cathode Stability in HEV Li-Ion Batteries: Effect of Cell Chemistry, State of Charge and Overcharge ─── HEV锂离子电池正极稳定性:对单体电池化学,充电与过充状态的影响

12、overcharge and account ─── 溢开帐款

13、Check in staff tried to overcharge when checking in and then took half an hour to sort it out. ─── 我们入住的时候,办理入住登记的工作人员竟然想对我们乱要价,于是我们花了半个小时才把事情解决。

14、Advocates say one problem is that doctors in rural areas earn very little. Rural medics get an average stipend of $65 a year, leading some to overcharge their patients. ─── 倡议者称个其中的一个问题就是边远地区的医生收甚少。乡镇的实习医生一年的平均薪金才65美元,因此导致向病人要价过高。

15、overcharge sheet ─── 多收费用单

16、Tradesmen frequently arrive late, have to be pushed to accomplish their work, make far more noise than necessary, make a terrible mess, break something else, botch their job, and overcharge ─── 商人经常迟到,不得不推迟完成他们的工作,比平常更罗嗦,做的一塌糊涂,打破东西,破坏他们自己的工作,压力很重-

17、The government has begun tightening the screws on doctors who overcharge patients insured under the national. ─── 政府开始加强对那些对参加了国民健康保险计划的病人多收费的医生进行控制。

18、Since we can do nothing to prevent the overcharge,we also suffer a lot from that. ─── 关于费用的问题,由于是货代乱收费,我们也是无辜者。

19、But the host grabbed the bills and initiated a verbal assault upon the cabby, calling him a worthless parasite and a disgrace to their country for trying to overcharge visitors. ─── 但迎客主人一把抓过那钱钞,对出租司机大骂不止,称他是一文不值的寄生虫,并说他企图宰国外来客,真是丢尽了他们国家的面子。

20、To return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage ─── 多退少补

21、overcharge price ─── 索虚价

22、The overcharge protection mechanism of elctropolymerization additives and redox shuttle additives are introduced. ─── 介绍了电聚合添加剂与氧化还原对添加剂对锂离子电池的过充保护机理;

23、Advocates say one problem is that doctors in rural areas earn very little. Rural medics get an average stipend of 65 dollars a year, leading some to overcharge their patients. ─── 提倡者称所面临的一个问题是乡村医生的收入非常低。乡村医生每年的平均收入为65美元,所以一些人对接诊者多收费。

24、overcharge for ─── 对 ... 要价过高

25、overcharge resistance performance ─── 耐过充性

26、premium overcharge ─── 保险费过高

27、Therefore, xylene can be a promising overcharge protection additive in lithium ion batteries. ─── 实验证明,二甲苯是锂离子电池优良的过充保护添加剂。

28、You were not permitted to undercut or to overcharge. ─── 你不得以低价或高价交易。

29、The capacity,internal resistance,the sealed reaction efficiency and the life of overcharge are tested ,and then, the battery is dismantled for fault analysis. ─── 对电池的容量、内阻、密封反应效率、过充电寿命等进行了一系列的试验。试验结束后,将电池进行了解剖。

30、The function mechanism of the electroactive polymer as the overcharge protection was introduced and its working process was described. ─── 介绍了电活性聚合物过充保护机制的原理,详细描述了其工作过程。

31、They overcharge us for meals. ─── 他们过多地所要我们的伙食费.

32、The function mechanism of the electroactive polymer as the overcharge protection was introduced and its working process was described. ─── 介绍了电活性聚合物过充保护机制的原理,详细描述了其工作过程。

33、1.to knock (at) 2.to beat3.[Informal] to overcharge; to fleece ─── 敲

34、3. But no doubt small shops often do overcharge. ─── 许多小商店要价过高并不奇怪。

35、Once you receive the shipment, you can put in a claim for the overcharge. ─── 一旦你收到货物,你有权提出要更高的价款。

36、Don't let those grasping taxi drivers overcharge you. ─── 别让那些贪心的计程车司机多收你的钱。

37、Make sure they don't overcharge you for the drinks. ─── 注意别让他们多收饮料费。

38、You were not permitted to undercut or to overcharge. ─── 你不得以低价或高价交易。

39、In this dissertation, Cyclohexylbenzene (CHB) was used as a new overcharge protection additive in li-ion batteries. ─── 本论文将环己基苯(Cyclohexylbenzene, CHB)作为一种新型电聚合过充保护添加剂应用到锂离子电池中。

40、In this paper, the design of single chip of lithium-ion battery protector is discussed.Protection includes preventing overcharge, overdischarge and overcurrent states in the lithium-ion batteries. ─── 本文提出了一种单节锂离子电池保护芯片的设计,此芯片能有效防止锂电池应用中发生过充电、过放电和过电流状态。

41、Salesperson: We never overcharge people, this is reasonable. ─── 售货员:我们从来没有要太高的价格。这个价位很合理。

42、We ask for a refund because we have be overcharge . ─── 因为我们被多收了钱,所以我们要求退款。

43、overcharge a circuit ─── 使电路超负荷

44、Discussion on the internal pressure of sealed secondary battery during overcharge (Abstract) ─── 关于密闭式二次电池过充电时内压的讨论(摘要)

45、The principle and characteristics of overcharge additives for secondary lithium batteries are reviewed. ─── 综述了二次锂电池过充电保护添加剂的原理及其特点。

46、Sears overcharged almost 90 percent of the time, and it pressured repair personnel to overcharge by setting punitive sales quotas (WSJ 12 June 1992). ─── 西尔斯公司几乎超过百分之90的时间是超额收费的,它还通过制定惩罚性的销售限额,迫使维修工超额收费(华尔街日报1992年6月12日)。

47、A Potential-Sensitive Separator Capable of Providing a Reversible Overcharge Protection for Lithium Ion Batteries ─── 电压敏感性隔膜用于锂离子电池可逆过充保护

48、If you connect two that are not the same type, you will either overcharge the smaller of the two, or you will undercharge the larger of the two. ─── 如果你的两个电池并不是同一样的类型的话,你将会,一就是把低容量的电池过度充电,不就是对于高容量的电池充电不足。

49、Overcharge protection additives for secondary lithium batteries ─── 二次锂电池过充电保护添加剂

50、Rural medics get an average stipend of65 dollars a year, leading some to overcharge their patients. ─── 乡村医生每年的平均收入为65美元,所以一些人对接诊者多收费。

51、Application of cyclohexyl benzene as overcharge protection additive in lithium ion batteries ─── 环己苯过充添加剂在锂离子电池中的应用

52、overcharge of a battery ─── 蓄电池过充电

53、The charger adopts chip controlled charging, with constant current and constan charging, overcharge protection, short circuit protection and indications for charging status. ─── 充电器采用芯片控制充电,具有恒流充电、充保护、路保护、电状态指示。

54、But if any have caused grief, he hath not grieved me, but in part: that I may not overcharge you all. ─── 5若有叫人忧愁的,他不但叫我忧愁,也是叫你们众人有几分忧愁,我说几分,恐怕说得太重。

55、application of repayment of an overcharge ─── 要求退还多收费用

56、You can trust Vector's Smart Battery chargers to never overheat or overcharge your battery. ─── 你可以信任向量的智能充电器来从未出现过热或过你的电池。

57、We ask for a refund because we are overcharge . ─── 因为他们索费过高,所以我们要求退款。

58、If so, it may allow the big brands to overcharge, pushing merchants' profits down and consumer prices up. ─── 如果是这样,他们可能允许大信用卡巨头的欺压,将商家的利润压低并且抬高了消费者的价格。

59、Based on environment temperature and battery terminal voltage, the controller can also adopt proper charge mode, such as overcharge and floating charge, to extend the battery life. ─── 控制器还根据环境温度和蓄电池端电压选择适当的充电方式,蓄电池将充满时,控制器会自动调整成为过充和浮充方式,从而能有效地延长蓄电池的寿命。

60、Well,some car mechanics,if they think that someone doesn't know much about cars,they might try to overcharge that person. ─── 你知道有些汽车修理工,如果看你对汽车知之甚少,他们可能会要你很多钱。

61、The internal reaction mechanism and protection means of the battery during overcharge were summarized. ─── 概述了过充电时电池内部的反应机理和提高电池耐过充性的措施。

62、Even so, regulators still fret that banks might use their combined heft to overcharge. ─── 即便如此,管理者仍旧对银行可能利用联合的力量来讨价还价而感到烦恼。

63、The host grabbed the bills and initiated a verbal assault upon the cabby, calling him a worthless parasite and a disgrace to their country for trying to overcharge visitors. ─── 房东一抢而空,对出租车司机进行了口头攻击,说他是一文不值的寄生虫,试图向游客多收费的行为是对他们国家的耻辱。

64、sure they don't overcharge you for the drinks. ─── 注意别让他们多收饮料费。

65、The future trend of overcharge additives are put forward which provides theoretical and practical basis for further study of overcharge protection additive for lithium ion battery. ─── 并对过充保护添加剂的发展前景进行了预测。

66、make profit by cruel exploitation; profit by overcharge; make pay through the nose; be a Shylock ─── 盘剥取利

67、We apologise again for this error and enclose our credit note for thd overcharge. ─── 我再一次为这个错误表示抱谦并附上我们因增加收费的信用证发票。

68、I am going to call the gas company about this overcharge on my bill. ─── 对于这次我的账单上过高的收费我准备给煤气公司打电话。

69、Do not overcharge for services in the Business Center ? like printing a singe A4 page ? especially if your room rates are already high. ─── 当饭店的房价已经很高时,商务中心(像A4纸单面打印之类)的服务不要定价太高。

70、As they got a rake-off on all money they collected, the tax-collectors used to overcharge the unfortunate peasants. ─── 由于收税者在所收税款中要收取回扣,所以他们过去经常向那些可怜的农民超征税款。

71、overcharge an account ─── [经] 多开帐款

72、Not only did he overcharge me ─── 他向我收费过高

73、The charger adopts chip controlled charging,with constant current and constan charging,overcharge protection,short circuit protection and indications for charging status. ─── 充电器采用芯片控制充电,具有恒流充电、过充保护、短路保护、充电状态指示。

74、As we're travelling for a few months, we were very appreciative of the laundry facilities on the top floor and the fact that they didn't overcharge for the detergent. ─── 我们旅游了几个月;我们非常喜欢在楼顶的洗衣机,事实上,他们不会收取洗衣粉的钱。

75、The application of cyclohexyl benzene(CHB)as the overcharge protection additive in lithium ion batteries was analyzed. ─── 有研究[2-9]表明,添加电聚合物是一种有效的过充保护方法。


77、but don't you think it annoying to overcharge the customers by such a handsome margin? ─── 可是你不觉的,这样宰顾客未免也太气人了么?。

78、Advocates say one problem is that doctors in rural areas earn very little. Rural medics get an average stipend of$65 a year, leading some to overcharge their patienits. ─── 提倡者称(国的医疗制度)在着一个问题,即乡村医生赚得太少。他们平均每年只能得到65美元的薪水,这使得一些人向病人过度收费。

79、To overcharge( a price) ─── 乱开价,要高价

80、It prompted employees to overcharge for work and to complete unnecessary repairs on a companywide basis. ─── 它促使员工多收工作费,并在全公司范围内完成不必要的维修工作。

81、2Co 2:5 But if any have caused grief, he hath not grieved me, but in part: that I may not overcharge you all. ─── 林后2:5若有叫人忧愁的,他不但叫我忧愁,也是叫你们众人有几分忧愁。我说几分,恐怕说得太重。

82、They tried to overcharge me, but I didn't agree. ─── 他们企图向我漫天要价,但我没同意。

83、The circuit inside the lamp is designed whit overcharge resistant function ang short circuit protection device. ─── 灯具内部电路设计具有防止过充,短路保护装置功能。

84、The taxi-driver tried to overcharge her. ─── 出租汽车司机想多收她的车钱。

85、Said durable overcharge lithium ion electrolyte contains an additive shown as right structure formulation, and weight rate of the additive in the lithium ion electrolyte is 0.01%-33.6%; ─── 所述的防过充锂离子电解液中含有用如右结构式表示的添加剂,并且该添加剂在锂离子电解液中所占的重量比例为:0.01%-33.6%;

86、No doubt they do overcharge. ─── 毫无疑问,他们会卖得贵一些。

87、We apologise again for this error and enclose our credit note for the overcharge. ─── 对这个差错我们表示歉意,我们随函附上多收费用的贷方票据(信用证?)

88、overcharge a lecture with facts ─── 讲演中事实摆得过多

89、Rural medics get an average stipend of$65 a year, leading some to overcharge their patienits. ─── 他们平均每年只能得到65美元的薪水,这使得一些人向病人过度收费。

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